Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Zimbabwe election: Nelson Chamisa 'WINNING RESOUNDINGLY' against Mugabe's ex-party ZANU–PF

Foto de Euclides Flavio.

ZIMBABWE’s opposition leader said the results of more than 10,000 polling stations have shown his party, the MDC, has done exceedingly well and he is ready to form a government.

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Nelson Chamisa says he is awaiting Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to officially announce the election results.
Mr Chamisa said in a tweet: “Winning resoundingly...We now have results from the majority of the over 10 000 polling stations.
“We’ve done exceedingly well.
“Awaiting ZEC to perform their constitutional duty to officially announce the people’s election results and we are ready to form the next government.”
If he wins then it will be a democratic watershed for the south African country that will boot Robert Mugabe’s former party, ZANU–PF, out of office for the first time since Zimbabwe became independent.
Mugabe was known as a hard-line nationalist, and led the country at a time when corruption and aggressive sanctioning towards Zimbabwe were commonplace.
Elections during Mugabe’s rule were marred by intimidation, rigging and widespread violence, and this year there are signs of change in the democratic process.
Even though Mr Mugabe has thrown his support behind MDC, Mr Chamisa will not work with Mr Mugabe's wife Grace.
Zimbabwe elections 2018 nelson chamisa mdc presidential election results
Chamisa says his party has done exceedingly well (Image: GETTY)
He told reporters: "There is a misconception, and I must clear it once and for all.
"There is no roele for Grace Mugabe in my government. This is desperation by ZANU-PF whci has its own issues with the Mugabes and they want to to try and export their own troubles and worries.
"Please, leave me alone Mnangagwa. Deal with your old man. You have disapppointed him. He is very disappointed. Please make your ways and make our amends."
A general air of peace this year is thought to have been observed, and the European Union, United States and Commonwealth have sent observers for the first time since 2002.
Zimbabwe elections 2018 nelson chamisa mdc presidential election results
Nelson Chamisa says he is awaiting Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to officially announce the results (Image: GETTY)
Mnangagwa said he feels “extremely positive” about the election as a high voter turnout has been reported in Zimbabwe.
He tweeted: “Good morning Zimbabwe. I am delighted by the high turnout and citizen engagement so far. 
“The information from our reps on the ground is extremely positive! Waiting patiently for official results as per the constitution.”
The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has reported that there was 70 percent voter turn out.
It tweeted: “ZEC Chairperson Justice Priscilla Chigumba announcing at a press conference that the available statistics show that about 70% of the registered voters had voted in the 2018 harmonised elections.”
Zimbabwe elections 2018 nelson chamisa mdc presidential election results
Mugabe ruled the country for over 40 years. (Image: GETTY)
However, South African news agency eNCA is reporting a turnout of 75 percent.
Mr Chigumba told reporters in the capital of Harare: “It is our view that that the high voter turnout is indicative of a sound voter education and publicity conducted on a receptive electorate.”
Robert Mugabe claimed the vote would not be free under the current government.
This is because it is technically a military government after Mugabe was ousted in a de facto coup.
He was replaced by his former deputy, Emerson Mnangagwa, who was seen as powerless as he owed his mandate more on his military power than mass support.
Mnangagwa has failed to exercise absolute control as some government decisions were seen as emerging from the military.
But Mnangagwa has denied claims from Robert Mugabe that the vote would not be free under the current military government.
In a public statement following his vote, President Mnangagwa said: "I can assure you that this country is enjoying democratic space which has never been experienced before.”
The Human Rights Watch reported the voting process has been "largely peaceful".
It said in its blog post: "There were no incidents of violence at the polling stations that Human Rights Watch visited."

Zimbabwe election: Nelson Chamisa 'victory is certain'

Robert Mugabe ruled Zimbabwe for more than 37 years.
Before he took office, the nation was known as the “breadbasket of Africa”.
But the socialist leader bankrupted the country, evicted farmers while using state money to fund a lavish lifestyle and trips abroad.
In 2016, Mugabe apparently made roughly 20 trips abroad, and government figures showed he spent a total of $36million (£27million) in the first 10 months.
He also oversaw the “Gukurahundi”, which was a series of massacres of Ndebele civilians carried out by the Zimbabwe National Army from early 1983 to late 1987.
In 2005, the International Association of Genocide Scholars estimated the death toll at 20,000.
Also in 2015, historical documents were released which claimed Mugabe orchestrated the killings for political gain.

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