Chilima rejects PP runningmate: Joyce Banda, Chilumpha pull out of UTM alliance

Vice President and UTM Party  President Saulos Chilima is said to have rejected the proposal to have former President Joyce Banda’s son Roy Kachale as his runningmate which has led to Peoples Party (PP) pulling out of an opposition electoral alliance liance.
Chilima: I will pick my running mate
PP announced through a statement released Monday that it has pulled out of the alliance because UTM “has failed to comply with the terms of the agreement and the solidarity that existed between UTM and PP.”
A statement signed by PP spokesman Ackson Kalaile Banda said the agreement was was fir UTM  to pick a running from PP.
But sources close to the talks said Joyce Banda was insisting that Chilima picks Kachale as his runningmate.
“But Chilima has looked at the interests of the nation over the interests of a family. This is what has led to PP to pull out of the coalition,” said the source.
UTM Publicity Director Joseph Chidanti Malunga said the party will come with an official response to the matter later in the day.
Tikonze Peoples Movement President Dr Cassim Chilumpha has also withdrawn from the alliance.
Chilumpha, who is former State Vice President, said UTM has failed to honour “some of the terms of the agreement.”
He said they would no contest the elections.
Earlier, former President Joyce Banda praised Chilima as the right person with energy to win the presidential election scheduled on May 21 this year.
Meanwhile, Banda is expected to present her nomination papers at Comesa Hall in Blantyre on Tuesday at 2pm according to an official program released by the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC).
A week ago, Banda called upon opposition parties to join forces in an electoral alliance if they are to defeat the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) during the polls.
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