Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Zimbabwe: Why can't u wait fo final results

40 year old Zimbabwe opposition leader Nelson Chamisa says he is now waiting for Zec to officially declare the results that he is “winning resoundingly” and the next president of Zimbabwe. “Winning resoundingly…We now have results from the majority of the over 10 000 polling stations. We’v...
Benjamin Raddatz Now are you going to kill each other? 

Remember last time ZANUPF didn't get their way

They shot down two passenger planes and shot the survivors.

Responder3 h
Hlonipho Ndlovu Why can't u wait fo final results

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OVERVIEW: #Zim elections - Polling stations shut their doors as voting officially ends

2018-07-30 19:20
Polls have closed in Zimbabwe's historic election, the first since the fall of longtime leader Robert Mugabe.
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Last Updated at 09:52
Polls have closed in Zimbabwe's historic election, the first since the fall of longtime leader Robert Mugabe.
Millions have voted, turnout was high and the day was free of the violence that marked previous elections.The 75-year-old President Emmerson Mnangagwa, a former Mugabe confidante, is in a close race with main opposition leader Nelson Chamisa.
The 40-year-old Chamisa has called the election a choice between Zimbabwe's past and future.Final election results are expected within five days.

The state-owned Herald newspaper is reporting that voting has officially ended in the southern African country, with most polling stations shutting their doors.
Polling officers will take a 15-minute break before vote counting starts, the report says.


It's the final minutes of voting in Zimbabwe's historic election, with turnout high and free of the violence that marked previous years, AP reports.
For the first time, former leader Robert Mugabe isn't on the ballot.
Zimbabweans say they are eager for change after decades of turmoil and economic stagnation. "Why would I fight my fellow Zimbabweans?" asks voter Tapiwa Kahondo. "I'm so happy for today, man. I'm so happy," Kahondo told AP.
The opposition has raised concerns about delays in the voting in its stronghold urban areas, and it has warned it will organise peaceful protests if the elections are thought to be flawed, according to AP.

More booths have been brought in where people have been waiting in long lines, as voting nears to an end.  
Voting stations will remain open where people have been queuing before the 19:00 closing time.



The head of the European Union mission monitoring Zimbabwe's elections says his team has seen "huge differences" in the pace of voting at polling stations.
Elmar Brok says voters at one location waited less than an hour to cast their ballots while others at a nearby station waited more than half the day.

Speaking to reporters outside a polling station, EU chief observer Elmar Brok said that that there is a huge outcome, especially among youth and young women.  
There seemed to be some “disorder”, he said, because people didn’t know which queue to stand in but hoping it would be solved soon because people would walk away (without voting) because of frustration.

Elections went "very smooth" in some areas while in other areas it was "totally disorganised" EU's chief observer says.

Ramaphosa said the ANC was pleased to hear that elections had started off well and that there were no incidents of violence in Zimbabwe.
"It means that the people of Zimbabwe are determined to ensure that they install a government that will be representative of all the people of that country," he remarked.
Ramaphosa said South Africa supported the people of Zimbabwe and was prepared to work with whichever political party emerged victorious at the polls.
READ the full article here.


It was also a major concern, for the group, that the electoral body appeared to have only charged the country’s leading opposition leader for campaigning after the campaign period had passed.
READ more here.

Mmusi Maimane wishes Zimbabweans strength and success during elections.



Long lines formed outside many polling stations in Harare, the capital, and elsewhere.
Anyone in line as of the 19:00 closing time could still vote, though opposition parties were concerned that their supporters could drift away if forced to wait for hours.
Some observers welcomed Zimbabwe's freer political environment but cited worries about bias in state media, a lack of transparency in ballot printing and reports of intimidation by pro-government traditional leaders who are supposed to stay neutral.
READ the full story here.

Concerns have been raised about the delays at polling stations and if voters queueing would be allowed to vote after 19:00.  
Reports suggest that those queueing will still be allowed to vote.


Here is gallery of pictures showing the moment when Robert Mugabe and his wife Grace voted in Highfields, Harare. 

Polling stations are scheduled to close at 19:00.
A run-off vote is scheduled for September 8 if no presidential candidate wins at least 50% in the first round.

BBC is reporting that so far, the election day has gone smoothly across much of Zimbabwe - a fact that no-one in this turbulent country takes for granted.

Zimbabwe's main opposition leader warns that "there seems to be a deliberate attempt to suppress and frustrate the urban vote."
Nelson Chamisa has expressed his concerns on Twitter but declares that "Victory is ours!"
The vote in Zimbabwe's major cities is crucial to the opposition while rural areas traditionally back the ruling party.
That can benefit President Emmerson Mnangagwa. People in line when polls close at 19:00. can vote.
The electoral commission says the turnout is high and voting has been peaceful, a contrast to the violence seen in past votes under former leader Robert Mugabe's 37-year rule.This is the first election without Mugabe on the ballot. - AP



Zimbabwe Election: Top candidates may have violated law
The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission says it has referred to police at least two candidates who might have violated the law by campaigning after the cutoff time.
The chair of the commission is refusing to name names during a press conference but the candidates are likely President Emmerson Mnangagwa and main opposition challenger Nelson Chamisa.
Both issued public statements on Sunday.Campaigning ended 24 hours before polls opened Monday morning.

