domingo, 3 de janeiro de 2016

Robert Mugabe – God Should never have created those thieves (Kenyans) here in Africa

theSpectator | Robert Mugabe – God Should never have created those thieves (Kenyans) here in Africa

November 3, 2015


By Clarence Mbagazi
HARARE: Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has launched a verbal war with Kenyans. While Presiding over a funds drive in a city church on Sunday where he was the chief guest, Mugabe said that Kenyans are the most arrogant thieves in the world because they steal with high degree impunity.

“Those people of East Africa shock me with their wizardry in stealing. Sometimes I tend to believe that stealing is in every Kenyan’s blood. These people go to their schools and read good courses but they qualify as the best thieves. You can even think that there is a subject in their universities called Bachelor of Stealing. Whenever they get an opportunity as employees, they never disappoint. They steal enough money to buy their freedom because even the judges who listen to their cases are financially powerless. I urge you my people to be on high alert in case you by bad luck, happen to visit that East African nation. They might infect you with that disease and we don’t want it here. Zimbabweans are honest people who love their country and don’t want such stealing tendencies ” He shouted with courage as he advised his nation.

Nonetheless, Kenyans especially those on Twitter are yet to react in response to Mugabe’s callously conveyed contempt on them.

T.I. December 24, 2015, 12:41 pmReply

Aha! Mr. Mugabe. I like what you say, but first remove the log in your eyes before you remove a speck in our eyes. Though we may steal “according to your judgement”, but we care about our brothers. REMEMBER your fired your security for seeing your girlfriends BUTT with LUST. Your’re a lustful country and that’s why you Zimbabweans like to stay alone. Remember you’re LOST. Better seek psychological help. An advice from your friend in Kenya.
Kevin November 25, 2015, 12:36 amReply

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KENNAH BANTUH November 16, 2015, 3:53 pmReply

I am proud to be a Kenyan…..Kenyans are thieves because they are fighting for a higher position in the food chain…..who wants to be the prim……
lucas November 21, 2015, 4:25 pmReply

Am not I Kenyan, but I love Kenya a lot.i therefore feel dismayed when a nonentity like Mugabe,talks shit about my beloved home which is moving at a high pace economically than Zimbabwe. So man fuck off your miseries.
edduh proud to be kenyan November 16, 2015, 7:25 amReply

we are thieves mugabe,,,,but remember you are the greatest thief of all….your country is the almost poorest in economy,,,,,,just because you are stealing from them,,,,fu** your statement,
edduh proud to be kenyan November 16, 2015, 7:22 amReply

we are thieves mugabe,,,,,but remember you country is almost the poorest in economy…..just because you are stealing from them
zulekha November 14, 2015, 7:15 amReply

oh,he never said lie,yes they r thieves more than even thieves,if they r not they won’t deer come to Somalia n took our sea n piece of our land.but history will tell us story this Bantu community is looters,
Ted November 12, 2015, 4:31 pmReply

Well i don’t even know where to start… but thank you robert mugabe because this disease started with one tribe but has now infected each and every tribe in kenya. I know that kenyans are arrogant and i know they are thieves like in the range of above 70% but i dont think every kenyan is a thief. Its just like not every nigerian is a scam artist; but i know where his frustrations emanate from, because way back when zimbabwe had an election, the kenyan opposition came out strong against him, and called him to step aside. But i am pleased that this comes from someone who does not live in kenya to spark off this discussion because, when you try to start this talk here they bring in the tribal link and you end up being branded a tribalist

[…] Robert Mugabe, the longstanding ruler of Zimbabwe, hardly known for good governance, was quoted as sayingthis past weekend, “Those people of East Africa shock me with their wizardry in stealing.” He […]
boom beach hack November 10, 2015, 11:23 pmReply

Your style is unique compared to other folks I’ve read stuff from.

Thank you for posting when you have the opportunity,
Guess I’ll just book mark this blog.

[…] des internautes kényans pour des propos imaginés par le site d’information The Spectator dans un article publié mercredi 4 novembre. Des déclarations particulièrement insultantes […]
Dreama Montoney November 8, 2015, 9:14 pmReply

Fine with your permission allow me to grab your feed to keep up to

[…] article, God Should never have created those thieves (Kenyans) here in Africa is a 2-paragraph article which is the basis and source of Kenyan attacks on Zimbabwe and […]
Nyash November 9, 2015, 8:47 amReply

Are we (Africans) really this gullible to being divided and conquered – what I find so disturbing is how one false statement has sparked such a divisive debate. It doesn’t take THEM much to get us grabbing for each other’s throats. It feels like Pan-Africanism peaked and the disappeared in the 1970’s at the turn of independence; now it’s none existence. Some how the image of seals flapping for sardines comes to mind when one looks at the general image of African States in the global stage. The unity the brought some much promise and strength has given way to a continent that is more ready to hate its self than those who at best would always be incentivised to keep its people as second class global citizens. Really sad….
Mwanakenya November 8, 2015, 8:05 amReply

pure lies authored by this parody website
Mwanakenya November 8, 2015, 8:04 amReply

These are nothing but unfounded pure lies.Mugabe didn’t say like that.
thriller November 7, 2015, 1:26 pmReply

oh well i am not a thief but i am APPEALING to any good samaritan to.assist me
send me usd6000 via ECOCASH DIASPORA to 263773046291

sms whatsapp 263773046291

Munyaradzi Mhaka November 7, 2015, 5:04 amReply

Hie African Brothers in Kenya. There is nothing close to the truth in the allegations you make against Mugabe.
May you verify before you heckle our leader in mud. There is no record whatsoever anywhere, anyhow that President Mugabe ever made an intimation to that effect.

As Africans, we are one. We all envy the likes of Ngugi waMirii, Ngugi waThiongo, Kenyatta, Arap Moi, and others from that part of our homeland. You can hurt a luminary of Mugabe’s stature unless you don’t know who you are in the first place – African, and as black as you detest.

In fact, Mugabe has remained resolute in uniting Africans, and fighting colonial injustices. He remains in the golden legendary class that can’t be blown away by cheap Western propaganda. He is one of the few living African leaders who stand in firm defence of Pan Africanism.

Brothers, be guided accordingly.
nche November 6, 2015, 6:29 pmReply

This was a false story.. Mugabe made no such remarks
Victor November 6, 2015, 6:22 pmReply

you have said a point Mr Mugabe
jeff November 6, 2015, 11:55 amReply

Mugabe ain’t jus a thief but also a villain. So shut up..!
MFALME November 6, 2015, 10:15 amReply

Now thats what yoiu call hitting the nail on the head! Kudos, President Mugabe, I too went through that course of thievery, but alas! Not all of us qualified with honours!
Muyela Joseph November 6, 2015, 8:49 amReply

I can’t deny but Mugabe himself is a product of stealing. Stealing power and denying the people of Zimbabwe their fundamental rights of choosing the right leaders. The good thing with Kenyans is that, we are stealing yet we know how to control our economy.
Obed mwebi November 6, 2015, 12:50 pmReply

Its high time for mugabe to start reasoning like a leader,He has no any authority to speak about kenya’s affairs be warned mugabe,kenyan problems should be left for kenyans alone to look for a solutions we dont want even a piece of advise from you mzee
Wanjiru November 9, 2015, 8:43 pmReply

That is some statement to make.. “We now how to control our economy”. You mean control it, so that it only stays with the rich? In that case, true.
Safara November 6, 2015, 5:48 amReply

Stop talking of a dictator Nyangau….giving his country to the dogs holly crap…..let him fly past Kenya hatutaki tushikwe na u dictator na unyangau…pesa kwa gunia sitaki na sitaki…shenzi yeye…
Safara November 6, 2015, 5:35 amReply

@ Jack are u a thief..why all Kenyans, some of us are saved and in salvation there no tribe and actually in stealing there is no tribe its the dignity of one self and you should master our national anthem please be patriotic this is not politics in Kenyan politics we have rights to support whom ever we want Central have their part and its their right to support their party not everyone in central is tribal neither are they there in Nyanza currently politics a side its our nation man…an abuse to our nation we take it personal ant its an act of aggregation if i were the president it total war……
moses ndungu November 6, 2015, 4:51 amReply

Those Kenyans supporting Mugabe are as stupid as Mugabe.They should ask themselves why Mugabe is mad with Kenya.They fact of the matter is that white Zimbabweans have really invested in Kenya and if you want to prove just visit Nanyuki
ben November 7, 2015, 9:40 amReply

Bob is right I wonder why someone would say he is stupid. Those who are in denial are myopic and do not see beyond mapua zao God help Kenya
Awino Simon November 6, 2015, 12:37 amReply

Even the devil himself advices his fellow comrades to fear Kenyans, horrible : where are we heading to?
Ken Yamamoto November 5, 2015, 11:08 pmReply

Electing as leaders self-proclaimed politicians who walk into these positions broke as a church mouse, what you get is absence of intelligent “Entrepreneurs” and motivators for inventers with great ideas; the only way they know how to succeed is steal. look at the background of the implicated thieves; they were broke before taking these positions; not a single of them have the intelligence to quantify how the overcome living pay check to paycheck and becoming instant millionaires; no structured legitimate business to point to; OH all of them are developers and government suppliers.

Kenyan’s these people don’t deserve glorification you all give them; they are no different from the poor thief being stoned and set on fire in the streets of Kenya cities; the difference is, they are thieves in suites; they all deserve the same treatment like any other thief in Kenya – since the judicial system is part of the scam – Skunks
AbdulRahman November 5, 2015, 9:28 pmReply

Parabens Parabens Presidente Mugabe por ter dito a verdade aos Kenianos.
Se eu tivesse perto de si apertaria sua mao, Presidente Mugabe.
E’ doloroso para nos mas e’ a unica verdade.
Congratulations Congratulations President Mugabe for telling Kenyans the truth, I wish I was close to you to extend my hand to ‘hand shake you President Mugabe. It is painful to us, but its the bitter truth.
Ali abdicate November 5, 2015, 8:58 pmReply

thats true use to live Nairobi,my onkel had restraunt their workers stoles every thing food,drinks,even the fogs,plates, what about business and country forget. That’s their (DNA)
Wanjiru November 9, 2015, 8:41 pmReply

We can’t deny it.. My husbands parents owned a couple of matatu’s once, they sold them after they found out their workers was cheating with the money. And when it comes to government officials and county leaders.. wow.. where should I even begin..
Bangs November 5, 2015, 8:14 pmReply

At long last an African world leader has spoken his mind about us, nowander several travel advisories are isued against us. TZ doesn’t trust us
jim November 5, 2015, 7:49 pmReply

Mugabe is right ; if a thief can be irritated by another thief’s aggressiveness, then it has gone really crazy our leaders should not take this for granted they should be ashamed of themselves and call for a national reconciliation and healing coz this vice started from the top may God help us
Paul Ngole November 5, 2015, 7:25 pmReply

Let President Mugabe first sweep his small house clean before pretending to clean the whole East African compound. He has a lot to bite on his plate, including issues of corruption, election malpractices, abnormal inflation and gross poverty. It is amazing that while Mugabe does not sleep hungry 90% of his electorates starve! That is INJUSTICE meted my President Mugabe on his OWN people. Should Mugabe expect congratulations for that? It is shame!
Washy November 5, 2015, 7:12 pmReply

Truth is a bitter diet lets speak out and help our country
Jack November 5, 2015, 5:32 pmReply

All Mugabe said is true and we have got to think of it and correct before its late…
WiseKenyan November 5, 2015, 3:18 pmReply

My fellow Kenyans…..we are wiser and more mature than this! We are now turning on each other because of an ill timed comment by a foreigner? Guys…..really….this is not the Kenya I know and grew up in. Yes we acknowledge there is corruption and theft and all sorts and manners of social ills….but it still remains our country. No one can change that! We need to stand together and keep fighting for the cause. Them moment we lose sight of that…..and instead turn on each other….is the moment we lose our humanity and being Kenyan. I pray for my country that wisdom and peace may prevail, Kikuyu, Luo, Kisii, Luhya, Borana or whatever other cultural group you may belong to. We are Kenya!
PETER THIRU November 5, 2015, 12:45 pmReply

kari November 5, 2015, 12:33 pmReply

all Kenyans are corrupt don’t point finger at any tribe why do u behave like small children when you are attacked.Mugabe himself is not an angel if he was leading Kenya he would have overthrown a decade ago he should know Kenyans are aggressive lot n knows their rights and not like those docile enlightened Rhodesians.
Mercy November 5, 2015, 12:26 pmReply

I love uncle Bob all the way tell us Kenyans just uncle Trump……tell us even harder, we don’t hear easy!
focussed kenyan November 5, 2015, 12:17 pmReply

impunity so rampant in Kenya but not all Kenyans are thieves. corruption is everywhere in the world so Kenyans should not be branded thieves.This is hate speech.
Achi November 5, 2015, 11:59 amReply

Im a Kenyan and glad to be British by naturalisation and I wouldn’t think of going back, the corruption in Kenya is insane and those people responding on this article on tribal lines are as stupid as Mugabe himself. I love my country but I’m ashamed of what it has become. Kenya is more expensive than most European states I can’t afford to live there even with s decent job and the best education you struggle to put s meal on the table, pay rent, private school fees, transportation, water and electric bill, high taxes the list is endless. Most graduates fail to get decent jobs because of corruption “who knows who”. I cannot even afford to stay in Kenya on holiday for over 2 weeks. Something needs to be done and fast!!
Eric November 5, 2015, 11:54 amReply

In regard to the current poor economic state of my so called father of corruption country, i 101%agree with Mogabe. I usually buy a bar of soap at the most expensive price of Ksh180, but where did the government purchase the same bar of soap at 37,000? Kenya railway project which is ongoing is a total corruption zone project coasting about 300billion while our neighbour Tanzania which has similar project of double kilometer to ours and just cost less than 100billion. Where is Kenya’s President? I pity the day i castes my vote for this man should my wife speak of voting him that will a free ticket divorce.

God safe Kenya
Muthoni November 5, 2015, 11:14 amReply

Talk of the kettle calling the pot black. He has no moral authority to talk about what is happening in Kenya. Mugabe get the log out of your eye first before wanting to get the speck out of ours.
Ray Mbada November 5, 2015, 1:51 pmReply

You are right, you belong to Africa and it’s our duty to see that our morals are acceptable. Mugabe could have used harsh words, though, but if this is true, let’s stand by it unless you are one other thief you can rightly dispute it. This idea of accusing one in return for an accusation centered on you is incorrect. Find your column and tell Mugabe where he is getting it wrong and that way we will built our nations.
Moh November 5, 2015, 10:14 amReply

He has said nothing but the truth,and all of us Kenyans know it’s true yes we are thieves ,
Before in Dubai Kenyans used to be hotcakes everyone wanted to employ them hardworking ,fluent in English learned and above all very friendly,It didn’t take a while before we started stealing and drinking at work the two other most important traits in us Especially stealing, so could you stop denying the truth and find ways to change this..Our economy is denying and we are defending ourselves Ati we ain’t thieves we are educated thieves cause I believe our Education level can’t be compared to other nationalities and so we take advantage of that it’s high time something is done #waigurukindathing.
Abdirashid November 5, 2015, 9:55 amReply

Waw Robert Mugabe has got the point but he underestimated the corruption and Steeling degree which Kenyans has got.
Sir they have double Masters and first degree PHD of corruption and steeling.
Murage November 5, 2015, 9:34 amReply

An unfortunate cycle of happenings…
miningwa November 6, 2015, 3:58 pmReply

mugabe jast said it plain truth
Mikinyango November 6, 2015, 8:07 pmReply

No upright Kenyan can deny that fact, Mr.Bob was right. We can even steal milk out of your tea and you will be left there drinking strong tea only. Be aware Bob.
True Kenyan November 5, 2015, 8:50 amReply

You may go back and forth but the truth of the matter is we are heading nowhere fast.the problem is not who is corrupt,but why is there corruption. endeleeni kupiga kelele by the time you are done mandazi in a civil servants office itakuwa 500 moja
Patrick Oduor Odhiambo November 5, 2015, 8:18 amReply

Kenyans are to much infact it has gone viral stealing unless we stop impunity. We cannot help it and we should start from the top with the leaders. Call a spade a spade not a big spoon.
NJAGI KUMINJIA November 5, 2015, 7:22 amReply

God loves Kenya. Before we point fingers on one another let seek mugabe ‘s interest on Kenya first. Let love one another.
Papa Likondi November 5, 2015, 6:50 amReply

Mugabe is right. We are thieves but Nigerians are robbers like the South Africans
philip November 10, 2015, 10:09 amReply

Very true
Papa na ulienda wapi wewe ama bado uko lubao
EV.CHOOSEN November 5, 2015, 6:32 amReply

i just dont understand you Kenyans …… who among you is a thieve …. is our universities have such a subject………..and you fellow kenyan you post …… i agree …… who among you helps the enemy to undress the remaining cloths from your body……. i just like Maumau even though they knew they were weak they proved to be strong ………wake up Kenyan People ….WE ARE NOT THIEVES……. WE ARE GOD’S PEOPLE……… AND IT WAS NOT MUGAMBE’S OPINION AS TO WHETHER HE WOULD HAVE CREATED US OR NOT……….. MUGAMBE WITH ALL DUE RESPECT FIRST REMOVE THE LOG IN YOUR EYES……AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH……
Peter Goch Anyang-majongdul November 5, 2015, 6:27 amReply

Good observation bob Mugabe
ocharo November 5, 2015, 6:24 amReply

brother it’s not time to shout at anyone lets retrospect what we can do for this rich country with poor people. What do you make of trumps remarks about Kenya. is the person who says something is wrong who is important. what if waiguru said Kenya is corrupt Will she be wrong. The point is we have an endemic problem to deal with
Duncan November 5, 2015, 6:22 amReply

you’ve talked wisely n would you know that those whom you fight to defend are the ones at the helm of stealing even from the lowly leaving persons n yet you criticise,y don’t u tell them wen u r sitted in the au meeting?h.e b realistic n even I know the stolen hunks of fund av been used to buy you n fight for them in their icc proceedings
Safara November 5, 2015, 6:07 amReply

Try look at what can be stolen in Zimbabwe. Mugabe has it all Pesa kwa Gunia i would rather be a Kenyan than a Zimbabwean….Nyani haioni kundule…we will fiz our issues coz we know they are our forthcoming…let us unite all in this issue…
Safara November 5, 2015, 5:58 amReply

Lets not fight each other we are all guilty, no one is clean…lets fix this Kikuyu ni tribe and they are Kenyas talk of an individual pliz wacheni hate speech. FUCK Mugabe…..coz he is a dreamer let him dream…
Tash November 5, 2015, 5:51 amReply

Nigga please!!
Kiman F November 5, 2015, 5:42 amReply

George,Shut up. Must u mention central kenya??
Faza November 5, 2015, 5:16 amReply

“Kenya is better than Zim on all aspects” that’s the biggest joke of the year and shows that the writer does not own a passport and has most probably never left his hometown… .
wangala November 5, 2015, 4:38 amReply

We as Kenyans, we only reaping the benefits of our choices, now the consequences are here with us, don’t complain, its our skin in the nose.
neutral kenyan November 5, 2015, 4:28 amReply

this what happens in all sites…a luo throws a comment to a Kikuyu..and Kikuyu to a luo ..wen did this 2 tribes start to have a beef..out of the 42, 2 against the other..yet some inter marry..cautious kenyan…maybe George Onyango is a kiuk hiding in that name
neutral kenyan November 5, 2015, 4:27 amReply

this what happens in all sites…a luo throws a comment to a Kikuyu..and Kikuyu to a luo ..wen did this 2 tribes start to have a beef..out of the 42, 2 against the other..yet some inter marry..cautious kenyan
Mandela November 5, 2015, 4:24 amReply

Kenyan leaders are corrupt , that’s the truth unfortunately we’re the same people who elect them to these distinguished offices. Mugabe is right in one way or the other, Imagine a case whereby someone stills a phone from an innocent person down the street then the thieve sells you the phone and you end up purchasing it even though you know very well that the phone is a stolen property ,so in that scenario who’s the thief? I pity the future generation.
Athnaan November 5, 2015, 3:53 amReply

hhhhh honest this man is really crazy and I like him
Burton November 5, 2015, 3:17 amReply

As think on this issue Robert Mugabe is right unfortunately
Jadizzu November 5, 2015, 3:12 amReply

I agree with all of you regarding the corruption and funds misappropriation issue, it is not tribal and accusing 1 community is not fair, we the common wananchi are suffering, we should all come together and do something about it instead of throwing accusations left right and centre, I suggest mass action, an uprising is needed to save this country, think about our kids and what they will go through in the next 10 years if we keep tolerating this selfish behaviour from our so called leaders.
Kerubo November 5, 2015, 2:13 amReply

Well well, see who is speaking after literary sending his country to the dogs. Simply put, at least we have something to steal. Mugabe must not make Kenyans to be defensive. Not worth it!

