Friday, November 2, 2012


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To the Editor: Michael Maren ("U.S. Callousness and Mozambique Massacres," Op-Ed, Aug. 22) writes that Americans should "urge key members of Congress to stop promoting the rebels who have carried out the massacres," that the rebel group responsible is Renamo, and that "Renamo has an office in Washington at the Heritage Foundation headquarters. " Our concern is with the suggestion that the Heritage Foundation's relationship with Renamo is other than a landlord-tenant one. The Heritage Foundation has no connection to Renamo other than to rent office space to it. BRADLEY...

September 3, 1987

·         Rebels in Mozambique Try Hand at Politics


Laurencio Macome sat poolside at a fashionable sports club in this tropical capital, wearing a crisp white shirt, an appointment book on the table. The 33-year-old former secondary school teacher, far removed from the ugly bush war that has wrecked this southern African nation, is the acceptable face of the Mozambique National Resistance Movement, or Renamo, considered one of the world's more brutal guerrilla groups. With a treaty signed earlier this month between President Joaquim Chissano and the Renamo leader, Afonso Dhlakama, to end a 16-year conflict, the guerrillas...

October 15, 1992

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·         Talks for Mozambique Collapse in First Hours


Attempts to start the first direct peace talks between Mozambique's left-wing Government and rightist rebels collapsed today, hours after the talks were supposed to have begun. A statement issued in the Malawian city of Blantyre by the Governments of Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe linked the breakdown to rebels of the Mozambique National Resistance, called Renamo, and Kenya. Zimbabwe and Kenya are mediating to try to end the 14-year-old war in Mozambique, which has displaced five million Mozambicans and has crippled the country's economy.

June 14, 1990

·         World Briefing | Africa: Mozambique: Opposition Supporters Sentenced


A judge sentenced 14 supporters of the opposition party, Renamo, to prison terms ranging from three months to eight years for their roles in riots that killed at least 41 people, the state news agency reported. The riots erupted in November 2000 after Renamo demonstrators clashed with the police in several cities in the worst political violence since the civil war ended in 1992. In addition to the riot deaths, at least 80 people, mainly opposition supporters arrested during and after those confrontations, suffocated in desperately overcrowded...

January 11, 2002

·         Mozambican Kidnapped

A Mozambican Cabinet Minister was taken prisoner today by members of the former Renamo rebel movement who demanded money and transportation back to their villages, Radio Mozambique said. It reported that Joao Salomao, Minister of Construction and Water, had been kidnapped near a river crossing recently reopened to traffic after 16 years of civil war. Renamo signed a peace agreement with the Government in October 1992, and in general the truce has been holding. But disgruntled troops from both sides have occasionally detained travelers.

August 21, 1994

·         Who Will Stanch the Wounds of Mozambique?

To the Editor: I was distressed by your favorable report on the Mozambican National Resistance, or Renamo ("Pariahs Abroad, Mozambique Rebels Fight On," July 31). Even your correspondent acknowledges that all other available evidence, including a recent State Department investigation, concludes that Renamo is an incredibly vicious and destructive group marauding throughout rural Mozambique. To portray them as genial rebels ignores the reality. That your correspondent's illegal trip into the Renamo encampment was sponsored by Freedom Inc. shows that this was not an objective,...

August 15, 1988

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·         Vunduzi Journal; Rebels With a Quandary: What's the Cause Now?


The young sentry who first confronts visitors to this rebel zone in central Mozambique, up an overgrown dirt road that has just been cleared of land mines, wears camouflage fatigues over mud-caked bare feet. His companions loll in the shade of a wild fig tree, to which they have affixed tattered pictures of their ultimate leader, Afonso Dhlakama -- a little snapshot of Mr. Dhlakama as guerrilla commander in a red beret, and a newer campaign poster of the leader as world-traveling politician, looking somber in a business suit.

February 26, 1993



In a marked shift of policy, the Administration has held low-level official talks with a representative of anti-Government rebels in Mozambique and is actively considering expanding such contacts, according to Government officials. The move comes as the Administration is under considerable pressure from conservatives in Congress to change its policy of full support for the Marxist Government of Mozambique. Administration officials have said repeatedly that they will not recognize or negotiate with the rebel group, the National Resistance Movement, known as Renamo, because it...