Scores of chanting Zimbabweans gathered to see 94-year-old former leader Robert Mugabe vote, despite his troubled legacy.
"We miss him. I last saw him ages ago," says 22-year-old Everjoy Tafirei.
Mugabe stepped down in November under military pressure after 37 years in power.
"I just want to see him face to face, even shake his hand as someone I have supported all my life. I still feel like he is my hero," says 34-year-old Jacob Mucheche.
Mugabe struggled to walk into the polling station but raised his fist before entering, acknowledging the crowd.
The warm reception was a stark contrast to the grim faces as Mugabe's successor, President Emmerson Mnangagwa, voted earlier. - AP

Former Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe on Monday cast his ballot in the country's first election since he was ousted by the military in November after ruling for 37 years, an AFP journalist saw.
Mugabe, 94, made no comment as he walked unaided into the polling station at a primary school in the Highfield district of Harare, accompanied by his wife Grace. - AFP



Crowd reacts as Mugabe and his wife, Grace emerge from the polling station.
Watch this eNCA video clip

eNCA is reporting that former president Robert Mugabe and his wife Grace are voting now.
Watch the video below

Chigumba says voting is progressing well across the country.

Chigumba says "today is election day and we want peace" 

Chigumba says vote turnout has been high 

Chigumba says two presidential candidates (no names) have violated the Electoral Act by campaigning after deadline

Chigumba reminds observers and the media that it is in violation of the code of conduct to interview a voter on their way to or from the voting process or at the polling stations.

ZEC chairperson Justice Priscilla Chigumba says as at 08:00 this morning, 90% of the 10 985 polling stations had opened. 

he Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) is giving an update on the voting and situation at polling stations.

Watch as President Cyril Ramaphosa wishes the people of Zimbabwe all the best as the country votes for its next president 

This is what Chamisa said after casting his vote":
"I have no doubt that by the end of the day today we should be very clear as to an emphatic voice for change, the new, and the young - I represent that,"
He again raised fraud allegations, saying "in the rural areas... if the ballot is a genuine one, not a fake one, victory is certain."
Chamisa hopes to tap into a young population that could vote for change.

Earlier, former vice president Joice Mujuru cast her vote at Oriel Girls High School in Harare.
Mujuru was sacked from Zanu-PF by Mugabe in 2014 Joice Mujuru on accusations of corruption and plotting to kill him.

Zimbabwe's two main presidential candidates faced starkly different receptions as they voted in a historic election.
Solemn faces greeted President Emmerson Mnangagwa as he arrived with his wife at a rural school in Kwekwe.
There was no cheering, and people crossed their arms and watched as he left in his motorcade.Meanwhile opposition leader Nelson Chamisa was swarmed by cheering, whistling supporters on the outskirts of the capital, Harare.
And the mood at other polling stations was largely cheerful as people waited in line. Some arrived at 04:00, three hours early.
Mnangagwa previously lost parliamentary elections in his Kwekwe constituency and had been appointed by former leader Robert Mugabe to an unelected seat in parliament, leading to derisive comments from the opposition about his lack of electoral appeal. - AP

Dr Winston Mano, Director of the Africa Media Centre at the University of Westminster has shared his views:
"These are the first important elections in the post Mugabe-Tsvangirai era, a real chance for unprecedented social change in the fledgling democracy with many challenges: cash shortages, unemployment, corruption, sanctions, lack of investment, etc.
"Campaigning has largely been free of violence but complaints of structural bias have been made by the opposition, MDC Alliance. Some of the issues have been corrected by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission(ZEC) but others remain. The ruling party is happy with the preparations. The African Union has expressed satisfaction with the preparations.
Peace and more freedoms
"The opposition MDC Alliance is united and could present a strong challenge to the ruling Zanu-PF Party. Squabbles and splits in both parties could cost them crucial votes. The MDC remains strong in urban areas. There is a possibility of a run-off between the two leading parties. 
"Zanu-PF has promised to continue with peace, more freedoms and to uphold minority rights, and to put an end to land invasions. MDC has promised a smarter approach to the economy to create jobs and revitalise industry.
"I see Zanu-PF winning by a small margin, resulting in a strong opposition to its policies. In my view, the best result will be a government of national unity."

Dr Heike Schmidt, Associate Professor in Modern African History at the University of Reading, says:
"The outcome of the Zimbabwean elections is significant not just for the country, but the region and beyond. When the military effected a leadership change in November last year by removing Robert Mugabe from power, who had ruled the country since its independence in 1980, the nation was both jubilant and thoroughly disappointed.
The new president, Emmerson Mnangagwa has since run the country calmly, reasserting the power of the ruling party, Zanu-PF, and its elders, legitimizing their standing through their participation in the liberation war of the 1960s and 70s.
"The elections, if free and fair, provide an opportunity to establish a strong opposition presence in parliament for the first time since 1987 or to even topple Zanu-PF. What one can say so far is that pre-election violence and intimidation appears to be less than on previous such occasions and that President Mnangagwa appears utterly confident in his election victory."

