sábado, 15 de outubro de 2016

QUEM REALMENTE nomeou os juízes do tribunal, na ausência de "incapacitado" Mutharika?

EXPOSTO:  - "A nomeação é movimento DPP Politburo'S para barrar SWEARING DO CHILIMA AS Presidente em caso de Mutharika ser declarado" incapacitado "- fonte interna.

Determinado a lutar poder através de tribunais, a reunião do gabinete de emergência que foi convocado há poucos dias na Sanjika Palace presidido pelo vice-presidente DPP, George Chaponda resolvidos para iniciar processos legais para combater a disposição constitucional sob a seção 87 inciso 1, que proporciona condições para a vice Presidente do país a assumir Presidência em que um presidente de estar é considerada "incapacitada" para desempenhar as suas funções como presidente até o momento o referido presidente é capaz de retomar as suas funções normais dentro de seu mandato.

Tornou-se evidente que o estado de saúde de Mutharika é uma grande preocupação depois de submetidos a grandes operações no hospital e que ele será declarado incapaz de executar suas funções normais como Presidente permitindo assim Saulos Chilima o atual vice-presidente de agir oficialmente como presidente do Malawi. A situação não vai cair bem com Politburo os corruptos do DPP a maioria dos quais também sentar-se como Ministros de Estado. Eles rapidamente resolvido se posicionar para batalhas legais em tribunal, colocando um contigent de juízes "simpática" para o DPP para lutar contra a ascensão de Chilima à Presidência. Entre eles estavam os de meia-noite seis ministros infames composto de Henry Musa, Kalirani, Nankhumwa e Goodall Gondwe entre outros, os quais ficaram profundamente abalados pela condição piora de Mutharika no hospital tendo experimentado o calvário Bingu anterior.

Os relatórios indicam que Mutharika não é carenagem bem com os efeitos depois de as operações cirúrgicas em seus tumores cancerosos, portanto, o risco de ser declarada em um estado de "repolho" e incapaz de continuar como presidente. Isso está funcionando contra os planos iniciais porque o DPP Politburo tinha previsto que a recuperação médica de Mutharika foi antecipado para durar não mais do que um mês. Parece em 76 anos, o procedimento médico teve vários efeitos negativos sobre o velho, que chegou mesmo a ameaçar embarass do Politburo em seu anúncio anterior de que Mutharika chegará de volta ao país no próximo domingo.

"Foi uma reunião tensa. As revelações de que os EUA não foram de todo agradável ao DPP Politburo como médicos advertiram que os procedimentos realizados no antigo presidente foram grande e seria necessário um tempo considerável para a idade do paciente para recuperar-se. O médicos também advertiu que Mutharika não deve ser forçado a viajar a longa distância por todo o caminho de volta ao Malaui em seu estado. é óbvio que ele pode estar em um estado de repolho na chegada e isso pode complicar as coisas na frente política. " Disse uma fonte interna em condição de anonimato.

Imediatamente após a reunião de gabinete secreto, uma ordem foi emitida para começar a repatriação de alguns dos efeitos de Mutharika para NDATA de Sanjika e Statehouse. Fortemente policiais armados foram chamados e informados pelo Sanjika sobre os planos. Um bloco de estrada foi montado na casa de Estado em Lilongwe para evitar incidência semelhante de vandalismo e roubo por funcionários statehouse que ocorreram quando Bingu desmaiou e morreu de parada cardíaca. Os policiais na barreira foram instruídos a procurar quaisquer veículos que passam da direção de Kamuzu Palace quaisquer propriedades casa do estado.

Com anúncios ser cotada na mídia da propaganda do Estado, o Politburo continua a panick. agentes NIB secretos foram designados para monitorar Saulos Chilima e em qualquer oportunidade, eles foram instruídos a até mesmo matá-lo. Uma recompensa foi fixada na vida de Chilima.

"A maioria dos ministros declararam que não se sentem confortáveis ​​em torno Chilima. E eles sentem que não serão protegidos em seus casos. O mais vocal na meetinf foi Mwanamveka que propôs scathingly um plano para eliminar Chilima." Confidenciou a fonte.