July 13, 1987

·         Rightists in U.S. Aid Mozambique Rebels


A small group of wealthy American businessmen, ideological conservatives and evangelical Christian missionaries have joined forces in an effort to aid guerrillas of a right-wing movement fighting the nominally Marxist Government of Mozambique. But after a bitter struggle, they have failed to persuade President Reagan to provide assistance to the insurgents, whom the Administration has in recent months depicted as ruthless bandits. The trial in Mozambique of an Australian missionary who confessed that he used to work for the rebel...

May 22, 1988

·         Mozambican Foes Go to Malawi for Talks


Government and rebel leaders traveled to Malawi today for their first direct peace talks aimed at ending a 13-year civil war, the official Mozambique press agency reported. Afonso Dhlakama, commander of the Mozambique National Resistance, known by its Portuguese acronym, Renamo, arrived in Malawi's capital, Blantyre, the press agency said. The delegation of the leftist Government included the Transport Minister, Lieut. Gen. Armando Guebaza, and Foreign Minister Pascoal Mocumbi, both members of the Political Bureau of the governing Frelimo Party, the agency said.

June 13, 1990

·         Killing Fields of Mozambique

Rarely does a State Department document evoke a nightmarish Conrad novel. Alas, there's nothing fictional about a new report describing how 100,000 people have been massacred in Mozambique - mainly by Renamo, a rebel group waging a bush war against Mozambique's left-wing regime. Civilians have been shot, knifed, axed, bayoneted, burnt, starved, beaten, drowned and throttled. Nearly a million have fled into exile. In neighboring Malawi, 1,000 refugees arrive daily "in poor health, severely malnourished, without belongings and often naked.

April 23, 1988



Senate Republicans are mounting an offensive to force the Reagan Administration to abandon its support for the Government of Mozambique and instead back an anti-Communist insurgent group with ties to South Africa. They have been trying to force the issue by opposing the Administration's nominee to be the new Ambassador to Maputo, Melissa Wells. Her most vociferous opponent has been Senator Jesse Helms, the North Carolina Republican who has clashed frequently with the Reagan Administration over foreign policy.

May 20, 1987

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·         Helms to Allow Confirmation of Ambassador


Senator Jesse Helms will no longer block the nomination of Nicholas Platt as Ambassador to the Philippines, but he will continue to stall the nomination of Melissa Wells as Ambassador to Mozambique, an aide to the senator said today. The North Carolina Republican's opposition to Mrs. Wells's nomination, which has been held up since early spring, is in essence a fight against the State Department's policy in Mozambique, according to the legislative aide to Mr. Helms, ranking minority member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

August 1, 1987

·         Correction

A television program listing on Tuesday and a picture caption about the same program, "Intercom: Mozambique - The Struggle for Survival," incorrectly described the guerrilla movement opposing the Mozambican Government. The Mozambican National Resistance, or Renamo, is a black guerrilla army; its activities are supported by the white minority Government in South Africa.

October 17, 1987

·         ABROAD AT HOME; Bargain With Terror?


Last Sunday a bomb planted by the Irish Republican Army blew up a community hall in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland. Eleven people were killed and more than 60 injured. Imagine that a day or two later the United States had urged the British Government and its Northern Ireland officials to sit down and negotiate with the terrorists who planned the bombing. Imagine President Reagan telling Prime Minister Thatcher that the I.R.A. had undeniable strength on the ground and that it was necessary to talk with them about a political solution.

November 12, 1987

·         U.S. Callousness and Mozambique Massacres


News of two massacres in Mozambique in the last two months, in which more than 400 people were killed, seems to have made little impression on the American public. Had the incidents occurred in a refugee camp in Lebanon or a village in Central America, they surely would have received more attention. Unless the American people start paying attention to this region and urge key members of Congress to stop promoting the rebels who have carried out the massacres, the killings are likely to continue.