An election assessor sits at a polling station in the Harare suburb of Chitungwiza. (AFP)

NewsDay is reporting that while other international broadcasters have allocated a lot of airtime to the Zimbabwe election - giving minute by minute updates from events countrywide, Zimbabwe's state broadcaster, ZBC TV is screening regular programmes.
ZBC TV only broke off the normal programming to air Mnangagwa casting his vote, the report says.

MDC's Chamisa has reportedly told BBC that he is confident of victory in today's election.
"It's a done deal... We are not losing this election - we are winning this election. I'm not interested in hypotheticals  - we are will win this election to the extent it's free and fair - especially in the rural areas. It's a done deal," BBC quoted him as saying. 

Ladies carrying their children in an election queue at a polling station where Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa cast his ballot at Sherwood Primary School in Kwekwe. (AFP)

A politician in the Zimbabwean opposition stronghold of Bulawayo says there are numerous reports of "voting going at a snail's pace."
David Coltart, a supporter of opposition leader Nelson Chamisa, says he hopes election observers will pay special attention to the pace of voting "as it is a means of suppressing the urban vote."
Coltart says on Twitter that Zimbabwe's electoral commission deliberately slowed voting in urban areas in the 2002 election to undermine the opposition, which traditionally has strong support in major cities. Past elections have been marred by irregularities.
But Zimbabwe's electoral commission says this election — the first without longtime leader Robert Mugabe — will be free and fair. - AP
Ver mais comentários

Local Authority - Harare Municipality Mt Pleasant School B
Mafume Jacob (MDC Alliance) 327
Chikandamarango (ZANU PF) 143
Mawarire Evan (Independent) 133
John Morris (ZOU) 8
Alfred Samuel Chinamatira atleast Evans adhandhwa ...dzungu ...wanting to acquire votes using the name of God 

Mwari havashande izvozvo


Responder26 min
Beverly Hills Sitimela All the way chamisa

Responder25 min

Presidential election results
Mt Darwin East Constituency
Zingore.. ED 214
Chamisa .. 16
Kanyoka.. ED .... 472
Chamisa.... 52
Pfunyanguwo.. ED.... 286
Chironga.. ED 865
CHAMISA.... 110
BVEKE... ED 995
CHAMISA........ 140
CHITSATO ED .... 632
MANGARE... ED... 1056
Tichaona Mabwada Ko ndakanzwa Chigumba achiti only 1 polling station with 1000 voters. Ko iyi uko kuri kudarikwa 1000 ndeip manje????

Responder29 min
ZhanGata JD Luneta What's happening there neighbors who's leading,ZANU_PF or MDC

Responder10 min
ED pfeeeeeeee
Alfred Samuel Chinamatira im shocked to an extent that kwa zvimba mnangagwa is winning zvakadaro .... it shows that zanupf chiororo 

as for mugabe i dont doubt that he has always voted for MDC that we know its not a suprise... he has no shame .....


Responder35 min
Koech Kipng'eno Very honourable, this one

I'm Kenyan but I hope ED will do the same;concede honourably

Responder29 min

Results for MPs as for now .
Chalton Hwende --- Kuwadzana East ( MDC Alliance)
Caston Matewu ---- Marondera Central ( MDC Alliance)
Settlement Chikwinya ---- Mbizo (MDC Alliance)
James Chidhakwa -- Mabvuku/ Tafara ( MDC Alliance)
Job Sikhala --- Zengeza West ( MDC Alliance)
Tendai Biti --- Harare East ( MDC Alliance)
Samuel Banda --- Mt Pleasant ( MDC Alliance)
Wellington Mutomba --- Buhera North ( ZANU PF)
Soul Ncube -- Matobo South ( ZANU PF)
Nyokanhete - Masvingo Urban (Alliance)
Chitando - Gutu North (zanu pf)
Mhere - Masvingo Central (ZANU PF)
Marapira - Masvingo North (ZANU PF)
Killer Zivhu - Chivi South (ZANU PF)
Musakwa - Bikita West (ZANU PF)
Omar - Mwenezi (ZANU PF)
Bvute- Goromonzi South (ZANU PF)
Themba Mliswa- Norton (Independent)
Tendai Nemashakwe kunyepa uku dei Zanu pf yahwina Maresults abuda kudhara Chamisa is leading

Responder16 min
Vice President?
Carolyn Miller de Haan If she is Vice President, you have been sadly mislead. This is a woman whose interests stop at herself. I seriously doubt that Chamisa would show his hand as corrupt before the ink has dried!

Responder1 h
Ronald Mapfumo That won't change the counting of votes baba



Responder52 min
Sekka Bagenda Author Concentrate on Zimbabwe now, first leave this nonsense. People want to know who rigged himself to power! CHAMISA MNANGAGWA????

Responder26 min
Nelson Chamisa has claimed to have won the election on social media. What happens if official results show that he has lost?

Zvimba North
ED leading : 12 084
MDC Chamisa 2 345
Zanu PF MP Marian Chombo 12 611
MDC Alliance Luwesi 1715

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