Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Eagle in a storm (Part 5)

The Eagle in a storm (Part 5)
__You need to develop relationships with people based on trust.
The other day I was in New York and decided to attend a church service with a dear friend of more than 20 years, Dr AR Bernard of Christian Cultural Centre. During the service they showed a video called the "Marshmallow Test." Young children were put in a room with a marshmallow (a type of sweet) and told that if they didn’t eat it, they’d get an extra one when the adult returned.
Left alone, the children then had to manage their impulse to simply grab the sweet and eat it. Many of them managed to control themselves and so earned the extra sweet. However, experts found that those children who’d previously been let down by an adult ate the sweet immediately.
__Some of the children in the Marshmallow Test just didn’t value the promise made by the adult because they’d been betrayed by adults before!
So what has this got to do with our theme about surviving tough times… the Eagle in a storm? Everything. Getting through tough times will depend on how many relationships you have built up, based on trust!
When people trust you, it’s possible to get a helping hand during tough times. Some children were willing to wait because they trusted the adult who’d made a promise to them. Asking other people to wait or make sacrifices depends to a great extent on how much people believe they can trust you, based on previous conduct, particularly when you seemed to be the one with the upper hand.
As a matter of principle, you must build relationships with employees, partners, investors, and customers based on trust. It’s important to be known as a person of integrity. I’ve already written a great deal about respect for the rule of law. This is about respect for yourself as a person of moral character.
You must establish your track record as an honourable person when times are good. There’s no point in showing humility only when things get tough; you must be trustworthy when you’re flying high!
# If during the good times you and your family were splashing money around like there’s no tomorrow, you’ll find it difficult to call on others to make sacrifices.
# If you were never willing to pay your creditors (there’s never an excuse for this!), you’ll find it difficult, if not impossible, to secure credit during the tough times.
# If you broke agreements with impunity because you were powerful, no one will stand with you when it’s you who needs help.
__Who do you know who really trusts you?
__Who is out there that will stand up for you?
Real trust transcends your ability to go to members of your family, your clan, your tribe, your religion, your nationality or even your race. When you sit down to reflect upon this issue, consider how many people from outside your "comfort circle” of family, clan, tribe, race, religion, would consider you trustworthy? This is the "marshmallow test" for each one of us, everyday. In Christianity, it’s the real interpretation of the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
Personally, one of the greatest testimonies of my life is the number of people who have stood in my corner when I needed help. It never ceases to amaze me how far people are prepared to stand in my corner. It's called "unmerited favor" and a blessing for which I am deeply grateful.
There are also people out there who I’ll try to give almost anything to help out when they are in trouble!
Do all you can every day to reach out to other people and build trust. Be a person of your word. Your character as a person of integrity is far more important than any money in the bank, fancy car or anything material in your life.
Image Credit: Pennsylvania Game Commission /Hal Korber
Eusébio A. P. Gwembe
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Strive Masiyiwa Afterthought 2.

In the Parable of the "Good Samaritan," you will not appreciate its full meaning if you do not understand the enmity that existed between Jews and Samaritans, as recorded in the bible itself: The Samaritans were descended from a mixed race of people; they had a different religion which was considered ungodly and cultish. They could also be extremely violent towards Jews who came into their territory. And yet Jesus chose to demonstrate "love for thy neighbour" as the ability to reach out to people who don't look like us, pray like us, live like us, don't agree with us… and often those with whom we may have a grievance from a past hurt.
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Kgopotso Moriri And God knows this after reading this I did what was right despite the "grievance from a past hurt." It is without doubt that you have breathed LiFeVer tradução
Strive Masiyiwa Afterthought 3

You may be interested to know that it took the photographer an eight-hour wait to get this photo of the baby eaglet and family. The mother eagle was so protective that it would not allow the eaglet to pop into sight, fearing crows or ot...Ver mais
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Strive Masiyiwa Afterthought 1.