August 22, 1987

·         Mozambique Says President Is Re-elected; Rivals Protest


President Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique was declared the victor today, after three days of voting this month, touching off cries of protest from opposition leaders who said the balloting was rigged. Leaders of the opposition, the Mozambique Resistance Movement, known as Renamo, said their candidates had won the presidency and control of Parliament, though results released by the National Electoral Commission indicated otherwise. The Renamo officials said that they would petition the Constitutional Court for a recount and that their newly elected...

December 23, 1999

·         Mozambican Party Backs Rebel Talks


President Joaquim A. Chissano has emerged from the party congress of his ruling Mozambique Liberation Front, which concluded its work Sunday, with a mandate to negotiate a peaceful settlement to the brutal insurgency that has devastated Mozambique. A position paper issued by the party congress stipulates that the rebel Mozambique National Resistance, known as Renamo, must agree to renounce violence and support constitutional rule before negotiations can begin. It has not asked the rebels to lay down their arms first.

August 1, 1989

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·         Pariahs Abroad, Mozambique Rebels Fight On


In Gorongosa District, Mozambique, July 28 - In the heart of Mozambique, a beleaguered group of anti-government rebels facing almost total regional and international isolation continues to plot the destruction of this country's ailing transport and electricity network from the seclusion of their shifting forest headquarters. In spite of a two-year offensive by Mozambican, Zimbabwean and Tanzanian troops, a ragtag rebel army of the Mozambican National Resistance, widely known by its Portuguese acronym Renamo, has survived and even stepped up...

July 31, 1988



Wounded survivors of a raid by right-wing rebels on a village near here said Thursday that the rebels attacked pregnant women, children and hospital patients. Mozambican officials assert that the rebels killed 386 people and wounded 76, many of them children, in an attack on the village of Homoine last Saturday. Many of the wounded in the provincial hospital here had been shot or wounded in the back, evidently as they ran from the rebels. Several had lost limbs and others suffered from bullet, machete and bayonet wounds.

July 24, 1987

·         Pretoria Asks U.S. Aid on Mozambique Peace


South Africa has asked the United States to help broker a peace settlement in Mozambique, Foreign Minister Roelof F. Botha said today. Mr. Botha said he hoped for a plan similar to the peace solution that Assistant Secretary of State Chester Crocker worked out in southwestern Africa, which links independence for Namibia to a Cuban military withdrawal from neighboring Angola. "I've sent through to the U.S. Government a message that we stand ready to have talks with the U.S. Government to put together a comparable process for...

February 8, 1989

·         Mozambique Will Allow Opposition Parties


President Joaquim A. Chissano has announced that for the first time in Mozambique's history, opposition parties will be allowed to compete for power. Mozambican rebels welcomed the move. The announcement, reported Tuesday by the national press agency, was considered a major concession that could help end the nation's 13-year-old civil war. "It's a positive step," Manuel Frank, Lisbon representative of the Mozambique National Resistance, said in Portugal. But he called for talks, saying the rebels could not accept unilateral decisions by the Government.

August 2, 1990

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The Senate voted today to confirm Melissa F. Wells as the new American Ambassador to Mozambique, ending a months-long standoff between the Administration and conservative Republicans. The Senate approved Mrs. Wells's nomination by a vote off 64 to 24 after having voted decisively earlier in the day to to cut off debate. The conservative Republicans, led by Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina, threatened a filibuster to block the nomination. Mr. Helms has led a campaign to force the Administration to alter its policy on Mozambique, a southern...

September 10, 1987

·         Who Will Stanch the Wounds of Mozambique?; South Africa's Role

To the Editor: In your July 31 front-page story you write: "Various efforts by South African and Portuguese officials to arrange negotiations between the rebels and the Government in Maputo have collapsed. The most recent efforts focus on the quest for an agreement from Renamo not to sabotage the Cabora Bassa Dam hydroelectric plant and power lines. " These assertions are false and misleading. The Government of Mozambique has stated again and again its firm opposition to dealing with armed terrorists.

August 15, 1988

·         Mozambique Rebels Kill 31

Right-wing rebels attacked townships on the outskirts of Mozambique's 10 provincial capitals over the last two days, killing at least 31 people, state radio reported today. In what appears to be the most serious escalation of the 16-year civil war since peace talks began in Rome in July 1990, the Renamo rebels raided suburbs around Maputo, the southeast African nation's capital, and the cities of Beira, Inhambane, Chimoio and Xai-Xai, the radio said.

