quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2018

EUA incapazes de travar uma guerra com China e Rússia ao mesmo tempo

Relatório da Comissão Nacional de Estratégia e de Defesa alerta Congresso e Senado americanos para o facto de o país não estar preparado financeira ou estrategicamente para travar dois conflitos simultaneamente

A supremacia militar histórica norte-americana deteriorou-se drasticamente nos últimos anos, deixando o país incapaz de combater mais do que uma guerra ao mais tempo. Ou seja, os EUA estão sem meios para enfrentar as ameaças que hoje são a China e a Rússia num conflito em simultâneo.
O alerta é feito pela Comissão Nacional de Estratégia e de Defesa, uma agência independente, através do relatório que divulgou na quarta-feira, em que refere: "A superioridade militar dos EUA já não é garantida. As implicações para os interesses americanos e para a segurança americana são severas." Ao mesmo tempo que salienta, "os Estados Unidos enfrentam uma crise de segurança nacional."
O documento, divulgado pela NBC News, conclui que o Departamento de Defesa não está preparado financeira ou estrategicamente para travar duas guerras ao mesmo tempo, podendo perder os conflitos que venha a desenvolver contra a China ou contra a Rússia, se forem levados a cabo ao mesmo tempo. "Os serviços militares dos EUA podem sofrer baixas inaceitáveis, perdendo uma boa parte dos seus ativos num próximo conflito", refere o relatório.
Segundo avança a NBC News, os co-presidentes da comissão - Eric Edelman, que era subsecretário de defesa durante a presidência de George W. Bush, e o ex-almirante Gary Roughead, ex-chefe de operações navais que une as administrações Bush e Obama - devem testemunhar perante o Congresso e o Senado até ao final deste mês sobre a situação das Forças Armadas.
Johnny Michael, porta-voz do Departamento de Defesa, já veio referir que o documento foi lido e entendido como "um alerta para a gravidade da questão", sublinhando que "o departamento considerará cuidadosamente cada uma das recomendações apresentadas por esta Comissão para desenvolver esforços contínuos no sentido de fortalecer a defesa da nação. E esperamos trabalhar com a Comissão e com o Congresso para o fazer", afirmou.
O porta-voz do Departamento da Defesa argumentou ainda que "os Estados Unidos enfraqueceram significativamente a sua defesa devido a disfunções políticas e decisões tomadas tanto por republicanos como por democratas", citando cortes que foram feitos nos orçamentos e que resultaram em "efeitos prejudiciais quanto à modernização e prontidão dos serviços militares."
Na semana passada, o presidente Donald Trump pediu ao Departamento de Defesa para cortar em 16 mil milhões o orçamento do próximo ano, que é de 716 mil milhões."As forças armadas dos EUA precisarão de recursos adicionais para treinar e atuar de forma mais eficiente perante as novas ameaças militares e tecnológicas como a China e a Rússia", pode ler-se no relatório.
Segundo a NBC, o documento divulgado aponta as fragilidades do Departamento de Defesa e do país, mas "não explica adequadamente como se deve chegar até ao caminho certo". O relatório identifica o espaço exterior e o ciberespaço como pontos problemáticos específicos, entre muitos outros."Os Estados Unidos estão a perder vantagem nas principais áreas de combate, como projeção de poder, defesa aérea e mísseis, operações espaciais e cibernéticas".
"Muitas das habilidades necessárias para planear e conduzir a operações militares contra adversários como a China e a Rússia atrofiaram."
O relatório termina com mais um alerta: "Os custos de não atender à crise de defesa nacional e segurança nacional da América não serão medidos em conceitos abstratos como 'estabilidade internacional' 'e' 'ordem global'. Serão medidos em vidas americanas, tesouros americanos, e a segurança e a prosperidade americanas serão perdidas. É uma tragédia de magnitude imprevisível se os Estados Unidos permitirem que os seus interesses nacionais e de segurança nacional sejam comprometidos por falta de vontade ou incapacidade. Essa tragédia será ainda mais lamentável porque está ao nosso alcance evitá-la", refere o documento.