Even governments need to build trust. Not long ago, the leader of an East African nation called to ask for help mediating with an investor who’d lost his business to a rival in their country. The leader impressed me when he said: "We w...Ver mais
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Ononaye Osirim Hope to meet with your children and bless them anyway i can in the nearest future becoz of this transformation you're coding into my life..Am indeed grateful sir. God keep your health and make your ways upright. Thanks Dr.Strive.Ver tradução
Strive Masiyiwa Why is paying your creditors so important?
When you start a business you are selling goods or services to other people. That means you are a "creditor" to those other people, if you did not insist on cash up front.
How would you feel then, if someone ...Ver mais
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Strive Masiyiwa The irony is that soon someone is going to make an extraordinary fortune from creating "Credit Score" Data bases, in our countries:

-when you pay your creditors on time they will give you rating which everyone can have access to....Ver mais
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Strive Masiyiwa Evaluating the capacity of your potential customer to pay, as well as their history in paying their creditors is a "skill" you MUST acquire if you are going to be successful in business.
I will never lend money, or offer goods or services on credit to...Ver mais
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Chidi Ihebinike Very instructional, build friendship on trust, don't be like the prodigal who
gave to no one, and in the time of want, no one gave to him, thank you Dr Strive
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Bokea Ru Ben I have always thought of it.Adversity defines your friends and draws a clear line of demarcation from imposters.There are difficult times when even the people you love and trust and expect them to reciprocate turn to betray you.Even your closest family...Ver maisVer tradução
Ononaye Osirim God keep you safe for usVer tradução
Brian Vast Aire Jere How are you doing Dr strive?Ver tradução
Emekekwue Onochie Dr Strive Masiyiwa you are a blessing to me sir.What excites me most is your consistence in making it known that you are a Born-again Child of God.The Principles of the scripture is what you use and you make the World know it works.Many at your level will never let that known.You are such a blessing to me sir.Thanks.Ver tradução
Nomore Mbombera In life and business, our reputation is always more important than our next paycheck, and our integrity is worth more than our next thrill. True integrity is doing the right thing, no matter what, even when nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.Ver tradução
Kervin Moodelly Matthew 5:37
Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil. Mat 5:37. Think before you take committment to do something, and do what you promised. This will make you a trustworthy person
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Francis Oscar Mbewe There is no way trust can be forced. Trust is always won. Thats why an Eagle build its next in greater heights trusting that there is security for its young ones. Despite the cold up there what matters is hope and trust that things will be fine even if...Ver maisVer tradução
GostoResponder2623/2 às 7:59Editado
Chukwuma Ovuta True Sir. A relationship of any kind built on trust is like a house with a formidable foundation. The parties don't fear for storms and atrocities emanating from proximity. They make fast decisions which is good for advancement as they don't suspect on...Ver maisVer tradução
GostoResponder1623/2 às 8:29Editado
Omozuwa Franklin This is an epilogue & a compendium of knowledge, it pays to have a good reputation, building one's integrity, it is often said what goes around comes around & what a man sow he reap, this is as a result of one's integrity, when a man lost money, he has...Ver maisVer tradução
Victoria Ghartey Trust is a very important ingredient in life. When people trust u n u decides to be smart with them by breaking their trust, u r doomed. When one trust u with little things n u pass d test so can he trust u with big things. Shalom n thank u very much, Sir.Ver tradução
GostoResponder823/2 às 6:44
Charles Nnabuife Obi For you to grow as person ,you must exhibit these elements called trust, integrity & respect . Be it in your business or everyday life. Some trusted ally could betrayed it. Never relent on these ethics if you have it. The day will see the brightness of...Ver maisVer tradução
GostoResponder823/2 às 4:53
Kalenga David Mack Sometimes we forget to be humane as power and wealth gets to our heads and lose the trust and support of the people around us.

Thanks. For me this is one of the best posts from you in a while. May God continue to bless you and your family.
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GostoResponder823/2 às 6:33
Edward Karing'uri That is true. Relationships are partnerships of sort and each is aimed at achieving some purpose be it business partnerships, clients, love, marriage etc.