February 29, 1992

·         Mozambican Drops Boycott


One day after he clouded Mozambique's first free elections by rejecting them as fraudulent, the main opposition leader today dropped his boycott, cast his own ballot, and pronounced himself "the father of democracy in my country. " After meeting into the early morning with the Western donors who are financing the election, Afonso Dhlakama, leader of the Renamo rebel group and a candidate for the presidency, said he was "very satisfied" that his assertions of a Government conspiracy to cheat his party would be taken more seriously.

October 29, 1994



A small group of United Nations cease-fire observers arrived here today, one of the first tangible signs that the 16-year civil conflict that is reported to have killed one million people has officially ended. Nine troops wearing United Nations blue berets stepped off a South African Airways flight from Johannesburg. South Africa, until several years ago, was the main backer of the rebel group, Renamo. The United Nations Security Council has approved 25 cease-fire observers for Mozambique, a number that diplomats described as a token presence.

October 16, 1992

·         THE WORLD; Blocking an Envoy To Mozambique


Mozambique calls itself a "people's republic" but with civil war and famine threatening the lives of an estimated one-third of the country's 13 million people, the former Portuguese colony has warmed to the West in recent years. Hoping to encourage moderate political tendencies in southern Africa, Britain and the United States have sent economic aid to Mozambique's Government. Last week, however, some Republican Senators called on the Reagan Administration to switch sides and recognize a Mozambique insurgency, the National Resistance...

May 24, 1987

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·         Relief Workers to Enter Mozambican Rebel Areas


At long-running negotiations in Rome, Government and rebel forces in Mozambique have reached their first known agreement to permit international relief workers to enter rebel-held areas, where the full effect of famine and a region-wide drought have yet to be assessed. United Nations officials said the agreement meant that relief workers can enter uncharted areas controlled by the Mozambique National Resistance, the rightist rebel movement widely known as Renamo, as early as next week.

July 19, 1992

·         Mozambique and Pretoria Revive Nonaggression Pact


Mozambique and South Africa have decided to re-establish a joint security committee and have agreed that a nonaggression pact signed three years ago should be reactivated, officials said today. The decision followed talks here between a South African delegation headed by Foreign Minister Roelof F. Botha and a Mozambican delegation headed by Maj. Gen. Jacinto Veloso, Minister in the Mozambican President's office responsible for cooperation and coordination. Officials said one of the first tasks of the committee will be to discuss...

August 7, 1987

·         Burying the Past in Mozambique

With little fanfare, seven million Mozambicans went to the polls over the last weekend to re-elect a president and overhaul a Parliament. Those elections represented more than a modest reconfiguration of government in an obscure corner of the globe. They were welcome evidence of one of the most important if little-appreciated benefits of the end of white rule in southern Africa. During the years of protest and repression in South Africa in the 1980's, the nightmare was that the struggle to bring down apartheid might degenerate into a race war. No such war came to pass.

December 11, 1999

·         Let's Not Back the Killers in Mozambique

To the Editor: President Reagan's nomination of Melissa Wells as Ambassador to Mozambique has been blocked by Jesse Helms, Malcolm Wallop and a handful of others in the Senate. They argue that the United States should switch sides and assist Renamo, the South African-supported guerrillas who have tried to topple Mozambique's Government since independence in 1975. Two years ago, with support from hundreds of our northwest Connecticut neighbors, we joined a United Methodist team that delivered $300,000 worth of emergency medical supplies to hospitals and clinics in war-torn Mozambique.

September 3, 1987

More Popular Articles about Renamo :



Britain and other Commonwealth nations are offering military and economic assistance to Mozambique to protect railways, ports and other development projects against attack by South African-backed guerillas. The decision was made last month at a meeting of Commonwealth nations in Vancouver, British Columbia, according to officials involved in the matter. The Commonwealth Secretary General, Sir Shridath S. Ramphal, explained the offer to diplomats here last week, describing it as a unique effort by aid donors to safeguard development projects...