[…] […]

[…] Robert Mugabe, the longstanding ruler of Zimbabwe, hardly known for good governance, was quoted as saying this past weekend, “Those people of East Africa shock me with their wizardry in stealing.” He […]
wakariri November 4, 2015, 10:04 pmReply

Mugabe is talking the truth, we have one tribe in Kenya which has infected others with this syndrome, they are from house of mumbi, for sure they are shame to Kenya.
Wangeci November 4, 2015, 9:49 pmReply

Kenyans are thieves. We can’t deny that. It is mostly because previous governments instituted a custom of corruption upon our society. At least we, unlike other African countries, are trying to change our ways by publicly shaming the corrupt thieves in our government. We are much better off than other African nations that close their eyes to the corruption around them and hope it goes away. Mugabe may be right though. Zimbabweans would never steal money from the Zimbabwe but he does.
lamech November 4, 2015, 8:54 pmReply

true…kenya is a country of thieves with tribal or party impunity…….wish i had a job in the Government sector-i wil steal the Nairobi city
The Black Kennedy November 4, 2015, 8:42 pmReply

While Uncle Bob has his own shortcomings,
He was spot-on on this issue.
Our country, Kenya, has been taken to the dogs.
Nobody respects the name Kenya anymore:
And this is because of our joke of leaders.
Maingi November 4, 2015, 8:07 pmReply

So we are all complaining about Mugabe being right or wrong. Truth be told we as Kenyans are doing nothing to come up with a solutions to curb this disease. Some of us are working in companies due to corruption links from relatives or friends. While other people are struggling with life with much better qualifications than us. In return our economy fluctuates with every finacial year, our currency diminished to the third world countries. As Kenyas we should find means to eradicate the pandemic rooted in our society. Compare the number of youths that have been gunned down for theft and robbert. The numbers are gigantic, and a time will come when we will have to pay for the numbers. A nation is build strongly on youths and the more we loss them the more we loss a national figure.
mark November 4, 2015, 7:36 pmReply

Guys,george doesn’t represent luos,why generalize?
mark November 4, 2015, 7:30 pmReply

Guys,george doesn’t represent luos
Buzz November 4, 2015, 7:27 pmReply

Reading all these comments I have to wonder why Kenyans are turning on each other over the comments of a syphillitic old baboon who destroyed and bankrupted his own country and has no right to pass judgment on anybody! Seriously why is the old Hitler caterpillar face still alive let alone permitted to still run ( sorry fuck up) a country. Sigh… must be all the sheeple!
Tom November 4, 2015, 7:27 pmReply

I agree with President Bob and i would like to request those Kenyans who are posting their idiotic mind on this media whether from central or “stonethrowers’ to stop it and patriotically fight corruption! Kenyans with Phd in thievology should be denied the certificate!

[…] Robert Mugabe, the longstanding ruler of Zimbabwe, hardly known for good governance, was quoted as saying this past weekend, “Those people of East Africa shock me with their wizardry in stealing.” He […]
Rich November 4, 2015, 7:09 pmReply

I like what this fellow George got this discussion into. We do not need mugabe to tell the kenyan story. It’s all in the comentary after the story. This conversation right here is the mirror….. .. . How do we coment on ills in society and hope for a better society when we don’t like each other. Those looting will continue until we wake up… Remember we are ready to support the looters with our lives.
josephat November 4, 2015, 6:27 pmReply

If Mugabe can see this , then the world is watching us. Change is necessary.
Erastus November 4, 2015, 6:26 pmReply

We can curse swear or dismiss President Mugabe loudly but his is candid sum up of what we are us Kenyans, thieves, shameless thieves. Very disgusting and distasteful, this compulsive disorder who will cure us from our malady?

[…] Robert Mugabe, the longstanding ruler of Zimbabwe, hardly known for good governance, was quoted as saying this past weekend, “Those people of East Africa shock me with their wizardry in […]
laban November 4, 2015, 5:36 pmReply

Kenyans are the most cowards why cant they do the Tunisian revolution.
laban November 4, 2015, 5:34 pmReply

what aperfect way to put it .who cares the poor will always bill out the rich fools. in a country where you dont need to hire a lawyer when you can buy a judge it only the second coming of Christ which will save the miserable, exhausted,exploited, abused,degraded and defenseless kenyans

Kennedy November 4, 2015, 5:11 pmReply

Its very unfortunate that we attack each other with tribal comments yet what President Mugabe is talking about its clearly seen all over the world. Where on Earth is a bar soap cost Kshs. 37,000 each, A pen cost Kshs, 8,700, a TV screen cost Kshs. 1,700,000, a DVD player cost Kshs. 45,000, is that not stealing? PATHETIC COUNTRY WITH PATHETIC THIEVES.
Angy N November 4, 2015, 4:51 pmReply

Almost all african nations are guilty of this same plight. As an african in the diaspora I feel reluctant going home most times because I just can’t stand to see our people who are meant to protect public interest steal and currupt that makes ch to the extent that that every one in society takes it to be normal to bribe a police, or the civil servant, judges and the like. I feel powerless if I have to live in such a society. Not that it does not exist in countries in the northern hemisphere… Don’t get me wrong. People are dishonest every where but that which exist in most of our African nations is skyrocketing. It is shameless, unscrupulous, done right in your face and taught to children. God save Africa for real.
Thomas Onserio November 4, 2015, 4:40 pmReply

Well said Robert. Our leaders are thieves. Our religious leaders are grabbers and some are glorified cheats and swindlers.As the chief justice correctly put it corruption is synonymous to kenyans. Thanks for telling us what we ought to hear not what we want to hear!
Gatkuoth November 4, 2015, 4:37 pmReply

Mr. President is right, in Kenya even policemen usually robe those who come from other countries. But not all East African
Simanto November 4, 2015, 4:33 pmReply

Bob is absolutely right except generalizing thievery by all Kenyans. The truth be told only two tribes have soiled our image internationally and we know them. I bet a smart Kenyan asshole stole from bobs statehouse or presidential office and he was left wondering how could this have happened in Zimbabwe? Bob should know that many Kenyans as zimbabwens are a struggling lot due to poor governance and extreme political greed. May be BObs comments may knock some sense into Kenyan burgeous who are consistently shitting on our intelligence. Bob you are right but don’t generlize
Abdirahim November 4, 2015, 4:29 pmReply

President mugabe as an elderly and former freedom fighter,we respect you,especialy when refuse to bow down to aKenyan let me inform you,theft is there,but not all kenyans this prevelant and in certain region of this country. If you understand even robery.
Kim November 4, 2015, 4:22 pmReply

Kenyans’theft have gone beyond their own border. When u hear a kenyan being called it is like u have heard a terrorist because of their uncontrollable hands on others possessions.
METHODIUS November 4, 2015, 4:21 pmReply

Mugabe is talking sense but ni yale yale ya “Nyani haoni kundule”
Bernard November 4, 2015, 4:21 pmReply

Whilst it’s true that in Kenya impunity is rampant; Uncle Bob is not the right person to say it. Right now as regards corruption there’s no difference between Kenya and Zimbabwe. I travel there often. It’s really crazy. To make matters worse the same man insulting us does not bat an eyelid when spending US $ 1 million on his birthday whilst his own people starve.
bonett November 5, 2015, 5:13 pmReply

it continuosly amazes me how people condemn others for being exactly like them. Hilarious, …Mugabe is a proper joker.
Vincent Ochieng November 4, 2015, 4:16 pmReply

Dictator Mugabe has spoken nothing but the whole truth. Kenya should have faculty of corruption. Uhuru government is horribly corrupt
Kigen Ambrose November 4, 2015, 4:13 pmReply

That has happened because Waiguru is the face of Kenya
Wanjere M D November 4, 2015, 4:06 pmReply

I don’t think Mugabe qualifies to judge Kenyans this way.Their are many Kenyan who are leading an honest life. He seem to have missed the point and is suffering stereo type common among people with low emotional intelligence. He has disappointed me.
I doubt Mugabe said this November 4, 2015, 3:47 pmReply

Mr Clarence Mbagazi is this a scoop? because you are the only one carrying this kind of story
Rasugu Odero November 4, 2015, 3:42 pmReply

Mugabe, Raila, Magufuli Kikwete appear to b drinking in th same bar
Giovanni Mabor Makoi November 4, 2015, 3:39 pmReply

U people avoid abusing your leaders, let them rule the country as they r chosen by god, give the atime the will go very soon,as u know what happened 2 Robert by then, he read a speech of last year to adressed the people his time was of leave him to die alone instade to abused him.
koech kipngeno November 4, 2015, 3:32 pmReply

mugabe is right hw can a biro cost ks 8700 and u want the public to keep quite these learders are dirtifying our country soon u wil here another scadal and there s no action taken
Charles otieno November 4, 2015, 3:32 pmReply

Mgabe spoke the truth,Kenya is sinking unless we wake up
Chara November 4, 2015, 3:29 pmReply

I think Ol’Bob has a point..
Peter November 4, 2015, 3:23 pmReply

Is Mugabe talking about kenyans stealing he can’t even fit in Kenya. He stole someone’s wife by sending the husband to God knows where. We haven’t reached that stage of stealing.
Kibet Elly November 4, 2015, 3:22 pmReply

I agree, we’re that low to the level Mugabe’s drones can notice us…. the kikuyus of kenya will make us all look suspects and untrustworthy people allover the world
baro November 4, 2015, 3:18 pmReply

very true especially Kikuyu’s!! bull sheet
sam November 4, 2015, 3:07 pmReply

u r a failure to ur own people u idiot president of zimbambwe
amos November 4, 2015, 3:03 pmReply

He has really touch the hearts of the real issue he has said the truth,in kenya corruption is the key to success of few individuals,,but to common mwananchi its really hurting,,,from the top to bottom its only embezzlement of public funds…what can we to this menace?
Joel otieno November 4, 2015, 2:54 pmReply

Some truths but he is too coward to direct his findings to specific people who he perfectly know. It’s these people from central Kenya making life hard in Kenya.
morris November 4, 2015, 2:53 pmReply

Mr.Mugabe please ensure that you don’t Interact with their leaders,they will infect you first before they do it to your people.Tanzania knew this long time ago.
benjamin manyenyi November 4, 2015, 2:52 pmReply

Surely this is not a simple matter but I won’t take this Mugabe curse;I repulse it,it is not my inheritance.No weapon formed against us shall prosper whether within our borders or without.No word spoken against us in judgement shall stand.
Musyimi November 4, 2015, 2:46 pmReply

Your spoke it right you world’s greatest dictator !, the message is true , but the sentiments for the content are hyperbolic and lacks precise.
NOT KENYAN November 4, 2015, 2:44 pmReply

Mohamed November 4, 2015, 2:40 pmReply

Yes mugabe
peter November 4, 2015, 2:39 pmReply

Mugabe is right the looting is too much??
Mikes November 4, 2015, 2:37 pmReply

Indeed this should be taken seriously our image is very much ruined outside here may the few who love this country stand up to fight this vice. i am feeling ashamed to say i am a Kenyan when i visit a neighboring country
cALVO November 4, 2015, 2:35 pmReply

lets not attack what mugabe said,but focus on what he said…generally kenyans we are thieves and whenever an opportunity comes especially in public office we want to grab all we can if the chance is there…i mean we dont love kenya,we are not patroitic at all at all..Mugabe has a point…The Tanzanians dont like us,Botswana bears the same attitude about Kenyans,it a tarnished reputation we have portrayed over the years.
Nelson Mandela November 4, 2015, 2:30 pmReply

Mugambe may be a dictator, but he said the naked truth, may God help us Kenya
Davie November 4, 2015, 2:22 pmReply

we are planning to steal Mugabe’s god so that he
can die soon n join his peers.
Rasugu Odero November 4, 2015, 2:20 pmReply

It appears that confidential report from EACC have leaked & are on the hands of Bob. On the floor of UN genaral assembly, he can dissapoint.
Jeff November 4, 2015, 2:18 pmReply

Mugabe is right Kenyan leaders are just stealing tax payers money to benefit themselves not minding of the local mwananchi. thats very true let every president say it with a wide voice Kenyan leaders are thieves, I think we should get one by one auction him and put him/her behind the bars not even through the court No mwananchi anaamua Kwa field then we will get this pple out of our offices
erico November 4, 2015, 2:18 pmReply

No doubt nothing left to smile about in this government. we are ending to point of pain and financial torture but this is creation of by this government.
Douglas November 4, 2015, 2:13 pmReply

It’s embarrassing but get to know that the bible is very clear; the wheat and the weed must grow together until maturity. At harvesting, its when the two grains shall be separated. The wheat to be stored well and the weed to be burned completely(eternal damnation). Thus,I urge you all to play clean as an individual knowing that all your deeds under planet earth shall be subjected to judgment-sieving each by each. Remember he gave you an opportunity to serve in the whatever capacity you are in !!! A united nation is a strong state both in actions and speech-lets have a free non-corrupt state.
Nelly November 4, 2015, 2:12 pmReply

My country my life I really love my country
Douglas November 4, 2015, 2:08 pmReply

It’s embarrassing but get to know that the bible is very clear; the wheat and the weed must grow together until maturity. At harvesting, its when the two grains shall be separated. The wheat to be stored well and the weed to be burned completely(eternal damnation). Thus,I urge you all to play clean as an individual knowing that all your deeds under planet earth shall be subjected to judgment-sieving each by each. Remember he gave you an opportunity to serve in the whatever capacity you are in !!! A united nation is a strong state both in actions and speech-lets have a corrupt free state.
Edgar Usagi November 4, 2015, 2:06 pmReply

I hate useless good for nothing mongrels like this fool Mugabe.Sometimes I salute you as a true African Leader but sometimes I see you as a good for nothing old Mongoose whenever you start pin pointing stupidity about Kenya.
Deng alier November 4, 2015, 1:55 pmReply

Sorry! means the whole nation
Stephen November 4, 2015, 1:52 pmReply

UK should react to RM after all he is the President of Kenya and it is during his reign that stealing has become the religion of those in power.
John Bul November 4, 2015, 1:48 pmReply

Mugabe mean to address the stealing in the government like the NYS scandal not referring to ordinary wananchi who hustle so hard to bring bread to their table.
vincent November 4, 2015, 1:46 pmReply

thats very true….our image…painful (truth)….but we always have an option to do it right….change begins with me
kevin wijenje November 4, 2015, 1:32 pmReply

It’s so sad that Mr Mugabe cannot differentiate FACTS from REASONS.. the fact remains KENYA is EAST AFRICA’S SUPERPOWER and very soon we will extent to his territory{tell him the world is digital he should use our very own MPesa to send money to harambes instead of going in-person}.The more we grow the more enemies, and am Happy Mugabe used to be our enemy and now he has started liking us..
Ken November 4, 2015, 1:25 pmReply

It’s so sad that this is true.very true and I pray that this government vacates office when the term ends.
Celest November 4, 2015, 1:21 pmReply

We are a country of more than 40 million individuals. Don’t demonize us all.
Diana November 4, 2015, 1:21 pmReply

Talking about stealing the problem starts with the government. corruption and stealing is a disease and unless the public says no nothing will ever change am afraid to say it seems like the blessing of this country is turning Into a curse .kenyas rais up and say no to thieves and corruption.
Denis November 4, 2015, 1:09 pmReply

Fact be told
DIDO November 4, 2015, 1:09 pmReply

Thank you Mr. President. truth be told.
phillip November 4, 2015, 1:08 pmReply

Kkkkk, as if bob bas round answers to all problems he created in zim!
mwangi November 4, 2015, 1:06 pmReply

mind ua language
Frank madi November 4, 2015, 1:02 pmReply

Mugabe will never stop to amaze me,,,it’s not all Kenyans who are thieves
mollis November 4, 2015, 1:01 pmReply

they even steal elections
tarakwai kayiok November 4, 2015, 1:01 pmReply

Truly uncle BOB IS RIGHT!
Kenyan’s leaders are corrupt even those in church are most, they still without flinching never felt guilty for doing so!
GOD help our beloved country Kenya!
linet ochieng November 4, 2015, 1:00 pmReply

you got it right bob…… for instance,we are supporting our national budget with borrowed finances…. why…. looting, looting everywhere .
tom onyango owili November 4, 2015, 12:49 pmReply

Even the devil himself is surprised by how most Kenyans in positions of authority have mastered the art of stealing.Shame!Shame!Shame!
Kirui Luke November 4, 2015, 12:38 pmReply

What Mugape has said is purely truth. Corruption is every where in the Kenyan ministries led by ministry of Devolution and planning. Unless President Uhuru Kenyatta wakes up he may end up being a one term president.
Abbie November 4, 2015, 12:37 pmReply

As a Zimbabwean I am left wondering how come the president running the 4th poorest and the 3rd most corrupt country on the continent has the audacity to single out Kenya. A few years ago he labelled Nigeria the most corrupt. However, Mugabe has on countless occasions expressed displeasure at the levels of corruption within his cabinet.

The truth though is that he tops the list of Zimbabwean thieves. Having announced a one farm per family policy following his confiscation of white farms, he and his wife now own mire than ten. He cannot tell the nation what’s happening to the diamond revenues. The list of unaccounted for national resources is countless.
Terry November 4, 2015, 12:36 pmReply

indeed, corruption is a big problem in this country… i wish the politicians and everyone would practice honesty and love what they have. greed is bad. those accusing one community, shame on you…this is corruption and is not practiced by one community. ask yourself, what have you done as a mwananchi to control the corruption?? you are caught driving while drunk you pay up a bribe then rush hre and write about a certain community being thieves…remove the log in your eye before you see the log in your brother’s eye. that moment when you stop pointing fingures, and see the bigger picture, is when kenya will be reborn. so do your part and help end corruption.
kevin November 4, 2015, 12:36 pmReply

The thing is we have all participated in corruption we just don’t like to be told the truth.and we tend to forget things quickly.if you voted for someone because you speak same language=corruption,if you voted because there was a smell of money=corruption,if you voted because you were promised backdoor positions into its hitting back we just yapping .come next election we would have forgotten everything,its a cycle that goes on and on.we should just accept the sufferings since we are to blame for it all.we like singing one song in times of fate wait until a politician shows up,we start segregating ourselves.we have our own racism of TRIBALISM that’s killing the country.atleast racism in america is not killing the economy.watching kenya from a distance i have learnt and seen a times i just cry.we have seen transparent leaders with vision to prosper the country but they never gets our votes because they aint reasoning within our tribal lines.TRIBALISM is a curse upon kenyans to never prosper.lets face it we carry tribalism everywhere we go,how do we expect miracle when we are so attached to sins that we wont let go.PLEASE don’t yell at your favorite leaders for consuming your country,learn from your own mistakes and if you cant suck it in and swallow.GOD showed you the way but you chose the shortcut and so it was.
Ezra William November 4, 2015, 12:33 pmReply

Kenyans its time to reform. Very soon you will be compared to Nigerians in bad conduct. Pray you don’t get rejected as skilled foreigners in many countries in Africa because of the ill-conduct.
bk November 4, 2015, 12:30 pmReply

I would want to know that country where there are no thieves. I will go settle there. But Nigeria is better known in that area…., not kenya.
Carls November 4, 2015, 12:30 pmReply

Not every Kenyan is corrupt. Carry out your research well and you will find out that a bigger percentage that is the poor is quite innocent. The top cream i.e the leadership, is what is the problem in Kenya. Don’t condemn us wholesale. By leadership i mean both sides of the political divide.
moosir November 4, 2015, 12:28 pmReply

I pity the people of Zimbabwe who are led by such a dunder head. Mugabe is a corrupt illitrate dictator. He has failed his nation, even a blind need not to be told. Look at your economy its colapsing! why? all what you think is foreign investers are thieves. Look at your education sector, its one of the worst in africa. People of Zimbabwe its time you say no to this aging duffer!
Fiona November 4, 2015, 12:26 pmReply

Painful but damn true.. We Kenyans have a looong way to go. To save our country,impunity should stop
james November 4, 2015, 12:26 pmReply

true, but Mugabe is the only thief in his nation.( dictator) compare the economy of Zimbabwe and Kenya.
Robert Injairu November 4, 2015, 12:24 pmReply

In many ways, President Mugabe is expressing the frustration of the majority of Kenyans who suffer as victims of corruption.The concept of the Bachelor of Stealing degree is hilarious. It could awarded as an honorary degree to all top government officials and members of parliament. God save Kenyans from corrupt officials.
denno November 4, 2015, 12:20 pmReply

It’s too much. Tomorrow President Zuma will deny Kenyans from entering SOUTH AFRICA n that will be the trend .
Ali November 4, 2015, 12:19 pmReply

Though I don’t support this dictator, he actually told the truth in this issue. Try to go to Kenya and you surely be stollen even if you travel and make kenya as a transit point for you. Even president Barak Obqma talked about this nations stealth and corruption in his recent visit to Kenya.
Tony November 4, 2015, 12:18 pmReply

As the chairman of Africa Union H.E Robert Mugabe your President Uhuru hand made (he proposed you as his best now advise him accordingly) just go ahead and tell him how useless his systems are and how the country he leads is headed to the dogs. his Excellency Mugabe your country is a failed state and you know by looking at what a failed states looks like.
Halake November 4, 2015, 12:11 pmReply

“Choices have Consequences” those are the words of US senior white house adviser on African affairs, When Kenyans voted current Government into the office, and this consequences doesn’t mean international suctions as a result of ICC indictment of the President and his Deputy at the time, but it can also be what we are seeing now, Corruption are carried out in broad day light by government officials and nothing can be done by the two whom the people of Kenya entrusted the office with, its as if its done with their blessings. I can’t imagine even Mugabe sees this as an evil and commenting about it. GOD ALMIGHTY SEES THEM FROM ABOVE AND HE WILL TRIKE THEM TOGETHER WITH THEIR LOOT VERY SOON.
Muthoni November 4, 2015, 12:05 pmReply

Kenyans on Twitter are not quiet>>>>>>> Never argue with a >>>>> people might not make the difference. Wananchi wazarendo wa Kenya tuendelee kujenga taifa letu!!!
Ronald Baraza November 4, 2015, 12:01 pmReply

Time. to relook our strategies. I believe the best minds are the cream of this country. Already that tells you what a smart person can do to you when left in charge
Duncan Oyondi November 4, 2015, 11:59 amReply

Mugabe is right despite I being a Kenyan. Corruption has become a culture here in Kenya and you’ve even heard the President Himself (Uhuru) says its okey when Bilions and Bilions are lost in Ministries every hour. Thanks Mugabe for speaking out our behaviour
Akeno Mailuk November 4, 2015, 11:55 amReply

A lie! He can’t embarrass us just that way.!
Bravo Gidi November 4, 2015, 11:48 amReply

Uncle Mugabe is right…. We Kenyans must change, Integrity here is like dead
Evans obungu November 4, 2015, 11:48 amReply

Mugabe has a point. am so disappointed with this Kenya scandals after scandals what a shame….
Larry November 4, 2015, 11:47 amReply

This did not happen.
james November 4, 2015, 11:45 amReply

thats true, am a kenyan but kenyans are thieves,
money is everything in kenya
Ken November 4, 2015, 11:43 amReply

Learn from truth and correct your mistakes.
jesca November 4, 2015, 11:41 amReply

Mugabe is right impunity is to much in Kenya, Kenyans are suffering because of pple stealing, yet the law is doing nothing to bring culprits into books. iam so disapointed with the current govt in power, its a great shame.
Shishi November 4, 2015, 11:32 amReply

A classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. I don’t applaude those who are doing what they’re doing, but dude, put your own house in order first – you have a bigger glass house..
Vince November 4, 2015, 11:30 amReply

We are so sinful that even sinners call us sinners. Its time our leaders sober up and know we are watching them. 2017 isn’t far. Am wondering whether these condom dispensers manufacture the condoms or customize them to different flavors. Condoms will be dispensed in Waigurus office but remember Kenya is not built with condoms. Its built on good governance
Lugongo Pauline November 4, 2015, 11:28 amReply

U can say that again,,, the involved thieves r physiologically affected!!
Michael Aringo November 4, 2015, 11:28 amReply

Mugabe is right though stealing in kenya may not be for all kenyans. Kenyans just need to change…
maranga November 4, 2015, 11:17 amReply

Yes there are thieves in E.A I have seen them they steel without guilt in broad day light.we kenyns empower it .we send the same pple back to parliament to steal some more .I think we should respect tht we got noticed. Stop excluding ourselves from the predicament tht we are in ,we should take a chance and clear house (we can’t end up like zibambwe at worst) coz am th person bee can lend Mr Mugabe a million dollars
kokiro November 4, 2015, 11:16 amReply

Mugabe should know we are in digita world and he should leave power to young peopl.look here in kenya he call our presidend his grandson shame on him. Let him go to rest
kokiro November 4, 2015, 11:15 amReply

Mugabe should know we are in digita world and he should leave power to young peopl.look here in kenya he call our presidend his grandson shame on him.
James Dayan November 4, 2015, 11:11 amReply

Personally, am a Kenyan who sees the truth and wisdom in his words. Fellow Kenyans stop being defensive like u’ve never seen a tout give a traffic officer a bribe and did nothing to stop or report it.
abraham November 4, 2015, 11:11 amReply

say you,not we,kwani how many are you.Ghasia
Kenny G November 4, 2015, 11:04 amReply

If it was in Kenya this would have been branded outright hate speech but even though he may be a dictator this stealing has trully gone overboard, a level that people elsewhere have noticed it. Imagine the picture it is setting the whole world!
kelvin sindabi November 4, 2015, 11:02 amReply

I think Kenyans turn blind eyes on things that matters most, look at waiguru’s saga en how the president himself handles it.. The curtains I don’t from where, bungoma wilbarrows etc… Is mugabe not justified? Do we have to act like we don’t see… In my opinion he is, en these corruption is in the Kenyan blood.. Research shows that out of ten Kenyans 8think of stealing
martin November 4, 2015, 11:00 amReply

Kenyans stop stealing and follow the commandments of God
abdullahi somo November 4, 2015, 10:49 amReply

You old man point a finger to same one but remember these is our nation so dont ever speak trush to our beutyful nation ….
Loise November 4, 2015, 10:36 amReply

Oooh.How about his continuous theft of his own pple’s democratic opinion? Should we call it deprivation? Maybe neglect.Stealing is of not only of money, what of the whites who had worked on zimbabwean and then since there is no govt watchdog in Zimbabwe, who knows! Almost all African leaders are in scandals,and Mr Mugabe should stop playing clean. ##Let him who is Clean cast the first stone
joseph November 4, 2015, 10:35 amReply

Kenyans need not to side with any tribe if we want to save our nation,the truth is that the true fear of the lord is not within the people thats why everybody is competing to sin, tho they think they ar helping there families by stealing ,what i know is that in the Kingdom of Christ they will not enjoy those dirty wealth.
mark wanyama November 4, 2015, 10:34 amReply

They steal with impunity and the Headboy has no powers.Kenya has gone back to 1980s
Uncle Rob you are right,this culture of stealing when in public office is bad.
Wambua November 4, 2015, 10:31 amReply

I totally agree with Mugabe though not all us. The culprits know themselves and they should stop their selfish gains.
Paul November 4, 2015, 10:30 amReply

I am not sure Zimbabwe enjoys media freedom and freedom of expression like Kenya. If not, then there is a high likelihood that the level of corruption is unknown to the public. That said, I am also disappointed with the current government. Not that any other government would have done better.
Edward Kinoti November 4, 2015, 10:26 amReply

At the risk of being called all manner of names… I call upon the President…. my President to either,

1.Disband his cabinet so that he can get rid of all the corrupt officers for them to face the law and for him and the country to recover.

2.Resign and let another capable Kenyan to lead this nation.

Personally I think this is the best he can do for Kenya as things stand now.
Stev November 4, 2015, 10:25 amReply

Lets not shoot the messenger.
He may have used a strong language but its true…corruption and impunity are 2 vices eating up kenya
Stone Mason November 4, 2015, 10:09 amReply

I like the OG for many things he stands for but thats some idiotic observation he has.
Benard George November 4, 2015, 10:08 amReply

This is a 100% true
km November 4, 2015, 10:07 amReply

its hurtful more so because its true, government is a representation of a nation, our govt is stealing left right n centre, we should be thanking mugabe for showing us the log in our eye…
kambe November 4, 2015, 10:07 amReply

Of course Kenya should be doing more in tackling Corruption than allow itself to be lectured with a graduate of Corruption.Mugabe himself has perfected the vice that at the rate in which his Government is doing it has made the Zimbabwean dollar to be valueless.
Felix November 4, 2015, 10:01 amReply

Yaani Kenya is so corruption hadi uncle Bob has noted it?? This is too serious to be ignored!
Mohammad Riaz Ansary November 4, 2015, 9:57 amReply

Mugabe! una ongea za wenzako na kwako Maji yamezidi Unga. hatubebi gunia ya pesa tukienda ku nunua sabuni dukani.
jack November 4, 2015, 9:52 amReply

True Bob but only three things are tainting all Kenyans reputation I.e. two trousers and one skirt. Even though from his past doings he has no moral right to talk about any person, on this one Bob is very right, we have anyway been told the truth how the outside world perceive us. Let us now wait and see what happens tomorrow at Mugufuli’s function, will they shake hands.
eric November 4, 2015, 9:51 amReply

kenyans should accept this fact n try to write another narrative out there,
lelei November 4, 2015, 9:50 amReply

nonsense he should first liberate Zimbabwe.
Mike November 4, 2015, 9:45 amReply

President Kenyatta and his sycophants cant see the theft taking place in public offices. Mogabe can so lets accept it. Any sober Kenyan is worried by the level of theft in Kenya
Boko November 4, 2015, 9:38 amReply

Mugabe never said this. this is apost by a government Blogger trying to get kenyans to defend this corrupt government because we are patriotic like that
magai frank'max November 4, 2015, 9:38 amReply

mugabe is right#TBT
Harrison kisang November 4, 2015, 9:35 amReply

Mugabe is right in his argument but i think his age has lied to him to make a blanket judgement of kenyans! there are millions of is suffering because of corruption,calling all of us thieves is not in order,he must fix the mess he has created in zimbabwe’s economy before pointing fingers.
kobiero November 4, 2015, 9:33 amReply

anyway Mugambe is right there’s alot of thuggery in Kenya
Lebii Kyalo November 4, 2015, 9:33 amReply

It is true what the old man says. The high level of corruption taking this country to the grave. From the time of the first president to the now the worst government. Kenya breeds corruption kingpins. As I travel arround the world, Kenyans are not trusted people. This will affect out image completely.
godwin November 4, 2015, 9:33 amReply

Wonder how kenyan leaders slip at night with this kind of “international recognition” .one would wish for the earth to open and swallow all the fake corrupt leaders we claim ti have.sic
kobiero November 4, 2015, 9:31 amReply

kipkirui i dont agree u. with this mass embbezlment of public funds our economy is under siege
japheth November 4, 2015, 9:31 amReply

Yes there is a lot of stealing in Kenya of both public and private property by kenyans. However, it’s not wise leave alone being fair to demonise one community for evils that are found in every party of our diverse citizenry. we should be thinking of building cohession in this fragile country that can be wrecked by careless utterances. let’s look for solutions to end this vice instead of vilifying one community.
Erick November 4, 2015, 9:28 amReply

That is true Mr president but in your own country there is no democracy,you have stick to power
Onesmus Musau November 4, 2015, 9:28 amReply

Right message but wrong messager
george muema November 4, 2015, 9:27 amReply

i support you mugabe
denniz November 4, 2015, 9:26 amReply

of all the peeps in the world,”mugabe’ hahaha grandpa yuh know nothing cz you even dont know when s jaz cant compare kenya with your decaying Zimbabwe.
LEAFYSTONR November 4, 2015, 9:22 amReply

you think kenya is made up of kikuyus only.know your facts before saying some things.corruption in kenya hit the roof when those in opposition were in govt.
P-tah November 4, 2015, 9:19 amReply

Mugabe spoke the truth.He is very angry bearing in mind how dearly he loves Africa. We are so gullible. We were cheated with some unrealistic goodies and there now we are. Our Tax money pocketed by some few rich. The wrath is on you who are doing it.
charles wafula November 4, 2015, 9:18 amReply

The truth be told the President was right.But he is too young to us (nation),If he says that, where is the land he chased away the white people?He gave out to his clan and cronies.He is the first president of Zimbabwe.We have the fourth president.If he is not corrupt follow how elections are conduction in his country,Corruption is not a vocabulary in his country.Arudishe huko uzee wake na akili mbofu hiyo ya wacolony.
jiang November 4, 2015, 9:12 amReply

Mugabe thot u r a pan African club member. U shld never generalize crius allegations like this. U shld advice coz u gut a experience of over 90 years. If u generalise this, then you mean, all Zimbabweans are thick headed because they have never gave a birth to a brilliant person who would know better than you and rule them. Just think about it.
En all wo r supporting His Excellency remember we are one people. We should Unite Africans.
Am a Lion of Africa
moses simiyu November 4, 2015, 9:09 amReply

The leaders in kenya are totally corrupt those in power are eating wholeheartedly,those in the opposition are readying themselves for turn time to eat ,we are acorrupt nation truth be told ,
liwinji November 4, 2015, 9:06 amReply

its true, thats a serious disease in kenya
korir kiprono November 4, 2015, 9:05 amReply

If you’ve been following what has been going on then you will agree with uncle Bob about the current situation stealing is what the current government majoring on
Nixon Ngeno November 4, 2015, 9:02 amReply

Maybe President Mugabe is right..maybe the level of corruption is high in Kenya. I cannot deny or confirm those allegations. But compare the two countries..Both countries have there own problems..which are not desirable of course. instead of pointing fingers at each other, why don’t we improve our status..Donald trump considered all Africans as thieves. Maybe its true.maybe its not. I cant deny or confirm that. But in the case of Zimbabwe and Kenya, at least Kenya is in a better place than Zimbabwe. A good leader shouldn’t have said those words. It creates hatred among Africans instead of uniting them. Whatever President Mugabe has against Kenya should deal with it on his own because not all Kenyans are thieves.There is no country where theft is absent. Am proud to be Kenyan and i can confirm that Kenya is in a better place in employment, education,infrastructure, technology, health etc than Zimbabwe. All i can say is Zimbabwe should deal with there issues before helping us deal with our issues. Peace and Unity is the key to development. Africans lets all unite to fight against all our problems
Brekmans Bahizi November 4, 2015, 9:00 amReply

If Uncle Bob is so wrong about Kenyans how does this story help those who disagree with him? “Kiambu Pastor Sells ‘Holy Pens’ That Make Students Pass Exams Without Studying”
Me November 4, 2015, 8:59 amReply

Mugabe is right
Brekmans Bahizi November 4, 2015, 8:56 amReply

Has stealing from the public been outlawed in Kenya of recent? Any updates, please
trish November 4, 2015, 8:56 amReply

It’s very true n sad to see that our country is losing billions n no one has been jailed remember obama s speech if you notice change in your neighbour n you knew them before but life style changes within a nyte question the wealth our churches have failed too people steal then they go for prayers n the pastors are too fast to offer them we are tired of these thieves something needs to be done pple arrested accounts frozen n everything returned to Kenyans.
david muguna November 4, 2015, 8:56 amReply

Mugabe is very right.Waiguru seating on top list with her 25k condom dispenser and 1.8 M TV.they are the leaders and so we are in the following option.Lets steal Kenyans.Mugabe warn your people
kimathi November 4, 2015, 8:48 amReply

To be pinpointed by a basket case like zimbabwe shows how our corruption & fraud levels have skyrocketted & something has to be done to stop the rot if any meaningful devt is to be realised.However Mugabe cannot escape blame because he has also fleeced the people of zimbabwe sucking their blood like a leech & leaving them wallowing in poverty as he & his concubine go for shopping & treatment abroad.Let him see the log in his eye first.
henry ochieng November 4, 2015, 8:44 amReply

President Mugabe is right and would encourage him to curse this stupid behavior that Kenyan leaders and classy citizens tend to put themselves into with high spirits. Am a Kenyan but since birth I have never been proud of this land. Its high time we Kenyans have to change and take a new path of corruption free country
Alex Ohany November 4, 2015, 8:43 amReply

Alfred Oseur Kipelian November 4, 2015, 8:34 amReply

Absolutely wrong Mr. Robert, Don’t generalize between leaders and other civilians. Watching someone shoot themselves in the foot is far less amusing when said foot is on your neck. Forward to you to a big thief, Kenyan leadership is not ruling in a correct way, Rich people continue to be rich while the poor continue to be poor and this is happening in Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Kenya. Lands grabbing both countries do, Kenya is better because, are thieves and rich, Zimbabwe to are thieves but poor.
The wise people say “if you don’t defeat them,? Join them.” where are you? A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. Both Kenya and Tanzania are in this lines where are you Zimbabwe? , As an Kenyan citizen, I would like to congratulate His Excellency Uhuru Moigai Kenyatta for making a differences by protecting Kenyans wildlife. Coming to your side Robert , you over Hunting Safaris license to go killing our majestic Jumbos which is a big shame. Do you know what the world’s say about you and your people? Being money greedy and poor.
The year 2015 have not end, Tanzanian leaders Looking the way of grabbing Maasai lands to hand it to Dubai flying Emirates for hunting, Kipelian and the rest of wildlife lovers signed petitions to Tanzanian President and pushed it to Kikwete via United Nation and we are now making to demarcate the lands to the owners, That is another way of because live thieves , don’t fight the Kenyan leadership at the same time with civilians, it’s like climbing stones on shoes, abruptly will fall down, Kenyans are more better Zimbabweans and are more intelligent than you and your people,
Please Robert Mugabe, find the best shoes for you, Kenya is bigger than you a thousands miles in prosperity.
GOOGA November 4, 2015, 8:33 amReply

We should have a commission set up to investigate on the matter.
Ben langat November 4, 2015, 8:25 amReply

I agree with Mugabe, many individuals now in Kenya having any leadership position wants to dishonesty make something out of that position that they hold. it’s so sad and unfortunate.
Kimani November 4, 2015, 8:23 amReply

We steal with passion
Pat November 4, 2015, 8:23 amReply

He’s spot on….and as much as this corruption is not affecting us now since the good government is still borrowing ,our children will pay heavily. In 50 yrs time, Kenya will be a very different country but these thugs don’t see that far, you ask them how far they see in the future they’ll comfortably tell you 5 yrs because of elections. The sub division of land right now is another indicator that our children will suffer. There will be too many informal settlements around those manicured lawns gated communities that will bring insecurity. In other words in 50 years time there will be a kinda of Arab Spring Uprising in Kenya, and where will these thugs be?…am open for suggestions
c...masafu November 4, 2015, 8:21 amReply

This fossil in the name of mukebe…mugabe I mean should snoop in his own shit
Jacquie Kegode November 4, 2015, 8:20 amReply

Dear everyone concerned about Mugabe, please take into account his very very very old advanced age and possibility of various old age related ailments of mental variety and excuse him please.
eutycus November 4, 2015, 8:20 amReply

The truth to b told even if we contnue burrying in the sad the other parts of the body is crearly seen en b in the know that Kenya is being pocketed by few individuals u r self centered en who wish well there country thank u Bob those r educative insults
JIMMY November 4, 2015, 8:17 amReply

Kimani November 4, 2015, 8:14 amReply

Kipkurui .. you are of course in defense of your own ( understandable given the level of tribalism) who is busy building 1.2 billion house and land grabbing almost every piece of lands from poor farmers to school lands. However, you very well know that most Kenyans are suffering because of high level of stealing, land grabbing, corruption. Kenya as if not number 8 economy in Africa, we should not be seeing garbages in every corner of Nairobi, the slums and eastlando should be looking far better, people should not be dying in hospitals
What are you building? if you mean SGR we should have gotten at least two of the same kind if not inflating the cost….Where does a locally made wheelbarrow cost 1,000 USD? etc

Mugabe has his own problems but he said the true. Indeed in Kenya stealing is the way to go and those who are not thieves are actually cowards and have no space in the digital regime. And stealing goes on … get a today’s copy of The Standard and read more eating in Waiguru’s ministry
Isabel November 4, 2015, 8:09 amReply

Its unfortunate the whole country is mentioned in this saga but the truth be told, We voted for this thieves and its time we match together as a nation and act. We no longer need them. Those talking of one tribe been thieves same on you!!! not all are in government
Evans November 4, 2015, 8:08 amReply

We need to be recolonised for another 100years
Emmanuel November 4, 2015, 8:05 amReply

It is true indeed. we have the most greedy leadership in East Africa
Fr. Stan, OSA November 4, 2015, 8:05 amReply

The corruption manifested in few Kenyan offices doesn’t make all Kenyans thieves. This is a huge insult to innocent, hard working n God-fearing Kenyans who feel offended by such bus statement from such a leader.

we all know who Mugabe is, what he has done n what he can do/say. Hearing such statements from our leaders tells alot on ineffective leadership Africa has. And any up-date n rational being Seconding such statements calls for pity.

Kenya is my country. Our education system is perfect. Mr. Mugabe need note that. Y manipulate constitution so as to stick to leadership, isn’t that the greatest theft? Food for thought to Mr. President
angie November 4, 2015, 8:04 amReply

are you a christian?
wyckymosh November 4, 2015, 8:03 amReply

peter November 4, 2015, 8:02 amReply

well said Mr. president, you couldn’t say it righter
Mohammed Noor November 4, 2015, 8:01 amReply

President Mugabe, you’re not the best but thank you very much for speaking out the truth. The Kenyan Government is full of thieves and they know very well that they’re protected and that’s why they’re steal bila half time.
Fr. Stan, OSA November 4, 2015, 8:01 amReply

The corruption manifested in few Kenyan offices doesn’t make all Kenyans thieves. This is a huge insult to innocent, hard working n God-fearing Kenyans who feel offended by such bus statement from such a leader.

we all know who Mugabe is, what he has done n what he can do/say. Hearing such statements from our leaders tells alot on ineffective leadership Africa has. And any up-date n rational being Seconding such statements calls for pity.

Kenya is my country. Our education system is perfect. Mr. Mugabe need note that. Y manipulate constitution so as to stick to leadership
Frank November 4, 2015, 7:59 amReply

Dan November 4, 2015, 7:57 amReply

I would be chastened by anybody in the world but not this selfish old garbage!!! He doesn’t have single moral standards to talk about others. Always he has thought of himself while his country is suffering. If was Zimbabwean I would have shot him at point blank range!!!! Stupid old man
Dickson mugambi November 4, 2015, 7:57 amReply

Let him say it once again…as we celebrate kenya @52..
Winnie November 4, 2015, 7:56 amReply

It’s wisdom to correct not to condemn
Scorn is not a tool of leadership but challenging is what marks a true leader.
A man who cannot bear the vice of another is not of any help in the reformation of the other person.
Let’s stop been tribal because tribes are not food nor clothes it’s only an identity group.
Nashon November 4, 2015, 7:50 amReply

Grant par remarks are not far from the truth
Tobias Oyugi November 4, 2015, 7:49 amReply

Let us first castigate Bob for such ‘bad’ comments that taints our image in Africa,but remember the Swahili adage ,”lisemwalo lipo” n the old man is very right ,Kenyans are thieves.
watuku November 4, 2015, 7:48 amReply

Expenditure by devolution minister 20 Ball point pens, fine tipped, blue each costing Sh8,700 at a total cost of Sh174,000.
Two IPAD tablets each costing Sh180,000 amounting to Sh260,000.
One DVD player costing at Sh45,000.
100 4GB Flash disks each costing Sh2,420
One Piano costing Sh235,900.
Payment of supply of Kaspersky security kit cost Sh973,780.
One Laptop at Sh206,000.
Two visitors chairs each costing Sh56,950
Business cards Sh1.5 million.
100 Keyboards and adaptors each costing 40,000
watuku November 4, 2015, 7:46 amReply

Someone tell Mugabe he is right…
Maurice November 4, 2015, 7:46 amReply

Mugabe is wrong to claim all Kenyans are thieves. However, the level of theft in Kenya is amongst the highest in the world. But looking at the 2014 Transparency International Corruption index, Kenya is at 145 and Zimbabwe at 156. I guess this is like a case of a baboon laughing at the behind of the other not knowing that they are of the same species. See the report here:$FILE/EY-transparency-international-corruption-perceptions-index-2014.pdf
Cleophas Magut November 4, 2015, 7:44 amReply

Tenx Mr Mugabe for your observance and concerned in what is happening in my Nation!!!.But,allow me a portion in your heart!!!! to deposit something, that no all Kenyans are thieves!!!!! there are some remnants who does not bow down to the impunity of corruption as you believe!!!!!.there are HOLY People who serve the Most high God!!!!.Mr Sir!!! correct your statement and avoid generalization!!!. you should be in your knees repenting!!!!!.
Daniel Masinde November 4, 2015, 7:42 amReply

Mugabe is wrong to blame Kenyans and accuse that way we are all alike in eyes of God that’s why everyone must be saved
In the heart of Mugabe there is nothing like the word of God
there no one who can do good not even one Psalms 14:2-4, 51:5 Romans 3:9-18
Kenyans stand a good chance to hear the true Gospel of God
Jesus came for people like us Matthew 9:11-13
all of us were sinners but we were justified, washed, sanctified if you believe not if you do good 1 Corinthians 6:11
Jesus became sin for me to be righteous 2 Corinthians 5:21
but people rely on their good works more than to the blood of Jesus that’s why they say am saved but I have sin not cold nor warm, am righteous because Jesus took away my sin period it has nothing to do with my behavior Romans 4:1-8
Jeremiah 13:23
mwihaki November 4, 2015, 7:42 amReply