Malawianos estão esperando ansiosamente para domingo para ver a chegada do Mutharika faltando. E DPP continur a panick sobre o que desculpa para fazer para o caso de Mutharika não voar para fora do EUA hoje em seu estado repolho próximo.
Malawi news adicionou 2 fotos novas.
8 h
Determined to wrestle power through courts, the emergency cabinet meeting that was convened a few days ago at Sanjika Palace chaired by DPP Vice President, George Chaponda resolved to start legal processes to fight the constitutional provision under section 87 subsection 1 which provides conditions for the Vice President of the country to assume Presidency where a seating President is deemed "Incapacitated" to discharge his duties as president until such a time the said president is able to resume his normal duties within his term.
It became apparent that Mutharika's health status is a major worry after undergoing major operations in hospital and that he will be declared incapable of executing his normal duties as President hence allowing Saulos Chilima the current Vice President to officially act as Malawi's President. The situation does not go down well with the corrupt DPP's Politburo most of whom also sit as Cabinet Ministers. They quickly resolved to position themselves for legal battles in court by placing a contigent of "sympathetic" judges to the DPP to fight Chilima's ascendancy to the Presidency. Among them were the infamous midnight six cabinet ministers comprising of Henry Musa, Kalirani, Nankhumwa, and Goodall Gondwe among others, all of whom were deeply shaken by Mutharika's worsening condition in hospital having experienced the previous Bingu ordeal.
Reports indicate that Mutharika is not fairing well with the after effects of the surgical operations on his cancerous tumors hence risk being declared to be in a "cabbage" state and incapable to continue as President. This is working against the initial plans because the DPP Politburo had projected that Mutharika's medical recuperation was anticipated to last not more than one month. It seems at 76 years, the medical procedure has had multiple bad effects on the old man which has even threaten to embarass the Politburo on their earlier announcement that Mutharika will arrive back in the country this coming Sunday.
"It was a tense meeting. The revelations from the US were not at all pleasant to the DPP Politburo as doctors cautioned that the procedures performed on the old president were major and would require a very considerable time for the old patient to regain himself. The doctors also cautioned that Mutharika should not be forced to travel the long distance all the way back to Malawi in his state. It is obvious that he may be in a cabbage state on arrival and this may complicate matters on the political front." Said an inside source on condition of anonymity.
Immediately after the secretive cabinet meeting, an order was issued to begin repatriation of some of Mutharika's effects to Ndata from Sanjika and Statehouse. Heavily armed Policemen were summoned and briefed at Sanjika on the plans. A road block was mounted at State house in Lilongwe to avoid similar incidence of vandalism and theft by statehouse staff members that occured when Bingu collapsed and died of cardiac arrest. The policemen at the roadblock were instructed to search any vehicles passing from the direction of Kamuzu Palace for any state house properties.
With announcements being floated on state propaganda media, the Politburo continues to panick. Secret NIB agents have been assigned to monitor Saulos Chilima and at any opportunity, they have been instructed to even kill him. A bounty has been set on Chilima's life.
"Most of the cabinet ministers declared that they don't feel comfortable around Chilima. And they feel they will not be protected on their cases. The most vocal at the meetinf was Mwanamveka who scathingly proposed a plan to eliminate Chilima." Confided the source.
Malawians are eagerly waiting for Sunday to see the arrival of the missing Mutharika. And DPP continur to panick on what excuse to make in case Mutharika does not fly out of USA today in his near cabbage state.
Ellena Moyo
By SEAN DOUGLAS Tuesday, November 24 2009
click on pic to zoom in
MALAWI President Dr Bingu wa Mutharika has cancelled his trip to this week’s Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Port-of-Spain, in order to set a personal example of cost-cutting to other public officials of this impoverished African nation.
The news was disclosed in a posting on the government of Malawi website on Sunday.

The Malawian government said, “The Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC) announced Sunday in a statement that President Mutharika, who was supposed to leave the country through Kamuzu International Airport on Monday, November 23, had decided to cancel his trip based on recent government policy to reduce foreign travel.

His Excellency, the President has made this decision to provide personal leadership and example on the government policy to reduce external travel.” The statement said Malawian Chief Secretary, Bright Msaka, had announced in a November 18 statement the new government policy on external travel that President Mutharika had effected.

Msaka said the president had directed that all persons working for the government of Malawi must reduce the number of external trips to a maximum of six in every financial or calendar year and that every trip should not exceed 14 days.

