Monday, January 2, 2017

DONALD TRUMP Donald Trump expulsou biógrafo de campo de golfe

Trump expulsou do seu campo de golfe, em West Palm Beach, um dos seus biógrafos mais críticos, Harry Hurt III. Foi ele quem o acusou de ter violado a sua ex-mulher Ivana.
O presidente eleito dos EUA negou a alegada violação, bem como todas as outras informações sobre si que constam no livro
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Donald Trump expulsou do seu campo de golfe em West Palm Beach um dos seus biógrafos mais críticos, Harry Hurt III, que o acusou de violação num dos seus livros. “Um magnata perdido: as muitas vidas de Donald J. Trump”, publicado por Hurt em 1993, gerou várias polémicas, uma delas nascida da revelação de que Trump foi acusado de violação pela ex-mulher Ivana durante o processo do divórcio.
O presidente eleito dos EUA negou a alegada violação, bem como todas as outras informações sobre si que constam no livro. Ivana Trump admitiu que o que disse não era verdade e que deveria ser interpretado não no sentido literal da palavra.
Segundo o Politico, o desentendimento teve lugar na sexta-feira, quando Harry Hurt se preparava para jogar golfe com mais três pessoas, incluindo o empresário David Koch, e se aproximou de Donald Trump no campo de golfe para o felicitar pela vitórias nas presidenciais, de acordo com a explicação feita pelo próprio biógrafo na sua página no Facebook. No entanto, o presidente eleito dos EUA não se mostrou entusiasmado e o que começou por ser uma conversa agradável, acabou em discussão. Trump acusou-o de escrever e divulgar informações falsas a seu respeito e acabou por expulsá-lo do local.
Captura de ecrã 2017-01-02, às 14.23.22
Contudo, as informações acerca do que realmente aconteceu divergem. Enquanto Harry Hurt refere, na publicação do Facebook, que ele e a equipa com quem ia jogar golfe foram escoltados pela segurança de Trump até à saída, outros admitem que não foi bem assim. John Damgard, um dos membros da equipa, revelou que Hurt apenas lhe disse que foi convidado a sair.
“Harry disse-me só que tinha sido convidado a sair, pensei que ele estava a brincar. Foi então que soube dos desentendimentos entre os dois na década de 90”, revelou Damgard.
Depois disto, Hurt admitiu que fez aquela publicação no Facebook para contar o que realmente aconteceu entre ele e Trump. “Eu sabia que esta história ia dar que falar e ia chegar a muita gente que ia interpretar os factos de maneira diferente e distorcê-los”, afirmou à revista.

Harry Hurt III
31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 19:50 ·
Donald Trump personally booted the author of an unflattering biography off Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach on Friday. Harry Hurt III, who penned the 1993 biography, Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump, had come to play with billionaire industrialist David. H. Koch, a Trump club member, and two other golfers. Hurt, who has a scratch handicap and plays in colorful knickers, walked over to Trump on the practice range prior to his group’s assigned tee time, only to suffer a tongue lashing from the president-elect. “I said, ‘Congratulations, sir,’ and shook his hand,” Hurt recalls. “Trump said, ‘You were rough on me, Harry. Really rough. That shit you wrote.’” Hurt says he looked Trump in the eye, and said, “It’s all true,” to which Trump rejoined, “Not in the way you wrote it.” Among the juicy tidbits in Hurt’s tome was Ivana Trump’s allegation in a sworn deposition that Trump had “raped” her during their divorce battle. Trump told Hurt it was “inappropriate” for him to play at the club, and had his security detail escort Hurt, Koch, and their playing partners to the parking lot. “David [Koch] was appalled,” says Hurt. “He branded Trump ‘petty’ and vulgar.’ We played Emerald Dunes instead, which is a much, much better golf course than Trump International.”
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Tom Lohre
Tom Lohre The truth will be said and re-said.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 19:54
Edward Noel
Edward Noel Trump "vulgar" shock!!! Well done, Gary/Barry/Larry! HNY x
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Gosto · Responder · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 19:57
Cassandra Clark
Cassandra Clark Harry, is this true? And recent?
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 19:58
Steve Weinberg
Steve Weinberg Same questions as Cassandra...
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 19:59
Edward Noel
Edward Noel True? It must be. I detect the hand of HH3 in the stylish prose!
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:01
Harry Hurt III
Harry Hurt III You sleuth! Happy New Year!
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 0:24
Matin Sabin

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Roy Kean
Roy Kean Of course he's petty and vulgar. He is also retributive! New Yorkers have know this for years. Soon the same will start dawning, finally, on the rest of the electorate.
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:06 · Editado
Melissa Harris
Melissa Harris
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Gosto · Responder · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:02
Gene Pressman
Gene Pressman Next time. Play with me a Bear Lakes.
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Gosto · Responder · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:02
Shannon S. Wynne
Shannon S. Wynne Hey Gene, good to see youre still swinging, your old Dallas pal
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Gosto · Responder · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:46
Gene Pressman
Gene Pressman Hey Shannon... Do you ever get down to Palm Beach?
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Gosto · Responder · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:50
Matin Sabin

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James F Smith
James F Smith Damn son ... right smack dab into the hornet's nest. Don't you know by now he's crazy. Good thing you weren't at Houston CC or River Oaks ... there might have been a shootout!
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:06
Charles Whitin
Charles Whitin Magnanimous! Trump's such a mensch!
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:08
James F Smith
James F Smith Can't be if mensch refers to some sort of religious affiliation ... he's his own god!
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:10
Charles Whitin
Charles Whitin James F Smith Harry has the capacity to scratch and mensch; DJT has only the capacity to bitch and moan
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 21:01
Matin Sabin

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Thomas Lykos
Thomas Lykos Well there goes your shot at WH access for the official bio. We will have to hope Robert Caro lives to be 120 years old now.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:09
Emily Prager
Emily Prager 🙌
Gosto · Responder · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:10
Vinca Jarrett
Vinca Jarrett Please tell me this story is true. It is just so telling and perfect. Please. Make it your New Year's Present to the World...
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:10
Billy Sonenfield
Billy Sonenfield Even if it's not, let's believe it.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:46
Sheila Medford
Sheila Medford Sure, go ahead and believe anything that is written on our President Elect regardless of if its true or not. It's what the liberals are doing.. So unfair to the man. He deserves a chance.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 6:25 · Editado
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Matin Sabin

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Armani Mani
Armani Mani Wow ! I didn't knew that you were friends of David Koch! That's nice! And yeah Trump always retaliated against everyone, that's really sad tho.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:14
Michael A Cruise
Michael A Cruise I's there not a thing he won't do to anybody who dislike him 67% or Americans more in EUR
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:24
Angeline Straatman Cesar
Angeline Straatman Cesar Good for you xxx
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Gosto · Responder · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:25
Barbara Tate
Barbara Tate Love this story! You should wear it like a badge of honor being kicked out by him!
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:25
Susan Toft Everson
Susan Toft Everson I am just not surprised anymore.
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Gosto · Responder · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:34
JeffRe Tzu
JeffRe Tzu Boot everyone off golf courses.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:35
Rod Davis
Rod Davis Classic...when did this happen?
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Gosto · Responder · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:36
JeffRe Tzu
JeffRe Tzu The real America is exposing itself so it can be popped like a pimple. All to the good. Sit back and take your karma gracefully.
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Gosto · Responder · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:38
JeffRe Tzu
JeffRe Tzu You are in 7 to 8 wars. No one's certain how many. Could be more. Think about that, not Trump.
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Gosto · Responder · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:40 · Editado
JeffRe Tzu
JeffRe Tzu When America stops foreign murder then I will worry about abortion and the economy and foul language and bad hair and tiny hands.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:47 · Editado
Adrienne Adler
Adrienne Adler Wow! And Trump's best friend, Putin, has people disappear for publicly disagreeing with him. Two Wrongs Do Not Make A Right! America Needs Improved but Not Taken Backwards by 30 Years!
The Wars Were/Are for the Republican Rich. Best for 2017!
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:58
Oscar Bailey
Oscar Bailey We are a flawed country and quite hypocritical by our treatment of others.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 0:03
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Matin Sabin

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Billy Sonenfield
Billy Sonenfield Why would it be nice to be friends with a Koch?
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:47
Sarah Libby
Sarah Libby
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Excelente pergunta!
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 4:23
Matin Sabin

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JeffRe Tzu
JeffRe Tzu Lots of coke.
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Gosto · Responder · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:48 · Editado
Terry Elkins
Terry Elkins Congratulations Harry, well done!
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:48
Randy Speights
Randy Speights Yay Harry
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:50
JeffRe Tzu
JeffRe Tzu “It’s all true,” to which Trump rejoined, “Not in the way you wrote it.”

True, it's the press....Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:51
Adrienne Adler
Adrienne Adler Glad you shared this story! Every little bit helps the country see who Trump really is ... yet, it doesn't seem to worry over 50% of the most gullible. I'm for Impeachment as a Traitor to Russia! Onward and Upward for 2017! 🎉🎉
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:52
Wendy Williams
Wendy Williams We can't impeach him yet. He's not president yet. Maybe he won't get there.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 23:57
Jeremy T. Myers
Jeremy T. Myers I'm for you getting water boarded till you understand how impeachment works
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 6:00
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Matin Sabin

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JeffRe Tzu
JeffRe Tzu You are all too blind to see that YOU are also Trump and that the Clintons and the Kochs are also Trump. You will fall and deserve to fall because of your wars. History doesn't change.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:55 · Editado
Billy Sonenfield
Billy Sonenfield
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Pode explicar?
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Gosto · Responder · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:55
JeffRe Tzu
JeffRe Tzu Are you serious? I hate typing. Read history. :)

"Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen." - Nietzsche ...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 20:58
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Matin Sabin

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Karen Langone
Karen Langone Way to go! Thank you for writing the truth
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 21:03
JeffRe Tzu
JeffRe Tzu Yes, thank you. The Trumps and the Kochs and the Clintons are all obviously horrible people. Your service is appreciated. ALL of you on the internet exposing these people are appreciated.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 21:07 · Editado
Sherie Huffman Swerdlow
Sherie Huffman Swerdlow Harry, thanks for the update.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 21:09
Michael M Thomas
Michael M Thomas As a friend observes, "almost makes you like Trump." Now - will Koch resign?
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 21:21
Anthony La Badie
Anthony La Badie WTF?
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Gosto · Responder · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 21:25
Preston Stuart
Preston Stuart Time to take up croquet again?
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 21:31
Rico Dagastino
Rico Dagastino Croquet is a great game.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 6:12
Matin Sabin

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Kirk Farris
Kirk Farris way to go..shows guts and glory...but I still am amazed at your close associations with the extreme right
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 21:33
Jacek Niewinski
Jacek Niewinski I find it very appropriate, but ironic, considering how much money David Koch and his brother had invested into 2017 Republican election, even if they did not officially supported Trump personally.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 21:47
Barbara L. Bornstein
Barbara L. Bornstein Wendy Williams I thought you'd appreciate this since you're reading Harry Hurt III's book now!
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 21:54
Wendy Williams
Wendy Williams I am interested. Indeed. Is it legal for him to forbid Hurt from playing on that golf course? What are the agreements that members have vis-a-vis bringing guests? Do they personally have to be approved by Trump? Or is Trump just showing how Hitler-esque he can be? Someone ought to call a reporter to do a story on this.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 23:49
Bobby Januchowski
Bobby Januchowski Yes Wendy Williams you are right, Trump is just like Hitler, you know, the only guy standing up for Israel!!! SMH
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 6:36
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Matin Sabin

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Will Richardsson
Will Richardsson
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 22:13
Deanna Annis
Deanna Annis Good on ya Harry! Happy New Year ❤
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 22:23
Eric Ernst
Eric Ernst Given that the Cheeto Fascist is soon to have control of an array of killer drones, you'll have to forgive me if, at those moments we meet in Sag Harbor, that I may stand a few discreet feet away from you as we converse.
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 0:50 · Editado
Susan Duffy
Susan Duffy
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 0:03
Ricky Baker
Ricky Baker We could get so lucky.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 6:43
Matin Sabin

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Charles Neighbors
Charles Neighbors Harry, you are indeed a mensch's mensch. Your Dad would've been proud, just before he laughed his ass off.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 23:33
Bob Kozma
Bob Kozma Yeah, petty and vulgar sums him up.
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Gosto · Responder · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 23:34
Susan Duffy
Susan Duffy Whoa Harry, great story
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 23:52
Jim Harford
Jim Harford The world of Hurt spins again.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 31 de Dezembro de 2016 às 23:57
KR Starr
KR Starr Read this. Russian criminal connections.
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The Curious World of Donald Trump’s Private Russian Connections
Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 0:00
Sarah Libby
Sarah Libby
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 4:33
Barbara Chavez Reyes
Barbara Chavez Reyes Consider the source. The-American- Interest.Com. Never heard of them. Bogus site.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 23:32
Matin Sabin

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Marcia Miller
Marcia Miller This is a priceless memory!!
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 0:28
Merrick Stern
Merrick Stern LOMA😜😜😜 Did you explain you have been kicked out of better places?!?!
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 0:31
Rick Heisler
Rick Heisler He booted a Koch, biggest supporter of market and libertarian causes? I call bullshit.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 2:49 · Editado
John Massengale
John Massengale Except that Koch publicly said multiple times that he was not supporting Trump's candidacy.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 2:30
Rick Heisler
Rick Heisler John Massengale Probably the only time I'll ever agree with a Koch, then.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 2:48
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Matin Sabin

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Lisa Cory
Lisa Cory Way to go Harry! Tho not a fan of Kochacola, his presence double downs your trump card. And I know you did the perfect face n line reading of 'It's all true'. You are the thorn that is the rose.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 1:16
Scott Rose
Scott Rose <3
Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 1:21
Barbara L. Bornstein
Barbara L. Bornstein Good on ya, Harry
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 1:21
Keith Brumblay
Keith Brumblay Love it...the little man boy (emperor) has no clothes
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 2:36
Julie Pace Lips
Julie Pace Lips Yes, petty and vulgar, also tacky, immature and not at all surprising.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 2:50
Samuel W. Meek III
Samuel W. Meek III Wow Harry that's really off color.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 3:09
Teresa King
Teresa King I hold you in high esteem.....
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 3:23
Hart Goodrich
Hart Goodrich Sorry Harry but I doubt you are surprised. DJT is out of control and our President elect. Bad combination. Best wishes and happy holidays to you and yours.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 3:32
Renee Morrison
Renee Morrison Imagine what Trump will do to the press. This is just the beginning!
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 3:42
Bill Schlosser
Bill Schlosser I hope he does it to the press in particular! Fuck the press! They are only going to spin their Liberal bullshit against him anyway..
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 6:44
Matin Sabin

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Sherri Holmes
Sherri Holmes Trump's true colors
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 4:02
John Wyatt
John Wyatt Yep, kick all the Libtards out!
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Foto de John Wyatt.
Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 6:38
George Dimele
George Dimele AMEN....
#FloridaForTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 6:42
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Matin Sabin

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Valerie Belew
Valerie Belew People need to boycott his golf club and all hotels with his name on them. We need to show this jerk some people power.
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 4:05
Jeremy T. Myers
Jeremy T. Myers Lmao you've tried that don't work! And you wouldn't be hurting Trump he has performance insurance any smart business man does. You people have no clue
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 6:04
Tin Donovan
Tin Donovan Hei BoneHead ! Trump got less a mi
llion from his father and paid it all back , how was it that Obama/Clinton's earn Millions of ill-Gotten income without having a business
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 6:28
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Matin Sabin

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Patty Lewis
Patty Lewis Making enemies of a Koch? Not wise, Donald. There will be too many enemies to survive in office for long. I'm hoping he'll be impeached.
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 4:14
Bunny Goodwin
Bunny Goodwin But then we have Pence. He's worse (almost).
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 5:45
Patty Lewis
Patty Lewis Although I think that Pence is thoroughly misguided on the LGBT community and his economic policies are also misguided, he is still ethical and honest. If he were to ascend to the presidency, I wouldn't be happy, but I wouldn't be outraged. Donald is abhorrent, Pence is just a GOP corporate kiss ass.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 5:54
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Matin Sabin

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Natalie Dunlevey
Natalie Dunlevey Love my new president.
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Gosto · Responder · 44 · 1/1 às 4:57
Linda Pattison
Linda Pattison Thats shameful! He is a trader!
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 5:53
Bill Devlin
Bill Devlin
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 5:55
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Matin Sabin

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William F. Burke
William F. Burke Everybody in America who doesn't already have one should get a Twitter acct and start mocking him daily. Maybe there should be a contest -- some kind of of award/acknowledgement for best vilification of the day. The ultimate goal would be to make his head explode.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 5:54
Rene Pyatt
Rene Pyatt Hillary bought enough trolls to do just that.. she still lost though. Lies caught up with her and her campaign.
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Gosto · Responder · 11 · 1/1 às 6:33
George Dimele
George Dimele Sorry...The ADULTS in the room have MORE mature things to do!
#FloridaForTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 6:47
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Matin Sabin

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Nicholas B. Barron
Nicholas B. Barron 🎉👏👏👏👏👏👏🎉
Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 6:04
Jeremy T. Myers
Jeremy T. Myers What's so ironic is all you Haters are Trump.... You are what you hate its so fucking ironically hilarious
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Gosto · Responder · 10 · 1/1 às 6:05
Sherri Bettencourt-Silveira
Sherri Bettencourt-Silveira Thank you! Common sense! And Harry Hurt IIl is just looking for another 15 mins of fame
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 6:53
Sheronda Mack
Sheronda Mack What is ironic is all the hate President Obama had to put up with. Now that Trump is getting the hate it's problem. I bet if a member of congress liar to .like he did to President Obama All hell would break out.. h
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Gosto · Responder · 20 h
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Matin Sabin