Unfortunately that’s true…….
Alfred Oseur Kipelian November 4, 2015, 7:42 amReply

Absolutely wrong Mr. Robert, Don’t generalize between leaders and other civilians. Watching someone shoot themselves in the foot is far less amusing when said foot is on your neck. Forward to you to a big thief, Kenyan leadership is not ruling in a correct way, Rich people continue to be rich while the poor continue to be poor and thin and this is happening in Tanzania and Kenya. Lands grabbing both countries do, Kenya is better because are thieves and rich, Tanzania to are thieves but poor.
The wise people say “if you don’t defeat them,? Join them.” where are you? A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. Both Kenya and Tanzania are in this line, As an Kenyan citizen, I would like to congratulate His Excellency Uhuru Moigai Kenyatta for making a differences by protecting Kenyans wildlife. Coming to your side, you give Hunting Safaris license to go killing the majestic Jumbos which is a big shame. Do you know what the world’s say about it? Being money greedy.
The year 2015 have not end, You came Looking the way of grabbing Maasai lands to hand it to Dubai flying Emirates for hunting, Kipelian and the rest of wildlife love signed petitions to you and pushed it to you via United Nation and we are now making to demarcate the lands to the owners, That is another way of because a live thief, don’t fight the Kenyan leadership at the same time with civilians, it’s like climbing stones with shoes, automatically will fall down, Kenyans are more better Tanzanian and are more intelligent than you and your people,
Nashon November 4, 2015, 7:42 amReply

He might be that Old but was he is saying it’s not far from the truth
I support him
Robinson Atandi November 4, 2015, 7:41 amReply

Mugabe is simply telling the truth, it’s bitter but all in all Kenyans are being milked to death. That’s how the World’s view of us.
Jackson November 4, 2015, 7:41 amReply

We no need dictatorial ruling in kenya,he’s worth to his dark country Zimbabwe.
Jackson November 4, 2015, 7:37 amReply

mugabe is not part of the solution, hence not part of the it’s wise to be nude before ever be naked.The wise said ,it’s wise to remove “huge log” on one’s eye, before seeing the small speck on someone’s eye.The allegations in question, are for Kenyans to solve. He is not Well build to become our overseer, nor mediator.He should refresh up his minds!!
TUSALI November 4, 2015, 7:37 amReply

Our true image as seen from adistance.Its acommon knowledge all over the world THAT Kenyans are so.The previous Dec,i was someowhere and when I hinted that iam akenyan or rather from Kenya,guess what?!…someone quickly said I must be corrupt.
Weru November 4, 2015, 7:34 amReply

Then after that they start finger pointing
speaker November 4, 2015, 7:32 amReply

Kikuyus are thieves and will use the slightest chance to reap from anyone, including their sisters and mothers.
Maurice November 4, 2015, 7:32 amReply

Mugabe is right to say that their is theft in Kenya, but is wrong to say that it is committed by all Kenyans. Only the privileged few have the audacity to loot. People who steal chicken are charged and prosecuted, while those who still big money from government etc go scott free.
Emmanuel Wamukoya November 4, 2015, 7:31 amReply

Am a true Kenyan and am courageously agreeing with the President although he is stupid to be still ruling at his age
Eunice November 4, 2015, 7:28 amReply

Mr. Mugabe, i don’t know why ur complaining about thieves! One thing u hv to realise is that even jesus when he died he was crucified with thieves not saints! So don’t act as saint coz they are pharises
james ali amele November 4, 2015, 7:27 amReply

That’s a fact. Pure truth. Its outta a president with a vision. Thieves must b trolled. Uhurus gvt stealing under his nose. He is the engineer of corruption in Kenya.
vibian November 4, 2015, 7:25 amReply

We are proud thieves..and we owe nobody an apology.
John Wamono November 4, 2015, 7:14 amReply

Mr Mugabe we certainly don’t have 40,000,000 plus thieves, we obviously don’t have a Mugabe in Kenya. A few politicians and high ranking civil servants are the cause of, I hope there will be no more arrogant dictators once you’re gone!
Gideon Muriki November 4, 2015, 7:12 amReply

Nothing but the truth. God save the innocent kenyan whose dream of a better life have been openly betrayed by his very government that laid trust in.The destiny for rogue leadership together with their accomplices and their generations is clearly stated in the Holy Bible .God save your İmage-us.
Dagy November 4, 2015, 7:08 amReply

While there might b some truth to what Mugabe is saying in a few selected Kenyans, especially those in leadership positions, it’s wrong to stereotype all Kenyans as thieves. Most Kenyans are honest, aggresive and very hardworking individuals
Rugo November 4, 2015, 7:04 amReply

Mugabe may not have the moral authority being a huge thief himself but all he said is true.
Kenyans from all walks of life just look for opportunity to steal. Thieves are glorified in Kenya. Pastors in church accept their money, citizens worship them knowing very well they stole, and even send them to parliament, Senate, statehouse
We have sweet words for them, and dont call them thieves
Botswana chased Kenyan engineers for stealing too much
Wakenya ni waizi
Chang'li November 4, 2015, 7:03 amReply

He Mugabe should knw that he is a thief,dictator,grabber of the Highest Order.You will die hunging to power.
ISAAC OMWANDHO November 4, 2015, 6:58 amReply

If this old dog #mugabe can see corruption i see in kenya & speak about it, then its true #uhuruto regime is de worsed
Danny Cazoungu katana November 4, 2015, 6:57 amReply

john kirumba November 4, 2015, 6:48 amReply

Brothers and sisters let us not run for each others throat just because an outsider’s thought or observation are right or wrong. Personally I think that every family has issues.
Ochieng Kwach November 4, 2015, 6:41 amReply

This is what tribalism and bad politics can yield. The world is wide awake and watching when our politicians steal with impunity yet we encourage it by supporting them. We support them to steal from us. A legendary ksh 250B Eurobond has gone. The government has gone for another 60B commercial loan at interest rates that cannot be disclosed to wanainchi. Leaders borrowing to steal yet nobody should talk about it (especially if you hail from another tribe). Money is being squandered and stolen at devolution ministry yet we are treating the suspect like a saint. Surely something has to be done. The fact that Mugabe of all the people has taken notice of this with amazement means that even God will no longer tolerate it.
Ramadhan November 4, 2015, 6:39 amReply

Its good you noted that mugabe…but let me make it clear for you..dont speak like a real evident of ruptured condom.kenya is in did corrupt just becoz our sperms keep engage in corruption for us to be born….but have you first solve hell of economy in you place were a loaf of bread and 2eggs is almost the cost of toyota datsun vehicle?????????? and for info zimbabwe is no longer in map of africa they cnt see so they cnt draw.
Marale November 4, 2015, 6:38 amReply

Thats for a fact. Kenyans are ‘sick’ thieves and more so our leaders. It just sickens me that we had to allow another ‘sick’ leader to tell us how ‘sick’ we are.. ha. ha
Baro November 4, 2015, 6:36 amReply

It is true. The truth is bitter. Politicians have ashamed our country. God bless the masses.
Peter MUI November 4, 2015, 6:33 amReply

Long live Mr President. You always tell it like it is. There you are Kenya your true reflection through the googles of a fellow african. Won’t you twitch?
Mugabe Chokora poko November 4, 2015, 6:32 amReply

Hahaha Mugabe you know natin about Kenya…So polish that black ass smelling shit with our Success Kenya is amoung the Best developed counrty in East n whole of Africa Zibambwe aint mentioned any where #ProudKenyan
jacfar November 4, 2015, 6:30 amReply

kudos mugae those are facts
Kev November 4, 2015, 6:28 amReply

Our feeling towards you Robber..oh sorry ‘rober’t are just as equivalent as yours towards Obama.
Greg November 4, 2015, 6:23 amReply

Very right, but rational judgement is important too
frank November 4, 2015, 6:20 amReply

Kenya is the only country where a thief is rewarded with a ministerial post, where a thief will steal from you and use the same money to bribe a judge so you can be denied justice among many other rotten ills. I ask myself Mr. Mugabe, Grand Pa, you are a failed state shouldn’t you first remove the dirt in your eye before removing someone else s.. Of course the reset of Africa is doing very well, they have no corruption, have no debts and have booming economy on their way to the first world right?
let me break it down for you, this is not only a Kenyan a fair its a continental issue and you as the Elder in this situation should lead from the front, first by leaving that 19th century seat that you still occupy. why are you still there by the way? Your guess is as good as mine, to protect your loot of course.
I am not here to defend the Kenyan politician and public servants because truth be told they are taking us to hell if nothing is done here in Kenya, but something needs to be done across this continent. Its in a mess and as long as the lords retain the money and power, poverty will remain our strong hold and cash crop for a very long time
evans mangera November 4, 2015, 6:18 amReply

what does that have to do with far te man wants to colonise kenya bt `mugabe’u ave to know dat kenya is ahead of ua country.en i wount appreciate ua points.
Stop November 4, 2015, 6:14 amReply

Those people who are talking about central province should shut up because it seems the have nothing better to say…. is Ngilu and Ababu from central. We have to take responsibility as Kenyans and stop pointing Fingers. It’s about time we do so!!! We should be ashamed to even bring tribalism here.
Mind November 4, 2015, 6:20 amReply

Very true
Aden Hassan November 4, 2015, 6:12 amReply

Much of what Mugabe says is true. I lived in East Africa for a decade but something which I could not believe in was that you cannot keep things in safety. The higher the level of education the more sophisticated level of theft.
Gaston kiberenge November 4, 2015, 6:06 amReply

The truth is always bitter.What Bob has said isnt far from truth.lts only those who have benefited from corruptions scandals who can pretend to dispute this.
parapapa November 4, 2015, 6:06 amReply

A very great observation from an old man
Kiprotich Victor November 4, 2015, 6:04 amReply

Who the hell does #Mugabe thinks he is? I don’t blame him. He’s an Old Dog and can’t learn new tricks…lol!
Eric November 4, 2015, 6:04 amReply

Such a shame that one would join his proud foe and abuse their mother land. Iam Kikuyu and not embarrassed ashamed or regretful let he who chose the womb to be born of cast the first stone. But above this crap of tribe iam a Kenyan and proud I don’t care what the guy said but the Kenyans who commented on this are unpatriotic. And if anybody agrees with this guy he is much like Mugabe king of neo-colonialism a shame to the black man and a confused blubber mouth.
shadrack November 4, 2015, 6:03 amReply

I think time has come for Mr Mugabe to die and even he shouldn’t retire and if i may kindly ask him how many times has he been stilling votes for the lovely people of Zimbabwe don’t use our country Kenya.
Syoms November 4, 2015, 6:02 amReply

Set a thief to catch a thief.
maina November 4, 2015, 5:58 amReply

He is right!!! The Kenyans who are not stealing are only complaining coz they were not on the gravy train.We even glorify this thieves.”have you seen pattnis custom made benz,deadly” etc.they are all now standing for elective positions and who will vote foe them,themselves,their fellow thieves or you contradicting mugabe……try n guess
Thomseba November 4, 2015, 5:57 amReply

Not all Kenyans are thieves though we condem the vice of corruption. The government should protect and account for the public resources as they promote equity distribition of resources. The citizens should also be on watch
Simon Ndiritu November 4, 2015, 5:57 amReply

hur de most folish president in de world aml not thieve like wat u do t yr nation stealing land ur not suppose to be a leader.
Patmat November 4, 2015, 5:56 amReply

Mugabe is right. It is a big shame that no one seems bothered by the rampant corruption, fund embezzlement and looting happening in the government. We are only screaming for what we have been told by the media, what about the rest we haven’t heard yet?
tina November 4, 2015, 5:56 amReply

yea thats the truth
Atoti November 4, 2015, 5:56 amReply

Well if the shoe fits… Every day we hear instances of how our government and officials are looting our kenya. We do nothing.
Dennis Mudave November 4, 2015, 5:54 amReply

Excellent point Grandpa,I ve been to Zimbabwe personally it’s very true even if the economy is down but there is no theft and Corruption on that I back you up Abambo chokwadi chetechete.
Dennis Mudave November 4, 2015, 5:51 amReply

Stop lying to ur self my friend there is nothing we are building infact soon will fall than Zimbabwe. don’t defend thieves truth be told
Dennis Mudave November 4, 2015, 5:48 amReply

Mugabe is very right there is no theft and corruption in Zimbabwe, don’t defend Thieves my friend.
George Obare November 4, 2015, 5:48 amReply

Bob has hit the nail on the head. However, this should have been squarely directed to the Person in charge, Mr. President to put His house in order. You cannot cover the light of the sun with your palm,time brings everything into perspective. Bottom line Kenya is not an equitable society or country. AND WE ARE NOT FOOLS, MUGABE IS NOT TOO. KEEP IT UP HIS EXCELLENCY HONORABLE ROBERT MUGABE
asiye kubali kushindwa proverb. Kumbe our African brother is wise that is why mzungu wants to drag his name like Gadaffi!
cate November 4, 2015, 5:48 amReply

As much ……u knw what kenyans do pls let our country not be the platform where u start your conversation we feel ………Zimbabwe has been the worst
Pius November 4, 2015, 5:47 amReply

At least you gave Kenyans a compliment…” they steal enough to buy their freedom”…one more thing would you like civilization? We will steal it for you, you really need it primate!
Victor Onsarigo November 4, 2015, 5:45 amReply

This Mugabe commentary about us shocks me with its level of honesty. Kenya is now a looting field. Our Jubilee government is watching helplessly or spectating this absurd theatre of corruption. If Bob was to come to Kenya, I would give him my vote instead of voting for this sleeping self-declared digital government. You intelligently hung all the state agencies tasked with abating this shameless looting of public funds….who will rescue of beloved country?
Antony November 4, 2015, 5:41 amReply

Well said elder Mugabe…and I think all Zimbabweans are dictators like you.
Peter November 4, 2015, 5:40 amReply

Where a pen that costs ksh 30 is bought by a government officer at ksh 9000 how can you fault Bob? Why is it just one community?
cyrus November 4, 2015, 5:38 amReply

Mugabe is damn In fact Mugabe’s is an understatement about the zeal with which Kenyans are running their country down. If this continues, the prophecy of Kenya being a country of 50 billionaires and 50 million beggars will soon come to pass.
kahindi charo November 4, 2015, 5:38 amReply

True mr mugabe…I also wish singekua mkenya…God forbid!wizi umejaa kenya and I thank God the world is seeing.
Mutuku donatus November 4, 2015, 5:36 amReply

and even sitting president is not seen doing something to curb the problem
Jackie November 4, 2015, 5:35 amReply

I have just learnt today that James Orengo, Evans Kidero, Nduva Muli, Cyprian Awiti and others are all Kikuyu’s from Central Province and the one who handed in this report to Parliament is indeed not a Kikuyu. Thanks George Onyango and Di Sebastiano for enlightening us. Read the link below.

indlamlenze November 4, 2015, 5:33 amReply

Ya neh ..

Talk my prez I will listen
Mr Peter Andanje November 4, 2015, 5:32 amReply

Kenya has become a Case study when it comes to corruption
micah November 4, 2015, 5:31 amReply

Mugabe is right were on earth does a biro pen cost ksh 87000 equivalent of almost 87 us dollars. Kenyans are thieves massive thieves
Selline November 4, 2015, 5:30 amReply

This is very true Mr. president! The government is corrupt, the leadership is is worse and they have portrayed it all to the world to see
swallow the bitter true and change!
mike jimbi November 4, 2015, 5:27 amReply

the bitter truth,,mugabe is damn right!!!!!!!!!!
Keshi November 4, 2015, 5:26 amReply

Stupid kenyans still blaming us kikuyus as if we are all rich thieves… Its high time tht kenyans understand tht there are only two tribes here the rich and the poor we all know where we fall under. Our leaders are rich thieves the good thing thing is that God in heaven is watching and no wealth can buy life
Terman Kirombo November 4, 2015, 5:26 amReply

Sometimes I disagree with President Mugabe, but for this one, he’s speaking the truth.
rotich November 4, 2015, 5:25 amReply

very true its never any news to hear that kenyans are thieves am not certain at whether this will ever stop who will rescue us?
Fred Sihanya November 4, 2015, 5:24 amReply

President Mugabe has some sense in his speech but MUST not involve all Kenyans. There are a lot of people who are trustworthy and honest. I disagree involving all good citizens of Kenya.
Pasi Moto November 4, 2015, 5:21 amReply

Uncle Robert Gabriel is right … shame on a certain clique of Kenyans
benny November 4, 2015, 5:21 amReply

hehee, GrandPa Bob is right, almost all kenyans are thiefs. The other day The government n Teachers stole the kenyan children 1 whole month of school time n they are not sorry about it. In another case the doctors n nurses of both private n public hospitals stole the life of a young man who stayed in an ambulance for more than 48 hours for luck of deposit in private hospitals n inadequate beds in ICU wards in public hospitals
Adams Eston November 4, 2015, 5:20 amReply

I think in this one Mugabe is right,we Kenyans are thieves and as much as am not proud of it i will admit to it only coz am a kenyan even though all this is brought by our so called leaders..they steal with no mercy
George Ogiro November 4, 2015, 5:19 amReply

Very true in deed. It is all happening here every day, news headlines here is all about corruption.
Bahati November 4, 2015, 5:16 amReply

Mugabe kidole chako kimoja kina busara kuwapiku viongozi wote wa Kenya licha ya kwamba nawe pia una udhaifu wako wa kutong’atuka mamlakani. Kwa kauli yako Bw. Mugabe kuhusu swala la mrungura nchini kenya, umeudunga msumari kwenye donda dugu. Mimi mzalendo kindakibdaki ila hulka za viongozi wa Kenya hunifanya nitamauke na nijute kuwa mkenya. Kenya ni taifa la mnyonge kunyongwa zaidi, mabwenyenye kubwenyenya zaidi na makabwela kuwa walala walia hoi. Ni katika taifa la Kenya tu ulimwenguni kote ambako kuna makundi mawili yaani Wenyenchi na Wananchi. Ni katika taifa la Kenya tu utaingia afisini kupata huduma na kuulizwa jina kako la ukoo. Nani atakayetunusuru wanachi wa Kenya kutoka minyororo ya Wenyenchi wa Kenya?
sam November 4, 2015, 5:15 amReply

I agree with Bob….however it disappoint to see a narrow minded fellow Kenyan, directing the blame towards central kenya. He wants to tell us that even the in charges of youth docket are from central.
Jasper Aligawesa November 4, 2015, 5:14 amReply

African in general they dislike the hard working communities that why they label them thieves. In East Africa there are 3 tribes and they are the most hard working and of course the richest. Baganda in uganda kikuyu in Kenya and Chagga from Tanzania . Mugabe may just be jealous
Benson November 4, 2015, 5:12 amReply

Corruption should be legalised in Kenya so that it can be done openly the power of the skirt it’s a pity.
George Obare November 4, 2015, 5:11 amReply

Bob has hit the nail on the head. However, this should have been squarely directed to the Person in charge, Mr. President to put His house in order. You cannot cover the light of the sun with your palm,time brings everything into perspective.
Onyancha haron November 4, 2015, 5:11 amReply

mugabe is v.correct.kenyan leaders stealing from their own government.check devolution ministry.
ogembo frank ogembo November 4, 2015, 5:11 amReply

Mugabe is another big let down to Africa. at his age still clinging on powers.
Hollyfield November 4, 2015, 5:04 amReply

I thought Mugabe’s wisdom would have directed him to frankly call a spade by its name.
Hollyfield November 4, 2015, 5:02 amReply

I think Mugabe is confused and has run out of his mind.Where did his wisdom go to?…I thought by his wisdom,he wouldn’t have called a spade a spoon.
Tonui November 4, 2015, 5:02 amReply

wat about elections MDC would have been a rulling party had it not for the theft by MUGABE.Is this not stealing or stealing is only money?.
Samuel Odera November 4, 2015, 4:54 amReply

Bob is so right, we Kenyans hate bitter
truth, he speaks what most don’t tell us in our face. Don’t look too far, Tz don’t trust us, Ugandans call us Vayaye-which loosely translates to thugs
Timothy Muraya November 4, 2015, 4:46 amReply

Hey also to you my dia Kenyans .Those who are refering to people from a perticular area or tribe are no different from Mugabe. And people should now apreciate our government is open not like those times when one would steel and go unnoticed ka goldenburg . Right now ni very hard to be corrupt coz utajulikana na kila mtu ataambiwa pesa za kitambo zilikuwa zinaenda wapi ka si kwa mifuko ya hawa washenzi ,coz if not so every Kenya could have been very far by now.
Nicholas November 4, 2015, 4:44 amReply

let him come to kenya personally he face the reality we are tired with tyrants like him
kog November 4, 2015, 4:41 amReply

Kenya was ranked number 136 out of 177 countries in the 2013 Transparency International Corruption Perception Index, while Nigeria was ranked 144. Zimbabwe was placed at position 157.
sawe November 4, 2015, 4:39 amReply

this a high time for any Kenyan to think of what will happen to his or her life in the next few years if corruption still prevails in the mind of other people .this is not success to anyone doing this but its total greed that affects innocent generation to pay up debts which was mishandled by someone else. if we all play a fair game and eliminate corruption lots of resources will be used to drive our economy without borrowing money outside. its affecting any Kenyan regardless of where you live in this world to watch your country sinking in the name of corruption.
joel mukabwa November 4, 2015, 4:37 amReply

President Mugabe’s sentiments are very true and most well come. Remember one rotten potatoe messes up the entire bag . These are the same and very people. Why haven’t the presidency decisively acted. Its emberrasing we are known even across our borders because of the same same people who seem to be enjoying protection.
Ardon November 4, 2015, 4:34 amReply

Does Mr. Mugabe, know the definition of the word Stealing. Isn’t amazing that he doesn’t even know how he is still in power. Mugabe, please don’t point fingers when the subject of thievery comes up because you are it.
Amembe Sammy November 4, 2015, 4:31 amReply

U r speaking like a corps. Somebody tell this old junk to retire.
Dawanga November 4, 2015, 4:29 amReply