November 8, 1987

·         Mozambique's New Army Is Uniting Old Enemies


After spending 7 of his 22 years pursuing guerrillas through the scorpion-infested hills of Mozambique, war-weary Sgt. Joao Antonio has found a job that, he is told, makes him a pioneer of peace and a harbinger of democracy. He has joined the army. Here on the sun-blasted savanna he is among the first 540 members of a new, unified Mozambican military, half drawn from the pillaging guerrilla called Renamo, half from the dispirited army of the governing party, Frelimo. The combatants who for 16 years ground their country in a vicious civil war now are bunkmates in...

February 5, 1994

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·         Kenya a Renamo Foe

To the Editor A July 31 front-page story contained a baseless allegation of my country's sympathy for Renamo, the Mozambican rebel group. Kenya adheres strictly to the principles of the charter of the Organization of African Unity, which include noninterference in the internal affairs of other states. We do not support clandestine movements bent on destabilizing legally constituted Governments. Kenya has always had close relations with Mozambique, strengthened by the friendship between President Daniel arap Moi of Kenya and President Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique.

August 6, 1988

·         Visiting State Department Official Condemns Mozambique's Rebels


In surprisingly blunt language, a high State Department official today excoriated Mozambique's right-wing rebels and their overseas backers, many of whom are Americans. "What has emerged in Mozambique is one of the most brutal holocausts against ordinary human beings since World War II," the official, Roy A. Stacy, a deputy assistant secretary of state for African affairs, said of the guerrilla movement, the Mozambique National Resistance, known as Renamo. "The supporters of Renamo, wherever they may be, cannot wash the...

April 27, 1988

·         Why the Food Initiative for Mozambique

To the Editor: In Topics of the Times on May 24, for the third time in 10 days, the paper totally distorts my initiative on the food crisis in Mozambique and my position on the nomination of Melissa Wells to be U.S. Ambassador there. On the food initiative, let me quote from a letter I wrote on May 1 to Secretary of State George P. Shultz, outlining a proposal to facilitate delivery of food to the starving, and let your readers judge for themselves whether this is a "political play" and "sorry story," as you allege, or a good-faith proposal to get food to starving people, with no political...

June 2, 1987

·         Mozambique Says Rebels Killed At Least 211 Civilians in Ambush


Anti-Government rebels ambushed a convoy on the country's main north-south road Thursday and killed 211 civilians, the Government press agency said today. The rebels destroyed about 80 vehicles, including six buses, in the attack near the town of Taninga, about 50 miles north of the capital, the press agency said. Officials at the site said the death toll could rise. "There are many bodies scattered in the bush," one official said. There was no independent corroboration of the Mozambican Government report.

October 31, 1987

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·         Strife in the North Rattles Stable Mozambique


Here in this country's northern reaches, where much of the nation's 16-year civil war was waged, Mozambique's postwar future has rarely appeared so fragile as in recent weeks. At least 40 people, most of them opposition supporters, were killed in early November during clashes with the police. At least 80 people, mainly opposition supporters arrested during and after those confrontations, died less than two weeks later, apparently of suffocation in desperately overcrowded jail cells here.

December 8, 2000

·         Mozambique Truce Hopes Rise


The Mozambican Government and right-wing rebel forces agreed over the weekend to appoint mediators in peace talks aimed at ending the 15-year-old civil war, which has taken over a million lives. The mediators were reported today to be optimistic that a cease-fire agreement could be worked out in two weeks. The mediators are Jaime Goncalves, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Beira in northern Mozambique, and three Italians. The main stumbling blocks are the stationing of 14,000 Zimbabwean soldiers in Mozambique in support of the Government and the demand of the rebels that they have a voice in...

November 13, 1990

·         Pretoria Aids Mozambique's Military


South Africa is underscoring its commitment to warmer relations with Mozambique by donating military equipment to help protect a major hydroelectric project from the rebels that Pretoria once supported. A South African Navy supply ship that sailed north from Durban under the protection of a missile-equipped patrol boat began unloading 139 tons of nonlethal material, including 21 vehicles, at this port near the Indian Ocean today. Another South African naval shipment, with 13 additional trucks, is scheduled to dock here on Monday.