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Lynn McMorris
Lynn McMorris Koch wilI be pissed. Koch has allies. I smell a war between the corruptocrats.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 6:16
Amy Brown
Amy Brown This probably happened 20 years ago.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 6:41
Cathy Seeman
Cathy Seeman And Trump will win!!
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 7:01
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Matin Sabin

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Douglas Lonngren
Douglas Lonngren I hope by "security detail" they don't mean the Secret Service. Taxpayers should not be paying for his petty tirades.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 6:16
Scott Borchers
Scott Borchers You're kidding right? Barack Hussein Obama has blown almost 100million$ on vacations during his disastrous Presidency!
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · 1/1 às 6:34
Amy Brown
Amy Brown This probably happened 20 years ago.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 6:41
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Matin Sabin

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Bryon Davis
Bryon Davis Interesting. If I was a Republican office holder, I think I would be nicer to David Koch. As an independent, I think all money in politics sucks but regardless. Seems Trump makes decisions based on his fee-fees.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 6:30
Amy Brown
Amy Brown This probably happened 20 years ago.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 6:41
Matin Sabin

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Janice Bucheli
Janice Bucheli
Foto de Janice Bucheli.
Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 6:30
Rene Pyatt
Rene Pyatt Good for Trump, i don't think writers should get away with spinning facts just to sell a book.
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Gosto · Responder · 47 · 1/1 às 6:31
Deborah Blackwell
Deborah Blackwell Looked him in the eye
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 6:47
Carla F. Ward
Carla F. Ward So you assume the writer lied. Keep lying to yourself if it makes you feel better.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 6:47
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Matin Sabin

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Wayne Meehan
Wayne Meehan Good for Trump. Played the lie exceptionally well. 😏
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 6:36 · Editado
Janice Bucheli
Janice Bucheli Harry hurting?
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Foto de Janice Bucheli.
Gosto · Responder · 25 · 1/1 às 6:31
Sherri Bettencourt-Silveira
Sherri Bettencourt-Silveira It's really gotten that bad!
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 6:55
Matin Sabin

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Scott Borchers
Scott Borchers #MAGA one dick at a time! #Getemouttahere
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 6:33
Gina Marzullo
Gina Marzullo Trump only kicked Hurt off the others decided to leave with him. Please keep the story straight. It was only Hurt he kicked off. There were 4 of them that went together to play. When Hurt was kicked out he was going to take an Uber and Koch said no we four came together so we will leave together. The other 3 left on their own.
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Gosto · Responder · 20 · 1/1 às 6:34
Tara Pendergrass
Tara Pendergrass a liar always lies
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 6:39
Matin Sabin

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Cristy Rawks
Cristy Rawks You're a hack and when PEOTUS Trump and his administration does make America great again you're going to eat your shorts. Period u
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Gosto · Responder · 11 · 1/1 às 6:37 · Editado
Cathy Jackson
Cathy Jackson Oh stop your whining! Of course you're going to say that about Trump's golf course, you got kicked out!
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 1/1 às 6:36
John Wyatt
John Wyatt
Foto de John Wyatt.
Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 6:36
Tara Pendergrass
Tara Pendergrass morally bankrupt journalist.....never heard of
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 6:37
Debra Kelly
Debra Kelly I guess you should of research it a little better his first wife said she only said thta to hurt Trump I would of told you to leave to. You approach him, he didnt approach you but this is only your side of the story I will wait to hear Trumps side people have been know to lie and distort the truth to fit their agenda.
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Gosto · Responder · 22 · 1/1 às 6:38
George Dimele
George Dimele Exactly right!
#FloridaForTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 6:50
Kerri Wright Schneider
Kerri Wright Schneider Exactly. I'm sure he didn't come over all happy dappy and polite as this 'article'/post would leave you to belive. Besides....Trump was practicing and this guy was waiting for tee time. I'm sure he interrupted Trump. If someone interrupts my practice with a back handed snarky comment, I only wish I had the authority to kick someone out. He owns the course... poetic justice right there.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 6:55
Matin Sabin

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David Richard Steere
David Richard Steere Good for you Donald J. Trump.
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Gosto · Responder · 20 · 1/1 às 6:39
Rebecca Marshall Knurek
Rebecca Marshall Knurek Love President Donald J Trump!
And I'm an independent. .. Couldn't wait to vote for this man..
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Gosto · Responder · 19 · 1/1 às 6:41 · Editado
Eve Hayes
Eve Hayes Hate back to you, unknown author.b
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 6:41
Barbara Lesa Robinson
Barbara Lesa Robinson What a jerk; I do not blame Donald J. Trump President-elect of the United States for having them all renoved! ptl!!!
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Gosto · Responder · 13 · 1/1 às 6:41
John Wyatt
John Wyatt Harry Hurt family photos... The lost series!
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Foto de John Wyatt.
Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 6:41
Fran Hendrickson
Fran Hendrickson I don't think DT ever got past the 5th grade with all his childish personality quirks. Isn't there a special club for people dissed by Trump? It's going to get bigger and bigger.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 6:41
Edna Shelby
Edna Shelby
Foto de Edna Shelby.
Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 6:59
Donna Kay Wright
Donna Kay Wright The same one reserved for people who have nothing better to do than go out of their way to make derogatory remarks about our next POTUS. There once was a day when people would refrain from such unbecoming behavior out of respect for the office or themselves even if they couldn't stand the person , but it seems haters will always make hating their priority.
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 7:00
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Matin Sabin

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Bill Schlosser
Bill Schlosser If the Dunes was so much better, why didn't they go there first? More bullshit from a bullshit writer. I would have kicked your dumbass off the course, also.
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Gosto · Responder · 34 · 1/1 às 6:42
Patrick Brennan
Patrick Brennan I was thinking the same thing Bill and I'm glad there was a Koch brother with him- since they said they wouldn't be helping with their dollars for Trump. This way- Trump gets a twofer!
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Donald Trump won’t be getting money from the billionaire Koch…
Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 7:36
Matin Sabin

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Sarah Black
Sarah Black The guy was a jerk to walk over to Trump knowing the bad feelings over his book. He was just looking to sell a few more copies. Ivana later recanted the rape tale but this guy Hurt is still trying to cash chips on Trump. I can't see why he was even the...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 22 · 1/1 às 6:44
Donna Kay Wright
Donna Kay Wright Well said. Look for the "press" to continue to stretch such things to generate sensationalism rather than show respect for the truth or the POTUS.
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 7:03
Tom Lawrence
Tom Lawrence Amazing! Two women still backing Donnie after two women and a unknown number of other women suddenly withdraw or recant their testimony that Donnie sexually assaulted them. Donnie's attorneys must work a lot of overtime to coerce these women. Or, Donnie's deplorables harass them and threaten them until they fear for their lives and go into hiding.

Neither of you object to "Grab them by the pussy!"?
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 7:37
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Matin Sabin

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Linda Barbee
Linda Barbee This "butt" Hurt guy's intention was to cause a scene of some kind or he wouldn't have went over to him. Thank goodness Trump is not going to allow this crap. The secret service had every right to remove someone that could be a threat.
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Gosto · Responder · 25 · 1/1 às 6:45
Ron Anderson
Ron Anderson good for trump , snobby bastards think they can say what they want.......
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Gosto · Responder · 19 · 1/1 às 6:45
Tom Lawrence
Tom Lawrence Ivanka testified under oath that he raped her. He wrote that in his book. It was sworn testimony. The 1st Amendment gives every American the right to speak his mind.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 7:39
Mark McLaughlin
Mark McLaughlin It's called Free Speech Ron, remember?
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 23:41
Matin Sabin

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Bill Schlosser
Bill Schlosser Here's a little something in your name there Harry... your cousin Butt...
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Foto de Bill Schlosser.
Gosto · Responder · 17 · 1/1 às 6:46
Laura J. Sigler
Laura J. Sigler Waiting for the real truth to come out. Sure not going to go by CNN news. Will research many sources before I fall for this story.
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Gosto · Responder · 13 · 1/1 às 6:46
Rebecca Marshall Knurek
Rebecca Marshall Knurek Just go directly to Trumps FB I'm sure he'll post, only man that's been telling the truth to us, and he isn't backing down!
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 6:48
Laura J. Sigler
Laura J. Sigler Rebecca Marshall Knurek Already following lol
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 6:49
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Matin Sabin

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Dina Davide Byrne
Dina Davide Byrne
Foto de Dina Davide Byrne.
Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 6:46
Randy Weddle
Randy Weddle
Foto de Randy Weddle.
Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 6:47
Susan Fender
Susan Fender Harry you sound like an asshole to me.
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 1/1 às 6:48
Carla F. Ward
Carla F. Ward Look at all Der Trumpenfuhrer's fans rushing to defend President Pussygrab.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 6:49 · Editado
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Rebecca Marshall Knurek
Rebecca Marshall Knurek He never grabbed anyone
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 6:50
Chris Boyter
Chris Boyter carla is jealous because trump wouldn't grab her pussy
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 6:50
Carla F. Ward
Carla F. Ward You people are so delusional. He bragged about grabbing women by the pussy. You don't remember that tape? He has bragged openly about his sexually predatory behavior.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 6:50
Chris Boyter
Chris Boyter Carla F. Ward it was a joke. I'll bet you have said much worse things with your women friends
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 6:52
George Dimele
George Dimele Lol...funny Billy boy did ALOT than just grab!
#FloridaForTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 6:53
Susan Fender
Susan Fender I guess Trump needed lessons from nasty Bill Clinton on getting a good BJ................
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 6:53
Alltaf Nafnlaus
Alltaf Nafnlaus Carla F. Ward remember that tape? LOL! That's all you libtards had. And that's why you lost. Remember that tape? 😂😂 50 years from now the libtards will still be crying REMEMBER THAT TAPE?!?! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 7:01
Kerri Wright Schneider
Kerri Wright Schneider No one is rushing to defend anyone ... but no one is going to blindly believe this story as told by the butt Hurt and reported by MSM until both sides can be heard. If you go on and hang on every word from the MSM without fact checking, then you're a proven Democrat.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 7:01
Carla F. Ward
Carla F. Ward Why would I have to hang on the words of the MSM when we have the words of Donald Trump himself? This man has been bragging about his sexual predation since the nineteen eighties. He's all over the place in old radio recordings and TV recordings. He wa...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 7:04 · Editado
Kerri Wright Schneider
Kerri Wright Schneider Oh get a grip Lady. Believe the groomed politicians and keep crying in your coffee and whine about the tape, the tape! The fact that it's a tape says a lot right there ... it's on disc now! Now you want to sit back and call names ... go ahead. It's all you got. Fake Christians? Palease. Your opinion and comment means nothing. You're nothing. You supported a nothing. Bye Felicia.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 7:07
Jess Berry
Jess Berry
Foto de Jess Berry.
Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 7:10
Donna Kay Wright
Donna Kay Wright And what a "lady" you turned out to be. Looks like you've got some deep seated resentments if you have to start your "new year" filled with hate and striking out so "liberally". Since you're apparently so proud of being able to post such tripe maybe your family can put it on your tombstone. It will also go well as part of your eulogy, assuming of course it will be held at your Satanic church.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 7:10
Cathy Seeman
Cathy Seeman Talk about liars...your pathetic loser Hillary is the liar!! You libtards are something are doing exactly what you say Trump is doing... dividing the country. Losers can't except that Trump won over their choice now crying like a baby! Get over it....he is our President & he won fair & square.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 7:13
Kerri Wright Schneider
Kerri Wright Schneider Bwahahahaha Hahaha! Pathetic. Bless your little heart. Laughing laughing laughing ! A post about the golf course and here comes the shovel...dig up the tape and anything else you can find to throw. Stick to the subject. Waiting for the name calling to reach its pinnacle in 3....2....1.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 7:24 · Editado
Louie Carol Harshman
Louie Carol Harshman Carla F. Ward we didn't vote for A PASTOR, geesh!! We voted for a MAN, not a FAIRY ( OBAMA), to get it done in Washington!! Just watch how our Country flourishes!! You'll be eating your words, whether you admit it or not!😂👍🇺🇸
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 7:28
Alyce Freeman-Weaver
Alyce Freeman-Weaver Carla F. Ward I bet you used to brag about yours too.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 7:35
Matin Sabin

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Chris Boyter
Chris Boyter trump didn't boot koch. koch chose to leave with hurt because the came together
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 6:49
Debbie Shelton Barnes Nichols
Debbie Shelton Barnes Nichols Lot of nerve golfing there after writing a tell-all book about Trump. Perhaps that was a planned conformation to promote sales of that book.
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Gosto · Responder · 22 · 1/1 às 6:50
Kerri Wright Schneider
Kerri Wright Schneider If this is a story on Harry Hurt III Facebook page...then why is it written as a newspaper article. Referencing himself in 4th person is just weird. Shows his nature. He's always removed from his writings as if he bears no responsibility for the words he scribbles.
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · 1/1 às 6:51
Jack Otter
Jack Otter Harry Hurt is referring to himself in the third person. Not the fourth person.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 7:08
Kerri Wright Schneider
Kerri Wright Schneider The obviative third or a generic indefinite referent - both considered 4th person. Just depends which side you butter your bread on.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 7:12
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Matin Sabin

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Brenda Woodruff-Scott
Brenda Woodruff-Scott I would have booted your ass off too! You were the ass, not President Trump! He IS my President! I have his back! Asshole!
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Gosto · Responder · 15 · 1/1 às 6:53
Marylane Thornton
Marylane Thornton trumps my man, like it or not-he is the next president.
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 6:54
Suz Buffington
Suz Buffington He a disgrace to our great country
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 7:16
Pamela Watson
Pamela Watson Suz Buffington Ha ha ha nope, your girls obamanation and clinton did that already!!!
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 7:20
Matin Sabin

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Alltaf Nafnlaus
Alltaf Nafnlaus Poor Harry. Hanging around rich people makes him feel important. But he's a little man. A wanna-be writer. And an all-around douchebag.
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 6:58
Rebecca Marshall Knurek
Rebecca Marshall Knurek
Foto de Rebecca Marshall Knurek.
Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 6:59
Tricia Gaynor
Tricia Gaynor And so it begins.... the dictator throwing people out when he does not like what they say. He can get away with that there but that's not they way reality will be, he will not be able to lock people up for saying what ever they want it's called free sp...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 7:01
Rebecca Marshall Knurek
Rebecca Marshall Knurek Thats is the excact description of Barack Hussein Obama the past eight years. And he isn't done yet.
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 7:04
Jess Berry
Jess Berry
Foto de Jess Berry.
Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 7:08
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Matin Sabin

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Diane Placko
Diane Placko Hurt, your just another crybaby. We don't care what you have to say about our president. He won you person lost, get over it and move along
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 7:03
Suz Buffington
Suz Buffington And he is a Puto Putin puppet. He will fuck you like he does everyone and everything that enters his little pos sphere
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 7:21
Diane Placko
Diane Placko You lost suz, get over it
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 7:25
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Matin Sabin

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Kevin Connaughton
Kevin Connaughton
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 7:04
Jo Anne Fiore
Jo Anne Fiore oh you haters kill me. HA
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 7:04
Cindy A Alves
Cindy A Alves Good for President Trump ❤ He makes me more and more proud each and every day🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤ MAGA
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Gosto · Responder · 24 · 1/1 às 7:06
Diane Placko
Diane Placko I just looked at your fb page. Your obsessed with Donald Trump. Get a life you loser
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 1/1 às 7:07
Ron Davis
Ron Davis Learn how to spell you're.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 8:52
Diane Placko
Diane Placko Is that all you got ahole
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 17:56
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Matin Sabin

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Jess Berry
Jess Berry Why even play on that course if Trump is so horrible?? Just another irrelevant writer, looking for 5 minutes.
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Gosto · Responder · 24 · 1/1 às 7:07
Claire McCloskey Ford
Claire McCloskey Ford Yeah, I wondered the same thing.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 20:18
Matin Sabin

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Melissa Fox
Melissa Fox You're an asshole!!! Stop causing shit with Trump, Drama Queen!!
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 7:08
Mariama Law
Mariama Law Finally a President who is in touch with his feelings. Only liars are afraid of directness. If someone wrote that bs about me, I would be pissed, too. I actually think Liberals see Trump as a "safe space" for them to finally express their repressed, seething rage ! The left is angry that they can't bully Trump without retaliation.
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Gosto · Responder · 19 · 1/1 às 7:08
Donna Kay Wright
Donna Kay Wright The left has proven they have little or no moral fortitude, respect for self or country, nor the need for tact or propriety. They've had 8 years to "act" like they respect others while they actually made lying, exploitation of others, and pure vulga...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 7:24
Kim Lawrence
Kim Lawrence How long before u are on the Trumpgrets Twitter page. U r just too perky. When does he dump your reason for voting?
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 7:28
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Matin Sabin

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Karen Reilly Lucas
Karen Reilly Lucas actions bring consequences....if you smear someones reputation, i would ask them to leave my property also
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Gosto · Responder · 18 · 1/1 às 7:09
Kim Lawrence
Kim Lawrence Yea but they are paying to be there. He likes money more than anything, probably lost a member. Needs to grow up. Deal with shit, not gonna be good if he doesn't.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 7:30
Robin Fawcett
Robin Fawcett Who are you his therapist?
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 7:57
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Matin Sabin

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Robert Adessa
Robert Adessa Can't wait to see him kick CNNABCCBSNBCMSNBC out of the white house press room.
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Gosto · Responder · 27 · 1/1 às 7:09
Kim Lawrence
Kim Lawrence I totally agree. I think none of them should give him the time of day, every. Should not even mention his name. Would make a lot of us that can't stand the asshole happy. Only Fox should cover him. I should be law. For the next for years. We should fuck the first amendment. And you should stick your head right back up your ass. Thank you idiot.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 7:33
Paul Derrick
Paul Derrick Speaking of assholes you have one just below your nose.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 11:13
Matin Sabin

