Monday, December 1, 2014

A mão de Mugabe na fraude moçambicana

BEFORE IT HAPPENS ! Mugabe once said he has over 99 "winning"ways for elections.Which one is the 2018 one?Mozambique recently rigged elections through the diaspora vote.Eg.Masvingo had 5 000 "Mozambiquean" registered"voters
who voted from Masvingo. These 5 000 people were all ZPF supporters who were promised farms and business ventures in Mozambique.

MDCT is in the forefront saying over 4 million Zimbabweans are presently in RSA
as economic refugees. Publishing the full details soon.

26 November at 17:24 · Public
Pagina Zimbabweans for Prosperit
Mugabe disse uma vez que tem mais de 99 formas de vencer uma eleição.
Uma delasserá nas eleições de 2018? As fraudulentas recentes eleições em Moçambique atraves do voto da diaspora. Exemplo .Masvingo tinha 5 000 "eleitores moçambicanos" inscritos "cujo estes votaram em Masvingo. Estes 5 000 eleitores na verdade eram todos apoiantes da ZANU-PF que foram prometidos fazendas e empreendimentos comerciais em Moçambique.
MDCT afirma que mais de 4 milhões de zimbabweanos estão actualmente na RSA como refugiados econômicos.
Brevemente serão publicados os detalhes completos
26 de novembro em 17:24 · Público

Pagina zimbabuanos para Prosperit
Nota: Foi por isso a quando da visita de Nyusi a Zimbabwe Mugabe disse que a Frelimo teria uma vitória retumbante, só que o Mugabe havia-se esquecido que Moçambique não é Zimbabwe e Dhlakama não é Tsvangirai. Ndhaneta Moz
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  • 7 people like this.
  • Ndhaneta Moz This guys are shits
    56 mins · Edited · Like
  • Ndhaneta Moz Foi por isso a quando da visita de Nyusi a Zimbabwe Mugabe disse que a Frelimo teria uma vitória retumbante, só que o Mugabe havia-se esquecido que Moçambique não é Zimbabwe e Dhlakama não é Tsvangirai
    1 hr · Edited · Like
  • Ismael Luis Francisco Em tbem k Moçambique nao é Angola e Dhakama nao é Savimbe. AGENT WITHOUT PROBLEM
    1 hr · Like
  • Unay Cambuma Ja nao ha mais governo de gestao, vamos prender esta escumalha .Até venderam o pais para se manter no poder!? Isto nao pode ficar impune. Esta claro que uma full scale military action é necessario para varrer esta escumalha do pais.
    1 hr · Like · 3
  • Antonio Rodrigues Frenda That is very shit! Mugabe, Mugabe, Mugabe!!! One day......
    1 hr · Like · 1
  • Mouzinho Gama Gundurujo What matters now is: What actions can be taken from now on.
    I dont think shouting here and there is a solution.
    1 hr · Like
  • Unay Cambuma Our revolution should give a military support to MDC and Ndebele people.
    59 mins · Like · 2
  • Unay Cambuma Este assunto de votantes de mashvingo eu ja tinha postado esta denuncia por volta de abril, um zimbabweano enviou me um inbox denuncia a situacao.
  • Ndhaneta Moz Venderam o país por ambição pelo poder. Cadê a legitimidade desses malucos intitulados liberatdores enquanto vendem o país.
  • Mouzinho Gama Gundurujo First of all we have to think deep. With our military revolution, what have we gained. Today with our military power we are still crying that the Elections were unfair. Could we have this solved at once and rule the country one day?
    54 mins · Like · 1
  • Eddy Ululu you are right Mauzinho Gama, I think national scale strike should be held as in Tunisia, Egypt, Burkina Faso. the trees which do not bear good sweet fruits should be chopped from the grass root
    54 mins · Like · 1
  • Ismael Luis Francisco Solucao é so Fogo com os Frelixo malta Guepato,eu sempre disse os Gueburros. AGENT WITHOUT COMMENT
  • Isac Pedro Unay falhaste essa quando o Tongai moyo veio actuar em chimoio a 3 dias antes das eleições ele fora encontrado na posse de 50.000 bolentins pré-votados a favor de Nyusi e a Frelimo
    53 mins · Like · 1
  • Ndhaneta Moz The solution is the revolution.
    51 mins · Like · 2
  • Madiapara Hernani Isso nao pode ficar assim..
  • Mouzinho Gama Gundurujo I do buy your ideas Eddy Ululu. Lets all stand up against them and conquor the power. Dialogue, diplomacy has shown weakness in Moz.
  • Simon Mashaba Mugabe all ways is stoling the voto but this time you are fall down, here is Mozambique not Zibambwe, we ander democraci.
  • Mouzinho Gama Gundurujo Revolution is the solution. Lets not be proud of being considered calm people in international wide while being held back by the minority.
    We are the majority, Lets all stand up and stop all the dubious things.
    42 mins · Like · 3
  • Ndhaneta Moz The one way to broken down this guys is the revolutionary measures
  • Unay Cambuma To defeat frelimo, the revolution need to use hibrid tactics: massive protest/riot and rural guerilia heavly relying on roadblock to avoid military reinforciments in the cities. Most important of all, the protesters must go fully equipped with anti tear gas material and heavly armed with cocktail molotov. Its not just to beat drums and fire tyres on the streets.
    37 mins · Like · 1
  • Mouzinho Gama Gundurujo Simon Mashaba democracy in Moz is still questionable and not great thing. I mean we all speak about it but we dont understand and implement it.
    In really democratic world people have right to choose their represenatives without someone's influence. We must not keep on being threatned and influenced in our choice.
  • Eddy Ululu All that glitters in gold and Half the story has never been told So now we see the light, let's Stand up for our right
  • Eddy Ululu Success comes after agrim struggle.

    once Martin Luther king said 

    "Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent."

    we have bent our back for long, it's time to walk straight up right

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