For those Kenyans who r supporting Mugabe’s rubbish, note that he means all Kenyans u included.
Phil November 4, 2015, 4:28 amReply

someone said that most Kenyans don’t hate corruption, they hate that they are not benefiting. as much as we would hate generalization, it’s through this generalization that we derive a general discription. the few MUST raise up to protect their REPUTATION.
nicholas November 4, 2015, 4:19 amReply

I have always said we rushed for democracy,we should have a dictator as shoud come back.
Josiah Ongaro November 4, 2015, 4:14 amReply

Comprade! U are absolutely right. Period.
Eshe Jaffar November 4, 2015, 4:11 amReply

Mugabe is right let alone corruption among some few govt officials.
but be ver careful while in Nairobi and kisumu they are great thieves
richard November 4, 2015, 4:08 amReply

let the truth be said Kenya harbour thieves in the name of one tribe.plz hichee fingers you’ve now transgrent to the continent level can’t you be ashamed
ALEX AUKA November 4, 2015, 4:02 amReply

Mugabe is very right
Mwai November 4, 2015, 4:01 amReply

Someone please tell Mugabe to shut his mouth or else,he will be robbed too…
Peter N Mwangi November 4, 2015, 3:56 amReply

We do have a small group of thugs in our government sorrounding our President who actually take advantage of our Presidents innocence going by his background and upbringing. Recently they were at and very innocent investors in the alcohol industry are being auctioned .
Isaac November 4, 2015, 3:50 amReply

He knows
MULAMA WERE November 4, 2015, 3:49 amReply

“Hot bed of thieves i guess”. He didnt say that just out of the blues.Bob must be having facts with him on which he is basing his allegations.
Dan November 4, 2015, 3:39 amReply

what economic growth????
Jack Ambani November 4, 2015, 3:38 amReply

Yes Mugabe absolutely right….for the first tym nmeunga yeye mkono……amear televisión being bought at 1.7million…..very very shameful heri aglo leasing or Goldenberg scandals….
omari November 4, 2015, 3:36 amReply

this idiot is not lieing,the problem is that he is generalizing…..this government has failed the city.
kaberia robert November 4, 2015, 3:26 amReply

This thievery and impunity is at mega scales,that’s why at thousands of kilometres away,uncle Bob with his aging eyesight can spot these dirty tricks !!….come on,pray,how did it ever dawn on him to make it an issue in his address given that he is good at mixing up speeches….it must have hurt him..
Martin Wachira November 4, 2015, 3:21 amReply

Might be right on some degree, but is Zimbabwe any better to point a finger to our country.
Audrine November 4, 2015, 3:17 amReply

There isn’t a problem with Mugabe speaking his mind and there isn’t a problem with kenyansing Kenyan government and lawmakers are the problem. The government over taxes the citizens , leaving the country with too much money lying around that the most senior officials in the relevant position can’t avoid the exposure to theft.
koofiro November 4, 2015, 3:16 amReply

Wow. I really hated how the corrupt Kenyan police and government robbed us of our bare minimum income we got from relatives when I lived in Kenya, but surely grouping an entire nation as one and labeling them as thieves is just an insult.
koofiro November 4, 2015, 3:15 amReply

Wow. I really hated how the corrupt Kenyan police and government robbed us of our bare minimum income we got from relatives when I lived in Kenya, but surely grouping an entire nation as one and labeling them as thieves is just an
Ngunyi Wambugu November 4, 2015, 3:15 amReply

Hypocrites all of ya! Stealing is ubiquitous in the World. Just that some are better at hiding or denying it!!!!!!! And those Kenyans blaming Kyukes…..LMAO, you are just jealous louts…..go suck on a CARROT!
Khalif November 4, 2015, 3:00 amReply

well said Mr president. These jubilee boys are over stealing.
Ignatius November 4, 2015, 2:59 amReply

Mugabe is right Uhuru and his team are thieves.
Iwezimb November 5, 2015, 1:38 amReply

No he is not right …. Uhuru and his team are NOT ALL KENYANS, how can you agree with such nonsense
Charles November 4, 2015, 2:47 amReply

Grandpa is spot on on this one,that’s how everyone sees Kenyans out there just lost for words when our own president stands up and says that everything is okay.well its not and even a mad old man like Mugabe noticed
mmbogo November 4, 2015, 2:37 amReply

YEES Mugabe is quite right,,The so called leaders are swindling kenyans alot,,,we are crying MUGABE ,,Help us
Noatl November 4, 2015, 2:26 amReply

An example of the pot calling the kettle black. Mugabe…remove the log from your own eye then you will be able to see clearly the speck in the Kenyan eye. Listening to this idiot say this is like getting advise from Hitler on how to love your neighbors….
Aosindi254 November 4, 2015, 2:24 amReply

I do not know much about Zimbamwe’s “stealing”, but there is nothing to hide as a Kenyan; this guy has nailed it…it is high time we woke up!!
Disappointed Kenyan November 4, 2015, 2:24 amReply

Ur soo right Mr. President… the level of impunity in this
nation is chocking and suffocating her citizens. As it is now it will take the hands of Jehovah to save this country.
Chemosi November 4, 2015, 2:21 amReply

President Mugabe or Mugebe whatever name if you really say Kenyans are thives by profession as you quoted that it’s like the university has such a faculty of stealing how can we call the Guy in your country earlier that he beat up a another man who was pushing some large bags of money on a wheelbarrow and took the wheelbarrow from him due to the large inflation you cause to your people till they even don’t steal the money and steal the wheelbarrow instead.
My quiz is who stole the money in your country and caused such inflation if not a big thief leading the country.
Please Mr president trade your words kindly and respect other people for a thief is always a thief and can’t realized he stole stuff due to power but time will tell!!!!!!!!!
Daniel November 4, 2015, 2:10 amReply

Let truth be told even if it is by the devil himself
Mashauto November 4, 2015, 2:09 amReply

I cant comment whether its true on not coz the allegation kenyans in curiousity is as to where is this university of stealing skill!! Id like to advance too.
Eric Simiyu November 4, 2015, 1:49 amReply

I think uncle Bob’s remarks are true by saying that Kenyans are chronic looters. Yes Kenyans not only Kenyans leaders. Here is why. Just wait and see what happens when a leader from one community is accused of looting. The whole community will come out defending him even if they (the community) knows that their son or daughter stole. They will make do much noise and even the justice systems will be politically compromised and the thief will walk away Scott oh no Kenyan free. That way the whole community and not the thief by defending him /her looted. This practice is not common in one tribe but all be it kikuyu luhya kalenjini you name it. The question however is how do we change this. That homework to all Kenyans
Festus Matesso. November 4, 2015, 1:44 amReply

Dear Mr. Politician allow me to remind the ancient you that, there are three groups which spend other people’s money: children, thieves & politicians. All three need supervision!!
The jealous-dog’s-bark you just did about Kenya will attract thieves in your colony where you have constantly crucified yourself between two thieves – regret of your stone-age past and fear of your doomed future.
Paul November 4, 2015, 1:27 amReply

Like Obama advised us , only we kenyans can get rid of those greedy mafiosos.
Bashir Korane November 4, 2015, 1:22 amReply

Mugabe is very correct in his observation
Kadir November 4, 2015, 12:53 amReply

I know one thing about mr mugabe he doesn’t like at all thieves he even tell his people don’t even try my in country….mr mugabe he has to tell us the beef he got with kenyan thugs ?
Kadir November 4, 2015, 12:46 amReply

You can even think that there is a subject in their universities called Bachelor of Stealing. I agree with u Whenever they get an opportunity as employees, they never disappoint ….
Robert ouko November 4, 2015, 12:20 amReply

Hon. R.Mugabe you’re right,but most of theft is done by leaders…. How can one wheelbarrow costs $10000 and many wonders they steal our money in a broad day light… I would like to be a Zimbabwean can I?
Lisa November 4, 2015, 12:02 amReply

Mr Mugabe your right plus send me your account no and routing no and I will prove you right am Gina drain you out.
Adebayo adedokun November 3, 2015, 11:53 pmReply

Mr president for life you not qualify to point fingers or acuse anybody of coruption you are the ring leader start by setting example hold free and fear election today you will found out how corrupt and arrogant your government is you are a theive of highest order you been stealing real democracy from odenary citizens for how long. You recently visited Nigeria during the president inauguration you must be shameless with no heart you celebrating democracy but you can’t practice democracy
Maurz Kabz November 3, 2015, 11:40 pmReply

Mugabe shld be told dat da term ‘stealin’ also includes,stealin of votes which he does @ his level best
Johnny A November 3, 2015, 11:39 pmReply

Am a Kenya but staying in Diaspora, States, I support strongly Mugabe
Ondieko November 3, 2015, 11:37 pmReply

In this one, I agree with Bob 100%. He should have mentioned that majority of the thieves are from Central. However, when it comes to democracy, we are more democratic than Zimbabwe!
Bonny November 3, 2015, 11:18 pmReply

MR Mugabe is among the smartest creatures we have in the world. He talks the truth and the fact
jim kunta November 3, 2015, 11:12 pmReply

Mugabe is suffering from dimencia he is about to leave us..any comment from him should not bother anybody..
Benard Mauti November 3, 2015, 11:11 pmReply

I salute you Papa. You have said the truth because no one even our own president can’t admit that fact.
Nabs November 3, 2015, 11:06 pmReply

Bitter truth, Bob is right. We ride on impunity and our fall is imminent. What a wasted resource nkt
Kabisa November 3, 2015, 10:35 pmReply

I was behind the news,I din’t know the fact about our neighbouring country…lemme hope we shall not be stolen.
Mo November 3, 2015, 10:27 pmReply

I wonder what comrade Mugabe would have said if he was a victim of East Police (Nairobi)! you got it right Mr. Mugabe ni sawa hasa!!
Pip juma November 3, 2015, 10:24 pmReply

How ironic coming from a thief and a person who destroyed his country’s future – the statistics speak for themselves
rackshad November 3, 2015, 10:10 pmReply

Its called tough love. Very True Mugabe.
Brandy November 3, 2015, 10:09 pmReply

Kenya is hell,hell is kenya
Ally Kips Langat November 3, 2015, 10:06 pmReply

Very true.Personally I’m ashamed of my country because nowadays stealing has ranged from stealing of public funds to exams.Unless the situation changes this would paint a bad picture of us not only in Africa but worldwide.
Aleh November 3, 2015, 10:06 pmReply

Kenya nikutafuta kurombosa ni majuu
Deed U No November 3, 2015, 10:05 pmReply

Hear hear,
But look whose talkin !
dennohcapry November 3, 2015, 9:55 pmReply

Mugabe you are dead right, but just incase you be reminded not everyone in Kenya is infected with the plague, besides those who are affected some are trying to get better of this twisted wizadry you mentioned. We don’t need sympathy neither do we need blanket stereotyping. Add value to the affected kin of Kenyans or focus on your well being. Thank you all the same for pointing the naked truth.
charlie murush November 3, 2015, 9:23 pmReply

Grandpa is speaking the whole truth. But i tend to disagree with him in some issues. One, he should not generalize all Kenyans because most of the ordinary Kenyans do not steal. Those who are in the top government jobs are the ones who steal like hell. Two, i say grandpa Mugabe doesn’t have power to insult Kenyans since himself and his country are not the good example to follow. He has stolen from Zimbabwe and has made it too poor. The economy of Zimbabwe sunk long time ago under his leadership.
njuguna faith November 3, 2015, 9:21 pmReply

he is right but ajijue kwanza kweli nyani haoni kudule
Marion November 3, 2015, 9:20 pmReply

Tru dat brother Bob but can’t you just be specific!
Ezekiel November 3, 2015, 9:13 pmReply

nothing but the truth magabe as spoken look at the state of our due to corruption and alot of stealing by anybody get a chance of pocketing
Samwel Sirengo November 3, 2015, 9:07 pmReply

mugabe is right but he should be pointing fingers at the government not all kenyans.
Bulla boy November 3, 2015, 9:04 pmReply

It is very unfortunate that president Mugabe is blackmailing all Kenyans while we are busy finger pointing one tribe guys wake up n defend your identities, whether it is central or Nyanza u all holding one book written Kenyan pp that is
tom kip November 3, 2015, 8:59 pmReply

its a very naked truth though not all Kenyans are corrupt especially the common citizen,however am bitter about the corrupt top creme leadership in our country who have all the keys to buy their makes me sad and wonder when shall we change this trend as a country because the whole system is marred with the vice.Am just tired.
Kelvin November 3, 2015, 8:58 pmReply

well said!.i think it’s true,#the likes of kabogo shouting he can purchase his freedom after utterring silly means our system is rotten..#waiguru stealing thievically..ajabu haishi kenya
Noah Otieno November 3, 2015, 8:42 pmReply

I have not been keen on admiring anything Mugabe, however, I concur with him that Kenyans, especially the mighty steal anything and everything!
martin November 3, 2015, 8:41 pmReply

how about Mugabe stealing, no robbing votes in the last election? I think he presented a good show on how to steal arrogantly!
george November 3, 2015, 8:39 pmReply

Mugabe is spot on. This wanton thievery is too much! And Uhuru is saying it is ok. If people of Mugabe’s morals can see this, Kenya be very worried!
Rumbe Sam November 3, 2015, 8:36 pmReply

Mugabe has a point. Even here in South Sudan stealing is their identity. That if you want to know a Kenyan is dead throw down a coin if he/she fails to wake confirm him dead and proceed with writing a death certificate
martin November 3, 2015, 8:35 pmReply

Bitter truth… kenyans still with impunity and ethnic diversions saying It’s our time to eat”
Geoffrey Nganga November 3, 2015, 8:35 pmReply

Zimbabweans are known to be the worse Criminals. Second to Nigerians in fraud. Ask South Africans
Jabu November 3, 2015, 8:23 pmReply

If you actually know mugabe, then you know this is utterly rubbish. One needs to scour the Zimbabwe National papers to know that this is a fabrication by the Spectre or whatever its called to incite some form of anti-mugabeism amongst Kenyans.
moris November 3, 2015, 8:17 pmReply

When such elder say something we should listen .Truth be told our leaders have failed Kenyans .all of them are thieves
Jeremy Ogonda November 3, 2015, 8:16 pmReply

Mugabe is right corruption is killing the country at serious levels when a wheel burrow is sold in a county in Kenya at 1000 pounds then I don’t know what stealing is.The only mistake is that he has stereo typed the country. Not all Kenyans are thieves. He should ask the ruling coalition of Ruto and Kenyatta,.
Lilian November 3, 2015, 8:14 pmReply

I support Mugabe expect not all Kenyans are thieves.The corrupt government is to blame for the loop holes. l wonder where we are headed to.Always fighting the opposition even when told the truth.
HON BRYAN LUBANGA November 3, 2015, 8:12 pmReply

Yaa Mugabe was right,kenyan leaders are full of impunity,they don’t care about common mwanachi.only care for there stomachs.president is the worse thief that should not be allowed in zimbabwe.
jim November 3, 2015, 8:12 pmReply

you blaming kikuyus for theft,the courts all over kenya are busy,theft is a vice not a tribe.but so is hate,a vice not all luos ,kales or any other tribe hate,but you can choose to
eric November 3, 2015, 8:09 pmReply

now what did we steal
NoPun Boi November 3, 2015, 8:04 pmReply

Corruption in Kenya is so loud. Sometimes I wish we would have one bad ass superhero like Batman or something. Someone who’ll deliver physical pain to the corrupt measured by how corrupt the culprit is. But back to reality, I think that we should all just be our own superheroes. Pinpoint the corrupt and light their sorry asses up in court. I mean, wheelbarrows for Kshs.100,000, condom dispensers for almost half a mill… Yawa!! this is too much.
Let’s be our won superheroes, let’s clean our country Kenya off this filth. Let’s not ignore all these rampant corruption cases coming through each and every day because in the very, very, very near future we will have to answer to it. Let’s nip corruption in the bud before it leads us in a very dark path that we won’t be able to come out of.
stan mcelveen November 3, 2015, 8:02 pmReply

God does not create any of a humans actions. These actions are the result of the humans CHOICES!
Oscar wesa November 3, 2015, 8:01 pmReply

Uncle Bob is more than right. Stealing is the order of the day, from land grabbing of even road reserves to open corruption. It is in Kenya that a wheelbarrow costs $1110, a steel gate costs $ 70,000 soap costs over $ 30000. Let no Kenyan idiot talk I’ll of Mugabe. Even Trump mentioned Kenyan corruption in his campaign. I wish I had the power to bomb the parliament with all those pigs in there. Fuck them, nkt
jimie November 3, 2015, 8:00 pmReply

poor thinking. so if some kikuyu minister stole it becomes the whole society come visit us down here and find how hardworking we are
Ayubs November 3, 2015, 7:48 pmReply

Very Very True Hon. Mugabe.
UhuRuto are a disgrace to Kenyans
Iwezimb November 5, 2015, 1:37 amReply

He would be right if he himself was not a thief, its the pot calling the kettle black, I am stunned that you have defended his position and not be angered by his comments? Yes in Kenyan there are problems, but not ALL Kenyan’s are thieves. Stand up for yourselves and don’t allow a tyrant to label your country men …… PERPLEXED!!!
vincent avoca November 3, 2015, 7:46 pmReply

huyu babu wa zimbabwe kasema kweli,kenya wizi tu,n we r called thieves bcoz of our central,coz hao ndo huiba mpaka kura #teammugabe
Mike November 3, 2015, 7:43 pmReply

Yea it all begins with our spirit man as we steal from God. His country also is not heaven but Kenya is a game changer. I have never seen a country against itself like Kenya. We need God. Zimbabwe is not heaven ppl Mugabe is right unfortunately doesn’t adhere to the constitution of His country thus stealing from His people.Nyani haoni Kundule.
mike November 3, 2015, 7:38 pmReply

As a Kenyan, I am still in shock by what is happening. Please don’t finish us the innocent Mr. Mugabe. We are not like that as Kenyans. Our political leaders are. Since we got the new government, life in Kenya has turned around. Only God knows who will rescue us. Our hearts are sagging. We are very demoralized. But we know there will be hope. God never sleeps. Our sun will rise.
kala November 3, 2015, 7:38 pmReply

People should stop stereotyping. Not all Kikuyus’ behave in impunity? People who steal and behave in impunity are the ones with the opportunity to do so e.g MPs’ their cousins Governors and the rest of the family, Police etc. Sadly this trend seem to be endless as long as the ‘highly educated’ population keeps on electing politicians who are local businessmen/ladies and most likely the local Thugs.
Mashi November 3, 2015, 7:33 pmReply

D man with oratory prowess fearless n blunt,Baba Africa I hale thee
Bonny November 3, 2015, 7:27 pmReply

thats why ‘najivunia kuwa mkenya’
mary wanjira November 3, 2015, 7:26 pmReply

Okay first of all why are Kenyans here applauding Mugabe?don’t you have any loyalty to Kenya as a nation?I agree we have our own ddomestic issues but really you don’t have to agree with every foreigner that has such a mediocre opinion of us.we have the right to hate on each other as Kenyans but when someone attacks us as nation we should put aside our domestics and join hands to fight a common enemy and not just airing our dirty linen to every foreigner who may have a similar opinion to ours.point is every nation wants to be best and its leaders will do or say anything to make them look better than its instead of saying all this annoying things about a certain tribe being the thieves,join hands and make uncle Bob apologize for defaming us lovely hayo tu
mary wanjira November 3, 2015, 7:26 pmReply

Okay first of all why are Kenyans here applauding Mugabe?don’t you have any loyalty to Kenya as a nation?I agree we have our own ddomestic issues but really you don’t have to agree with every foreigner that has such a mediocre opinion of us.we have the right to hate on each other as Kenyans but when someone attacks us as nation we should put aside our domestics and join hands to fight a common enemy and not just airing our dirty linen to every foreigner who may have a similar opinion to ours.point is every nation wants to be best and its leaders will do or say anything to make them look better than its instead of saying all this annoying things about a certain tribe being the tthieve,join hands and make uncle Bob apologize for defaming us lovely hayo tu
Hadassah November 3, 2015, 7:25 pmReply

if Zimbabwe was all about honesty and doing what’s right then why in heaven’s name is it still lagging behind in poverty and diseases, why isnt it developed like the first world countries… s.m.h
setella November 3, 2015, 7:24 pmReply

come slowly mr.Mugabe …we might steal Zimbabwe from you…am not a thief though!
Kaka November 3, 2015, 7:19 pmReply

We have problem in Kenya to have such tribe, Mugabe is 1000% Right and true.Please God do something against thieves in our Holy nation of God.Thank God because it is done.
Iwezimb November 5, 2015, 1:36 amReply

He would be right if he himself was not a thief, its the pot calling the kettle black, I am stunned that you have defended his position and not be angered by his comments? Yes in Kenyan there are problems, but not ALL Kenyan’s are thieves. Stand up for yourselves and don’t allow a tyrant to label your country men …… PERPLEXED!!!
henry kivuva November 3, 2015, 7:18 pmReply

what research he is too correct
Kaka November 3, 2015, 7:18 pmReply

We have problem in Kenya to have such tribe, Mugabe is 1000% Right and true.Please God do something against thieves in our Holy nation of God.
Iwezimb November 5, 2015, 1:35 amReply

He would be right if he himself was not a thief, its the pot calling the kettle black, I am stunned that you have defended his position and not be angered by his comments? Yes in Kenyan there are problems, but not ALL Kenyan’s are thieves. Stand up for yourselves and don’t allow a tyrant to label your country men …… PERPLEXED!!!
henry November 3, 2015, 7:17 pmReply

what research the zombie is right
Truth November 3, 2015, 7:15 pmReply

Onyango, since you believe that only people from Central are thieves, you and Mugabe are on the same level of ignorance.
Peter November 3, 2015, 7:14 pmReply

Mugambe is right. It doesn’t matter who says it As long as he is right. Kenyans we need to change our culture and embrace the spirit of the constitution. It is sad that we allow people who have stolen from Public coffers to continue holding public officers or even allow them to run investment s acquired through fraud to be used to fight the system.
evan tomno November 3, 2015, 7:11 pmReply

what we fail to understand is even our leaders are also Kenyans like us and our turn come we also exercise impunity as the current leaders.leaders come frm the pple and no way will they change if we will not start that course.
sammy November 3, 2015, 7:10 pmReply

dear sir…..
you may blame central people but look what they do to their provencies(counties) yes yhey eat a bite but they work hard to develope their region compared to other counties where the only eat and forget their people.
Marcon Jidei November 3, 2015, 7:08 pmReply