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Vickie Ehrlekrona
Vickie Ehrlekrona Good. He needed to be booted after writing trash lies.!
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Gosto · Responder · 16 · 1/1 às 7:11
Sharon Bell Ingram
Sharon Bell Ingram Seriously, you write about yourself in third person?
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · 1/1 às 7:12
Julie Kaska
Julie Kaska
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Eu pensei a mesma coisa
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 7:15
Kerri Wright Schneider
Kerri Wright Schneider I said the same thing ... it's actually more of a 4th person since he never acknowledges even knowing who Hurt is, or that he is speaking of himself. Weird.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 7:29
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Matin Sabin

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Lilys Oma
Lilys Oma
Foto de Lilys Oma.
Gosto · Responder · 19 · 1/1 às 7:12
Norm Novak
Norm Novak I would of kicked the asshole off and so would of all you liberals that do not like Trump If this writer accused you of raping your ex and wrote false things about you You would do the same and don't give anyone shit for saying you would not have done the same Because you would be full of sht!
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Gosto · Responder · 15 · 1/1 às 7:13
Brenda Bridges Harrison
Brenda Bridges Harrison
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 10:21
Shay Schermerhorn
Shay Schermerhorn Norm Novak, one more deplorable who can't write:
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Would have vs Would of
The conditional perfect, would have, refers to a missed opportunity in the past. In informal…
Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 10:23
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Matin Sabin

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Jess Berry
Jess Berry
Foto de Jess Berry.
Gosto · Responder · 19 · 1/1 às 7:13
Kerri Wright Schneider
Kerri Wright Schneider Omfg... that is great. I just laugh spit on my phone. I don't spend much time on fb anymore due to all the whining.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 7:31
Emma Mast Householder
Emma Mast Householder Hilarious! Thank you!
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 7:46
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Matin Sabin

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Jess Berry
Jess Berry Happy New Year, my fellow deplorables :)
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Foto de Jess Berry.
Gosto · Responder · 27 · 1/1 às 7:13
Vickie Ehrlekrona
Vickie Ehrlekrona I'm glad he kicked your sorry ass off his course. And don't come back
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Gosto · Responder · 13 · 1/1 às 7:13
Jess Berry
Jess Berry
Foto de Jess Berry.
Gosto · Responder · 22 · 1/1 às 7:14
Hannelore M Tepper
Hannelore M Tepper
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 7:50
Renee Adenusi
Renee Adenusi Yeah, after all reagan was the beginning of the end of america...trump will definitely, be the end.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 14:45
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Matin Sabin

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Julie Kaska
Julie Kaska Jealously gets you nowhere
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 7:14
Claire McCloskey Ford
Claire McCloskey Ford Why in the world should ANYBODY be nice to someone who was insulting to you? I don't care if he is the President-elect, he doesn't need to be nice to someone who hasn't been nice to him. Truly, would you be nice?
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Gosto · Responder · 19 · 1/1 às 7:15
Shay Schermerhorn
Shay Schermerhorn You mean someone who was speaking the truth? Oh...
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 10:24
Ed Nye
Ed Nye WWJD...he would turn the other cheek and be a bigger man.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 10:36 · Editado
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Matin Sabin

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Janina James
Janina James Trump never forgets those that cross him. Can't wait to see what he has in store for Obama, Hillary, Soros, and the RINOs.
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Gosto · Responder · 19 · 1/1 às 7:15
Donna Kay Wright
Donna Kay Wright Trump probably would have ignored this idiot if he hadn't gone out of his way to approach Trump. It is obvious his intention wasn't honorable and if Trump had merely said "Thank you" the "story" wouldn't have been reported that way. That arrogant, manipulative as Sholes actually wrote his own invitation to be removed. Really, what did they expect?
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 7:29
Nainsi Skiba
Nainsi Skiba I think the guy screwed himself when he said "It's all true" about the accusations in his book. Too bad the Koch brother was there and one of those escorted out....probably will cause trouble down the line.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 10:20
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Matin Sabin

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Thomas Williams
Thomas Williams
Foto de Thomas Williams.
Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 7:15
Jess Berry
Jess Berry
Foto de Jess Berry.
Gosto · Responder · 13 · 1/1 às 7:16
Thomas Williams
Thomas Williams
Foto de Thomas Williams.
Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 7:16
Thomas Williams
Thomas Williams Trump is being nice to the sure he could put a hurtin on him in court...
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 7:18
Steve Rhodes
Steve Rhodes The last time Trump sued a biographer it just proved he is a pathological liar
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In 2007, Trump was forced to face his own falsehoods. And he did, 30 times.
Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 12:36
Matin Sabin

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Nancy Jonas Howard
Nancy Jonas Howard Well Hurt if nothing else you are predictable. I think all of you had a lot of nerve to go there in the first place. You have no way of knowing whats true, unless you were there. You should have gone to Emerald Dunes to start with. We know why you didn...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 1/1 às 7:19
Elizabeth Salerno-Castiglione
Elizabeth Salerno-Castiglione He probably wants to write another book!
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 8:13
Gail Lewis Lord
Gail Lewis Lord Hurt has a lot of gall going there in the first place. He was just spoiling for a confrontation, looking for trouble. He'll get no sympathy from me!
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 11:54
Matin Sabin

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Jess Berry
Jess Berry
Foto de Jess Berry.
Gosto · Responder · 21 · 1/1 às 7:20
Jordan Maynard
Jordan Maynard dressed up trash, at least she didn't get oiled up and naked. You can't unsee her touching herself in those photos, what a couple of pigs.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 7:25 · Editado
Jess Berry
Jess Berry Jordan Maynard...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 7:26
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Matin Sabin

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Sue Lee
Sue Lee
Foto de Sue Lee.
Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 7:22
Jess Berry
Jess Berry
Foto de Jess Berry.
Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 7:28
Sue Lee
Sue Lee Jess Berry
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Foto de Sue Lee.
Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 7:29
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Matin Sabin

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Stacie Shannon
Stacie Shannon I'm not buying it. Hurt sounds like a jerk who hardly anyone has heard of. DJT is about to be inaugurated as POTUS. Who benefits from this type of exchange?
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 7:23
Jordan Maynard
Jordan Maynard the truth, that Donald trump is petty and vulgar.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 7:25
Stacie Shannon
Stacie Shannon Jordan Maynard The trouble with that argument is that he isn't.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 7:28
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Matin Sabin

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Hong Wang
Hong Wang Accessory to Murder investigation on Hillary Clinton and State Department ( I believe it also related to Clinton emails with China using her own server) , they knew and hide Genocide organ harvesting news in China when wang lijun visit US consulate 201...Ver mais
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'Human Rights is Part of the DNA of America': An Interview with Gary Locke…
Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 7:30
Loretta Hoskins
Loretta Hoskins You need to go back under what ever rock you came out of.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 9:14
Bev Knauer
Bev Knauer Hey Hoo FlungDung......what does your above post have to do with Harry getting Trumped off the golf course??? Take your Trollass elsewhere!
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 11:26
Matin Sabin

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Jim Serwan
Jim Serwan Hey Liberals !!!!
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Foto de Jim Serwan.
Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 7:30
Nick Cullen
Nick Cullen Dumb? YOU'RE the one who voted for Trump!
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 10:55
Jim Serwan
Jim Serwan Nick Cullen Oh you mean the guy who won the election? Yeah,, then that would be me. YOU LOSER !!!!!!!!
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 18:24
Matin Sabin

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Hong Wang
Hong Wang Trump NJ Rich Chinese EB5 approved due to Hurricane Sandy with support of Obama and Accessory to murder investigation on Hillary Clinton and State Department

All Congress ( both senators and house representatives ) and Governors etc got the below hard...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 7:30
Hong Wang
Hong Wang Lawsuit filed at Federal court Ohio Southern district Columbus Branch on 12/19 to urge Federal agency and congress give investigation result for presidential candidates
Trump NJ Rich Chinese EB5 approved due to Hurricane Sandy with support of Obama and...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 7:30
Bev Knauer
Bev Knauer Go away, Troll Hung Wrong...
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 11:28
Matin Sabin

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Fred Bunch
Fred Bunch Oh, dumb Donnie, hope you live to eat your words soon.😎
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 7:38
Michael Lennon
Michael Lennon Hurt sounds like a troublemaker. Trump doesn't need to hear from you. President Elect Trump doesn't owe you anything. You pompously think that Trump wants to see or hear from you after your disparaging book? Puh-lease!
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · 1/1 às 7:38
Leigh McKenzie
Leigh McKenzie Michael you are deflecting. That really doesn't work anymore after eighteen months plus of listening to the deflection master (trump). Please try something else to justify your continued support of trump.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 18:02
Terry Burnet
Terry Burnet Trump wasn't elected because of propaganda or even Russian hacks. He was elected, because deep down a segment of voters had similar beliefs. THEY KNOW WHAT HE WANTS TO DO AND TO WHOM HE WANTS TO DO IT TO! Just like 1933 in Germany, human history has br...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 18:16 · Editado
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Matin Sabin

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Harry Thorpe
Harry Thorpe Okay, I broke my own rule and tried to feed one of the trolls. Don't try to reason with them, don't ask reasonable questions. They need handlers. And medication. Trump has ruined them.
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Gosto · Responder · 21 · 1/1 às 7:51
Sue Lee
Sue Lee Spot on! It's definitely a challenge!
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 7:56
Michelle Tellez
Michelle Tellez I'm appalled at how disgusting and disillusional they all are; it's so frightening that we walk and live among these imbeciles. The Sheeple of America has made us a laughing stock world wide!
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 9:16 · Editado
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Matin Sabin

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Hong Wang
Hong Wang Ohio Governor Great Achievement in past 6 years !

In 2011, 1st Year of Governor John R. Kasich took office, Ohio faced historic challenges. Over 400,000 jobs were lost in the previous four years, unemployment peaked and remained at 10.6 percent betwe...Ver mais
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Governor of Ohio, John R. Kasich > Home
In Response to Federal Court Order, Kasich Temporarily Delays Executions of Ronald Phillips and Raymond…
Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 8:00
Betty Beidelschies
Betty Beidelschies Someone doesn't know the loser, Kasich! Take a trip to Ohio and educate yourself!
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 9:01
Lisa Sarkisian
Lisa Sarkisian Hong Wang - Your sentence structure makes you difficult to read.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 13:42
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Matin Sabin

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Jarret Q. Abercrombie
Jarret Q. Abercrombie Yes and your golf buddy is David Koch.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 8:02
Steven Fromewick
Steven Fromewick I just read this account on Huffington Post. It said you went over to him out of a courtesy. Well sir, you are one dumb mother fucker!!! Why does he deserve any courtesy? Why would you think he would treat you well considering the book you wrote ab...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 8:07 · Editado
David W. Russell
David W. Russell Why would you be reading the Huffington Post for any true news?
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 8:26
Jan Marx
Jan Marx Check, mate
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 11:27
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Matin Sabin

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Jj Ravenwood
Jj Ravenwood Y'all miss the point that Hurt didn't make this allegation up. It was part of a legal deposition by Ivana. Hurt went over to congratulate him as a gracious mature person would do. Presidents are not expected to behave like bad mannered middle school bo...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 13 · 1/1 às 8:12
David W. Russell
David W. Russell So you were there and heard the whole thing? Amazing!!
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 8:27
Fran Patterson
Fran Patterson Which she rescinded!
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 8:40
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Matin Sabin

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GlennThomas AnthonyWilhem Ford
GlennThomas AnthonyWilhem Ford Out of curiosity is no one interested in the fact that by all accounts the information contained within Mr. Hurts book has been verified. Shouldn't that be the relevant discussion. You see it is my fondest wish that all the experts, critics, establish...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 8:24
Anno Zijlstra
Anno Zijlstra Harry , you better not play on a Trump course anymore
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 8:25
Marie Nopola Leaf
Marie Nopola Leaf How to make friends and influence people!
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 8:28
Joyce Tomkiewicz
Joyce Tomkiewicz Glad you found a better voirse
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 8:32
Terry Matthiensen
Terry Matthiensen
Foto de Terry Matthiensen.
Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 8:33
Kathryn Moody Lewis
Kathryn Moody Lewis This should be a lesson learned Mr hurt
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 8:35
Saundra George
Saundra George certainly is, trump is a thin skinned baby man...true that!
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 18:07
Kathryn Moody Lewis
Kathryn Moody Lewis Awe Saundra George I think you are a poor loser & you need to sit back & enjoy the ride on the Trump train. You have 4 yrs of him as our commander in chief so get used to it. Chacha 😎
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 23:06
Matin Sabin

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Fran Patterson
Fran Patterson Why would you even golf at his club unless you thought you could confront him?
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Gosto · Responder · 13 · 1/1 às 8:39
Tony Adah
Tony Adah
Traduzido do Inglês
É isso.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 13:20
Matin Sabin

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Anne Botts Crawley
Anne Botts Crawley Would Harry do something like this to try and sell his book? Surely he's not that desperate is he? No, wait! I believe he is desperate after looking at his older posts! How much did you have to pay Koch to let you join in the game or are you going to give him a percentage? Kind of makes you and Koch slimeballs doesn't it, Harry?
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · 1/1 às 8:41
Saundra George
Saundra George he should have gone up and grabbed his would not have been a sexual assault.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 18:08
Anne Botts Crawley
Anne Botts Crawley Saundra George - I'm surprised Harry didn't knowing Harry...
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Gosto · Responder · 19 h
Matin Sabin

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Kathleen Flaherty
Kathleen Flaherty I am sure Mr. Hurt did not put one tiny spin on that book he wrote. Truth has a way of spinning a web of lies... especially if a certain person was making a profit spinning it... I would have kick you out too. Seriously, the nerve of you to even feel you could go up to him is beyond belief...
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 8:46 · Editado
Felice Clark
Felice Clark Zbigniew Zarudzki
Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 8:48
Lilly Cooper
Lilly Cooper President Trump did the right thing.! You write lies and especially about Trump raping his daughter.. What do you expect .. You deserved it and really if you think so bad of him WHY Do you play at his golf course.. Ya Lying Hypocrite!!! People like YOU should only be able to publish fiction or better yet FAKE news.! IF you where a good person you would not right such horrible lies about President Trump.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 8:51
Zack Rawlings
Zack Rawlings Ivana was his wife not daughter...right=write. Stay in school bro.
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Gosto · Responder · 11 · 1/1 às 9:17
Loretta Hoskins
Loretta Hoskins Sorry...
It's all true. Taken from court deposition.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 9:20
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Matin Sabin

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Kathryn Moody Lewis
Kathryn Moody Lewis You're lucky he didn't punch your lights out! Anyone who writes such HS is pretty damn desperate to make money off such utter BS! What a loser & miserable man you must be!
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 9:03
Lance Monotone
Lance Monotone ... a loser who just got a bunch of free publicity from your whiner in chief, comrade.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 17:17
R.e. Moreno
R.e. Moreno that was my dream.....a president who punches people's lights out, kicks other children out of his sand box and whines all day.....NOT
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 18:49
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Matin Sabin

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Victor Sofia
Victor Sofia Not a David Koch fan so if Trump threw him off the course he gets Kudos from me.
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 9:08
Justine Hebron
Justine Hebron Jessie Friend
Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 9:21
Fuji Packer
Fuji Packer You'd think Koch would keep better company.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 9:21
Kenya Smith Ziegenhagen
Kenya Smith Ziegenhagen For those of you who think this didn't happen or it's fake news, you guys are aware that Trumps people confirmed the incident, right?
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 9:26
Shay Schermerhorn
Shay Schermerhorn they're stupid... don't bother
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 10:33
Kenya Smith Ziegenhagen
Kenya Smith Ziegenhagen Shay Schermerhorn I know, but sometimes it just gets the better of me!
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 10:50
Matin Sabin

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Connie Vidales
Connie Vidales News flash: NO ONE GIVES AF!!!!
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 9:35
Troy Rushing
Troy Rushing I smell a tangerine turd supporter in our mists.
Just saying.
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Gosto · Responder · 10 · 1/1 às 10:06
Lynn McCluskey
Lynn McCluskey ^^^^^^Butt HURT III! ^^^^^^
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 10:29
Shay Schermerhorn
Shay Schermerhorn Lynn McCluskey you're PATHETIC
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 10:33
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Matin Sabin

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Jeanne Watt
Jeanne Watt I'm sure David Koch had never been escorted off links before.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 10:06
Sandy Hufnagel
Sandy Hufnagel You're lucky tossed off the course is all you got you SOS!
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 10:09
Lynn McCluskey
Lynn McCluskey Butt HURT III. Go home, bitch. LOL!
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 10:27
Sherry Taylor
Sherry Taylor I heard nice things about Koch, but he should have known better than to take Hurt to any Trump facility. Hurt just wants publicity.
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 10:44
David Thomas
David Thomas Why don't you point to a few instances of Hurt "just wanting publicity" ??
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 20:07
Sherry Taylor
Sherry Taylor For example, I read that he had his girlfriend with him and he wanted to impress her by taking her over and introducing her to Trump -- possibly a picture? That's just one example, but a good one.🙂
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Gosto · Responder · Ontem às 0:42
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Matin Sabin

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Bev Knauer
Bev Knauer
Foto de Bev Knauer.
Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 10:50
Ma Merijoe
Ma Merijoe Good, you should have had your lame butt thrown out- the hubris of you actually getting in his face after what you did....and you know you twisted the facts just to get you noticed, hope the disrespectful wolves that raised you are proud of their litt...Ver mais
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Foto de Ma Merijoe.
Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 10:59 · Editado
Irwin Kuperberg
Irwin Kuperberg You do know, don't you, now that Trump is in bed with Putin, that you can't use "commie" as an insult word against Trump opponents?
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 16:36
Anita Gold
Anita Gold Omfg commie is a far right alarmist rhetorical name calling
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 18:49
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Matin Sabin