The statement reported that Msaka said: “The persons and organisations affected by this directive are all ministers and deputy ministers, all civil servants, all public servants, all employees of statutory corporations and government agencies and all employees of institutions or organisations that draw their salary or expenditure, in full or in part, from the Consolidated Fund.” Wikipedia reports that Malawi has a GDP per capita of just US$299, compared to Trinidad and Tobago’s GDP per capita of US$19,869. Malawi has a population of 14 million and a total GDP of US$11 billion, while Trinidad and Tobago has just 1.3 million people, enjoying a total GDP of US$25.9 billion.

Malawi is regarded as one of the poorest countries in Africa, with a life expectancy of 43 years, and an HIV infection rate of 14 percent.

However it is now regarded as a democratic, multi-party, pro-western country.

Yesterday, Newsday asked if TT should pay the Malawian president’s airfare, to which Trade Minister, Mariano Browne, said, “I shouldn’t think that’s an issue.” Newsday was unable to contact Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma, whose wife told Newsday he was occupied in meetings all day.

Newsday asked Minister of Foreign Affairs, Paula Gopee- Scoon, if she’d been told of Malawi dropping out. She replied, “Yes, but I don’t have a reason.” She vowed to discuss the Malawi matter with Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma when meeting him later yesterday evening.

Asked if there is any fund that exists in the Commonwealth or Trinidad and Tobago to pay for any such country facing hardship attending CHOGM, she said no fund exists.

Gopee-Scoon said, “We have to be very careful, when you look at the situation across the globe.” She said even within Caricom there are countries facing financial hardship.

Apparently referring to the global economic downturn, she said, “Countries are really hardpressed.” Noting that many hard-pressed countries exist, including in Africa and the Pacific, she said, “We have to be careful about (not) setting a precedent.” President Mutharika’s withdrawal from CHOGM stands in sharp contrast to the frequent travel by Prime Minister Patrick Manning, according to a Newsday story of October 28.

Manning spent TT$11 million in 14 months from January 27, 2007 to March 21, 2008 on some 31 foreign trips (including airfare, allowances and hotel accommodation), according to a reply given to a question by Opposition Senator Wade Mark. Some 18 of Manning’s trips were by a leased private jet, at a total cost of $3.2 million.

Among the trips by commercial airliner, Manning attended the 2007 CHOGM in Uganda at a cost of TT$174,092.

On July 9, 2008, Newsday reported that Manning spent $2.6 million to lease a private jet from Guardian Holdings over three years from January 2005 to April 2008, according to a reply in the Senate to a question by Senator Mark.

President’s files

DR BINGU WA MUTHARIKA, according to Wikipedia, was born in 1934 and became president of Malawi in 2004
The son of a primary school teacher, he was educated at the University of Delhi, India, where he gained a Master’s degree in economics, and was later on awarded a doctorate from Pacific Western University of California, USA, which has largely been criticised as a degree mill. In 1991, he served as secretary-general of the 20- member Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).

Elected president in 2004 with the support of former president Bakili Muluzi, Mutharika fell out with the ruling party whom he accused of opposing his anticorruption drive. Mutharika was re-elected president on May 19, 2009.

His brother Peter Mutharika holds a Yale University doctorate and is a law professor at Washington University, St Louis, USA.
Mutharika’s wife, Ethel — with whom he had four children — died on May 28, 2007, after a long battle with cancer.

Formerly as a government minister, he fell out with the previous government, due to his anti-corruption campaign.

Mutharika is reportedly popularly known by supporters by the nickname, “Chitsulo Cha Njanji”, meaning the “steel railway track”. 
Matin Sabin
Escreve um comentário...
Dominic Noah Only few hours to go and truth is yet to be know ,keep on waiting Malawi,lets sing our national anthem,seeking God in this hours.God bless Malawi.AmenVer Tradução
Mark Mgomezulu Ma guy, these issues are too sensitive. Hu is lying btwn u and our gvt, only Sunday will judge. Any can get as long as s/he has fleshVer Tradução
Clement Raja Zakuntumbooooo
Rajab Imran Zavuta kumpanda, kwenikweni tinve ziti
Amstrong Kubheka Zonse tiziona mawa.
Mabvuto Chione Lindizgani namachero 1pm.
Phinelson Mhango Vice Presidnt Bcoms President, So Why Trying 2 Confuse Matters?

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