November 30, 1988

·         Mozambique and Rightist Rebels Seem Ready to Begin Peace Talks


The Government of Mozambique and the right-wing guerrillas opposing it say they are preparing to begin talks to end their long civil war, which has taken 100,000 lives and created 800,000 refugees. State Department officials applauded the news, and said a possible winding down of the war was further evidence that Moscow, which has armed Mozambique, and Pretoria, which armed the guerrillas of the Mozambique National Resistance, are moving to lessen tensions in southern Africa. The guerrilla group is known by its Portuguese...

June 11, 1990

·         Mozambican Government Ready To Start Meeting With Guerrillas


The President of Mozambique acknowledged today that Mozambican church leaders and a Government delegation were prepared to meet with representatives of the Government's guerrilla opponents. The President, Joaquim Chissano, speaking at a news conference in Maputo, his country's capital, did not specifically say that the Government was ready to negotiate with the Mozambican National Resistance, the guerrilla group known as Renamo. But he said he had sent a 12-point "position paper" to the rebels, including a call for the guerrillas...

July 18, 1989

·         Mozambique Says Pretoria Is Behind Surge in Violence


In the five months since Mozambique signed a cooperation pact with South Africa, there has been an increase in violent raids and sabotage of key economic installations by rebels who the Government says are supported by South Africa. The surge in violence by the Mozambique National Resistance, also known as Renamo, has severely set back plans to restore a major hydroelectric power line from the Cabora Bassa Dam; disrupted the Western-financed rehabilitation of a significant rail line and resulted in the brutal killings and kidnappings...

February 25, 1989

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·         South Africa - A Terrorist Nation


On April 7, Albie Sachs, a white South African lawyer who had been an active opponent of apartheid, was seriously injured in a bomb explosion as he opened the door of his car outside his home in Maputo, Mozambique. One week earlier, the African National Congress's chief representative in France, Dulcie September, was gunned down as she arrived at her office in Paris. In Lesotho last February, a member of the A.N.C. was shot to death in a hospital bed. South African methods in battling the A.N.C.

May 1, 1988

·         Mozambican Elections Thrown in Doubt


As Mozambicans streamed to the polls today in their first free elections, hoping to finally exorcise the ghosts of a savage civil war, the main opposition leader cast the entire exercise in doubt with a last-minute announcement that he would reject the outcome. Afonso Dhlakama, who has recast his Renamo guerrilla army as a political party and himself as the main presidential challenger, charged that fraud by the Government had cheated his party out of any chance of victory. "These elections, with fraud arranged in advance -- no, no, no," he told reporters.

October 28, 1994

·         U.N. Sets Deadline of November For Ending Role in Mozambique


Efforts to end the 16-year-old civil war in Mozambique passed an important milestone today when the United Nations Security Council agreed to start replacing some of the peacekeeping soldiers it has stationed there with civilian police officers and set a November deadline for ending its involvement in the African country. In a decision showing the peace effort is shifting away from monitoring the cease-fire toward preparing for elections next October, the Council agreed to send 1,144 United Nations police monitors to Mozambique but told Secretary General...

February 24, 1994

·         South Africa's New Era; The Leaders of Black Africa Offer Some Praise, but With a Big 'If'


The hostile relationship between South Africa and other nations on the continent could be transformed into mutual co-operation, but only if negotiations for majority rule prevail, officials in black-ruled Africa countries say. While guardedly optimistic after President F. W. de Klerk's speech announcing the legalization of the African National Congress, the officials made it clear that it would be difficult to shed up to three decades of hostility...

February 5, 1990

·         THE WORLD; Finally, Someplace Fed Up Enough To Stop Fighting


IT is not easy imposing peace on people when they are bent on killing each other. That much is clear from the Balkans, Angola, Cambodia and other fresh holes in the graveyard of good intentions. Mozambique would seem to pose a much easier challenge to the peacemakers who began this decade with such lofty hopes: What can you do for a country that genuinely wants to kick the war habit? The answer, though, is not altogether encouraging. For the United Nations, desperately seeking to prove its fitness to police the new world order, Mozambique has the potential...

