Chilima tells BBC his quest to transform Malawi: ‘I will crack the whip on corruption’

Vice-President Saulosi Chilima  has spoken to BBC Focus on Africa in an interview where he has asserted that he will be running for presidency next year on the banner of his newly launched United Transformation Movement (UTM) and making hitting promises to crack down on corruption and sort out the country’s shambolic state owned enterprises.
Chilima: I will crack the whip
Chilima, who is this Sunday expected to storm Blantyre at Njamba Freedom Park, for the launch of the movement in the southern region, said he will move beyond merely denouncing corruption and act on decisively on it.
When asked that he is accusing the same government he has been  serving for the last four years, the vice-president  said: “Whether it takes one year or two years to speak, the important thing is we speak, as a matter of fact nobody disagrees that there is corruption, have been a lot more  emphatic … We want to walk the talk.”
Chilima said UTM will ensure that the law is reformed to make the fight of corruption robust
The vice-president maintained his accusations that the DPP–led government of perpetuating corruption and nepotism.
He said the fight against corruption is real, saying anyone who stole government money should give back to the government, saying he will grant a 30-day amnesty to those who have stolen from the public purse to refund the money.
Chilima said UTM was formed to clear the mess created by the current administration which continues to plunder public resources when the majority of the citizenry were living in abject poverty.
“Will crack the whip there is no two ways about it,”
Asked if it will be a big whip, he said “certainly it can’t be small.”
Chilima said time for politics of glorification would be over once UTM takes over the government.
He stressed that his movement is ready to usher in the change Malawi needs.
Asked where would be draw much support from, he said: “This is movement belongs to all Malawians and it belongs to nobody, it is for Malawians and it has got one agenda to bring about the much desired change for Malawians.”
During the interview with BBC, Chilima talked of his a 12-point plan for UTM to implement if elected president in next year’s tripartite elections.
“There are soft issues, corruption comes first and nepotism comes second. New politics comes third.
We need to move away from politics of glorification or   stop a master-slave relationship,” he said
“Then you look at sectoral issues that need to be resolved be it in health, education, agriculture,” said Chilima.
However, Chilima said the movement will have a detailed electoral pledge in a manifesto to be launched in due course.
“I think we will bring a message of hope for a better future and also better governance in this country,” said Chilima.
But DPP spokesperson Nicholas Dausi said if the Vice-President is true in his attacks on government, then he should resign as the country’s second-in-command.
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