Truthful mugabe
Jocktan Siwotoi November 3, 2015, 7:07 pmReply

Can someone tell Mugabe to come and talk to Uhuru on that issue of stealing
Eric muhatia November 3, 2015, 7:05 pmReply

Thanks mugabe, for your 90 years, the first time to speak sense. True
Kym November 3, 2015, 7:02 pmReply

What uncle bob said is very true. It is now upon us Kenyans to rise up and say enough is enough. It’s about time
AHMED November 3, 2015, 7:00 pmReply

kenyans are not thieves Mr mugabe but kenyan leaders are thieves the economy of the country is in turmoil Mr Robert mugabe the country cannot sustain itself the lageslators toilet had been closed due to lack of money the central Bank is almost closing . Kenya needs bailout as I am speaking now . But Mr mugabe do you know why here is the reason .people of kenya due number and tribe based reasoning elect as criminals as per ICC each one of them hired an international lawyer each lawyer needs millions of dollars in one sitting or per word used on rate . do you think they pay from their pockets no Mr mugabe they use taxpayers money . know you know why kenyans are not thieves their leaders are stealing .
Mari November 3, 2015, 6:57 pmReply

well said Mr. President corruption is a deadly disease here in Kenya bt not all kenyans are thieves.
steve November 3, 2015, 6:55 pmReply

Bob your demn right, Kenya is becoming a hot bed of corruption
mutuku November 3, 2015, 6:53 pmReply

wawawa, this is embarrassing and frustrating, but sadly very true, i mean, think with me, if Mr. Mugabe with all his years of experienced stealing, corruption, robbery, thievery, dictatorship can reach a point in his life and be cncerned about our stealing then guys we need help, sadly, this is a growing stereotype about kenyans even in our neighbouring countries… if a grant thief can notice you are a thief, it simply means you are doing badly.. so now that we know we are not the “pride of africa”, what can we do?
Mutwa November 3, 2015, 6:51 pmReply

Very true,it’s upto Kenyans to decide or we sink as a nation
Yoo Willy November 3, 2015, 6:50 pmReply

Uncle Bob is right..We waste our time In universities learning nonsense yet the only knowledge you need to survive in kenya is how to steal..
david muturi November 3, 2015, 6:50 pmReply

If Mugabe is perfect why is he still in power over 30yrs?
ermias November 3, 2015, 6:48 pmReply

I think mugabe made remarkable and funny speech!
ptah November 3, 2015, 6:46 pmReply

Mark sirengo. November 3, 2015, 6:45 pmReply

Oh God! Help my nation. Some truth in it though.
Muzzafar Khan November 3, 2015, 6:45 pmReply

The percentage of Kenyans who engage in mega scandals are a very small percentage.Majority of Kenyans are honest and hardworking.Condemning all Kenyans enmasse is unfair and not beffitting a leader of an African country.
Moray a Jeff November 3, 2015, 6:42 pmReply

Grandpa Mugabe was referring to Kenyan leader. An average poor citizen has nothing to steal or means of stealing.
One must be in a position that can allow him/her to access intended goods.
God Bless Kenya.
Okonkwo November 3, 2015, 6:40 pmReply

Spot on Bob,
Unlike elsewhere around the world, Kenya is cursed with a vermin, a pathetic tribe that mates donkeys and leave women high. But not for very long; their days are numbered coz their ancestors have befallen them with plaque.
Farah Ibrahim November 3, 2015, 6:40 pmReply

The president is justified in his speech regarding Kenyans as well renown professional thieves in that the act of stealing public money by state officers is no longer an offence, neither a vice but a virtue which is well enhanced with each passing day. As the saying goes that “If you are not stealing, then you are being stolen from”
loso November 3, 2015, 6:36 pmReply

Wish God tellz my prezident what He told Ahab in 1st kings 21:21..for what he iz doing to my ancestors land is me Naboth if u like…na waiguru must be jezebel…ahabs bitch
Abraham November 3, 2015, 6:35 pmReply

the last name betrays you
simba Mudzamba November 3, 2015, 6:33 pmReply

I am a Zimbabwean and a supporter of Mugabes Zanu pf….but this is unfortunate and unafrican….its baffling that the old man harbours such nonsensical views.. I have had the pleasure of going to university with many Kenyans in the UK…and noone from Kenya stole from me…nor from anyone I know…i drank good beer with Kenyans ,played good rugby with the kikuyus and luo and we hunted down birds together…i have many friends in. Nairobi and I’m planning to visit my African brothers and having a great time there….old man Mugabe has let himself down with these disappointing utterances….Zimbabweans and. Kenyans are one people….our. Corruption issues are just the same
carlito November 3, 2015, 6:33 pmReply

I fully agree with uncle bob.we kenyans are either thieves or aspiring thieves. most of you pointing fingers at kikuyus should understand that looting of public resources knows no tribe. many of you dont steal because you lack opportunities not because you are morally upright.
Patrick November 3, 2015, 6:31 pmReply

As for Tanzania, Mr. Mugabe you are quite right. We just stole the October 25th 2015 Election from Tanzania people.

Please visit us, and you will confirm All he is saying about Tanzania as East Africa country is Absolutely TRUE.
Dan November 3, 2015, 6:31 pmReply

It’s bitter truth and that’s reality down here have never been this ashamed of my country all our systems are broken from the top coming down
Dano November 3, 2015, 6:30 pmReply

The fact that we are not able to prosecute & convict even where evidence is overwhelming is really sad. e.g Waiguru. Mr. President, Kenyans are not stupid. We are watching.
Tsang Tsurum November 3, 2015, 6:28 pmReply

i agree with Mugabe we need more. watu wame tunyambia kenya stealing from top to down, we cann’t get contracts even those for youths they go for watoi wa wakubwa
Ruto November 3, 2015, 6:27 pmReply

Uncle bob is ok, but not all kenyans
Duncan November 3, 2015, 6:26 pmReply

I can say mugabe is a democratic thief for he has overstayed in power better Kenya that only seals wealth, the greatest grandfather has stolen the Zimbabwean freedom and leadership. a tyrant
Thuothuo November 3, 2015, 6:25 pmReply

But these bloggers should start providing evidence. I hate hoax reporting. Who heard him say that? Where is the audio clip? Don’t believe anything in the internet.
robert cheruiyot November 3, 2015, 6:24 pmReply

Not so far from Donald’s Tramp words!!….too bad truth hurts Kenyans are known worldwide
ALEXANDER November 3, 2015, 6:22 pmReply

If Zimbabwe has no police probably due to lack of money to pay police not because of no criminals. His country has no national currency, airline etc. Let him shut up and retire peacefully, ohhhh says a guy who want his wife in power. Let him not cast stones while living in an egg shell.
Prince Kelaliu November 3, 2015, 6:20 pmReply

Bob, don’t mess with Kenyans, we will steal your country. Just ask the Americans,Barack has it all.#WatchOut#
Jimmy November 3, 2015, 6:20 pmReply

It’s sound like Mugabe met Kikuyu and Kikuyus only. What until he meets Kamba women
NUR JEFFAH November 3, 2015, 6:17 pmReply

So true………….we need to listen and stop the excuses….
Erick Goga November 3, 2015, 6:16 pmReply

We are equally surprised how the one regarded as dictator ,has spoken wisely and truth about Kenya …..Its pure tribalism all tribes are heavily taxed while those who are close to President Steal billions but they are untouchable esp people his tribe and our deputy president only declared that his support for Uhuru is irreversible even if the country economy cripples to the end .
Mercy November 3, 2015, 6:13 pmReply

He is right, in reference to the current government trends, I agree.
Boaz November 3, 2015, 6:13 pmReply

Mugabe is right,but not all kenyans only those in power
Mzito November 3, 2015, 6:12 pmReply

Mugabe is 100% right, all of us are thieves it is just that we have not been caught yet.. And anyway what do you call what the Jubilee Government is doing right now to public funds?
stalon November 3, 2015, 6:12 pmReply

the hard and twisted truth
Petz November 3, 2015, 6:11 pmReply

Nonsense..yes corruption is a threat to Kenya but this old aged grandpa should retire and so should his generalised ideas and his style of leadership
franklin amukaya November 3, 2015, 6:09 pmReply

this is very true the money is getting lost in kenya not thousand nor hundreds bt billions of money and yet he is so called duale he us thea to call a press conference to throw dust in our eyes not everyone is a kid like urs we have a high thinking capacity and everyone is truly watching how can a 20pen coast 87 000 a tv of 42 inch like mine here that i purchased 52k coast 1.9m surely our i prefer another person to b in power than moneythriver.
jchatboard November 3, 2015, 6:04 pmReply

You know he is a total nutter and only saying this because a Kenyan (partly) is a president of one of the most powerful countries on this planet. He dream of that title and that is only a dream….

Whether he is right or wrong he has no right speaking about Kenyans in that manner. He should be dealing with his country’s challenges instead of sitting on his high horse passing judgement on other people’s countries. As the saying goes, do not throw stones if you live in a glass house…………..
murende November 3, 2015, 6:04 pmReply

mugabe is absolutely right on this i support him totally and completely
Jalango November 3, 2015, 6:04 pmReply

bob ukweli usemwe
Songoy Juma November 3, 2015, 6:03 pmReply

May be They Are In Abetter Position To See Us…Iam Even God Is Watching Us too.
Kelvin anzugira November 3, 2015, 6:03 pmReply

mugabe is actually saying the truth.we as kenyans we are tired of people stealing goverment funds.when will these stop??
Ev.Tobias Baba Sam November 3, 2015, 6:03 pmReply

As my lovable leader,Mr Mugabe is the best researcher,very much true.We Kenyans have lost direction.
Kimani wa Mutunyani November 3, 2015, 6:02 pmReply

It’s not a disease,it’s a way of life.look at Waiguru, a condom dispenser here in Kenya costs the same as a Toyota Vitz.
Aluda November 3, 2015, 6:00 pmReply

Uncle Bob is quite right but he should be
categorical that its the Kenyan leaders who are thieves not the Kenyan layman
winny November 3, 2015, 5:58 pmReply

I think its high time mugabe robert should die he lacks manners idiot
grace November 3, 2015, 5:56 pmReply

and him he is also a thief he has stolen the future of the young generation by refusing to step down and let a younger person led he has stolen there future
oyoo dpik's November 3, 2015, 5:56 pmReply

Mugabe is very right i support him
kefas November 3, 2015, 5:55 pmReply

When someone steal in kenya,even if he is called ouko,musyimi,katana,nkadienye,khatenje,his name changes to be wairimu or maina.thats why thieves wako wengi kenya.Mugabe is right.
Disappointed November 3, 2015, 5:54 pmReply

It is amazing how the character of the first president of an independent country shapes the character and future of a nation! Julius Nyerere planted nationalism (tribelessness) and Tanzanians continue to reap it’s benefits. Jomo Kenyataa planted tribalism and thievery and Kenyans continue to ‘reap’ their consequences. And we were so ‘happy’ with bhis leadership we elected his son! We are NOT one people. We don’t love our country – rather, we love ourselves and our tribes. It is only a matter of time before Kenya ‘closes shop’. No one is taking care of Kenya. Everyone is taking care of themselves and their tribe. Donald Trump is right: We need our colonisers back. We cannot rule ourselves! President Mugabe is right Kenya is a paradise of wolves and thieves! Our sovereignty is not working! We need help of the international community!
Lodviko Pyego November 3, 2015, 5:54 pmReply

It’s ok but all people are not thieves,even Zimbabwe there are many who are thieves,so Mr.Preso,kindly you have to withdraw your massage or statement.
jchatboard November 3, 2015, 5:54 pmReply

You know he is a total nutter and only saying this because a Kenyan (partly) is a president of one of the most powerful countries on this planet. He dream of that title and that is only a dream??????
Mtu Mpole November 3, 2015, 5:51 pmReply

Mr kenyan November 3, 2015, 5:50 pmReply

Da fuck is wrong with Mugabe, he himself is a thief, a dictector, a murderer. Not all Kenyans are thieves, honestly, I believe most Kikuyu’s not all are naturally thieves. And the leaders from politician’s, police, chiefs, are the most thieves. Kenyans are raised in a slick and deceptive environment, that’s y it seems like lots of Kenyans are scambags . words of advise Mugabe just never generalize people in that manner.
George November 3, 2015, 5:49 pmReply

Mugabe is Pan African and in his critism he is right and until the jubilee goverment came to power.Kenya was recognized on other talents and prowess.Now Kenyans risk being called thieves and being labelled so by the international community if the goverment of the day does not stop this.They steal public funds and stash them in foreign accounts thatss why the international community know this better than us!
eric November 3, 2015, 5:45 pmReply

kenya has hit the highest point of corruption. Mugabe is right these thieves have turnished the image of our nations.
hassan mutege November 3, 2015, 5:45 pmReply

Truth be told,most kenyans are corrupt.
Mohamed ismail November 3, 2015, 5:44 pmReply

that’s true, you said it all, PURE FACT
Noneofyabiznez November 3, 2015, 5:42 pmReply

This is bullshit. And click-bait too. Y’all have fallen for this pure bigoted propaganda from an anti-Jubilee blog. Bigots!!
ikholi Fort November 3, 2015, 5:41 pmReply

A big shame to kenyan president and his neck for stealing from the poor citizens
Jane November 3, 2015, 5:41 pmReply

This guy has a point…many Kenyans are thieves…look at what is happening in our country. People are stealing and asking for bribes as the order of the day..
stephen November 3, 2015, 5:40 pmReply

Mugabe, if you remember your time in seminary in there was a course they called logic, claiming that all Kenyans are thieves is one big fallacy that I wonder whether you ever listen to yourself.What a coconut head this senile man has become!
Paul mwangele November 3, 2015, 5:40 pmReply

It’s true Bob that some of our leaders are messing our economy and I think by the year 2017 the shilling will be useless just like your country,S money hence you are not doing better than us and instead of abusing us generally you should advice our beloved president not to take Kenya the Zimbabwe way by sparing the thieving politicians,actually you are not better of than us Kenyans;by the way why don’t you pave way for a younger person to lead!,you must the oldest dictator;pave way for the energetic tsavigirai..Stop covering your failure by attacking Kenyans or else we will report to our former presidents,Moi and kibaki for advise!
Patrick Olela November 3, 2015, 5:34 pmReply

Fellow Kenyans, the die is cast! Allow me to ask this one question: how bad can it go? To those who fault Bob when he says “Kenyans are thieves” let me inform you that such a language employs what is known as “FEDERAL HEADSHIP PRINCIPLE” where what is done by “One” or “Some” is attributed to the whole i.e when a few athletes from Kenya conquered the world recently, it was said that Kenya or Kenyans was/were NO 1 in the Olympics. This is because the few represented the entire country. Now back to the issue of corruption, True, majority of Kenyans are very honest people BUT the Few who are corrupt, most of whom happen to be at the echelons of power taints the entire Nation. Very sad but true.
So Bob is right, Kenyans are diabolic thieves.
However, I urge all God fearing Kenyans to earnestly pray and repent on behalf of the Nation, Peradventure the Lord may remember mercy.
Chrisantus Wechuliey November 3, 2015, 5:31 pmReply

That is true uncle Bobby; infact corruption is another arm of government here in Kenya; We are lacking in morals and in patriotism; negative ethnicity and lack of leadership is what we are experiencing; Africa needs to repremand Kenya; am ashamed of all these;
Judy November 3, 2015, 5:29 pmReply

Real food for thought
George November 3, 2015, 5:25 pmReply

Mr mugabe, you r very right.Most cash stollen n hiden abroad while i the common mwananchi suffer. m told i have to carry the budden by paying huge tax.
Linda Akelola November 3, 2015, 5:22 pmReply

Why r we indignant?The man is spot-on!!How is it that a cabinet..whatever they are calling themselves now…can’t account for 790 million and yet she’s still sitting pretty in an office a better deserving individual should be in?Please!!We need to WAKE UP to reality Kenyans…we r too lazy even to try a revolution!!!Nkt!Nkt!Nkt!
Lisah November 3, 2015, 5:22 pmReply

I wish Kenyans had a citizen with balls big like Mugabe… Public funds would stop to be misused
kimugabe November 3, 2015, 5:20 pmReply

If not gorilla is talking. .I would have said it’s true
Wandela November 3, 2015, 5:19 pmReply

There’s a lot of truth and fact in what he said but stereotyping is not fair. There are plenty of honest hardworking Kenyans!
Nan November 3, 2015, 5:18 pmReply

George onyango I hope you are not as stupid as you sound
Nyambura November 3, 2015, 5:18 pmReply

You are very right Mugabe, however, I would like to know which particular Kenyan did this to you.

As my daughter says it takes one to know another.
Simon ckenyi November 3, 2015, 5:18 pmReply

Truth be told… Its true the level of ‘thievery’ has gone too high in our country. Well said Bob and its a wake up call to our president.
Zachary owino November 3, 2015, 5:17 pmReply

African way of surviving too bad but its the naked truth
Ngura Angura November 3, 2015, 5:17 pmReply

Yes, some truth from a wrong end. Blanket blame on all Kenyans not very appropriate. I expect Jubilee Brigades to respond first. Others should please wait and comment after. Mine-“for Zimbabwe, That is the only President who can LEAD them” and none else until his God calls him to evalasting home.
John Mosoti November 3, 2015, 5:16 pmReply

What Mugabe has said is just a naked truth. I support his Argument. Especially with the current economic status….
jack kurgat November 3, 2015, 5:14 pmReply

tats true but tis may poison the relationship btwn Zimbwabwe and East Africa and to an extent kenya
Gabriel November 3, 2015, 5:14 pmReply

100% true.I will miss Mugabe for his truthfulness.
Elijah November 3, 2015, 5:12 pmReply

Mugabe you owe Kenyan’s an apology. Kenyan’s are are one of the most smart people in the world.
Stephen November 3, 2015, 5:12 pmReply

Mugabe is not in a position to judge us in any way.comparing zimbambwe and kenya is just like comparing a child and an adult
x November 3, 2015, 5:10 pmReply

imagine we are thieves mpaka Mugabe anaona tumeiba sana, pliz our politicians and civil servants remember we will all die na MTU atazikwa na nguo pekee, at least let’s be like Europeans they all work to leave a legacy!!!
Kennedy ok November 3, 2015, 5:10 pmReply

Who sold your only lion ? Was he Kenyan
Lawi Lutomia November 3, 2015, 5:07 pmReply

Mugabe is right to some degree. But does he ever imagine where he has led/leading Zimbabwe? Do his pple enjoy the freedom of speech we do, the democracy we boast of? Kenya is having a fourth president, him with his failing knees still holds on. He can’t think straight just like he can’t stand and walk straight. Let him clean his house first, help his pple not to seek refuge in S. Africa. Bachelor of stealing my foot.
asumta daniels November 3, 2015, 5:06 pmReply

not all kenyans are thieves
adawa November 4, 2015, 5:43 pmReply

kenyans are thieves regardless of poor or rich,kikuyus or luos and robert is right
Karanja November 3, 2015, 5:06 pmReply

Uncle Bob speaks the truth. However, not all Kenyans are thieving people. Majority of Kenyans suffer from the greed and corruption that plagues today’s government. But with the constitution that’s there, anyone can steal knowing that they have the law as a defense. Simply steal, get caught, go to court, use the law to frustrate justice, have a lengthy trial where you have the time to bribe your way out and walk free. But we believe that Kenya will regain its glory… Well after we get leaders who “sema na kutenda” and not “kusema tu”.
Rajula Clinton November 3, 2015, 5:04 pmReply

Hahahaha!Now,what do we have here,huh??So entrenched is the culture of stealing that we even havent been able to curve out a name,let alone an image,for ourselves in the continental arena!Mugabe was right!Kenya has been on the spotlight for the wrong reasons!
Kimathi, kuuma kwa baite November 3, 2015, 5:03 pmReply

In Kenya, the only people not stealing are the only ones working in a place with nothing to steal! It is not only those in the government, even opposition enjoy fruits of corruption.
I agree with Mugabe.
kikks November 3, 2015, 5:03 pmReply

some pple points out a tribe in Kenya as thieves lt then know that a tree that dont have fruits, no boys throw stones at…
Julius kijanaa November 3, 2015, 4:56 pmReply

We are proud 2b thieves sir
Rot November 3, 2015, 4:55 pmReply

Mugabe should be the last to speak about thieves. If he’s so clean he would be at home retired. He steals elections every cycle. Is that good? Is that religious? He stole white farms and gave to blacks. Is that not stealing? What happened to Zimbabwe economy? He better behave like an elder n stop conveying contempt for other nationalities. He should clean his court before commending on anything. Have you seen a hyena telling a leopard you are spotted!!?
patrick keter November 3, 2015, 4:53 pmReply

It is true our leader ar more corruped to an exten even if they hide in adark place they cliter .
Jerry Brown November 3, 2015, 4:51 pmReply

I am just thinking how president Mugabe will consider my country Liberia,perhaps we are offering PHD in corruption in universities.
jobuh November 3, 2015, 4:48 pmReply

its true things are bad here in Kenya. Big fish stealing from mayor innocent Kenyans.
James kang'iri November 3, 2015, 4:47 pmReply

Bob is right. This counts across the political divide coz it’s happening at the national government and many counties by our elected leaders. God have mercy we really don’t know how we shall come out of these cancer of corruption.
grace November 3, 2015, 4:41 pmReply

Its amazing when fellow kenyans decide kikuyu’s of kenya are the eye sore it makes me wonder if kikuyu rule meru county,bungoma,kitale and the rest.Lets be real corruption is every where with everyone and until we learn to point the real issue here,we will always be stuck at the blame game.Mugabe is right!!
Jeremiah Kimigho November 3, 2015, 4:40 pmReply

It seems mugabe has had enough of kenyans, not all kenyans are thieves though
Kennedy November 3, 2015, 4:39 pmReply

Bob is very right, not unless the new generation to replace all current leaders be born, Kenya will remain corruption n corruption remain Kenya
Makini November 3, 2015, 4:38 pmReply