A relationship can be selfish, mutual or both....Ver mais
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Vilas Marathe Ur simple but wonderful words create such a deep impact on the mind of the reader, I felt that as if they R written for me, Scripture connected with our real daily life, give inner peace, thanks, God bless U.Ver tradução
Olufemi O. Ajayi Great! Due to apathy, transfer aggression, stress and anger, some of us miss the opportunity of becoming a good Samaritan. Remember the story of McMacoln and his friend (Business Ethics) who travelled to India on vacation. They employed two tourist gui...Ver maisVer tradução
GostoResponder623/2 às 12:14Editado
Dorothy Rumsey Your writings are ever so inspirational and i learn new things each time....may God richly bless you with wisdom as you impart knowledge in other people.Ver tradução
Nwosu Fortune Chidiebere I really love this last part. " Be a person of your word. Your Character as a person of Integrity is far more important than any money in the bank, fancy car or anything material in your life ".Ver tradução
GostoResponder523/2 às 9:54
Bettie Mahoro Thank you so much Mwarimu Masiyiwa.Trust is very expensive to the extent that its very hard to regain it when lost!
I can give an example of married couples, marriage will be a bed of roses as long as there's trust between the two. And it doesn't matte...Ver mais
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GostoResponder623/2 às 7:02
Maureen Nelly I always look forward to your posts and it is refreshing to read each and every one of them. Thank you for these beautiful words of wisdom and their impact on our generation. God richly bless you.Ver tradução
Modupe Okuyemi True sir. Character, that is integrity, is more valuable than any earthly possessions. There is this adage, "manner maketh man" which I grew up with in the early 60s. My father used to drum it into my ears, and it has helped me over the years too.Ver tradução
George Lawrence Adejor Trust is a social capital. You can take it to the bank. Unfortunately, I seems to me that trust met with misfortune early in life. Experience shows that nearly ever one cannot be trusted because of broken promises, betrayals as a result of greed, sel...Ver maisVer tradução
GostoResponder19 h
Lloyd Wilson Yes. Perfectly right ! Being a man of your word is not an effort to go at the back of. Keeping promises doesn't depend on the other person. It only shows what we really are at the roots.Ver tradução
GostoResponder15 h
Ibrahim Ramadhani Your article is full of wisdom and real. We live in communities and around other individuals, who are different from us. And so nurturing good relationships based on trust is vitally important. One's quality of life works around issues of trust.Ver tradução
Olaniyi Rasheed U tach on a very important character value that anyone aspiring for greatness should guide against. And d danger is that many are failing in this test of character. Keeping promises is often taken for granted dis day. And ppl also not often find not necessary to extend hands of gesture to others in their time of plenty forgetting that no period last for ever.Ver tradução
Alexandra Faith Human beings.

King Solomon prayed unto God for wisdom and he was distinct out of his generation and coming generations....Ver mais
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Santhi Murugesan Thank you very much sir for one another wonderful message.. I am not in business but your words are inspirational to every aspect of life..
Expecting more..!!!!
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GostoResponder323/2 às 7:53
Girma Ayalew I really appreciate your efforts to build a visionary society in this part of the world. Trust is not a simple word that works among friends or colleagues only. It cuts across all relationships including the society at large and governments. I'm quite sure trust not build at the base of the pyramid can not be visible at the helm of power. It is what we Africans need to build. Build bridges of trust with governments, for me this is the afterthought.Ver tradução
Patrick Latigo Immensely inspiring. Keep them coming....A friend of mine, about 20 years age difference with me, one time told me that those who turn their backs to you in your most time of need when they seem to be flying higher and higher, will one day meet you when you're going up and they're coming down where you've been. Don't turn your back to them in that moment, and they'll never forget the lesson learnt.Ver tradução
Elliot Muleya There can be no better way of saying that where we are now may not be where we will be next minute...those who seemed remote behind us could all of a sudden be ahead of us with an ability we may desire ourselves. So, keep watch!Ver tradução
Alvin Agyimanku Aron Father , brother day in and out am learning from u everyday and am grateful for sharing ur deep things concerning life as an advice to position us for future eventualities......Big Thanks.Ver tradução
GostoResponder4 h
Darlington Lesego Though TRUST as a word and principle is almost dead in our world today, but I feel confident and comfortable to resssurrect it with my little inputs in the lives of others (daily)Ver tradução
Yande Chisha John 3:16, thats the kind of Love we should pray to have through Christ Jesus who lives in us, in order to understand situations how God does by the power of the Holy spirit....,to love and take care even those who hurt us......Ver tradução
Alex Iyere Thank you so much, Strive. The watch word here is INTEGRITY. When you have it, you have everything. This comes to play when your Word becomes your Bond. This quality is normally very scarce in governance, especially in our continent Africa.Ver tradução
Edward Karing'uri Thats true.