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Barbara Feinstein
Barbara Feinstein After ditching press pool, while throwing you off of Trump International over a twenty year old personal grudge, 40 people were murdered in Istanbul terror attack. THERE WAS NO PRESS POOL PRESENT. DANGEROUS FOR OUR COUNTRY.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 21:52 · Editado
Kimo Pelletier
Kimo Pelletier And Barry, or should I say Obummer was Enjoying his Vacation in Hawaii on the tax payers Dime like always.. Just like the last horrible Radical Islamic terrorists attack the ass hat Satoro was taking in a baseball game in Cuba with oppressive radical dictators..
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 11:30 · Editado
Barbara Feinstein
Barbara Feinstein Actually, Kimo Pelletier, you have no clue what President Obama was doing at the time and I'd wager he had a full Intel briefing immediately, while Trump settled a petty 20 year old self serving grudge and was clueless.
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Gosto · Responder · 10 · 1/1 às 11:33
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Matin Sabin

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Kimo Pelletier
Kimo Pelletier Fuck Mr Hurt.. And fuck the Dirty Liberal Koch brothers too.. DJT you are my President..
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Gosto · Responder · 10 · 1/1 às 20:38 · Editado
Jim Riley
Jim Riley You must be delusional calling Koch bros. liberals. Seriously? Are you that daft?
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 11:41
Kimo Pelletier
Kimo Pelletier I guess, What ever Daft means.. DJT 2016
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 12:35
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Matin Sabin

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Linda Burgess
Linda Burgess First, this reporter should have never approached Trump. That was not going to go well after his unauthorized biography and what he wrote in there. Second, if they went to another golf course after leaving Trumps and now say it is a much better golf course, why didn't they go there to begin with? Just saying..........
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Gosto · Responder · 15 · 1/1 às 12:32
Vera McShane
Vera McShane The next 4 years will be so much fun, repeating to Trump all the lies you guys hurled at Obama. Starting with income tax, treason, nepotism, election fraud, conflict of interest - oh wait, all you had on Obama was the color of his skin...
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 19:50
Dan Roberts
Dan Roberts Koch is a member of the club he got kicked off of.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 20:02
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Matin Sabin

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Sue Joseph Kientz
Sue Joseph Kientz Great book Harry glad you wrote it! Stand tall!
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Gosto · Responder · 16 · 1/1 às 12:40
D.j. Reilly
D.j. Reilly
Foto de D.j. Reilly.
Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 13:31
Daphne Morgan
Daphne Morgan
Traduzido do Inglês
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 19:51
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Matin Sabin

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Pamela Pugmire
Pamela Pugmire Why are you talking about yourself in third person?
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 13:05
Tony Adah
Tony Adah Hurt if you hurt someone, don't think they'll clap for you and admit you in their fold. Get behind Trump you Satan!
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 13:24
Rod Cathcart
Rod Cathcart You don’t see the irony of your post?
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 20:07
Stefan Ghan
Stefan Ghan Tony Adah, you're on a sinking ship buddy, flee while you can.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 20:11
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Matin Sabin

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D.j. Reilly
D.j. Reilly
Foto de D.j. Reilly.
Gosto · Responder · 17 · 1/1 às 13:29
Maria King Larsen
Maria King Larsen Winners don't have to cheat, he cheated, not a winner!
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 17:58
Lala Velour
Lala Velour Memes from the so-called right are never funny. Occasionally they make sense, but not often.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 18:19
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Matin Sabin

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Kathleen Barnes
Kathleen Barnes we an infestation of lefties in this country
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 13:50
Sue Lee
Sue Lee Hi! We've always been here! #wearestillhere and we aren't going anywhere!
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Foto de Sue Lee.
Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 22:45
Kathleen Barnes
Kathleen Barnes yes it should be fun watching you cringe whine cry and caterwaul over the next few years. Life is good
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Gosto · Responder · 13 h
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Matin Sabin

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Paul Swigert
Paul Swigert Why not play Emerald in the first place if it's a better course?
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 14:34
Rodney Lemmon
Rodney Lemmon and your going to tell me that this guy just walked up to Trump on a golf course?
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 14:34
Nancy Medley
Nancy Medley Are you doubting this happened? Trump does his own thing when it comes to security, and I'm sure these golfers were "cleared" before being allowed on the course. We are talking about David Koch being kicked out by association. This is HUGE. Not a man you want to piss off.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 20:27
Matin Sabin

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Rodney Lemmon
Rodney Lemmon maybe they did not know it was a better course until they were forced to play on it DUH
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 14:37
Carlo Cary
Carlo Cary Don't be obtuse.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 15:11
Kevin Eminger
Kevin Eminger Carlo Cary Don't a acute.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 20:15
Matin Sabin

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L Brad Sarver
L Brad Sarver Trump is petty.
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Gosto · Responder · 18 · 1/1 às 14:51
Carlo Cary
Carlo Cary Write a hit piece book on someone who you lied about being a rapist then want to play golf on their course? Get the fuck outta here
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 15:10
Shannon Kay
Shannon Kay Dude, the rape comment wasn't fictional or a lie, it was quoted directly from a sworn deposition from his divorce case. #fact
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 1/1 às 18:42
Jay Plummer
Jay Plummer You get the fuck outta here. Facts are facts. And it's funny that you don't think Trump was being a petty asshole about the facts being published.
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 19:11
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Matin Sabin

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Kuini O Te Ao
Kuini O Te Ao Hurt basically what lesson you should learn is that YOU ARE SHIT - and you got thrown out like the nobody that you are and you deserved it because you can't even see what a hypocritical sob you are talking crap about so,some with integrity and expecting a slap on the back as if from a friend.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 15:31
Patricia Bushnell
Patricia Bushnell well it could be that or you just are supporting a rapist scumbag.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 20:16
Deborah Maran
Deborah Maran Hurt printed truth of what Ivana Trump said in her deposition. Trump did not like it. That is the fact of the matter.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 20:25
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Matin Sabin

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Liz Haren
Liz Haren Why did you go there in the first place? To make a scene? You knew exactly what you were doing and you did so deliberately in the hope of provoking Trump. This behavior, this mindset on your part is exactly why he was elected.
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 1/1 às 16:42
Audra DeMenge
Audra DeMenge And even if he did go there with the hope of seeing trump why is trump so easy to bait? Maybe since the whole world is ridiculing him he should learn to walk away instead of being a petty 10 yr old.
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 18:17
Liz Haren
Liz Haren Because he's a New Yorker, they don't take crap. They put you right back in your place. "Don't mess with me, I won't mess with you".
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 18:23
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Matin Sabin

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Bill Sadler
Bill Sadler Well, Harry, you certainly brought out the frothing mad dogs on Facebook. Who are these haters? Keep on truckin' buddy. I'm proud of you.
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Gosto · Responder · 23 · 1/1 às 17:44
Vicki Cerruto
Vicki Cerruto Why would any of these people want to play there? They didn't support his campaign. Why would they support his business?
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 17:54
Nancy Cuprisin
Nancy Cuprisin Exactly..So the millions of folks who did not vote for Trump should take heed and not support ANY of his businesses.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 20:38
Jay Dee
Jay Dee Because it's a nice course.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 21:21
Matin Sabin

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Pj Rapp
Pj Rapp I like how he had to throw in "scratch golfer," what an idiot 😂
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 18:00
Jay Plummer
Jay Plummer Because poor players are regularly kept from playing top notch courses. So he made that comment so the argument that maybe he wasn't good enough would be answered up front.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 19:14
Pj Rapp
Pj Rapp Jay Plummer , gotcha. Just funny to me as a golfer. When I talk about my last golf game to people I rarely say, "She got a hole in one in her first tournament." 😂
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 19:16
Matin Sabin

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Paul Spinelli
Paul Spinelli No one shoulf expect a warm welcome after doing someone wrong. Somethings people cant forget especially things that cut to the bone. Yes it was a plan of Koch and Hurt to get this feud back started again.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 18:17
Jay Plummer
Jay Plummer So writing the facts about someone that puts themselves in the public light is wrong? I disagree.
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 19:15
Gerald L Siano
Gerald L Siano So, paul in you and trump's new world, facts and truth are wrong and Bullsh*t lies are the new norm? Putin's CHrUMP loves you.
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 20:25
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Matin Sabin

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Raz Lemmons
Raz Lemmons Trump the chump is such a petty wimp.
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Gosto · Responder · 17 · 1/1 às 18:18
Audra DeMenge
Audra DeMenge All of you are just mad cuz once again your "hero" got proven to b the petty ass he is, again. One day u will realize your mistake, but will u b adult enuf to admit it??
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Gosto · Responder · 18 · 1/1 às 18:19
Rebecca Schneeweiss
Rebecca Schneeweiss Trump was targeted. This was a plan to bully him.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 18:29
Timothy Roeder
Timothy Roeder If poor little snowflake trump can't take the heat, than he should go back to his ivory tower, and stop being a worthless piece of crap.
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 18:45
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Matin Sabin

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Lisa Andry Sofia
Lisa Andry Sofia Any enemy of a Koch brother is a friend of mine
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 18:23
Rebecca Schneeweiss
Rebecca Schneeweiss No doubt he targeted Trump. Let me see if I can p*** him off. He knew very well that his book was not well received. He did it on purpose for obvious reasons. Being obnoxious and of course we know which kind of voters jump on that.
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 18:29 · Editado
Laura Waslo
Laura Waslo Oh Rebecca, you ignorant moron...
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 21:12
Rebecca Schneeweiss
Rebecca Schneeweiss Typical liberal. Quick draw on the insults. So foreseeable. I shield that off without effort. Always the same tactic.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 21:15
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Matin Sabin

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Sandy Sullivan
Sandy Sullivan Maybe he will sell many more books because of this and make lots of money exposing more of Trumps disgusting behavior. Another example of Trumps immaturity.
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Gosto · Responder · 15 · 1/1 às 18:32
Linda Ryan
Linda Ryan What? Now he's pissed off one of the Koch Bros...haha, interesting, as the Koch's own the Republicans, hahaha
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Gosto · Responder · 17 · 1/1 às 18:37
Victor Sofia
Victor Sofia That is the part I am happy about. The pissing off of the Koch Brothers. Some don't realize they own the republican party which is the main reason I am not a republican.
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Gosto · Responder · 10 · 1/1 às 18:44
Jay Dee
Jay Dee They don't own Donald though...
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 21:21
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Matin Sabin

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Cheryl Gage
Cheryl Gage Trump & diapers must be changed often & for the same reason
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Gosto · Responder · 16 · 1/1 às 18:37
Bill Matthews
Bill Matthews more like your string.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 22:02 · Editado
Cheryl Gage
Cheryl Gage Bill Matthews who lit the fuse on your tampon to be such a douche'?
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 21:28
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Matin Sabin

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Cheryl Gage
Cheryl Gage
Foto de Cheryl Gage.
Gosto · Responder · 33 · 1/1 às 18:38
Cheryl Gage
Cheryl Gage
Foto de Cheryl Gage.
Gosto · Responder · 19 · 1/1 às 18:38
Cheryl Gage
Cheryl Gage
Foto de Cheryl Gage.
Gosto · Responder · 15 · 1/1 às 18:38
Cheryl Gage
Cheryl Gage
Foto de Cheryl Gage.
Gosto · Responder · 28 · 1/1 às 18:38
Barbara Sawicki
Barbara Sawicki what collusion ? Putin exposed what democrats are truly like -lies ,cheaters ,amoral evil idiots trying to rule no matter what costs ....if thats make you mad you worse coze you want the evil to rule
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 21:59
Sue Lee
Sue Lee Barbara Sawicki wait until putin releases the rnc's, then the real fun will begin. trump supporters are so blind to the obvious. Think about it, putin has the rnc and trump bent over, he wants the sanctions lifted. Only releasing dnc documents and not rnc's is just another way to influence some people thought process on both sides.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 22:04 · Editado
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Matin Sabin

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Larry Glazener
Larry Glazener Petty and childiah. You realize we're in for four years of this crap. Wonder if he reimbursed him for the green fees? Oh wait, Donald doesn't pay anyone any way!
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Gosto · Responder · 25 · 1/1 às 18:40
Mary Johnson Janevero
Mary Johnson Janevero "childiah" are we to get 8 more years of this stupidity? Give it up...nothing you Libs have to say matters anyway... WE HAVE OUR A PRESIDENT!
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 19:13
Ted Burton
Ted Burton Mary Johnson Janevero, the A and the S on a typewriter keyboard are right next to each other. Stupid remarks like this about obvious typos are the exact childish problem he describes. You are the problem.

"WE HAVE OUR A PRESIDENT"? Wow, even you included a typo. What a hpyocrite.
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 19:56 · Editado
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Matin Sabin

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Lorraine Morgan
Lorraine Morgan Why was you there in the first place? Just to cause trouble just like you are doing. All these people bad mouthing President Trump are liberals idiots. Which got us into this mess in the first place. You people are ignorant and don't care about facts. Just your agenda. LIes, Lies and more Lies. Just your facts.
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Gosto · Responder · 13 · 1/1 às 18:41
Kimberly Kaucher Roman
Kimberly Kaucher Roman How ignorant can you be? he isn't president trump until the 20th and no one had to bad mouth him, he does that all on his own
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Gosto · Responder · 17 · 1/1 às 19:54
Chester Cassel
Chester Cassel Lorain Morgan those were trumps own words, from his own mouth. His words.
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 1/1 às 20:00
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Matin Sabin

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Timothy Roeder
Timothy Roeder Good job mr. Hurt. You pissed off the fragile little spoiled brat, snowflake. Although that's not hard, it's always funny. Keep up the good work.
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Gosto · Responder · 29 · 1/1 às 18:42
Shannon Kay
Shannon Kay Riiiight... so this comment you made isn't acting like a spoiled brat?? Sore winner?? You need a safe space? LOL...
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 18:44
Timothy Roeder
Timothy Roeder Im a Spoiled brat?? LOL, I see the poorly educated are out in force. By the way snowflake, almost 3 million voters say he didn't win. He was appointed. Get over it. You support a rapist, draft dodging, spoiled brat, traitor. Now go play with the other uneducated deplorables.
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Foto de Timothy Roeder.
Gosto · Responder · 11 · 1/1 às 18:53
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Matin Sabin

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Shannon Kay
Shannon Kay I'm going to buy the book.
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Gosto · Responder · 21 · 1/1 às 18:43
Ureka Gordon
Ureka Gordon
Traduzido do Inglês
Eu só estava pensando a mesma coisa.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 19:58
Sue Lee
Sue Lee
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 20:48
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Matin Sabin

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Michelle King Williamson
Michelle King Williamson Hairy Butt Hurt. Lmao. Seems like Hairy Butt was stalking.
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 18:44
Andrea Wright
Andrea Wright How was he stalking when he was invited!! READ before you post.. Your comment makes no sense..smh
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 20:24
Laura Waslo
Laura Waslo Andrea, you know she can barely read! "Hairy Butt" was the best insult she could come up with so she's definitely in wayyyy over her head.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 21:24
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Matin Sabin

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Mary Johnson Janevero
Mary Johnson Janevero Normally, Trump is extremely gracious to those who have chosen to screw him in the past, this guy deserved what he got! ...then the childish rebuttal to being thrown out was "going to a better course"! ...couldn't think of a better one than that Lib? Typical!
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 19:04
Kimberly Kaucher Roman
Kimberly Kaucher Roman How is writing the truth about him screwing him? And trump is the one who has screwed over almost every small businessman he has worked with.
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Gosto · Responder · 16 · 1/1 às 19:57
Ted Burton
Ted Burton Trumpers HATE the truth. And screwing over small businessmen and the american public is what they think makes him "good at business."
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Gosto · Responder · 15 · 1/1 às 20:03
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Matin Sabin

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Nigel Cornick
Nigel Cornick

Trump kicks biographer off golf course
Harry Hurt had written a critical book about the president-elect.
Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 19:17
Rosie Thorn
Rosie Thorn I suppose that if you didn't kiss Trumps ass then he doesn't want you to play golf on his course. I would assume that he doesn't want you to use any of his other establishments also. But then, who really cares. We don't wantto put money in his pockets anyway.
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Gosto · Responder · 20 · 1/1 às 19:17
Mary Lundgren
Mary Lundgren It's his course.......simple as was classless that Hurt even considered playing on it.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 22:35
Rosie Thorn
Rosie Thorn It is a commercial venture, there fore available to anyone who would pay to use it. Personally, I would not use any facility he had nor would I buy anything he was selling. I feel like any venture involving Mr Trump would be detrimental to my pocket book.
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Gosto · Responder · Ontem às 0:53
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Matin Sabin

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Rick Heeke
Rick Heeke The short-fingered vulgarian continues to disappoint.
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Gosto · Responder · 15 · 1/1 às 19:19
Gerald L Siano
Gerald L Siano Actually Rick, he is doing exactly what we predicted. He is a whiny little bitch.
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 20:34
Vicki Vinson Dalton
Vicki Vinson Dalton That is an insult to vulgarians everywhere...
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 20:36
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Matin Sabin

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Carolyn-Carrie Burke
Carolyn-Carrie Burke Sounds good to me. Without drawing assumptions on anything personal or political.....Nothing wrong with asking someone to leave your property. Sell more books, Harry...That is the point of this post anyway.
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 19:19
Jody Aberegg Lane
Jody Aberegg Lane I agree and if It was my place and I didn't want someone there I too would tell them to leave...nothing wrong with that..and yes this is about selling those books that didn't do well to begin with right Harry!
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 21:00
Cherry Kee
Cherry Kee Jody Aberegg Lane Don't know if that is tue, but I bet the book does well now. It's going to be selling like hot cakes.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 21:52 · Editado
Matin Sabin