Infact this is true.Never experienced wanton corruption in our country there before like this.Over stealing in our country.Honestly feel like not to be in this country.Najifinyia kuwa mkenya.
Chege Wa Njoki November 3, 2015, 4:36 pmReply

Mugabe, you sanctimonious bastard, drag Zimbabwe to the pits of Hell with your avaricious thuggery and you have the unmitigated gall to call us thieves?? Unbelievable,Totally unbelievable!!
japher November 3, 2015, 4:33 pmReply

There several incidences I dont agree with old Bob but on this one,i concur with him
Vincent Sereti November 3, 2015, 4:32 pmReply

very true. Obama himself said. imagine almost all banks in Kenya r governed by looters frm central province. cs r squandering money like nothing. m.pigs don’t pay tax n nothing is done. when Njiraini is raising a red flag mr prezzo on the other hand says economy is stable. who do we believe now?. they steal kenyan money n the govt sides with dem. wea do go now youths r jobless.
Yegon David November 3, 2015, 4:32 pmReply

President Robert mugabe i urge you to stop poking your long nose into our own affairs.Kenya is a sovereign nation.
Serah Wanjiku November 3, 2015, 4:32 pmReply

Notice he said East Africa, Kenya and not one particular tribe. Its a call for all of us to change.
Limo November 3, 2015, 4:31 pmReply

he has a point there very true Mugabe atleast tell them they may change
george November 3, 2015, 4:30 pmReply

It’s a shame on ourselves. He has a point . Even Donald Trump know something. Kenyans why are we as gaming ourselves. Who will stand out
Me November 3, 2015, 4:27 pmReply

Well said Mr president. Big up Mugabe
Aggrey November 3, 2015, 4:27 pmReply

Where is the Video Clip? I don’t believe this story. Such stories end up heightening tension between communities.
Evans November 3, 2015, 4:26 pmReply

It’s very disturbing to read about mega corruption scandals in media every day. Mugabe it right 100%. If it’s everywhere in media why not form an opinion that it’s a problem with all Kenyans??? Central imetumaliza kweli.
Richard November 3, 2015, 4:25 pmReply

Kenya needs a dictator who loves his country like mugabe, the world has seen what but thieves can’t see, those who are offended by mugabes remarks are part of thieves that Kenya need to eliminate
Sylvester Tsimuli November 3, 2015, 4:25 pmReply

You need a friend to praise you when you are wrong(naked) but you need a greater friend to advise you how to get it right(get dressed). The stealing has reached high heavens and it looks genetically modified.
Fredrick ochuonyo November 3, 2015, 4:25 pmReply

And do you know why some of the political analysts would proudly and publicly go ahead to insult their fellow citizens for being poor just because their monies comes from these corrupt elements.? And to bring this to your attention these people go ahead seeking advice and ways on how to steal and get free with it. Remember even throughout biblical history on leadership,leaders and kingdoms immediately after parting from God’s ways life was only enjoyed by a few privileged individuals while majority helplessly became their servants and slaves,and so is this case. To a few people like president Mugabe, Elisha,Amos and many others whom the regime felt were never satisfied with their ways and laws to which they ruled, fearlessly echoed their dissatisfaction in disregard to the consequences. It would be of good of us to appraise such a concerned sentiments not only from Mugabe but a round the globe and start doing something about it as a people empowered constitutionally because our victory is biblically assured and let us live to our expectations rather than to survive on what is expected of them( unconcerned greedy,heartless,inhuman elements upon this land.)for there has been longer perseverance and only longer awaited victory comes our way.
Petre November 3, 2015, 4:24 pmReply

The naked truth…
TONY November 3, 2015, 4:24 pmReply

am kenyan.comrade bob has stated the only concern he could have pulled enough guts to be specific.lets not consign ourselves to the proverbial ostrich.say it again comrade bob
Allan White November 3, 2015, 4:23 pmReply

Yes spot on Robert Mugabe on the corruption bedevilling our Country Kenya,all you say is TRUE though a few facts must not go uncorrected.The scourge is not practised by All Kenyans but rather one tribe called Kikuyus who are default thieves by their DNA’s Genetic Coding.Stealing and immorality is their specialty and not even religious persuasions or level of education or economic status differentiates their ILK for as long as they exist stealing,corruption,mega scandals and immorality shall continue to be the hallmarks of our country.God help us
samwuel obwocha November 3, 2015, 4:22 pmReply

mr mugabe i respect you the way you are with all you have in your country!before uttering any words about my country can you scrutinize them carefully because!sure no matter the size of the head the brain and thinking capacity is unique!
Fred November 3, 2015, 4:22 pmReply

As if you have never stolen the votes,land,from zimbabwe’s economy…nkt!!
duncan November 3, 2015, 4:19 pmReply

Someone tell Mugabe we are not just thieves but the world’s most arrogant robbers! We can’t even be jailed because our prosecutors and the judiciary are also more than willing to share the loot. In Kenya we only punish naive thieves who steal petty things which can’t be shared out.
Chris Wachemba November 3, 2015, 4:16 pmReply

Mugabe is right to speak his mind about Kenya. However, he must start it by first putting his house in order. Who on earth doesn’t know that he has depleted the economy of Zimbabwe? Anyway, the speck in another’s eyes… Age too is haunting him
Richard November 3, 2015, 4:14 pmReply

Mugabe is my hero, he considers his people by making sure that the natural resources are available for their us. His bad image is a painting of the West for his bold step of making sure the Whites surrender their shambas to native Zimbabweans. Better a dictator who protects his nation than a “democratic” who sells out his people and hard earned money
patrick November 3, 2015, 4:12 pmReply

mr. mugabe not all kenyan’s are thieves,their is one tribe
michael onyango November 3, 2015, 4:12 pmReply

Mr Mugabe take care nowerdays they are international they can still ur presidency
Wachira Thief November 3, 2015, 4:10 pmReply

Hey Is This Coming From A President Who’s Poorest Of A Kenyan Is A Millionaire Coz Tissue Paper Is Alot More Valuable Than Their Currency Gerarahia
charlie May November 3, 2015, 4:10 pmReply

Disastrous!! World class thieves second to none…
Bob fan November 3, 2015, 4:09 pmReply

As a Kenyan I agree with wiseman of Zimbabwe, we thought we were good people but even the standard newspaper carried the other day that out 10 Kenyans 8 are thieves
Opondo November 3, 2015, 4:07 pmReply

Now I understand why Mugabe never submitted the AU’s quest about Ruto to the UN summit! Mugabe is actually tired of these thieves!
Musonge November 3, 2015, 4:07 pmReply

I second you mr president. But you need to go home. Zimbabwe people are tired of old cracks like you. GO HOME.
mohamed ali November 3, 2015, 4:05 pmReply

Hon Mugabe what he said is wat it’s n hapining ,
mohamed ali November 3, 2015, 4:05 pmReply

Mugabe what said is wat it’s n hapining ,
Rene November 3, 2015, 4:02 pmReply

Cast a stone if you’ve never stolen. A thief is not one who breaks a door and steal. Even sleeping out of marriage is stealing.
My grandad once said better a thief than a fool. I’m proud to be central province.
Remain poor!!
ednah November 3, 2015, 4:02 pmReply

Its true Mugabe jst nailed it. Kenya is realy at the peak stealing frm itself. Its high time u correct urself n govt Mr. President. Kenya’s economy is wanting.
mfalme Peter November 3, 2015, 3:59 pmReply

Mugabe fuck you…fuck your mama you asshole face.
Bonnie November 3, 2015, 3:59 pmReply

We better swallow the bitter pill. That is just but a true definition of #Kenyans!
Richard November 3, 2015, 3:59 pmReply

Imagine thats how the world know us, and it’s a bitter truth. Massive corruption that even a kid can quickly notice. It’s a shame to be Kenyan in the face of the world. We urgently need a revolution to save our nation from the hands of thugs
Bonnie November 3, 2015, 3:56 pmReply

We better swallow the bitter pill, this is just but a true definition of a #Kenyan.
Jackie Sunday November 3, 2015, 3:55 pmReply

Well,Look who is talking……… takes one thief to know another.
In my opinion 99% of African political leaders seek to enrich themselves at the expense of the common citizen including Bob himself so how did he zero in on Kenya.
As he sees the speck in the Kenyan eyelid may he think about the log on the Zimbabwean eyelid too.
Myopinion November 3, 2015, 3:54 pmReply

As much as this is is OUR image as Kenyans and we should accept it and work on it, let us not engage in a tribal war and tribal accusations. For those claiming that kikuyus are the thieves, I am Kikuyu and I have gone without basic needs because someone stole money that could have been paid to my parents. Look at the street children, the higher percentage are Kikuyu and many are there because someone stole from this country and from them. Just because kikuyus are the biggest population doesn’t make them the thieves. Mugabe and anyone else out there shall never see corrupt kikuyus, they shall see corrupt Kenyans and we will all bear that tag regardless of whether we are luo or maasi or kamba.
Grace November 3, 2015, 3:54 pmReply

Those talking about kikuyus here have such small heads….. Are the Ngilus and the Rutos kikuyus. I am kikuyu and i have no apologies, i have stolen no ones money so stop generalizing
Kaluoch Maurice November 3, 2015, 3:54 pmReply

You are not right brother, Mugabe though old is stating a fact. Our govt is running the national coffers dry and leaving behind unsurmountable debts for future generations.
Benson Munyolo November 3, 2015, 3:51 pmReply

its true,sincere Kenyan mid to support en shout enough
John November 3, 2015, 3:50 pmReply

Zimbabwe is more corrupt than kenya. Mugabe should get his house in order first before he pokes his nose on kenya. His cronies have ripped off Zimbabwe and invested the ill gotten wealth in SA. Please let him spare kenya and retire his senile brains.peacefully.
abba November 3, 2015, 3:50 pmReply

Didn’t Donald Trump say the same thing about kenya . For those of you who didn’t know what he said here is a recap .

World most controversial leaders are saying something about this country . Of course there is a problem . Wise Kenyans will take this as a challenge and reform and not be a case study but foolish Kenyans will hide themselves on their tribal defense( we kikuyus, we nandi, we kisii, we Luo – our tribes are being targeted ) and say everything is ok and we are moving onwards. Our country has no problem .they are the ones with problem
Wdumu November 3, 2015, 3:50 pmReply

Mugabe is very right. We have reached a stage to be criticized by the of Mugabe. This tells a story……
Jackie November 3, 2015, 3:49 pmReply

Look who is talking……… takes one thief to know another.
Johnson November 3, 2015, 3:48 pmReply

Oops we from central we work hard, if non of your peny have been stolen shutup….
Enrique November 3, 2015, 3:45 pmReply

Itz so boring btw…..can’t even say am proud wth vigour as before……they steal without shame or mercy
Denis Muhu November 3, 2015, 3:45 pmReply

I am a Kenyan & it pains me that the government we thought would deliver us from this evil has embraced it in such an unfathomable scale! it is true & what is even sadder is that come next elections the same kleptomaniacs will be voted back in, its all just sad
Moses Khisa November 3, 2015, 3:45 pmReply

On this I am with mugabe, he has made a true observation of what our leaders are made of, the government in power being the worst govt one would wish to lead a nation. God step in and save our country from this greedy pple

[…] Mugabe went on a rant the other day about “thieving Kenyans” which was amazing in almost every way, but […]
Nelly November 3, 2015, 3:41 pmReply

Very true.Look at the teachers September salary,where did it go.Some people are have no shame eating a poor teachers salary. if a teacher asks for a little increment it becomes a non issue to the big fish. very shameful
Jean November 3, 2015, 3:41 pmReply

I will do my part and avoid and preach against corruption
Jean November 3, 2015, 3:40 pmReply

To be called a thief, it stings but remember one spoiled egg… as much as I’d like to defend my self I know he is right, untill we stop with the corruption, I fear, our reputation will keep going down and down the drain
Naviswa Kenneth November 3, 2015, 3:40 pmReply

Hicho kiatu cha wizi kimemufinya wapi. Did Kenyans any any of his belongs or any woman silly
Isaiah Korir November 3, 2015, 3:39 pmReply

It’s True Kenyans Are In A Compdtion Of Stealing.It Is A Disease In Kenya Even The Culprits Are Protected.
fatuma November 3, 2015, 3:37 pmReply

Grandpa is right but not all Kenyans are thieves
Peter Maxwell November 3, 2015, 3:37 pmReply

truth hurts , still my home tho
Akidodok Ka' Tapar November 3, 2015, 3:37 pmReply

It the naked way of stating “corruption”
jm mwenyewe November 3, 2015, 3:35 pmReply

Its shameful that kenyans are not responsible for their country. Everybody is a victim of corruption in one way or the other. shame on our leaders and all watchdog committees. I feel for our president who has a development agenda for this country but his comrades are dragging him everyday.
Guzu spartan boss November 3, 2015, 3:33 pmReply

Somebody tell mugabe to keep kenyan name out of his mouth wether corrupt, i remain kenyan #guzutings
Patrick Miring'u November 3, 2015, 3:32 pmReply

Well, truth be said….
A lie repeated over and over again becomes like true.. But saying kikuyuz are thieves is out of order.
Jason November 3, 2015, 3:27 pmReply

It happens only in Kenya where billions get lost just like that…!!! and ends just like that..
BriDay November 3, 2015, 3:26 pmReply

its really a shame to all of us..that after a divtator n a tyrant pinpoints Kenya for an evil we are going after tribes why dont u go after individuals?if you pinpointed any tribe,you are a tribalist.This corruption is too much..its time to reign on it and it starts with you..!you Kenyan..stoo bribing everything that moves from our homes to Public.
Paul November 3, 2015, 3:25 pmReply

As a Kenyan I do 100%agree with the sentiments.
guyoh November 3, 2015, 3:24 pmReply

I believe Mugabe is right,but it doesn’t apply to all Kenyans,what about the poor who can’t even afford a meal,are they thieves too?
antony November 3, 2015, 3:23 pmReply

if only we knew he was reffering to all of us as a general not specific pple. we wouldn’t be here supporting what the old man said. he is turnishing our good name
Juma Wilson Auma November 3, 2015, 3:21 pmReply

I Think You Are Right.Come To Kenya And See The Reality. Thieves Outweigh The Innocent.
Dennis November 3, 2015, 3:19 pmReply

Mugabe has spoken and let’s not crucify him
john musyoka November 3, 2015, 3:18 pmReply

Mr.Mugabe we respect everyone globally, and when mentioning Kenyans,try to define who are you talking of.not every Kenyan is a thief very disappointed of how you’re terming Kenyans thieves as a whole.shut up.your country is the poorest in the fact you should invite us to build your country s economy. “saitani”(devil)
Raphael Musau November 3, 2015, 3:18 pmReply

This from a guy who can’t even walk!!! Jealousy will kill you old man, Kenya is way advanced economically and development wise compared to your country after kicking the whites out. Next time think before you act, oh wait, you are a senile old fool!!!! Long live Kenya!!!!
unprecedented intellectual November 3, 2015, 3:16 pmReply

pot calling kettle black
jona November 3, 2015, 3:16 pmReply

Very true Bob, our country is rife with corruption especially the incumbent government, some correction though, central kenya is primarily where your rant holds correct! God will one day save us with a proper leader!
walter November 3, 2015, 3:16 pmReply

Real cousin of Asutralopithecus…mugabe looks like a real baboon
marshal November 3, 2015, 3:15 pmReply

mugabe is very right.Uhuru presides over a very corrupt regime n appears to b powerless in taming corruption or mayb they r all at it.
abba November 3, 2015, 3:13 pmReply

I’m kenyan in diaspora .it’s true and SHAME SHAME SHAME .Hata here in America white people talk about theft in kenya . We dont look up and proudly say I’m kenyan . I do tell people I’m Ugandan . Simple . I’m ashamed of my country . Even moi time wasn’t this bad .EUROBOND EUROBOND EUROBOND .!!!!!!!!
Kihiu November 3, 2015, 3:11 pmReply

I agree with Mugabe to a certain degree but he should be the last one to condemn Kenyans who are way above his poor Zimbabwe in all aspects
Angil November 3, 2015, 3:11 pmReply

Have never seen such a government in ma life, am telling you grandpa Kenyans are good and loving people, politicians who want to enrich themselves as if they own this kenya, am happy with the word of God that refers to them as fools who will not see tomorrow
john November 3, 2015, 3:05 pmReply

All Mugabe’s age mates are dead, i wonder why he is still alive giving people of his poor country trouble. We Kenyans are in our own class. We have a fourth president in power while this ancestor called Mugabe is still in power. Mugabe has no new idea about unlocking the hard times and economic sabotage he has done to his people. The only solution to Zimbambwe’s trouble is Mugabe to die
festus otiende November 3, 2015, 3:02 pmReply

what president mugabe is uttering its true but not all kenyans most of our leaders have failed us,especialy this leadership of anarchy
pst alex November 3, 2015, 2:53 pmReply

Mugabe is very right,i think we are leading in the world now.But its those in authority.
Muyundo Aggrey November 3, 2015, 2:37 pmReply

Uncle Bob is very right. God should never have created the waigurus and kenyattas at all. They are giving us all a bad name with their sticky fingers. Just look at arap mashamba, the poor gullible victims even defend and worship him.
Mwawaza November 3, 2015, 2:22 pmReply

I feel granpa is right. Look at VP and plot on primary school n da hotel saga
chris November 3, 2015, 4:06 pmReply

Mugabe is being truthful, we are thieves here in kenya, our role models are thieves, some stole colonial land which should have been given back to the natives instead they keep half the nation for themselves and those are the people corrupt kenyans find fit for leadership.
aziz liveha November 3, 2015, 7:06 pmReply

even donald trump is right, all those who loot and hide in offshore accounts and run to live outside their countries and send their children to foreign countries, especially usa should be forced to come back home and build their countries same way the usa build their xtry to be a land of opportunities. why can we not do it here? obama reiterated the same notion when he was here, that we develop our education system and stop flooding foreign colleges
Jo Pablo November 4, 2015, 5:57 amReply

Don’t hate on mugabe whatever he’s saying is true we need reforms not sympathisers.
Bob is right….. for once
cate November 4, 2015, 6:44 amReply

its so painful that Kenya is being rated as the number one thief in the World, Mr. Mugabe you could have pointed the statement direct to the president( government), he is not the first to say this……….we need to do something as a country
Max Yoma November 4, 2015, 12:02 pmReply

Absolutely right. The majority of these leaders are thieves, they have stolen more than enough, they have alot of money already but they just cant stop, the behavior is somehow addictive and now flowing in their blood.
Its very unfortunate but most Kenyans work hard for their money but somehow wont hesitate to eat given a platform.
Deng alier November 4, 2015, 1:53 pmReply

President would have not attack whole that way even if he knew all Kenyan to be thieves.
rodgers November 4, 2015, 1:57 pmReply

sure thives are born naturaly
rodgers November 4, 2015, 1:59 pmReply

sure bob
rodgers November 4, 2015, 2:02 pmReply

Davis November 3, 2015, 2:17 pmReply

Mugabe, Mugabe you are stone aged, we live in a modern world why a you still dragging us in the 19th centuary you will end Bagbo,Ghadafi way keep watching.
abba November 3, 2015, 3:52 pmReply

Yu must be kikuyu defending your tribe. I can tell
Ronald ombaka November 3, 2015, 7:28 pmReply

I suggest you refute with fact what Bob ssaid with fact and conviction rather than side step the issue at hand………
Ally Kips Langat November 3, 2015, 10:10 pmReply

Never mention Gadaffi.He was a Africa hero and every right minded person knows what those who ploted to kill Gaddafi has a reason behind it.Libya will never ever be stable unless they realised that they were used to burn their own house..
tery November 4, 2015, 5:55 pmReply

I love this kind of revelation u spot on abt libya.but m shocked with the language m seing here.m zimbabwean and ofcause corruption is every where.but this kind of tribalism i cant understand
c...masafu November 4, 2015, 8:20 amReply

This fossil in the name of mukebe…sorry..mugabe…should be told we don’t steal his cheap worthless currency… (snoop) in own shit
godwin November 4, 2015, 9:28 amReply

Please jst swallow the bitter truth and try to find a solution for a better kenya
justice November 4, 2015, 12:45 pmReply

People who speak the truth are the ones killed including Ghadafi I give him much respect he wanted Africa to grow on it’s own not depending on Western countries
wilfred nyakundi November 4, 2015, 2:37 pmReply

Dickens November 3, 2015, 2:02 pmReply

As a Kenyan who is not a thief but live in Kenya and has experienced high level of impunity and arrogance of the government, I agree with bob, he needed to say Kenyan leaders not to generalise As all Kenyans.
Our economy is at cross roads, our debts skyrocketing in trillions and borrowing increasing that can easily call for such concerns from Uncle Bob.
Lodviko Pyego November 3, 2015, 6:29 pmReply

Correct boss.
seema November 4, 2015, 5:59 pmReply

Bob since I knew you this is the most sensible observation u ave ever made. This kikuyus and kalenjins are bringing the country down below the shoes. Where do we go?
Ronald Zochin November 3, 2015, 7:40 pmReply

Mugabe has spoken the truth. Stealing in Kenya is unprecedented anywhere else in the world. Even mugabe knows. Donald Trump knows
me November 3, 2015, 1:58 pmReply

Not all kenyans r thieves,bt we can’t deny the fact that some few individuals wametuharibia kenya yetu.mugabe anawajua so stop generalising.
mollis November 4, 2015, 1:38 pmReply

tyranny of thieves
collins kipkurui November 3, 2015, 1:57 pmReply

we kenyans,we don’t have time to urgue with Dictator who knew nothing about us.we are busy building our nation economicaly not verbally
abba November 3, 2015, 3:54 pmReply

Because a nandi is a vp .you need to wake up sir . If you have a loan with the bank then you won’t be defending this govt . But I’m sure you have no loan and no interest hike so far on you
Mugera Ibrahim November 3, 2015, 4:03 pmReply

I find it strange that a single wheelbarrow costs Kshs.109000. Unless its you who is not informed about your country.
George Onyango November 3, 2015, 4:41 pmReply