Relationships are partnerships of some sort and with a purpose. The purpose can be mutual, selfish, uncommitted or all of them.

The cornerstone of any strong relationship is trust.

Trust can never develop in a selfish or uncommitted relationships.

You should learn to build relationship only with people who have a mutual purpose and are committed.

Hence before you trust someone and throw all the caution into the air, always learn to be patient and be convinced that the purpose is mutual. Never be over-excited and engage the overdrive gear only to regret so soon.

Otherwise you may end up being conned, taken advantage of or be heartbroken every time you enter a relationship.
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Victor Obinna Nwosu You have never failed to spew thought provoking and in depth contents on business, relationship and life in general.

You are great indeed. Thank you Sir.
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Jabulani Mlalazi I spent my life in procurement. I understand TRUST, in business and life in general. A supplier overseas MUST trust and believe you to release a consignment payable by draft 60 days later!Ver tradução
Oladele Adeoti Dele Its a food for thought, let digest it and make it our principle, pls let respects ourselves before people can respect us, do to others as u want people to do unto uVer tradução
GostoResponder323/2 às 5:48
Elizabeth Smith This is such a powerful message of a simple sounding word,trust.Thank u sir,may the Almighty keep on multiplying ur wisdom.Ver tradução
GostoResponder523/2 às 6:25
Nuppo Samuel It requires the heart of God to do extraordinary things,Dr.may your spiritual bank never go bankruptcy.,great words of wisdom from the spiritual relm here for us all to read and digest.Ver tradução
GostoResponder25 h
O Jay Johnson trust to me is an heavenly invaluable currency that only need to be recognize and if stable it can bring down any want to your door step but this value is hard to find this days. when money and goods become so available is only trust that brings them to work. thank u sir av learn alot frm u recentlyVer tradução
GostoResponder22 h
Rugamba Daniel for sure your site is the Best in the world of website its amazing and has uplifted me like none other yo teachings/insights are 100% in line with what i believe and what i hv learned through out my life yet now,it seems to put it
altogether so that I begin practicin these wonderful truths in my life,parhaps this was the parfect timing yo site is truly inspired by God it gives me clear directions for my road ahead love the way you almost match your artical with the bible may I call call you the messsanger to this world .I truly thank you for all the information u share with the world.may God richly bless you with all your endevours dear brother.
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SirAlagu Lancelot OKwudiri This is absolutely inspiring. A wise one Said "when you 're not informed you will be deformed" what i mean is this, many of them outside there who have perished or did not make it today was because of the lack of KNOWLEDGE and ETHICS OF NATURE, many did not know that all these contributes to once success and may cause you unsuccessful if not abide to. Take this picture! If the world today knows it all i think it will be more or less successful than it is today. So i think and believe that the globe need more of your type as the world changers and moral instigator. Thanks I have learnt alot from you and have been following you up you' re indeed a profound public figure. Bless you.................. Sir Lancelot C A OVer tradução
GostoResponder6 h
John Sa Shumba Sometimes you may put your trust based on biological, cultural, or even religions relationships and they let you down, it hurt deep. So how do one really know whom you can trust in situations of "adopted" relationships?Ver tradução

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