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Barbara Samuel
Barbara Samuel Trumplethinskins, incredibly childish man.
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Gosto · Responder · 18 · 1/1 às 19:20
Angelia M Joyner
Angelia M Joyner Trumplethinskins! Love, Love, Love!
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 19:55
Frank Lowery
Frank Lowery Barbara Sucksmuel incredibly ignorant person
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 21:19
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Matin Sabin

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Jim Sheehy
Jim Sheehy Aww, did someone spit on Donny's hunky?
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 19:21
Mary Booth
Mary Booth "Dick-tator" drumpf
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Gosto · Responder · 10 · 1/1 às 19:25
Ed Kline
Ed Kline Hundreds of federal court vacancies to fill, one Supreme Court vacancy to fill, with more to follow, President Trump will be dictating to your for the rest of your life. Happy New Year Mary Booth.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 19:32
Mary Booth
Mary Booth Ed Kline I'm not a betting woman but I'd wager a bet on that one😂
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 19:33
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Matin Sabin

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Judea Smith
Judea Smith Once a bully, always a bully. Petty little man.
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Gosto · Responder · 18 · 1/1 às 19:32
Sally Herpolsheimer
Sally Herpolsheimer A true gentleman and someone presidential would have said thank you and moved on. It's not high school, this is the big time.
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Gosto · Responder · 19 · 1/1 às 19:43
Ureka Gordon
Ureka Gordon Any other President-elect would not have given the guy a second thought but this one is childish and just helped him sell more books.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 20:01
Matin Sabin

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Melanie Walbaum
Melanie Walbaum
Foto de Melanie Walbaum.
Gosto · Responder · 25 · 1/1 às 19:49
Patricia Tinker
Patricia Tinker I know this is not a true picture because my president doesn't act like that.
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 19:56
Don Hoffman
Don Hoffman No, our President does not act like this, but sometimes I wish he would!
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 20:20
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Matin Sabin

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Edwin Thompson
Edwin Thompson Rich folk problems!
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 19:56
Sammie Eppright
Sammie Eppright So immature. DAMN MOFO grow a pair
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 19:59
Art Cee
Art Cee This is just one more reason among thousands at this point that Drumpf IS NOT MY PRESIDENT.
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · 1/1 às 20:04
Frank Lowery
Frank Lowery Then leave the country, you won't be missed
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 21:20
Art Cee
Art Cee Frank Lowery No, Frank , I'm staying to keep an eye on Stalin while you kiss the dictator's ass.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 21:21
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Matin Sabin

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Linda Harris
Linda Harris I've decided Kid President will be my POTUS the next four years. He's indeed more intelligent, mature and presidential than the orange petty and vindictive lunatic.
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Gosto · Responder · 11 · 1/1 às 20:04
Marlon Hash
Marlon Hash Reggie Hopson
Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 20:04
Reggie Hopson
Reggie Hopson
Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 20:10
Reggie Hopson
Reggie Hopson Thanks I needed the laugh; I'll throw this in for free, I played his course here for free! After the round went in the club house to get a bottle of water, his face was on it....I drove 20 minutes before getting something to drink! Now I have to buy this book!
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 20:11
Matin Sabin

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Rose Turpin
Rose Turpin Did this happen when he ditched the media crew that are supposed to be with him at all times? I recall the news stating he snuck away from them...
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 20:08
Rod Cathcart
Rod Cathcart Trump supporters be like “multiple rape allegations are overrated, don’t be so mean to the unregistered sex offender”.
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Foto de Rod Cathcart.
Gosto · Responder · 15 · 1/1 às 20:14
Frank Lowery
Frank Lowery Rod, have you stopped beating your wife?
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 21:20
Rod Cathcart
Rod Cathcart Frank Lowery Too close to home?
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 21:24
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Matin Sabin

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Julie Coffey
Julie Coffey Harry, how is your BS landing on my page? Goodbye.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 20:18
Diana Newnam Schmaeling
Diana Newnam Schmaeling Read the book. Maybe you'll actually learn something.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 20:19
Deborah Maran
Deborah Maran They never will - they don't want to know the full truth about Trump - just the rose colored glasses that Donald Trump has handed out to all of them. He knows he can use and abuse his supporter's emotions, pains, and desires to manipulate them and th...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 21:09
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Matin Sabin

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Theresa D. Colton
Theresa D. Colton Brittany Whittington Katrina Smith
Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 20:18
Brittany Whittington
Brittany Whittington Ugh!!!!!
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 21:06
Katrina Smith
Katrina Smith Smh is all I can do
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 21:55
Matin Sabin

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Shateesha Murphy
Shateesha Murphy Liberal, conservative it's all a joke.. especially conservative half the crap they say they don't even believe in..smh and Donald Trump is no conservative he just played off the emotions of the base of the party which is racism sexism bigots anti-lbgt.. Donald loves money an fame period I don't believe he ever wanted the job he just wanted to win..end of story we shall see how this all plays out..
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 20:21
Nancy Medley
Nancy Medley Have you read this? It is an article about the ghost writer that wrote Trump's book "The Art Of the Deal"....
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Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All
In “The Art of the Deal,” Tony Schwartz helped create the myth that Trump is a charming…
Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 20:34
Mike Ferguson
Mike Ferguson Nancy Medley - Thanks for sharing this. The TRUTH about DRUMPF!!
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 21:51
Matin Sabin

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Robert Shander
Robert Shander LIBTARDS
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 20:24
Nancy Medley
Nancy Medley
Foto de Nancy Medley.
Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 20:34
Eric London
Eric London You write that yourself? Or did you hire a ghostwriter? That word wasn't funny, clever or useful the first time somebody used it. It's less so now that it's been used about 3 billion times. Maybe next time you can skip the insults and talk about something of substance. But the all capital letters was a really original touch. Never seen that before.
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Gosto · Responder · 13 · 1/1 às 20:40
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Matin Sabin

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Shannon Leigh
Shannon Leigh Just read about this and glad you posted it on FB (publicly). It doesn't surprise me that this happened, but it's still somewhat astonishing. I think men who have emotional age consistent with their chronological age can let bygones be bygones. The problem is when emotional age is about 65 years younger than chronological age....
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 20:27
Nancy Medley
Nancy Medley Funny seeing people try to defend Trump's actions. Now, anyone who doesn't like Trump can't play golf on any of his courses? This man was with a GROUP who likely chose this particular course. Trump is petty and vindictive. At some point you will see that clearly. There are plenty of examples out there. Trump hates when people tell the TRUTH about him.
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Gosto · Responder · 17 · 1/1 às 20:35 · Editado
Adeyinka Adeniran
Adeyinka Adeniran Did you red the damn article? Koch is a member of the club, thus he can play and bring guest if he chooses.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 20:41
Adeyinka Adeniran
Adeyinka Adeniran
Traduzido do Inglês
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 20:41
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Matin Sabin

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Kenneth M Jomsky
Kenneth M Jomsky If emerald dunes was better, then why were you at Trumps in the first place....liar,liar....
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 1/1 às 20:31
Ron Redmon
Ron Redmon Koch is a member at Trump's course, for starters (v. paying somewhere else). Save your "liar, liar" for the coming four years (if Trump makes it that far). You're going to need them.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 21:09
Deborah Maran
Deborah Maran If any of Hurt's book was a lie, then why didn't "Sue them Trump" take him to court for libel? Is it because Hurt only reported in his book which was documented fact - like Ivana writing in a deposition that Trump raped her and the description of th...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 21:17
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Matin Sabin

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Ed Wallace
Ed Wallace BooHoo, they hurt the orangutans feewings. He'll tweet about how he had his goons push around a couple of old guys. What a pussy draft dodging POS.
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Gosto · Responder · 11 · 1/1 às 20:37
Grant Crowl
Grant Crowl thin skinned trump can dish it out but he cannot take it....he called Hillary crooked....that was harsh and a lie but he will not allow others to tell the truth about him he says they are all lies...but you see from reports of people who know him and w...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 20:44
Frank Lowery
Frank Lowery So you are saying Hillary isn't crooked? Hello Grant it's 2017, time to join the rest of the world
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 21:24
Sue Lee
Sue Lee Frank Lowery why bring HRC into trump's issue? He won by an antiquated technicality and she lost. Her "crookedness" was made irrelevant 11/8, his is what matters now.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 21:37
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Matin Sabin

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Michael Werner
Michael Werner The moron at his best...
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 20:45 · Editado
Cathy Pepe
Cathy Pepe The more people he pisses off in high places, the better.
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 20:49
Michelle McGuffin
Michelle McGuffin That was my thoughts too. He's gonna step in it soon & all his lil SECRETS are gonna Bust Like a Balloon.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 21:14
Matin Sabin

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Ruth Solorzano-Rodriguez
Ruth Solorzano-Rodriguez What a freaking baby.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 21:04
Pamela Bailey
Pamela Bailey Donald gave an appalling, disgraceful, and rude tongue lashing to individuals and groups if people doing his campaign and after his campaign and soon someone talks negative about him he cries. Donald is a bully and he throws his weight around because of his last name
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Gosto · Responder · 11 · 1/1 às 21:09
Robert Shander
Robert Shander Trump ROCKS! Obummer SUCKED
KILLARY is a criminal...hes your president NOW Suck it up LIBTARDS.
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 1/1 às 21:10
Mike Sax
Mike Sax He's not the President he's a Russian sock puppet.
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 21:18
Mike Sax
Mike Sax The election was illegitimate so he's not the POTUS. We're like orphans for the next 4 years-there's no President
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 21:19
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Morris Will O'Kelly
Morris Will O'Kelly Johnny A. Wendell Michael Anthony TayMichael Anthony Taylor
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 21:12
Michael Anthony Taylor
Michael Anthony Taylor know it's okay because....
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 21:20
Matin Sabin

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Kevin Alvar
Kevin Alvar Plenty of libtards talking shot I see Try goi
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 21:14
Laura Waslo
Laura Waslo Lol did you literally just have a stroke?
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 21:38
Margaret Morse
Margaret Morse Laura Waslo no it's a mental health condition. Its called cognitive deficit.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 22:19
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Mary Sistare DeCoste
Mary Sistare DeCoste hey great way to boost book sells.... Glad he booted you. Write a book on Bills rape charges and his perverted way and you may make some big bucks..
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Gosto · Responder · 13 · 1/1 às 21:17
Margaret Morse
Margaret Morse Do you even read or know what a book is? You're a retard definitely not smarter than a 5th grader.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 22:22
Marcia Hoffman-Hampton
Marcia Hoffman-Hampton
Traduzido do Inglês
Preciso um para conhecer um
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 22:28
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Matin Sabin

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Joyce H Sulfridge
Joyce H Sulfridge Libs grow up only reported cause some guy needed to sell some books
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 21:19
Sue Lee
Sue Lee I bet his book sales go through the roof, just like Starbucks, Target, Hamilton the musical, because there are more people against trump and his supporters. trump didn't sue this author, so I bet it's telling the truth, with verifiable proof.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 21:49
Margaret Morse
Margaret Morse Sue lee and thats bad? RETARD
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 22:23
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Matin Sabin

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Jason Allen
Jason Allen #FuckTrump #KingCheeto
Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 21:20
Sybil Jordan
Sybil Jordan If Emerald Dunes is such a much nicer course, why didn't you go there instead? Looking for another story to write? LMAO
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Gosto · Responder · 13 · 1/1 às 21:21
Micah Graham
Micah Graham Because he was a member..... remember?
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 22:19
Sybil Jordan
Sybil Jordan But if Trumps course sucks so bad, why go?
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 22:55
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Matin Sabin

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Sara A Heitz
Sara A Heitz Dictator Trump will have his way, and to hell with anyone who does not agree,
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 21:23
Margaret Morse
Margaret Morse Not if congress can help it. Learn how the government functions. Geesh!
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 22:24 · Editado
Jimmy Downey
Jimmy Downey Sounds like another president Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 22:42
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Bill Matthews
Bill Matthews
Foto de Bill Matthews.
Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 21:25
Sara A Heitz
Sara A Heitz LOL fool, he is so full of shit, its a wonder he can move.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 23:53
Bill Matthews
Bill Matthews Sara A Heitz it is funny that this comment is coming from someone who appears to be dead but forgot to lie down
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · Ontem às 0:08
Matin Sabin

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Jim Pitts
Jim Pitts You, Mr. Hurt, are the bigger loser by describing the encounter in third person. LOL
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · 1/1 às 21:32
Barbara Williams
Barbara Williams So you admit it's true. Typical Trumpette, hates factual reporting.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 23:32
Jim Pitts
Jim Pitts
Foto de Jim Pitts.
Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 23:47
Matin Sabin

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Mary Hall
Mary Hall this may be a blessing in disguise. Trump has pissed off a Koch!
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Gosto · Responder · 20 · 1/1 às 21:33
Dan Sansone
Dan Sansone We all know what DT is; trying to paint him as "normal" does'nt work
so it is quite simple. You're either
for him or against. Don't waste words.....
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 21:39
Bob Weaver
Bob Weaver
Foto de Bob Weaver.
Gosto · Responder · 14 · 1/1 às 21:40
Teri Nealand
Teri Nealand If this pic were off odummer and Putin it would be pulled by libtard facebook. They don't have the balls to pull it b/c it is of Trump. You are a disgusting piece of shit.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 23:46
Karen Colborn Stoneburner
Karen Colborn Stoneburner picture, no info....troll
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Gosto · Responder · Ontem às 0:08
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Matin Sabin

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Isabelle Amber
Isabelle Amber You'll see much more of this behaviour once Trumpelthinskin is president
He'll need to have an army of security people to keep his opponents (or enemies as he calls them) at bay...
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 21:44
Idalmy Figueroa
Idalmy Figueroa 😂 Trumpelthinskin!!!! That's a good one!
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 23:04
Christine Joy Stornable
Christine Joy Stornable
Gosto · Responder · Ontem às 0:01
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Matin Sabin

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Keldon Ellis
Keldon Ellis Mr. Trump should not let anybody that hates him on any of his properties that way he wouldn’t have to kick them out in the first place. When are you leftist going to quit crying Please just go away and come back in 8 years? Donald won, so go crawl under your bed and cry yourself to sleep and wake up in 8 years and wait to see America be great again.
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · 1/1 às 21:50
Mack Mo
Mack Mo If you believe he will win another election you are BEYOND delusional. Republicans are ready to impeach him as soon as he acts up. 😂😂😂😂
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 21:57
Isabelle Amber
Isabelle Amber As if he'll be POTUS for 8 yrs...carry on dreaming
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 21:58
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Matin Sabin

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Lanier Washington
Lanier Washington WHO CARES.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 21:52
Ruth Ruby
Ruth Ruby We all now know how media twists things to sell more shit and yet people still but into it!!@
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 21:52
Aleo Samantha
Aleo Samantha Douchebag! Bet your Harry is Hurt now that you cannot suck up to Trump!
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 21:56
Kenneth Benson
Kenneth Benson Mr. Hurt forgot the mistletoe.
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Foto de Kenneth Benson.
Gosto · Responder · 11 · 1/1 às 21:57
Lisa Miller
Lisa Miller Love this! "David Koch was appalled..." Now there's a fair chance Donald won't be inaugurated ;-)
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 22:10
Walter Venator
Walter Venator The Golden Rule...He who has the gold, makes the rules.
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 22:13
Mira Thehusky
Mira Thehusky So you vote for those that have the gold?
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 23:55
Edgar Winston
Edgar Winston Koch has far more gold than Trump can even dream of
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 23:55
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Matin Sabin

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Micah Graham
Micah Graham Dan Sansone I couldn't agree with you more you're either for him or not very simple. No matter what trump does he supporters or going to defend him wrong or wrong with facts of wrong doing. Tells you a lot about the nation sir.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 22:23
Edward Tomchin
Edward Tomchin What if ... I mean, could it possibly ... Trump divorces Ivanka, comes out and marries Putin? Would Putin be FLOTUS?
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 22:24
Mira Thehusky
Mira Thehusky Ivanka is the daughter. I think the wife has a name like Carmelita, or Svetlana, or Olga.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 23:56
Mira Thehusky
Mira Thehusky Trump would be FLOTUS!
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 1/1 às 23:56
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Matin Sabin

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Rick Abbett
Rick Abbett Karma is a bitch asshole.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 22:36
Dan-Yel Myers
Dan-Yel Myers Someone on this post is off their meds in this New Year.
#Walgreens...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 22:43
Lisa Christianson
Lisa Christianson Hurt golfs, as a guest of Koch, the club member. Takes a young woman over to meet the President elect, interrupting Trump's outing with the intent to impress the woman or create a situation he could write about. He got told to leave. Hurt created the situation, not Trump. I'm glad he got the boot. He acted inappropriately as a guest.
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Gosto · Responder · 22 · 1/1 às 22:45
Tommy Kinsella
Tommy Kinsella Given he called Trump a "rapist" in a book...what did he think was going to happen?
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 22:54
Sue Lee
Sue Lee Tommy Kinsella trump's ex-wife accused him of rape in their divorce, court records are public. She only recanted to keep her $$$ from trump coming in.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 23:06
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Matin Sabin

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Bob Difino
Bob Difino I started to read the book. It is trash at best. Couldn't get through the first 25 pages. Why any publisher would re-release it is beyond me.
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 22:47 · Editado
Nema Poole Miller
Nema Poole Miller Because it is true!?
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · Ontem às 0:28
Matin Sabin