Collins ua a big joker, u n hu is building Kenya?
abdinasir geyre November 3, 2015, 7:21 pmReply

say sir we r building out homes by stealing
henry n kivuva November 3, 2015, 7:21 pmReply

you are either not a kenyan or simply ignorant
Kip November 3, 2015, 7:47 pmReply

Say you kurui …not Kenyans. Truth is government is loosing billions thru corruption and Mugabe has hit it as it is
kiko November 3, 2015, 8:41 pmReply

which building the nation wacha zako, ok you mean graduates of bachelor of stealling are building the nation ,
tarus November 3, 2015, 8:51 pmReply

which economy is being build in Kenya man? stop being thieves’ psychophant&worshiper
naitomee November 3, 2015, 9:12 pmReply

u sop defending u kales kulad also
dank November 4, 2015, 4:21 amReply

kip..What Bob is saying is very true irrespective whether he is a dictator or not. A you that blind like a bat not to see what is going on? People stealing left right and centre or doe it not bother you when you pay taxes and one or two people steal millions? If you combine all the monies stolen you realise its billions which are going into peoples pockets.
jerry anyango November 4, 2015, 6:12 amReply

May the almight forgive your truthless utters! Which kenya is building??????????
Kimani November 4, 2015, 8:13 amReply

Kipkurui .. you are of course in defense of your own ( understandable given the level of tribalism) who is busy building 1.2 billion house and land grabbing almost every piece of lands from poor farmers to school lands. However, you very well know that most Kenyans are suffering because of high level of stealing, land grabbing, corruption. Kenya as if not number 8 economy in Africa, we should not be seeing garbages in every corner of Nairobi, the slums and eastlando should be looking far better, people should not be dying in hospitals
What are you building? if you mean SGR we should have gotten at least two of the same kind if not inflating the cost….Where does a locally made wheelbarrow cost 1,000 USD? etc

Mugabe has his own problems but he said the true. Indeed in Kenya stealing is the way to go and those who are not thieves are actually cowards and have no space in the digital regime. And stealing goes on … get a today’s copy of The Standard and read more eating in Waiguru’s ministry
Gerald November 4, 2015, 8:27 amReply

Wake up brother.There is no more economy to build.Kenya is dead.
godwin November 4, 2015, 9:25 amReply

Really??? Are we building it.
AWC November 4, 2015, 1:24 pmReply

Since when does Mugabe become the moral compass Africa, or anyone, should follow. He who is notorious for human rights abuses has the audacity to point a finger. He should focus on the fingers pointing back at him.
Esi November 4, 2015, 2:18 pmReply

OStop hating on Mr.Mugabe,he is the president of a sovereign state. He did not coach Kenyans how to steal from her own people Mr Mugabe reclaimed land and gave it to his people. Viva ,Mugabe
Polyne Owuor November 4, 2015, 3:03 pmReply

Building our nation with what??? Hahahaha
Tom Musamali November 3, 2015, 1:49 pmReply

Mugabe is right many Kenyans like me r very disappointed with unnecessary stealing of the public money at will ministry after ministry its so boring. Its too much for ourselves how was the eurobond money spend without the official authority of the budget controller? How can three one director using three companies steal 791m from NYS department ? How can five buses cost 110m per month hired by KAA ? And many others then why should u blame President Mugabe for abusing us. Even our CJ is so disturbed about it
daniel Jok Yong November 3, 2015, 6:26 pmReply

Thanks Kenyan well jobs don when mugabe stelon farmers from white people not
george November 4, 2015, 1:58 pmReply

Di Sebastiano November 3, 2015, 1:42 pmReply

Very unfortunate that some one tribe in Kenya, with very little morals and highly grounded on mischief, thievery and all such ills that brought down Sodom and Gommorrah, has now made it possible for Mugabe to be beatified. Kikuyus of Kenya, you are indeed an eye sore to Africa!
Karanja November 3, 2015, 4:57 pmReply

And from your name I believe you’re Italian? If you hate Kikuyu so much that’s your problem. We’re not that bad if you get to hang out with the non-thieving type.
Musymo November 3, 2015, 5:00 pmReply

u faggot.. Thinking Kikuyus are thieves go fuck yourself
Margaret November 3, 2015, 5:56 pmReply

So take up with God you asshole. We hustle and then you judge us for dominating in the Market Place? Shame on you!
Nduta Mburu November 3, 2015, 6:46 pmReply

I am Kikuyu but I have never stolen. Get your facts right, Boss!
You don’t condemn a whole community because of a few individuals!!
Muthoni November 3, 2015, 7:42 pmReply

Fuck off
marie November 3, 2015, 8:13 pmReply

please then move to Zimbabwe if you feel kikuyus are a pain
Chalize November 4, 2015, 5:40 amReply

Ohhh , you’re all right. Only central people steal. There no stilling in any othet part of Kenya and Africa. People in Zimbabwe wony take even a pencil and in kisumu no one ever stole there no one thinks about it. When God gave Moses the commandments He was thinking about central Kenya wnenHe wroye 8th commandment “Thou shall not steal”
maina November 4, 2015, 5:54 amReply

you jeng!why are you so sure your God ‘baba” even has a dossier for the pope.
Mind November 4, 2015, 6:18 amReply

You should be a shamed of yourself we are talking as Kenyans and you can’t even hide your tribalism here?? it’s time fit change!!
Clement Baha November 4, 2015, 6:19 amReply

they steal everything; from Banks, from the dead, court rulings, elections,
Kikuyu Biatch November 4, 2015, 7:27 amReply

Tame your words Mister!!!!!….. are all those politicians in Kenya Kikuyu’s….. tribal ass niggarh….if a country is corrupt its corrupt no tribe one tribe can cause the downfall of a nation….
leo November 4, 2015, 7:46 amReply

Why do I feel you were born by mistake, you foolhardy idiot from I cannot tell where? Perhaps you have not visited the loo for quite a while and thus some shit is in your mind.
Sarah Kahaisha November 4, 2015, 8:07 amReply

That comment spews bigotry and is illogical. Corruption is not a characteristic of any tribe, race or gender but is a human flaw. Its sad how myopic thinking dominates political rhetoric
Mama Africa November 4, 2015, 8:08 amReply

Wow. Hate and vitriol? Seek professional help, it cannot be doing you any good.
Jay Kay November 4, 2015, 8:14 amReply

Really! Kikuyus! Some, yes, but don’t blame every kikuyu. Your arrogance deserves a front row seat in hell.
J Waithera November 4, 2015, 12:08 pmReply

Even Bungoma carcinogenic wheelbarrows and the Kisii gate and were bought by Kikuyus ?
Terry November 4, 2015, 12:30 pmReply

that’s so tribal of you…
Joe November 3, 2015, 1:33 pmReply

Someone to tell Mugabe to stop shitting with us,hatujui.
abba November 3, 2015, 3:55 pmReply

Another kikuyu defending his tribe
Mzito November 3, 2015, 6:14 pmReply

Joe, accepting the truth.. Wakenya ni Wezi
willyN November 3, 2015, 8:04 pmReply

Wacha kwanza tulale tutaamkia hii story kesho @kot .atatujua tu
Frank November 4, 2015, 8:18 amReply

he said the truth
godwin November 4, 2015, 9:21 amReply

You may not like it but its the truth…
MWANGAZA KITABU November 3, 2015, 12:59 pmReply

Well….research should be conducted to verify.
naitomee November 3, 2015, 9:10 pmReply

very true go on tell them Mugabe hawa ni waizi
it has become a standard normality
no wonder the kenyans are slow to respond
Kim November 3, 2015, 12:18 pmReply

The loud silence by KOT(Kenyan on twitter) tells much of the stark truth in Bob’s remarks.Fellow Kenyans this is the narrative out there,our image.
George November 4, 2015, 3:16 pmReply

image if you present your CV to any west African countries for employment. ….
..poor me
jackson Muhindi November 3, 2015, 11:49 amReply

Its true Mugabe is not lying to us, poor people will always suffer.Here in kenya but politician is always happy because they are the rulers of the country.
Boaz November 3, 2015, 6:12 pmReply

Mugabe is right,but not all kenyans only those in power
GABRIEL November 3, 2015, 11:39 amReply

The truth be told the President was right.
Kiruby November 3, 2015, 3:47 pmReply

President Mugabe and US presidential hopeful Donald Trump have taken note of this…. Kenyan politicians further use tribalism to blind and divide its people from this truth. When war/ fighting breaks out, these guys have enough money to take their families elsewhere for safety. PITIFUL!!
Linda November 4, 2015, 6:01 amReply

Oh, come on George, now you are just being tribal. I agree not all Kenyans are thieves but then again, thieving is not confined to just one tribe. That does not mean you are better off since you are not from Central Province, face it man!!
SALIM November 4, 2015, 8:33 amReply

ur right mr
George Onyango November 3, 2015, 11:23 amReply

Mr. Mugabe knows very well that not all Kenyans are thieves n m here to advice him to direct his allegations to Central province….They do it with passion!!!
Kihiu November 3, 2015, 3:09 pmReply

Fool did you descend from heaven or overflowed from the lake….
Wainaina November 3, 2015, 3:39 pmReply

Lol George you have even distanced yourself. Reke gwire sisi ndio wale hata ya maziko tunaiba
Mathew November 3, 2015, 3:48 pmReply

mbwa wewe.
wanjiru November 3, 2015, 3:48 pmReply

As you have stated clearly above “not all kenyans are thieves” therefore not all people from Central are thieves and hence not all Luos are stonethrowers!
Bob November 3, 2015, 3:51 pmReply

Let’s be honest with each other, it’s not only kikuyus who are corrupt the problem is everywhere
eddy November 4, 2015, 8:42 pmReply

Rubbish article full of lies
Central Kenyan November 3, 2015, 4:21 pmReply

Thank you for appreciating our efforts lol….
Karanja November 3, 2015, 4:52 pmReply

George. Sad that you can say that the whole of Central is full of thieves. Think of everyone who has stolen FROM YOU if you have something worth stealing. Are they all from Central? Tafadhali uache mucene ama uende kwa Uncle kwenye hakuna wizi.
ancentomuraguri November 3, 2015, 4:58 pmReply

i just hate stupid luos
Safara November 5, 2015, 5:53 amReply

I love all your thinking capacity, and i tend to believe that your brain capacity is lesser than 1500cc, kindly go back to class then realize that all you gossipers are poorer and losers. lets fix our problem its known internationally and kindly let us not reason like apes in the jungle Apes are better off since they can protect their hoods and not steal from their hoods stupid fools.
George November 3, 2015, 5:00 pmReply

It’s such a disgrace that even with such a weighty matter you still thinking like a tribal Kenyan you are. I believe the only pple who still are from Central and the rest of Kenya is corruption free. Its a pity such a comment coming from a grown up who should be patriotic and it is because of such nonsense and stupid comments that we shall never move forward as a country.
Tash November 5, 2015, 5:50 amReply

Nigga please!!
George Mungai November 3, 2015, 5:08 pmReply

dear George am from Central however I just like you do not condone this stealing, am affected just like you are the individuals doing this don’t care for the ordinary mwanainchi (you and me) so please don’t demonize us all, this country does not need this
simple November 3, 2015, 5:44 pmReply

Social Media gangster, hiding behind your computer. Grow a pair of balls.
Margaret November 3, 2015, 5:52 pmReply

Shame on you! At least he spoke like the senile old man that he is, while you have spoken like the uncircumcised boy that you are. Even Jehovah Himself rejects you in Genesis 17:14.
Esther November 3, 2015, 6:02 pmReply

we ni fala tu…kwani kisumu hakuna jela.. jinga.. jeuri…jaluo
ALEXANDER November 3, 2015, 6:18 pmReply

Onyango you and Mugabe are cut from the same cloth. Theives are from everywhere. So leave your self righteousness out the window.
Lee November 3, 2015, 6:58 pmReply

Off course the super idiotic intelligence radiates from such like baboons who talk while chewing shit. You need a serviett. Sad you were born this way.
Ronald ombaka November 3, 2015, 7:25 pmReply

George Onyango …….Cornell Rasanga and company are very proficiently looting in Kisumu ……I wonder if they have roots in central
Ben November 3, 2015, 8:05 pmReply

Stupid man… Sorry, boy!!
Kamau November 3, 2015, 8:29 pmReply

You are worse than a thief! You must be a special.kind of foolish to display such kind of arrogance…
njoroge November 3, 2015, 8:46 pmReply

hahaa kenya ni central province fyi
Lili November 4, 2015, 2:19 amReply

I suppose those 100K wheel barrows were ordered from Central to be transported to Western?
Jonah November 4, 2015, 3:11 amReply

Were the 103k wheelbarrows in central province? Are corrupt cops from central only?

Read Secrets of EACC anti-corruption dossier revealed – Politics and policy –

You are a mere tribalist.
Sir-Penn November 4, 2015, 3:21 amReply

Your tribal claims will never get you any where imbicile.
We are all kenyans at heart.. I suggest you read the blog properly.. Mugabe directed this to kenyans not luos or kikuyus
Felista Kagori November 4, 2015, 3:44 amReply

George, just as not all kenyans are thieves, not everyone from central is one.
Isaac November 4, 2015, 3:49 amReply

Just an idiot
kinyua alex November 4, 2015, 4:24 amReply

U r kind f person who is pulling has backward…btw am so pround of us….never the less we know how to keep up…
denis November 4, 2015, 4:41 amReply

i love your thinking capacity.
Kamau November 4, 2015, 4:46 amReply

Central province is rich,poleni tribalists,it runs in you guys to twist statements just like your leader who will never make presidency…
Gakii November 4, 2015, 5:09 amReply

United we should respond as Kenyans. This will give him reason to attack again.
Cephas Joe! November 4, 2015, 5:29 amReply

thats not a wise comment bro
were brothers Kenyans !
am saddend by that
hope you’ll see that this doesnt produce unity as a country
:'( unity starts with the two of us not Uhuru and Raila…
Michael Mwania November 4, 2015, 5:35 amReply

Tribalistic kubaff idiot wewe!
cate November 4, 2015, 5:45 amReply

onyango pls not only in cantrel province …..wheelbarw n gates were not bought in central
Jeean November 4, 2015, 6:07 amReply

You mean not a single time a luo will talk n not insult a central person…. You guys need to be cautious about how you use you mouth….. will not be sorry to say that thats y you are poor by nature.. look at kiberas population you are the largest in number….. Stupid and talk politics have been in you since years..
di November 5, 2015, 5:08 amReply

Mathare valley na korogocho ni yenu
Nina November 4, 2015, 6:34 amReply

you don’t think we can do without such comments? that’s just shifty and shallow
Andre November 4, 2015, 7:04 amReply

Mr Onyango, very typical comment from you. Your country is attacked, and instead of addressing the issue, you point to a single region of Kenya. Why??. Stealing in Kenya is a
National pastime. The only reason you and your perennial loser grandfather(RAO)are accusing one community is because he(and you)are on the outside looking in. And that situation will comtinue long after we are all dead. So just shut the fuck up, loser, and continue to support your perennial loser godfather RAO. I have always womdered, Mr Onyango, how can a whole tribe be held hostage by one man-and a loser to boot??
willy muyonga November 4, 2015, 7:16 amReply

crazy old fool. you are the one robbing a whole nation up to the brink of collapse. in the words of one kiraitu murungi its like you are raping an already willing lady.
Max November 4, 2015, 7:48 amReply

@Onyango stereotyping is a poor way of making a point…If I was to do that you would be up in arms…We have various thugs including your tribesmen(Lipton tea scandal in Kisumu) …In our country the sad thing is that people seem to think that corruption and looting of public coffer is a way of life. Weeding out this will take alot of goodwill from all of us.As a people we have the power to weed out this sadly we have become inept and we are unwilling to go the extra mile to do so since a relative here, a tribesman there are all involved in the vice and even I as a mwananchi will be caught and want an easy way out…We have become a society of irresponsible people; a people who are lovers of themselves, lovers of money,
boastful, proud, abusive, ungrateful, unholy,without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control,brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. How far do you think such acts will get us a nation?
Susan November 4, 2015, 7:52 amReply

what do you mean by ‘ his allegations to Central Province!!!?’….take your tribal profiling to the dustbin and comment with atmost sobriety!!
Grego November 4, 2015, 7:53 amReply

The problem with worshipers of Omweri is that the moment one person works hard and leaves them in poverty they automatically become thieves
Jay Kay November 4, 2015, 8:10 amReply

You wanker. Why associate every one from central? May you burn in hell, your idiocy is unforgivable.
shiko November 4, 2015, 8:16 amReply

Come on am a Kenyan proudly…kikuyu and I don’t wish to be any of other living in South Africa. And it sounds sarcastic to me for so called mugabe to criticize us this way whereas in south Africa is crying for his own pple who are the biggest thieves as he is calling us…. remove ua own spek sir
Davie jomo November 4, 2015, 9:23 amReply

Wacha ujinga, ati central province, coz you guys are lazy, all fingers are pointed to kikuyu’s, we work hard to live, be precise
james November 4, 2015, 10:37 amReply

really man we are civilized you dont have to be tribal its immature
BRYAN November 4, 2015, 11:21 amReply

DON’T BE STUPID………U HAVE CLEARLY STATED THAT “Mr. Mugabe knows very well that not all Kenyans are thieves n m here to advice him to direct his allegations to Central province….They do it with passion!!! “…IS CENTRAL PROVINCE A PERSON.
Tony brown November 4, 2015, 11:31 amReply

@George its clear your a tribalist not suprising the kind that give kenyans a bad name out there key word here is Kenyans and not parts of kenya( read properly)
Mike Gee November 4, 2015, 11:49 amReply

Seriously dude?
Jim November 4, 2015, 11:51 amReply

Seriously George?
M Green November 4, 2015, 1:48 pmReply

Instead of rallying behind your fellow Kenyans you demonstrate the same kind of shallowness that Mugabe has shown here. You are a tribalist sir – shame on you.
wilfred nyakundi November 4, 2015, 2:32 pmReply

Davinkyi November 4, 2015, 3:07 pmReply

I feel sorry for you Onyango. Not everyone from Central is a thief just the same way as not everyone from wherever you come from is not a thief. Just go to prison services and if you are able to tell from names, see how many people from your area have been jailed for theft. This stereotyping people like Mugabe will forever hold you back. Wake up man.
muraguri November 4, 2015, 6:33 pmReply

Kwani wake waliiba Kisumu molasses Ni kina nani? Luo thrift ilikaushwa na jomo?
Iwezimb November 5, 2015, 1:30 amReply

You should be standing up and defending yourself against this tyrant leader and not pointing fingers at your fellow Kenyans, come on man ….. wake up
Susan November 5, 2015, 4:40 amReply

George I believe it’s in kisumu county hospital that you have to bribe the doctors so that you can get a blood transfusion which is free. Corruption is everywhere in Kenya. Let not hide our heads in the sand and point fingers.
Qymz November 5, 2015, 5:32 amReply

Shut up. Must u mention central kenya??
evans November 3, 2015, 11:10 amReply

It’s very true, look at the government, corruption,stealing and embezzlement of tax payers money, even duale has declare corruption as a disaster in Kenya..
john November 4, 2015, 1:33 pmReply

Its funny how you are arguing that out. He is right and you don’t really know what you’ve said, funny though, you compared him to a Kenyan – the first president of Kenya. You sort of are agreeing with his speech.
George Morara November 3, 2015, 10:26 amReply

Mugabe speaks as if himself is innocent. Zimbabwe is fast on the course Kenyans followed to the current level of corruption. The difference is that Zimbabwe is younger. Mugabe like Jomo Kenyatta, the first president of Kenya, in his land reforms gave huge junks of land to his friends in the ruling party. The next president unless a reformist will possibly adopt corruption as a way of political fundraising having exhausted land and Kenya would have been recreated in Zimbabwe.
NUR JEFFAH November 3, 2015, 6:16 pmReply

Farah November 4, 2015, 5:40 pmReply

Mr mugabe is right but not all kenyas r thieves. If u cant stop corruption then legalise it. Corruption became part of kenya life. God bless kenya
jane November 5, 2015, 5:23 amReply

….we agree really that theft in the civil service in this country is disgusting but what Mugabe does not know is that the majority of Kenyans are honest hard working individuals who have never taken a coin from anyone but their image is being destroyed by the filth in government – my image of Zimbabweans when I lived there was worse I lost so much from thieves including the videos of my kids when they were small
edgar waudo November 4, 2015, 3:46 amReply

kudos president Bob…
Fredrick Alemba November 4, 2015, 5:44 amReply

Did Mugabe himself take a cause Bachelor of Presidency becouse ever since he has always remained in power.
Clement Baha November 4, 2015, 5:51 amReply

what Mugabe has observed is the naked truth; what is wrong when a mirror shows your face is ugly! A certain community has been branded thieves and murderers the same Kenyans themselves but called hate speech. The late Nyerere had called the Kenyan Society a “man-eat-man society””. HE WAS 100% right. its even worse
ruller November 4, 2015, 6:59 amReply

i agree with the ancestor,he has a point but first he clean his house before ranting on how ours is stinking
Benard George November 4, 2015, 10:06 amReply

I agree with Mugabe 100% God help Kenya
Iwezimb November 5, 2015, 1:27 amReply

But you don’t say how he is a thief together with his wife, he has robbed Zimbabwe blind. He is the last person that has the right to call Kenyans anything …….. Am saddened by your defense of him!!!!
Mahad November 5, 2015, 1:56 amReply

Agree mugabe
Mahad November 5, 2015, 1:59 amReply

Agree lion og africa Mr Mugaabe my allah bless you and l wish my Allah give you 100 more year live’ Cuz africa need you,
Momanyi November 4, 2015, 9:21 pmReply

Looking at the current state of affairs in my country where, for instance, county officials claim to have a wheelbarrow at a cost of US$ 1050, I cannot fail to concur with Robert Mugabe. I am totally disappointed by my selfish Kenyans who shamelessly continuously milking the country.
Sura Mbaya November 5, 2015, 3:17 amReply

What does it matter if he was a gangster leading 40 thieves. The fact that it’s coming from him shows just how low Kenya has sunk. It’s an indictment that a criminal would think another even worse than they are.
Ted November 12, 2015, 4:33 pmReply

I agree with you because kenya cherishes its runners and tall beautiful buildings but at the expense of integrity, honest, justice and truth

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