sábado, 21 de julho de 2018

Lançado um Partido Político do vice-Presidente do Malawi para eleições de 2019

Under the Microscope: Freedom has finally come!

Freedom must come. By the end of the darkest hour, we need our freedom Lord. Dear,  Lord, we come to you with bruises and scars of torture. Blood, sweat and tears.
Lucius Banda: Freedom
We’ve been used and refused, embarrassed and humiliated by the system.
Lord come to ask not for silver and gold or champaign and caviar, but we ask for freedom. The freedom you gave the children of Israel through Moses. The freedom you gave the black people in times of slavery through Abraham Lincoln.
Dear Lord, You know when there is no freedom, the wise stay quiet in the face of evil. The devil takes over the children of Jah.
The international community stands aside and watch when a nation is degenerating into a dictatorship. When there is no freedom, police brutality is accepted and torture becomes legitimate.
When there is no freedom, the national radio can promote hate speech and demonize anyone they want at will. When there is no freedom, fools can accept to exchange their own freedom for better economical policies.
We are afraid to speak because from nowhere a case against whoever speaks out is prepared. Dear Lord, treason has been trivialised like a game of football.
Anyone anyhow anywhere, anytime for anything can be arrested. What a shame!
Dear Lord, there are so many people that are struggling and suffering. Even our chiefs are afraid. Even the human rights groups are not comfortable. Even our own civil service is deep in fear.
What is this our dear Lord? A whole Deputy Minister goes  all the way to shout at a civil servant for simply not been able to execute his personal duties.
Dear Lord what is this?
Dear Lord you gave us multiparty in 1993 in this country, but today our freedoms are being violated left, right and centre. People are living in fear, fear of unknown.
They can never trust even their own brothers. Lord even the corporate, the corporate is forced to only work with people who belong to the ruling party.
Is that Your will God?
Look God, even the very people we trust have been corrupted. Some of our reliable journalists – the real Mizati yaku Nkolokosa – have been corrupted to start singing the same song of the Government.
Dear Lord, even real people, aeroplane-notorious and kantankerous razzmatazz of speech, oh – wagulidwa kale. Akanatani zinafika povuta.  What are we doing today? Dear Lord we sat down and we wrote our own law.
We called it our own Constitution. Today we are refusing it. Today we say we do not want Section 65. This is the heart and the real time when we save our multiparty democracy. Help us Lord.
Where shall we go now?
If we go to Zimbabwe there is no freedom. We were hoping for South Africa now they chase us away in the name of xenophobia.
Where shall your children go? If we go the UK they deport us forgetting that in the times of slavery they came all the way and pick us up here to build their cities.
Lord God, we ask You to give us freedom. Look today we cannot even assemble to make a meeting. The police comes and demolish our platform.
I thought You gave us a young and brilliant chief of police full of high education. What does education do in people’s brains?
Dear Lord, why is money so powerful? Why does justice hide when it sees money? What happened to principles, righteousness and love?
Dear Lord, we come to thee and cry loud. Oh God, You are the only one who knows the truth.
Dear Lord you know some of us who would rather die than pretend.
We would rather die talking than live a fool. We shall never believe to be part of the people who tolerate evil – who sit and watch while the nation is going down the drain.
We went through a phase of dictatorship and pulled out and Lord God You are the one who necessitated it. And today Lord God we are trekking back?
Lord God we say NO!
It is only You Lord God who can stop this. We are segregated, we are oppressed.
Freedom has finally come!
They make sure that they see us crying and crawling in poverty. They want to see us in tears, blood sweat & tears.
But Lord God You are our only hope. You are the only one we look up to that You will sort out our situation.
How hard it is, how difficult it is, with you we know we are safe.
Lord God, even in this very prayer that we are saying to You, we know we are committing treason God.
But what is not worthy dying for, is not worthy living for either because to me, it’s better a dead Lion than a living dog. We ask all this in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Freedom has finally come.
  • …Love him or loathe him, Lucius Banda, Soldier if you want, is the landlord of Malawi music of all generations. Pure legend. His music is so prophetic and his message always apt.
So long!
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yemwe uja
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yemwe uja
yemwe uja
Powerful message. Leaving no stone turned.

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