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Nancy Presnall
Nancy Presnall Mr. Hurt, good for you for having the courage to tell the truth. Pay no attention to the trolls and haters.
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Gosto · Responder · 15 · 1/1 às 22:47
Jay Haynes
Jay Haynes Roland Martin is an idiot.
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Gosto · Responder · 1/1 às 22:49
Jay Kary
Jay Kary Is there anyway you can get "The Lost Tycoon" republished? You know it would a best seller now.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 22:54 · Editado
Tommy Kinsella
Tommy Kinsella Let's see here--you call someone a "rapist" in a book you wrote and which was published...You then see said "rapist" on the golf what do you do in regards to such a person? You "walk over" to "congratulate" them! Of course, just what you w...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 13 · 1/1 às 22:53
Kerry Craig
Kerry Craig Truth hurts doesn't it Donald?
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 23:58
Tommy Kinsella
Tommy Kinsella Hurt's actions would indicate he does not believe what he wrote either that or he wanted to "congratulate" a "rapist"...either way Hurt comes out looking bad.....
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · Ontem às 0:00
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Matin Sabin

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Alan Wolf
Alan Wolf Every action has a reaction. what did he expect, a real job?
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 22:55
Brad Parsons
Brad Parsons Let us not forget the Koch's did everything possible to try to stop Trump. They're the petty a-holes.
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 22:56
Jim Bendtsen
Jim Bendtsen You got what you deserved, asshole.
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 23:01 · Editado
Reginald L Minor
Reginald L Minor Great. he should kick them all out. Just like the place in hawaii kicked out all trump supporters and refused to service. Tit for Tat.
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 23:02
Tammy L Carolan
Tammy L Carolan тролль
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Gosto · Responder · Ontem às 1:35
Craig Winans
Craig Winans Tammy L Carolan fuck you troll
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · Ontem às 1:38
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Matin Sabin

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JH Newman
JH Newman Sybil, you might have missed the news, but those rape charges are years old. They didn't just surface this past year. When the women started getting death threats, they retreated.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 23:02
Trini Quiroz
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Foto de Trini Quiroz.
Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 23:13
Dennis Anderson
Dennis Anderson Trini Quiroz What third world dump did you crawl out from? I'm guessing Cuba...
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1/1 às 23:14
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Matin Sabin

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Reginald L Minor
Reginald L Minor If it was a better course, why didn't they play there in the first place?
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Gosto · Responder · 17 · 1/1 às 23:02
Kerry Craig
Kerry Craig he did it to remind the world that we know the truth about Donald Trump... so Donald did something on the golf course that he could never accomplish in court
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · Ontem às 0:01
Dan Dellapenta
Dan Dellapenta Hey Reputard....
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Foto de Dan Dellapenta.
Gosto · Responder · 5 · Ontem às 0:08
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Matin Sabin

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Eric Jensen
Eric Jensen I'm looking forward to the day when impeachment procedures begin against that S.O.B.!
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Gosto · Responder · 32 · 1/1 às 23:11
Ronald Chiles
Ronald Chiles Eric Jensen
That would be wonderful if Rump was impeached, but then we get Penced. I personally think he is more dangerous than Rump as he is a major Yes man and he has evil intents as well.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 23:41
Monica Hammond Scheppe
Monica Hammond Scheppe well if we are lucky it will tie up all his time and prevent him from destroying our country...
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · Ontem às 0:51
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Matin Sabin

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Dayna Coupel Simoneaux
Dayna Coupel Simoneaux Could we be so lucky, that he even pisses of the Koch Brothers.
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Gosto · Responder · 19 · 1/1 às 23:13
Amy Jean Grau
Amy Jean Grau i guess GOP awful has a very thin line from GOP absolutely deplorable, lol.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · Ontem às 1:30
Matin Sabin

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Jeri Medler
Jeri Medler It only took 23 years to complain? Hmmmm
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 23:13
Pauline Cotton Osborne
Pauline Cotton Osborne Hurt there to play golf -why did he go to Trump and make a scene? nah this sounds like a set up...
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Gosto · Responder · 11 · 1/1 às 23:18
Scott Gallivan
Scott Gallivan He was part of David Koch's party who is a member.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · Ontem às 0:59 · Editado
Scott Gallivan
Scott Gallivan Don't people read?
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · Ontem às 0:58
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Matin Sabin

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Nic Lahr
Nic Lahr Trump's course his rule. Go play and instigate somewhere else buddy roe.
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Gosto · Responder · 10 · 1/1 às 23:22
Scott Gallivan
Scott Gallivan He was the invited guests of a member David Koch.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · Ontem às 0:58
Nic Lahr
Nic Lahr Still applies. You piss off or troll another member they can tell you to leave. If dave koch doesn't like it, he can file a complaint with the club as well and/or resign his membership. It's a free country but one needs to live with the consequences of their actions both from the past and present. Maybe next time yhis douchebag won't go trolling, keep to himself and just tee off like a normal person
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · Ontem às 1:03
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Matin Sabin

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Darlene Kayuha
Darlene Kayuha Much better course... Emerald Dunes is class. Trumps course is classless and "over-rated". (I think that is one of his favorite discrediting comments about any who disagree with him on anything. Soo no applied where tis truky fitting.)
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 23:23
James Montgomery
James Montgomery So why are the Koch members at Trump's course and not Emerald Dunes if it is a much better course? This comes from someone that has played some golf and love the game.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · Ontem às 0:40
Scott Gallivan
Scott Gallivan Oligarchs hang together
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · Ontem às 1:00
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Matin Sabin

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Patricia Tinker
Patricia Tinker Guess I would ask is this the way Obama would handle things?
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 23:26
Kerry Craig
Kerry Craig President Obama President Obama would never be a pedofile rapist in the first place
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · Ontem às 0:03
Ryan Hearn
Ryan Hearn Why?Obama is a failure
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Gosto · Responder · Ontem às 0:49
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Matin Sabin

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Jean E. Corbell
Jean E. Corbell You seem silly for going on Trump's property after the horrible book you wrote about him. Be careful who you trash, it may turn and bite you in your behind.
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · 1/1 às 23:27 · Editado
Barbara Williams
Barbara Williams One man's "trash" is the rest of the world's truth.
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 23:31
John Belanger
John Belanger People don't the truth when it hits them between the eyes. They were not there to see it in person. So people take the word of an author that already has hate in his heart. Run with that.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 23:44
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Matin Sabin

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Craig Winans
Craig Winans All these thin skinned Liberals calling Trump thin skinned makes me laugh. lol
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Gosto · Responder · 11 · 1/1 às 23:29
Keya Hall
Keya Hall Obama never tweeted negatively about how he was portrayed or about the opinions of others. trump cries about SNL skits. And beauty queens...
And anything anyone says like he's 16.
He's a jackass who should spend his time learning how to govern.
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 1/1 às 23:53 · Editado
Dan Dellapenta
Dan Dellapenta Whaaaaaa Whaaaaaa Whaaaaaa whiney little repubtards
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Foto de Dan Dellapenta.
Gosto · Responder · 12 · Ontem às 0:11
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Matin Sabin

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Tiny Prince
Tiny Prince I'm pretty sure that everyone involved in this story is terrible, but Trump came off as the ultimate petty baby.
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Gosto · Responder · 13 · 1/1 às 23:30
William Gerke
William Gerke He cam eout as THE WINNER.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · Ontem às 1:28
LeAnne Lyons
LeAnne Lyons William Gerke Sure he did...cheaters always do.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 23 h
Matin Sabin

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Carmelina Ternullo Lou Grimi
Carmelina Ternullo Lou Grimi And just think our money is going to have to protect him for the rest of his life. Even if he gets impeached.
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 1/1 às 23:30
David Kangas
David Kangas God dammit I never thought about it like that
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · Ontem às 1:07
Sterling Deese
Sterling Deese
Traduzido do Inglês
Graças a Deus!
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Gosto · Responder · Ontem às 1:16
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Matin Sabin

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Barbara Williams
Barbara Williams "We played Emerald Dunes instead, which is a much, much better golf course than Trump International.”

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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 1/1 às 23:31
Sterling Deese
Sterling Deese If Emerald dunes is a better course then why didn't they go there in the first place?
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · Ontem às 1:16
Liz Adams
Liz Adams @Stering Deese: They belonged to a group playing on the Trump course. The man walked over to Trump to congratulate him, not to be subjected to a childish, foul language laced tirade. He told Trump what he wrote was true. If it was not, I am sure th...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 23 h
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Matin Sabin

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Davis Staci
Davis Staci Trump is a functioning mental case
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Gosto · Responder · 18 · 1/1 às 23:32
Errol Meyersohn
Errol Meyersohn Trump "The People's President" is 100% correct. Hurt should not have been playing at Trumps course. The fact that he did suggests that Trumps course is better. Well done Donald.
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Gosto · Responder · 15 · 1/1 às 23:36
Keya Hall
Keya Hall If the people love him why can't he get Carrie Underwood or Reba McIntyre to sing at his inauguration? Hell, Gretchen Wilson hasn't offered either.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 23:55
Gene Roberts
Gene Roberts they don't want their p==y grabbed
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 1/1 às 23:56
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Lorri Beckler
Lorri Beckler Who give a damn
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 1/1 às 23:37
Dave Olson
Dave Olson Mr. Thin Skinned Orange Trible.
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 1/1 às 23:42
Sterling Deese
Sterling Deese That's President Thin Skinned Orange Trible to you Dave. Hahahha
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · Ontem às 1:14
Philine VanLidth DeJeude
Philine VanLidth DeJeude Do NOT insult tribbles in this way!!!
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Gosto · Responder · 23 h
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Errol Meyersohn
Errol Meyersohn Its common courtesy that when you visit some one elses home or turf you behave yourself. All these pathetic Idiots are sore losers.
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 1/1 às 23:42
Paul Burns
Paul Burns He said congratulations and shook his hand. Was he supposed to kneel before his majesty?
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · Ontem às 0:07
Steve Kelly
Steve Kelly Awwww Errol did your little trump get his feeling hurt
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · Ontem às 1:05
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Dennis Ebersold
Dennis Ebersold Love, love, love Trump!
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · 1/1 às 23:44
Keya Hall
Keya Hall I've honestly wanted to converse with one of his supporters.
Honestly, how do you feel when he tweets inane, immature comments?
How do you feel about the FBI factually concluding that Russia helped elect Trump....Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 23:58
Dan Dellapenta
Dan Dellapenta Of course you do redneck trailer trash because you're a knuckle dragging neanderthal just like he is...hahahaha.
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Foto de Dan Dellapenta.
Gosto · Responder · 5 · Ontem às 0:14
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Cheryl B Scie
Cheryl B Scie 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Gosto · Responder · 4 · 1/1 às 23:50
Frackville Pennsylvania
Frackville Pennsylvania Trump should be so lucky as to steal the election. The great American travesty.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 1/1 às 23:51
Bobby Holt
Bobby Holt Maybe you should have ran an honest candidate instead of Hillary.
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Gosto · Responder · 23 h
Matin Sabin

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Samuel Smoak
Samuel Smoak U shouldn't be surprised Trump has no class. The truth sometime hurts. Trump wouldn't know truth if it was on a bill board.
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Gosto · Responder · 15 · Ontem às 0:01
Tim Lawson
Tim Lawson At least he keeps it real!! Get out!!! If he doesn't like you he doesn't sugar coat it. The only problem is politics is chess not checkers. Never let them see your hold card.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · Ontem às 0:05 · Editado
Kerry Craig
Kerry Craig The only cards Trump has are the ones hidden up his sleeve. His little hands are too small to hold the ones he was dealt
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · Ontem às 0:06
Tim Lawson
Tim Lawson
Gosto · Responder · Ontem às 0:07
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Alan Levy
Alan Levy LOL! You're an idiot without talent, Hurt.
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · Ontem às 0:06 · Editado
Alan Larson
Alan Larson Beats being an idiot without a brain.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 23 h
Alan Levy
Alan Levy You and him are the idiots. You lack the brainpower to recognize it, dumbass.
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Gosto · Responder · 22 h · Editado
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Matin Sabin

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Patty Bohnert
Patty Bohnert I don't play golf but, I sure do detest that arrogant a--hole Trump!
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · Ontem às 0:09
John Sutton
John Sutton Sounds like if you don't talk about me or write about me the way I want I will throw you out what an arrogant ego maniac this P.O.S. ishe cant handle the truth unless its his truth ( AKA LIES).
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Gosto · Responder · 13 · Ontem às 0:13
Mike Brown
Mike Brown Trump impresses me more each day ;)
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · Ontem às 0:27
Virginia Thony
Virginia Thony Couldn't get pass the phrase "juicy tidbit" when referring to rape.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · Ontem às 0:27
Tim Dunn
Tim Dunn If he was smart he would have kept the other members of the foursome there, but no he is all knowing and threw the biggest financial supporter off because a member said congradulation, Mr. president. I think Mr. Koch is still reeling over having armed ...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · Ontem às 0:28
William Gerke
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · Ontem às 1:31
LeAnne Lyons
LeAnne Lyons William Gerke Patently Untrue it ..I don't have the time
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 23 h
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Kathy Forrest
Kathy Forrest That guy has balls to play on the owners golf course he trashed. POS. Did he think he'd be happy to see him? lol
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · Ontem às 0:29
Linda Dahl Rooney
Linda Dahl Rooney This woman has stupid for defending such cowardly, tacky behavior by a PE. The POS is trump.
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · Ontem às 1:02
Sterling Deese
Sterling Deese Linda is just butt hurt her corrupt candidate lost. Good on you Kathy!
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · Ontem às 1:07
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Thomas Ellingwood Fortin
Thomas Ellingwood Fortin All Hail to the Chief Barbarian!!! ["Thank Jesus for Trump"]
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · Ontem às 0:38
Brenda N Niemann
Brenda N Niemann tRump always chooses the wrong decision. Instead of just saying thank you and leaving them to golf, he chooses to create a spectacle and give a fresh run to the divorce deposition that exposed tRump had beat and raped Ivana, which was the reason she filed for divorce. Well played idiot.
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Gosto · Responder · 15 · Ontem às 0:43
Ryan Hearn
Ryan Hearn
Foto de Ryan Hearn.
Gosto · Responder · 2 · Ontem às 0:51
Marcia Powell
Marcia Powell Oops. He doesn't even smell the 💩 when he steps in it and tracks it in on the carpet !😆😆😆
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · Ontem às 0:54
Edward Kennard
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · Ontem às 1:00
Tal Ann
Tal Ann So you admit Drumpf is a snake? Nice
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · Ontem às 1:32
Matin Sabin

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Chris Wheeler
Chris Wheeler He can dish it out but can't take the heat when directed back at him. Classic bully turned baby!!!
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Gosto · Responder · 21 · Ontem às 1:00
Finnegan Jackson
Finnegan Jackson Harry, go play on your own golf course......oh wait, you don't have one!  😂😂😂😂😂
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · Ontem às 1:03
Ken Bissett
Ken Bissett So Finnegan Jackson, why don't you invite him to play at your club?
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · Ontem às 1:22
Sterling Deese
Sterling Deese Hahha the butt hurt libtards heads are exploding!
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · Ontem às 1:28
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Sterling Deese
Sterling Deese Hahahha and keep your lame ass off of Trump properties douche bag! Hahahhaha
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · Ontem às 1:04
Ken Bissett
Ken Bissett Oh Sterling Deese, keep it classy, like your prez-elect.
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · Ontem às 1:23
Sterling Deese
Sterling Deese Your president as well. Unless you're an illegal then we'll get around to deporting you as soon as possible.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · Ontem às 1:27
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Steve Kelly
Steve Kelly And he fucked with David Koch you are fucked Donald.
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · Ontem às 1:07
William Gerke
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · Ontem às 1:33
Tal Ann
Tal Ann No he didn't lol
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · Ontem às 1:35
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Rita Mateffy
Rita Mateffy Either way you look at it, Trump loses this exchange. He looks petty, vulgar and authoritarian in his reaction. Also, now people will want to read Hurts book. Proves how easy it will be for foreign leaders to make Trump overreact, react without thinkin...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 26 · Ontem às 1:10
LeAnne Lyons
LeAnne Lyons I don't remember how I came to this thread, but, Rita Mateffy, yours is one of the few rational and intelligent responses I've seen on here. Thank you. #Resistance
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 23 h
Valerie Andrews
Valerie Andrews Exactly - I def want to read the book, now.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 23 h
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Steve Fowler
Steve Fowler What is amazing is people support this classless skid mark and think he will actually be a good president
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Gosto · Responder · 18 · Ontem às 1:11
Kimberly Mitchell
Kimberly Mitchell
Foto de Kimberly Mitchell.
Gosto · Responder · 5 · Ontem às 1:12
Isabelle Amber
Isabelle Amber Now, that was really "nasty"
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Gosto · Responder · Ontem às 1:35
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Jason Karov
Jason Karov Insulting and kicking out a Koch brother is not a good move for DrumpF. He may find out that's a dangerous thing to do
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · Ontem às 1:13
Glenda Mitchell
Glenda Mitchell Well as long as it was a better golf course, that's what matters.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · Ontem às 1:13
Zac Thomas
Zac Thomas Lol gonna be an interesting few months
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · Ontem às 1:21
Isabelle Amber
Isabelle Amber Hopefully only a few weeks. Best thing would be he just vanishes and plays golf for the rest of his life and leaves everyone on this planet alone.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · Ontem às 1:32
Zac Thomas
Zac Thomas Pence in the wings licking congress's ass is scary as hell too.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · Ontem às 1:33
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Ettore Johnson
Ettore Johnson Oh, isn't this going to be fun when he tries to have China's PM "escorted to the parking lot" for telling him he's being provocative or petty.

