domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

Catholic church closes down Kachebere Major Seminary

Over 140 student seminarians are being sent home as the Catholic Church is closing down Kachebere Major Seminary in Mchinji due to major staffing problems.
Catholic clerics outisde the Kachebere Major Seminary…Photo courtesy of Fr Steven Likhutcha.
Episcopal Conference of Malawi secretary general Father Henry Saindi said there are seven lectures against 140 students.
“In addition, we don’t have qualified lectures to teach philosophy. This is why the bishops have written Rome and other continental bodies such as Amacea to help us with philosophy lectures. As you might be aware, Kachebere is the only Catholic education institution which majors in philosophy,” said Saindi.
He said the chairman of board of directors of Kachebere and all the bishops and the papal envoy for Malawi and Zambia have all agreed for the temporary closure to give time for the search of qualified lectures. He said some of the lectures had joined the Catholic University.
Father Saindi said when the students go for Easter Holidays, they will not return until more lectures have been recruited.
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