U.S. military in 'crisis,' could lose a war to Russia and China, report warns

The U.S. "could suffer unacceptably high casualties and loss of major capital assets in its next conflict," the National Defense Strategy Commission says.
Image: US airstrikes in Syria
Two U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptors fly above Syria in support of Operation Inherent Resolve in February.Colton Elliott / EPA
 / Updated 
By Alex Johnson
The United States faces a "crisis of national security" because its historic military supremacy has eroded drastically, leaving it likely unable to fight more than a single war at a time, according to a congressionally chartered report released Wednesday.
"U.S. military superiority is no longer assured and the implications for American interests and American security are severe," said the report, which was issued by the National Defense Strategy Commission, an independent agency whose board is appointed by the House and Senate Armed Services committees.
The report concludes that the Defense Department isn't financially or strategically set up to wage two wars at once and could even lose a war against China or Russia individually.
"The U.S. military could suffer unacceptably high casualties and loss of major capital assets in its next conflict," it said.
The commission's co-chairmen — Eric Edelman, who was undersecretary of defense during the presidency of George W. Bush, and retired Adm. Gary Roughead, a former chief of naval operations bridging the Bush and Obama administrations — are scheduled to testify before both Armed Services committees later this month.
Johnny Michael, a spokesman for the Defense Department, said the agency welcomed the report, calling it "a stark reminder of the gravity of these issues, and a call to action."
"The department will carefully consider each of the recommendations put forward by the commission as part of continuing efforts to strengthen our nation's defense, and looks forward to working with the commission and the Congress to do so," he said.
In a post for the Atlantic Council, a nonprofit international affairs policy institute, Edelman wrote Wednesday that "China and Russia, seeking regional hegemony and global power projection, are pursuing military buildups aimed at neutralizing U.S. strengths,
Image: Eric Edelman
'The United States has significantly weakened its own defense due to political dysfunction and decisions made by both Republicans as well as Democrats,' wrote former Undersecretary of Defense Eric Edelman, the commission's co-chairman.Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency/Getty Images file
At the same time, "the United States has significantly weakened its own defense due to political dysfunction and decisions made by both Republicans as well as Democrats," he wrote, citing defense budget cuts "with pronounced detrimental effects on the size, modernization, and readiness of the military."
President Donald Trump last week asked the Defense Department to cut $16 billion next year from its budget, which currently is at $716 billion — a 2¼ percent reduction.
"U.S. forces will need additional resources to train to high levels of proficiency across a broader and more technologically challenging range of potential missions than in the recent past, particularly those missions focusing on advanced military threats from China and Russia," the commission wrote.
But money isn't the only roadblock, it concluded.
The commission welcomed the National Defense Strategy (PDF), a summary of U.S. military goals that Defense Secretary James Mattis released in January.
The unclassified public version of the strategy document was widely criticized for being short on specifics, including force levels and cost, and the commission urged that more of it be declassified so it could be "used as a benchmark for measuring implementation of the strategy."
The document "points the Department of Defense and the country in the right direction," the commission said, but it "does not adequately explain how we should get there."
The 116-page report identifies outer space and cyberspace as particular problem points, among many others.
"Because of our recent focus on counter-terrorism and counterinsurgency, and because our enemies have developed new ways of defeating U.S. forces, America is losing its advantage in key warfighting areas such as power projection, air and missile defense, cyber and space operations, anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare, long-range ground-based fires, and electronic warfare," it said.
"Many of the skills necessary to plan for and conduct military operations against capable adversaries — especially China and Russia — have atrophied."
The report closes with a jarring warning:
"The costs of failing to meet America’s crisis of national defense and national security will not be measured in abstract concepts like 'international stability' and 'global order.' They will be measured in American lives, American treasure, and American security and prosperity lost. It will be a tragedy — of unforeseeable but perhaps tremendous magnitude — if the United States allows its national interests and national security to be compromised through an unwillingness or inability to make hard choices and necessary investments.
"That tragedy will be all the more regrettable because it is within our power to avoid it," the panel said.

Suspected serial killer Samuel Little confesses to Florida slaying of Rosie Hill

"He gave details that only the killer would have known," a sheriff's spokeswoman said.
By David K. Li
A man convicted of three murders who says he has killed more than 90 people over three decades has confessed specifically to one of them: The strangulation of a 20-year-old woman whose body was found in the woods in Florida, authorities said Thursday.
Sheriff's deputies in Marion County, Florida, announced Wednesday that they closed their investigation into the 1982 slaying of Rosie Hill, after Little, who is in custody in Texas, confessed, authorities said.
One of the county's detectives, Michael Mongeluzzo, interviewed Little on Oct. 18 at the Wise County Jail in Decatur, Texas, officials said. Marion County authorities said they are now confident Little is Hill's killer.
Little told the detective that he killed Hill “because God put him on this earth to do it,” according to the county sheriff.
Samuel Little
Samuel LittleWise County Sheriff's Office
"He gave details that only the killer (of Hill) would have known — landmarks and areas that were there at the time," Marion County Sheriff's spokeswoman Lauren Lettelier told NBC News. "While he (Little) was hazy on some details, a lot of the main details he could still recite like it was yesterday."
The victim’s mother, Minnie Hill, said she was satisfied with the confession and the sheriff’s announcement.
“At least we have some closure now,” she told NBC affiliate WESH. “We don’t have to wonder who did this and why he did it.”
Florida prosecutors, the county sheriff and Hill's family agreed it would be pointless to pursue a prosecution as the 78-year-old Little is already locked up for life, officials said.
“We do believe with this confession, we would have had enough" for a successful prosecution, Lettelier said,
Little has been convicted of killing three women in California and it awaiting trial for a murder in Ector County, Texas.

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