The idea of a gun battle between US and Chinese secret service details is just awesome.
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · Ontem às 1:26
James Harrigan
James Harrigan
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Gosto · Responder · Ontem às 1:27
Christi Long
Christi Long
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- se a si mesmo.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · Ontem às 1:31
Patricia Sommo
Patricia Sommo It can't ve true unless trump tweets it. No other sources in the whole entire world are true. Only fox and trump speak the truth now. All others in the entire world are out ro to get him!
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 23 h
Matin Sabin

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Kristopher Barnette
Kristopher Barnette "He looked Trum💩 in the eye and said, 'it's all true.'" Excelsior, Harry Hurt III
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · Ontem às 1:36 · Editado
Thomas Tuccillo
Thomas Tuccillo Koch and Hurt wisely went to clubhouse and managed to get two rainchecks good for weekends after 1:00.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · Ontem às 1:37
Bonnie Blaine Giordano
Bonnie Blaine Giordano I doubt he'll see St. Patrick's day!
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 23 h
Jim Stringer
Jim Stringer When will he ever grow up
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 23 h
Daniel Finaldi
Daniel Finaldi Love it on many many levels. Trump is basically a chump. He will confront anyone even those who can do serious damage to him. The man has no clue as to his vulnerabilities. And frankly crapping on the Kochs is fun to read.
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Gosto · Responder · 10 · 23 h
LeAnne Lyons
LeAnne Lyons Just proves how really mentally ill he is. Crapping on the Kochs is fun to read about..yes.. they are hateful and horrible humans...but in reality could very well lead to an unexpected heart attack etc. The significance of this small thing might be a turning point. Yea!!!
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 23 h
Daniel Finaldi
Daniel Finaldi LeAnne, they helped create him. Now he's being "vulgar" to's perfect.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 23 h
Matin Sabin

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Nancy Sundberg
Nancy Sundberg Sorry, Carel, if I offended someone you are friends with.
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Gosto · Responder · 23 h
Carel Schmidlkofer
Carel Schmidlkofer ??? Actually, I "liked" this one too.
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Gosto · Responder · 22 h
Nancy Sundberg
Nancy Sundberg Called the Jeff guy an asshole.
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Gosto · Responder · 21 h
Matin Sabin

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Kimo Pelletier
Kimo Pelletier Why is this sickening liberal fucktard page on my feed.. DJT2016. Get the fuck out of the oval office Obummer.. 19 days and counting... Thank you Lord..
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Gosto · Responder · 11 · 23 h
Shani Brunson
Shani Brunson Lol you sound like Trump, "A social media whore." I hope at least you sit in meetings at your job.
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 23 h
Kathleen Stadtmuller Gad
Kathleen Stadtmuller Gad Anyone who speaks like a 5 year old about President Obama loses all credibility. Kinda like me calling trump Drumpf or an orange oompah loompa!
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Gosto · Responder · 11 · 23 h
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Dennis Hill
Dennis Hill He embarrassed David Koch! He must have forgot abojt the 800 million he spent in the 2016 cycle. Talking about a tard.
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 23 h
Prashant Natarajan
Prashant Natarajan Trump won inspite of the Koch brothers - not because of them.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 23 h
Cheryl Morgan
Cheryl Morgan Good for him if he kicked a Koch Bro out!! ( maybe he Isn't so bad after all...)! Idk
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 23 h
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Jeffrey Smith
Jeffrey Smith GOP rules it all for 8 years and supreme court for 30 or maybe 100 ha ha ha.. the donald will be best leader the world has ever seen
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 23 h
Ann X. Sample
Ann X. Sample
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 23 h
Isabelle Amber
Isabelle Amber
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 23 h
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Stacy Lowe
Stacy Lowe the Dunes can't hold a candle next to Trump's Int
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 23 h
Ann X. Sample
Ann X. Sample The Kocks are the real power in this country. They already own most of the GOP, most of the Senate and most of the House. They HATE the orange buffoon. And, they are REAL B-B-B-B-Billionaires - not just a smoke and mirrors version like Hair tRUMP. Twubble ahead for Twiny Whiny.
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · 23 h
Cheryl Morgan
Cheryl Morgan Good for him for not tolerating them tho!
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 23 h
LeAnne Lyons
LeAnne Lyons Ann X. Sample I just hope they retaliate before half the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and 15 Rockettes have to spend all that travel money
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 23 h
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Matin Sabin

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Isabelle Amber
Isabelle Amber @ KC Abbott I think Jeffrey this really is a person with mental issues. Shall not discuss with him anymore. But interesting all the same. Now I know what kind of sick people really do exist in the US. Btw. we all love clean air. Nobody can be so crazy. Or maybe he is taking drugs. Actually it really is interesting. I hope he continues. In a way we could lean back, pop some corn, and let him continue his gibbering.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 23 h
Don Chandler
Don Chandler Come in my house/property and talk bad about me and see how long it takes to get you out.
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 23 h
Jungu Joseph Choi
Jungu Joseph Choi From Hurt's account, it sounds like to me Hurt approached Trump offering congratulations, trying to bury the hatchet, only to find Trump inconsolable.
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Gosto · Responder · 6 h
Matin Sabin

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Jon Owen
Jon Owen trump fellates putin. remember donald swallow' rinse'repeat.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 23 h
Stephen French
Stephen French So Harry Hurt tells a story, with no confirmation or cross checking; and we are supposed to take it as gospel: excuse me, but I did not just get off the turnip truck. Having previously written a book bashing Trump; Hurt is not exactly a standout as an unbiased source.
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · 23 h
Jim Cerullo
Jim Cerullo french- It was 23 years ago -were you even alive then? I think you did fall off the turnip truck.
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 23 h
Kenny Mann
Kenny Mann Have you actually read the book? There are many pages of referential material and source information...but I bet you didn't check that, did you?
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 22 h
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Matin Sabin

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David Kessler Scott Jr.
David Kessler Scott Jr. Rich white ppl problems...😒😒😒
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 23 h
LeAnne Lyons
LeAnne Lyons
Gosto · Responder · 23 h
Bill Bruns
Bill Bruns Not just rich white people - the ones in this story have tremendous influence over the entire nation.
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Gosto · Responder · 17 h
Matin Sabin

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James Smith
James Smith If it was me I would have done the same. I own it so get the fuck out
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Gosto · Responder · 10 · 23 h
Mary Pat Walker
Mary Pat Walker The difference is that you, as a private citizen, would have every right to do that. However, were you the President-elect of the United States your responsibility would be protecting the rights of the people, not your private business interests.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 17 h
Doug Smith
Doug Smith Spoken like a true trumpanzee
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Gosto · Responder · 17 h
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Lou Sheetz
Lou Sheetz There is a signeficant lack of class but not ass in the president elect
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 23 h
Eugenie Malus Tullos
Eugenie Malus Tullos Huh?
Gosto · Responder · 22 h
Bj Martin
Bj Martin all the ass is on the south end of north facing horses
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Gosto · Responder · 22 h
Matin Sabin

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Beverly Davin
Beverly Davin I have the book if anyone is interested in a loan.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 23 h
Robert Frankel
Robert Frankel Seems like Harry Hurt is butt hurt. Hahahaha. Bye Felicia. I heard the public golf course in North Palm Beach is even nice since you can't get in anywhere else. 19 more days till America is BACK.
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 23 h
Grace J Condon
Grace J Condon Robert Frankel, what will America be back from, slavery, bigotry, wars. Communist agendas, Bipolar, egotistical bastards running this country?
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 22 h
Cary Stevens
Cary Stevens What the hell are you talking about? Sounds to me like Trump was the butt hurt one...
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 21 h
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Bob Arnes
Bob Arnes what goes around...comes matter how much wompum you have...go Trump..
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 23 h
D.d. Owens
D.d. Owens Yes go straight to hell trump.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 21 h
Matin Sabin

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Eugenie Malus Tullos
Eugenie Malus Tullos
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Gosto · Responder · 22 h
Eugenie Malus Tullos
Eugenie Malus Tullos Trolls
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 22 h
Pat Quan
Pat Quan Go PE Trump. If you don't like him or his golf course what are you doing there? Stirring up crap? Finally a President with balls that will put a liberal idiot in his place and throw him out. Good for Trump.
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Gosto · Responder · 23 · 22 h
Lee Seligman
Lee Seligman Is it your practice to present yourself to the public as a stupid piece of shit ?
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Gosto · Responder · 13 · 22 h
Jim Joll
Jim Joll Moron of the day nominee
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 22 h
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Jeri Clinch
Jeri Clinch
Gosto · Responder · 22 h
Kenny Mann
Kenny Mann Well done, Harry! Bravo! Your book is a well-researched, well written, and authentic work of investigative journalism. More power to you!
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Gosto · Responder · 13 · 22 h
Jeff Holland
Jeff Holland no it isnt. He twisted the words ...just like it says in the article...stupid.
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Gosto · Responder · 21 h
Stephen Richardson
Stephen Richardson She's a libtard what do you expect from her go Trump
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Gosto · Responder · 21 h
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Jim Lane
Jim Lane Good for our President sick of his attackers!
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 22 h
Jim Joll
Jim Joll Truth hurts, sucker.
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · 22 h
John Ema
John Ema Have you ever read a well researched biography of Trump?
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 22 h
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Frank McMurray
Frank McMurray He did grest , I woulda kicked his azz off also, talk bad about the msn thenhad the nerve to try snd play on his holf course. You did good Donald..
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Gosto · Responder · 11 · 22 h
Douglas Edwards
Douglas Edwards get spell checking u need it very bigly
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 16 h
Mitch Cox
Mitch Cox I think Frank had one too many at the 19th hole.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 16 h
Tony Ludovico
Tony Ludovico Is this English??
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 16 h
Matin Sabin

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Francis Hornik
Francis Hornik Not a Trump fan, but had this been a Liberal kicking someone off then everyone attacking Trump would be out cheering the move.
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 22 h
Susan Protheroe
Susan Protheroe Bullshit! Trump says and does whatever he wants! He doesn't care about anybody but himself.
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 21 h
Yolanda Saucedo
Yolanda Saucedo
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 21 h
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Maureen Chapman
Maureen Chapman I guess I shouldn't be surprised he's still harboring a grudge from 23 years ago.
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Gosto · Responder · 13 · 22 h
Dugee Onike
Dugee Onike
Foto de Dugee Onike.
Gosto · Responder · 31 · 22 h
JerrynRita Ruby
JerrynRita Ruby It is scary only to enemies of freedom loving Americans like you!
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 22 h
Dugee Onike
Dugee Onike No, JerrynRita Ruby its not scary to high school DROPOUTS who lack the judgement and ability to FULLY grasp the magnitude of what they've DONE TO AMERICA.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 21 h · Editado
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David Suycott
David Suycott tRump was on a golf date with Puttie, he needed to get a little macho to impress his date.
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Foto de David Suycott.
Gosto · Responder · 19 · 18 h · Editado
Kaye Donnelly
Kaye Donnelly You luv some Koch brothers now don't cha
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 19 h
Matin Sabin

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Leslie Greathouse
Leslie Greathouse The trolls are so stupid that they don't understand who the Koch Brothers are or what they mean to their own party.
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Gosto · Responder · 10 · 22 h
Cyndi Fritz
Cyndi Fritz Yes we know who the Koch brothers are Leslie. They wouldn't give a cent to Trump thinking that would seal his fate and now Trump is going to be president. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Koch's mean nothing to the regular folks. Trump 2017 baby!
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 21 h
Christina Villa
Christina Villa The Kochs will have their revenge. They have real money.
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 21 h
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Matin Sabin

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Margaret A Clark
Margaret A Clark You can't keep a snake for a pet. Good for them. Lol
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 22 h
Cecil Ryan
Cecil Ryan If he other golf course was so much better then why were they wasting their time at Trumps ' crumbly place'.
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Gosto · Responder · 11 · 22 h
Susan Protheroe
Susan Protheroe Trump couldn't handle a quarter of what Obama has! He's gone freak out and I can't wait to see it! Lol
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 21 h
Maria Severo
Maria Severo Harry called his troll at the club to see if Trump was there and the rest you know
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 18 h
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Matin Sabin

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Cyndi Fritz
Cyndi Fritz Ironic that after you got your ass booted from Trump's golf course that you originally wanted to play at that you said you then went to a much, much better course. Ya, you go with that. If it was so damn good you would have went there first. Trying to save face after getting told to hit the road by Trump's security detail makes me laugh at you even more. You're a complete liar and hack.
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Gosto · Responder · 16 · 21 h
Susan Protheroe
Susan Protheroe Koch was a meme we. Why shouldn't he go. Trump has made so many enemies. In 4 yrs he's going to be a lonely man. Good! Lol
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 21 h
Cyndi Fritz
Cyndi Fritz Don't care what you think Susan. Trump is president and Hillary is crying in her pillow. Love those libtard tears.
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 21 h
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Matin Sabin

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Issamar Ginzberg
Issamar Ginzberg watch the book climb the rankings :)
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 21 h
Cyndi Fritz
Cyndi Fritz No Trump supporter will buy it. If libtards want to buy that lying POS more power to them.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 21 h
Issamar Ginzberg
Issamar Ginzberg still, unexpected rising royalties and PR can sure soothe alotta golf course kick-offs....
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 21 h
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Matin Sabin

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D.d. Owens
D.d. Owens
Foto de D.d. Owens.
Gosto · Responder · 9 · 21 h
Nancy LaPorte
Nancy LaPorte Trump didn't need anybody in the entertainment world to get him elected, he sure as hell doesn't need them at inauguration.....all the Beyoncé's, Jay Z's, Lebron's, Barbra Streisand's, Katy Perry's, Obama, Michelle, Biden, etc., still couldn't get Hillary elected.....over rated talent! LOL
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 20 h
Mark Tretter
Mark Tretter Hmmm, let's see, which candidate got 2.6 million votes more than the other....Trump benefitted from the unintentional consequences of the electoral college, and having Russian hackers and the FBI against Hillary made Trump's "victory".
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 20 h
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Matin Sabin

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Clarice Coit
Clarice Coit There all a bunch of ass holes why would any of middle class America feel sorry for them.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 21 h
Carlene Stephens
Carlene Stephens Now he has a power thing going on!! Insulting a billionaire whose father started the John Burch society is not smart! He may be stepping in the wrong toes. They have the power to pull the rug out from under him!!
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 21 h
Karen Golden
Karen Golden John Birch
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Gosto · Responder · 21 h
Cyndi Fritz
Cyndi Fritz No they don't carlene. If they did he wouldn't have won the election. The Koch's tried to freeze Trump out by holding back on donations. See how well that worked for them lol.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 21 h
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Matin Sabin

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Chad Andress
Chad Andress Donald Drumpf is a little whiny bitch .
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 21 h
Scott Brook
Scott Brook Thin skinned, small handed, and narrow minded too.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 20 h
Shelia Grigsby Irby
Shelia Grigsby Irby The only whiners are the losers.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 18 h
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Matin Sabin

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Jeff Holland
Jeff Holland hahaha What do you expect stupid? I would have kicked your butt out too.
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 21 h
Joan Meals Nordgran
Joan Meals Nordgran If Emerald Dunes is so much better then why did you even go to Trump's course? Sounds like you just need something to write about.
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 21 h
Stephen Richardson
Stephen Richardson Harry you have zero credibility your book is full of twisted truth what a bottom feeder you are you injected yourself in his golf game for the pure purpose of trying to capitalize from it as the Indian chief said you speekum with fork tongue I would have kicked you off to
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 21 h
Denise Roberts
Denise Roberts
Traduzido do Inglês
Bom luto...
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Gosto · Responder · 21 h
Leha  Carpenter
Leha Carpenter Hmm.. Follow this story, or watch Rashomon again? Decisions, decisions...
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 20 h
Dona Marie Kuch
Dona Marie Kuch If Hurt were a true golfer he never would walk up on someone he knows doesn't like him...He'd have respect for the game....
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 20 h
Nick Chapman
Nick Chapman
Traduzido do Inglês
Você é um idiota
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 20 h
Joseph Pena
Joseph Pena Ė
Gosto · Responder · 20 h
Gigi Allen
Gigi Allen trumpy's an ass
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 19 h
Sandra Land
Sandra Land I think the ass is you
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Gosto · Responder · 17 h
Gigi Allen
Gigi Allen you don't even know me which tells me all I have to know about you, twit
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 7 h
Matin Sabin

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Steven Scruggs
L O S E R S!!
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 19 h
Norris Parrent
Norris Parrent Why are you screaming Stevie?
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 19 h
Dara Brumfield
Dara Brumfield Because he like me is sick of the bullshit
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 19 h
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Matin Sabin

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Michael Wanek
Michael Wanek The greatest presidents in our history have always managed to unite the people just like Franklin Delano Roosevelt did, John F Kennedy, and Abraham Lincoln. This will be the first president who has worked so hard in dividing us yet his constituents say that he's making America great again
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Gosto · Responder · 8 · 19 h
Shelia Grigsby Irby
Shelia Grigsby Irby You obviously don't know history. None of them won over their critics. The economy and Roosevelt were saved by WW II. John Kennedy was hated by many in the south. I can't begin to understand how you think a Civil War was how Lincoln united the country.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 19 h
Michael Wanek
Michael Wanek Will trump has a fantastic track record already Millions hate him and it will be proven when he's inaugurated January 20th and the women's march on the 21st just tune in to your favorite News Channel and you'll see the millions marching. I don't see how this is going to make America great again
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 19 h
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Matin Sabin

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Dara Brumfield
Dara Brumfield You deserved what you got! Trump was right and I love that he sticks up for himself. If the other course was so great what the "F" were you playing on Trump's course for in the first place? Loser with a capital L
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 19 h
Patricia Beard
Patricia Beard Harry Hurt was being polite. Your president-elect has appalling golf course manners, which is hardly a surprise. Do we want American children growing up to use foul language, bully and ridicule others, and speak (or tweet) without thinking? Quite an example--as for the rest of the world, watching the behavior the oresident-elect displays, how will that affect international civility, integral to diplomacy?
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 12 h
Matin Sabin

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Shelia Grigsby Irby
Shelia Grigsby Irby Donald Trump is a man who has worked hard and has real accomplishments. He is our President elect. Just why did you think he would ever want to shake your hand? You have never accomplished anything of merit. You are not a friend. You lied and twisted ...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 18 h · Editado
Janice Fife
Janice Fife And you know this how? Lol. That's right trump said it.. Nothing personal, just kinda funny.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 17 h
Patricia Beard
Patricia Beard See response to Dara Brumfield above...
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 12 h
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Matin Sabin

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Kaye Donnelly
Kaye Donnelly IT'S hilarious all of the Democrats on here loving Koch and Bush's bestie
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 19 h
Scott Cameron
Scott Cameron Harry Hurt is a self-promoting, hypocritical slug. Read a few of his tweets from last summer about Trump and you'll realize this was a set-up to get attention for his new e-book.
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Old Tweets: harryhurtiii (Harry Hurt III)
Host for Yahoo! News' Weekend Edition at Author, videographer of the…
Gosto · Responder · 4 · 18 h
Shelia Grigsby Irby
Shelia Grigsby Irby He definitely is a brazen opportunist trying to sell books.
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Gosto · Responder · 7 h
Matin Sabin

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Sheila Auer-Jetmore
Sheila Auer-Jetmore If you hate Trump so much why would you play at his golf course? Just to be spiteful the typical liberal agenda.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 18 h
Clarence Adams
Clarence Adams So David Koch is now a liberal..explain..genius.we're watching?
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 13 h
Matin Sabin

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Emeline Marcantel
Emeline Marcantel If Emerald Dunes is a much better golf course then why weren't they there to begin with?
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 18 h
Pat Mock
Pat Mock Emeline, I was just going to write that..I am glad he dismnissed them
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 18 h
Helen McGonigle
Helen McGonigle Seriously! Trump is a fucking pig!!!
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 18 h · Editado
Maria Severo
Maria Severo He call the club to see if Trump was there
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Gosto · Responder · 18 h
Cynthia Malmrose
Cynthia Malmrose Superficial bs all
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Gosto · Responder · 18 h
Michael Cee
Michael Cee The hardiest pill to swallow is the pill of truth
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · 18 h
Kathleen Sidary Couvillion
Kathleen Sidary Couvillion Why would you play at the golf course of someone you hold in disdain? If your written word was true, why would you further enrich him by playing at his course? Your words don't align with your actions. Or you're just another hypocrite!
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 18 h
Lorrie Mechenbier
Lorrie Mechenbier Don't I keep hearing we need to bury our differences and try to get along? Perhaps that is what Hurt was trying to do. He approached frump and reached out to shake frumps hand. Frump is the one that reacted with anger.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 6 h
Kevin Kelly
Kevin Kelly there are none so blind as those who refuse to see Kathleeen
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Gosto · Responder · 4 h
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Matin Sabin

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David Suycott
David Suycott When tRump supporters hear there is an All-U-Can-Eat Buffet, and Karaoke at his inauguration...
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Foto de David Suycott.
Gosto · Responder · 11 · 17 h
Alan Parker
Alan Parker Hard to endear yourself to the most powerful man in the world after you call him a rapist.
Wow! Mr Trump does his own cleaning at his course!
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 17 h
David Suycott
David Suycott If you read the article about it, technically it was the security detail that removed them. not trump. He was too busy trying to see the ball, over his gut. But hey, details.
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 17 h
Clarence Adams
Clarence Adams The first mrs.trump called it rape..if you are mad that you voted for a rapist..get mad at her.
If it were a lie believe me trump would sue...but..nothing. .wake up..
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 13 h
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Matin Sabin

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Sykia Marie Roberson
Sykia Marie Roberson Well trump didn't deny it. He just said not the way you wrote it.😂😂😂😂😂
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 17 h
Scott Cameron
Scott Cameron Do your research, Ivana Trump clearly stated Donald never raped her.
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Ivana Trump: Donald didn’t rape me — and he’d be a great president
Gosto · Responder · 17 h
Sykia Marie Roberson
Sykia Marie Roberson I don't have to research shit. OK so he violated her. Even better.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 17 h
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Matin Sabin

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Raynelle Benjamin Chapman
Raynelle Benjamin Chapman Good! Let him keep it up! Show the world you truly are that ASSHOLE, that has been reported!
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 17 h
Antonio Brown
Antonio Brown He did show the world and still became PRESIDENT. These dummies don't care smh
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 8 h
Kevin Pearson
Kevin Pearson Antonio Brown Not Hillary. Check. That's all that matters
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Gosto · Responder · 6 h
Matin Sabin

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Scott Cameron
Scott Cameron Sykia Marie Roberson, according to lying Harry Hurt Trump "didn't deny it" yet Trump's own wife, Ivana, stated it never happened.
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Ivana Trump: Donald didn’t rape me — and he’d be a great president
Gosto · Responder · 3 · 17 h · Editado
Lynne Delgado
Lynne Delgado Then she is guilty of perjury as she said under oath that it did.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 16 h
Kevin Pearson
Kevin Pearson Lynne Delgado no such thing. She only said that she "felt" violated. Not the same as rape, not that liberals can bother themselves with facts.
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Gosto · Responder · 6 h
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Matin Sabin

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Stephen Roth
Stephen Roth Trump is a danger to this country
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Gosto · Responder · 17 · 17 h
Rocky Ray Antoky
Rocky Ray Antoky Fk u
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Gosto · Responder · 9 h
Kevin Pearson
Kevin Pearson You must be living in Iran then
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 6 h
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Matin Sabin

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Samual Jackson
Samual Jackson
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Balançando minha cabeça
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 17 h
Bob Arnes
Bob Arnes thank goodness that political correctness and BYass is a liberal sickness and Pres Trump put all four load bearing liberals to the curb...put that in the book when you republish facts on a real man...because its what whimps with no balls of their own to play with do...Go Trump//
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 16 h
Antonio Brown
Antonio Brown
Foto de Antonio Brown.
Gosto · Responder · 2 · 8 h
Peter Strickland
Peter Strickland You think David Koch is a liberal, really ?
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 5 h
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Matin Sabin

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Roy Marsh
Roy Marsh So anybody that said something bad about Trump when he was running for president now has to worry about what being kicked out of the United States? Trump not a businessman nor a politician he is a con man and he is very happy and he is very vulgar any ...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 21 · 16 h
Tambra Garlick Driscoll
Tambra Garlick Driscoll Hey Roy....I doubt he will sic the IRS on Obama did to those who he perceived to be political enemies. Your opinion of Trump's prowess in business is your own, and you are certainly entitled to it...but Trump's success is written in glass and...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 16 h
Bruce Rogers
Bruce Rogers Let me wisper you a secret. ISIS has invaded other countries and still wants to kill all of the christians.
Why are you even in America? Live among the people that love to kill you.
You called this country The Free World. Why would a liberal even want...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 15 h
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Matin Sabin

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Rob Cavanaugh
Rob Cavanaugh David Koch is a liberal!?!?! You Trumpkins are hilarious!!!
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Gosto · Responder · 16 · 16 h
Scott Cameron
Scott Cameron Catch up, even the NYTimes reported Charles Koch and his brother considered supporting loser Hillary.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 16 h · Editado
Jeannie Rogers
Jeannie Rogers Scott Cameron Hillary had higher standards. He is smarter than some Republicans though.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 15 h
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Matin Sabin

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Anita Skeeter
Anita Skeeter Trump is a bore. And I'm sure the other golf course was a step up. This is your president, you buffoons. Make comments he doesn't like and he'll have you booted. What a jerk.
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · 16 h
Rocky Ray Antoky
Rocky Ray Antoky Eat shit
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 9 h
Bradley Brown
Bradley Brown truth hurts, eh Rocky boy? you proved the statement.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 6 h
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Matin Sabin

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Tambra Garlick Driscoll
Tambra Garlick Driscoll This little man should stick to peddling his papers. He had no reason for walking over to the President Donald J. Trump President-elect of the United States other than to draw attention to himself...and I am sure in his view to rub salt into an old wo...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 12 · 16 h · Editado
Jeannie Rogers
Jeannie Rogers 😂
Gosto · Responder · 1 · 15 h
David Smith
David Smith He went over to congratulate him you idiot. How is that harassment????? Rubbing salt in a wound???? Seriously. All it shows is how petty and vain Trump is. Can't wait for him to take office and see what he does to people who are "nasty' to him. He honestly ran THE nastiest campaign ever, yet constantly complains how everyone was so nasty to him.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 7 h
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Matin Sabin

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Yahya Docdoe
Yahya Docdoe The visitor told Trump to his face that everything he written about him was true & old Donald boy couldn't handle hearing the truth, isn't it petty of him trump to hold on to old mishaps ...Wow.
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Gosto · Responder · 10 · 15 h
Roberta Aulwes
Roberta Aulwes Trump needs to raise himself above petty things and prove to be the bigger man. That author can't hurt him. Only Trump can hurt Trump.
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 15 h

Roberta Aulwes respondeu · 4 respostas · 4 h
Brendan Gerrity
Brendan Gerrity I tend not to pay much attention to writers who refer to themselves in the 3rd person.
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Gosto · Responder · 13 · 15 h

Betsy DeBottis respondeu · 2 respostas · 9 h
Norm Levin
Norm Levin What kind of a pathetic person would write a New Year's "greeting" like this? Not a uniter.
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Foto de Norm Levin.
Gosto · Responder · 15 · 14 h

Diana Yoder respondeu · 4 respostas · 36 min
Kristi Prenn
Kristi Prenn Good. Trump has now offended the Koch Brothers.
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 14 h

Kevin Pearson respondeu · 1 resposta
Wendy Adyne
Wendy Adyne His best children he loves so much came.from his first wife the bitch!!!
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Gosto · Responder · 11 h
William Finfrock
William Finfrock There was a point to all this???
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 10 h
JoAnne Appelian Duffy
JoAnne Appelian Duffy Good for Donald Trump. Drain the Swamp!
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 10 h

JoAnne Appelian Duffy respondeu · 4 respostas · 6 h
Hamid Nikbin
Hamid Nikbin Are there not enough golf courses around that these people have to play in this half orangutan's course and thereby giving him money? WTF? We need to boycott anything with Trump's name people.
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Gosto · Responder · 14 · 9 h

Zebulun Allen Rosenthal respondeu · 1 resposta
Dana Rogers
Dana Rogers Poor Hairy Butthurt... washed up author wannabe. "In a relationship"... I can only imagine. Lol. You and your ilk belong on a public course.
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Gosto · Responder · 9 h

Loyola M. Chavez respondeu · 2 respostas · 5 h
Laraine Atherton
Laraine Atherton You reap what you bad you dumb ass liberals just don't get it.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 9 h

Bonnie Rynestad respondeu · 7 respostas · 5 h
Bill Adele Cramer
Bill Adele Cramer Gross, no wonder the world is laughing at us.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 9 h

Bill Adele Cramer respondeu · 2 respostas · 1 h
Boyd Timothy Babcock
Boyd Timothy Babcock You write shit about him and he does not like your ass and ask for more and he is the whiner? Go fuck yourself you little cunt.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 8 h

Maryellin Kirkwood respondeu · 4 respostas · 2 h
K-ron Kaige
K-ron Kaige Sounds like someone got a little "hurt" over getting the treatment they deserve. How would you know if the other course is better....You never got to play this one.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 8 h
Antonio Brown
Antonio Brown Donald Trump is going to get impeached by his republican government or 1 of his supporters is going to assassinate him!
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 8 h
Phyllis Farrar
Phyllis Farrar Is this how this petulant child is going to represent the United States of America??? It's time to grow up Donald!!
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Gosto · Responder · 9 · 8 h

Bill Sherman respondeu · 3 respostas · 7 h
Bill Sherman
Bill Sherman He is going to make a lot of enemies.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 7 h

Dennis Temple respondeu · 1 resposta
Julian Woodard
Julian Woodard Thanks for voting this dictator into office
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 7 h · Editado

Debbie Williams respondeu · 14 respostas · 30 min
Mark Louie
Mark Louie LOL!
Gosto · Responder · 7 h
Melanie Walbaum
Melanie Walbaum
Foto de Melanie Walbaum.
Gosto · Responder · 10 · 7 h

Nicole Harris respondeu · 1 resposta
Carlos Dandridge
Carlos Dandridge Donald J. Trump is a baby.... although, his baby attitude matches his baby hands.
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 7 h
David Shapiro
David Shapiro Good for Trump! These people like Hurt think they can piss on Trump with impunity, then get very upset when he fires back.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 7 h

David Shapiro respondeu · 2 respostas · 1 h
Cheryl Smith
Cheryl Smith Didn't sell your book in 1993 about Ivana's divorce so you figured this ploy would work!?!?!? OMG desperate times for Desperate people LOL
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 7 h
David Shapiro
David Shapiro Harry Hurt got just what he so richly deserved from President-elect Trump! And if he and blowhard David Koch don't like it, that is too damned bad! I was always a steadfast defender of the Koch brothers, when they were being viciously attacked by the left. But his criticism of Trump was unwarranted, and has caused me to reevaluate my opinion of him!
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Gosto · Responder · 7 · 7 h

James Scully respondeu · 2 respostas · 3 h
Mike Cameron
Mike Cameron You well know that people who are going through a divorce say and do things that arent true if it helps their side, You know for a fact that Ivana has come public about her statement and said it was not true at all yet you still look Trump in the eye a...Ver mais
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 6 h

Chaddrick Boyd respondeu · 1 resposta
Ruth Calkins
Ruth Calkins I will never respect trump. Respect has to be earned.
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Gosto · Responder · 5 · 6 h

Ruth Calkins respondeu · 4 respostas · 1 h
Henri Nigro
Henri Nigro I like how Ivana recanted after reporting he raped and threats change everything...
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Gosto · Responder · 6 · 6 h
Karl Dittebrandt
Karl Dittebrandt People need to stop playing golf there.
Also He needs to drop about 40 lbs
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 6 h
Danielle Sisk
Danielle Sisk Thank you for exposing the Truth Mr. Hurt. IMHO Donald J. Trump's a weak sister, a nancy boy. Truth will prevail, it may take a while but karma works in mysterious ways.
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Gosto · Responder · 3 · 6 h
Carolyn Register
Carolyn Register Did these people pay to golf at that golf course? Did Comrade Trump have the legal right to throw them out?
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 5 h

Wes Lanter respondeu · 2 respostas · 1 h
Christine Dabbs
Christine Dabbs Donald Trump is a public figure and there will be so much worse to come for him. He is so much less than presidential and an embarrassment.
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 5 h
Molly Ferrer
Molly Ferrer Holy Shit! People defending the orange alien
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 5 h

Molly Ferrer respondeu · 4 respostas · 2 h
Jim Lane
Jim Lane He WAS on HIS property!
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Gosto · Responder · 5 h

James Scully respondeu · 2 respostas · 3 h
Eileen Bason
Eileen Bason the author was stupid, many co-workers disliked me, now I am retired, they are dust, they just do not know it yet....I would have him on do not admit list....
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Gosto · Responder · 5 h
Thorne Dreyer
Thorne Dreyer My old friend Harry Hurt III was our guest on Rag Radio last September.
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Rag Radio 2016-09-17 - Harry Hurt III, Donald Trump's 'Most Hated Biographer'…
Gosto · Responder · 4 h
Sherndina Moreland
Sherndina Moreland Once a bully always a bully!
Money maybe.. Class.. oh No..None!
NCAA. No Class At All!
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 4 h
Lynn Kohut
Lynn Kohut 🚂T🚂R🚂U🚂M🚂P🚂 T-18 WOOT WOOT
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Gosto · Responder · 4 h
Thea Simon
Thea Simon Sounds par for the course with trump
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 4 h
Avery Watson
Avery Watson Where is Ivana?????
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 4 h

Carol Kaplan respondeu · 1 resposta
Brian Hone
Brian Hone Trump proves yet again he's a moron.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 4 h
Marjorie Meret Carmen
Marjorie Meret Carmen Just the tinyest tidbits we better get used to...
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Gosto · Responder · 3 h
John Lendman
John Lendman You can't make this shit up. We are in for disasters time as President for how ever short that might be!!!
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 3 h

Peter Corrado respondeu · 1 resposta
Matt Gardner
Matt Gardner why would you go to someones club that you did a piece like that on......
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Gosto · Responder · 4 · 2 h
Tim Z Falconer
Tim Z Falconer He really «is» draining the swamp!
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 2 h
Wolf Rome
Wolf Rome You're a traitor to our citizens and work for globalist puppets. Your death can't come soon enough.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 h

Wolf Rome respondeu · 2 respostas · 1 h
Maryellin Kirkwood
Maryellin Kirkwood Well asking that you remove yourself was reasonable after you made your pompous uninvited approach to our President-Elect. DJT responded by asking your mosquito pest self to just buzz off.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 2 h
Wolf Rome
Wolf Rome Anyone who followed this knows why this happened. So many people didn't watch the primaries and are just making shit up.

The guy deserved worsen than being kicked out.
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Gosto · Responder · 2 · 2 h

Wolf Rome respondeu · 3 respostas · 1 h
Kelly Hiland Smith
Kelly Hiland Smith You deserved every bit of it and then some!!!
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1 h
Christy Allen
Christy Allen Take your money from your book sells and golf else where. You should have seen that comming.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 h
Penelope Churchill
Penelope Churchill Harry ButtHURT is a lying scumbag and Koch bros are corporate communists and globalist tools.
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1 h
Tony Merdi
Tony Merdi After all, you've got some nerves to come and play in his golf course. Imbecile ! Since when did writers got that special kind of immunity. You build your own !
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Gosto · Responder · 1 · 1 h
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