February 28, 1993



President P. W. Botha of South Africa and President Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique met today and vowed to strengthen economic ties and co-operate in curbing the anti-Government rebels Mozambique has accused South Africa of supporting. "We stand for co-operation and good will amongst our neighbors," Mr. Botha said after a two-hour meeting with Mr. Chissano. But Mr. Botha made no reference to South African backing for the Mozambican rebels between 1980 and 1984, support that continued sporadically after the two countries signed a...

September 13, 1988

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·         Mozambique Leader Wins Multiparty Vote

President Joaquim A. Chissano and his Frelimo Party were declared the winners today in Mozambique's first multiparty elections. Mr. Chissano had 53.3 percent of the presidential vote, and his party won 129 of the 250 seats in Parliament. The leader of the former rebel movement, Afonso Dhlakama, finished second, with 33.7 percent of the votes for President, and his party won 112 parliamentary seats, said the National Electoral Commission president, Brazao Mazula. The voting was held Oct. 27-29.

November 20, 1994

·         Saudis Gave U.S. Help In Mozambique War

King Fahd, at the behest of William Casey at the Central Intelligence Agency, sponsored the guerrillas of the Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo). Besides financial support, supplies have been flown from Saudi Arabia to the Comoro Islands, to be transshipped and funneled into northern Mozambique. Ironically, while Saudi Arabia continues to prohibit the open practice of the Christian and Jewish faiths, Mozambique permits freedom of religion. Article 31 of the new Mozambique draft constitution reads: "Religious denominations shall have the right to pursue freely their religious aims, and...

September 11, 1990

·         Mozambican Party Tones Down Marxist Language


Mozambique's ruling party today presented a draft of a new program that eliminates or tones down all references to Marxism-Leninism as the guiding ideology. The change seems intended to gain broader support from Mozambicans, and Western donors of economic aid, by deleting more strident elements of the party's ideology and appealing for national unity. The party's Marxist-oriented economic policies have been gutted by a costly guerrilla insurgency that has killed at least 100,000 people, nearly destroyed public services and...

July 29, 1989

·         Pretoria and Mozambique in Pact


Mozambican and South African officials agreed at a meeting in Maputo today to revive a nonaggression pact prohibiting support for guerrilla groups operating from each other's territories. South African officials expressed the hope that the decision to reactivate the Joint Security Commission, a group of senior South African and Mozambican security officials, would lead to a meeting soon between President P. W. Botha of South Africa and President Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique. The commission was established under the so-called Nkomati Accord, a...

May 26, 1988

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·         Heavy Rains Extend Voting in Mozambique

Election officials today extended voting until Sunday in presidential and parliamentary elections, saying that torrential rains had prevented some polling places from opening. The second presidential election since the 16-year civil war ended in 1992, which began on Friday, was supposed to end today. But about 69 of 8,370 polling places were still closed today because heavy rains prevented officials from delivering voting materials to three cities in the central province of Zambezia.

December 5, 1999



Secretary of State George P. Shultz told a senior Mozambican official today that President Reagan had no intention of abandoning support for Mozambique's Government in favor of an anti-Communist insurgency. "He told him that both he and President Reagan were fully committed to the current policy," a State Department official said. Mr. Shultz's emphatic comments to the Mozambican Transport Minister, Lieut. Gen. Armando Guebuza, underscored the widening political fight between the Administration and Republican members of the...

May 23, 1987

·         Who Will Stanch the Wounds of Mozambique?; Children's Plight

To the Editor: Your article "600,000 Mozambique Refugees Tax an Already Desperate Malawi" (front page, July 18) and "How to Help Mozambique's Refugees" (editorial, July 19) were most timely. Those of us who frequently travel the stretch of highway along Malawi's border with Mozambique know that what was reported - the crowded refugee camps straining the hospitality of adjacent Malawian villages on one side of the road, the burned villages and empty fields on the other - is the tip of the iceberg.

August 15, 1988

·         Mozambique Voting Today in First Free Election


Six months to the day after neighboring South Africa, Mozambique will vote Thursday in its first free elections, becoming democracy's latest beachhead in a region that defies the African trend toward war and collapse. After centuries of Portuguese hegemony and 19 years of war-ravaged, one-party rule, the election will leave only one country at the southern end of the continent -- the minuscule Kingdom of Swaziland -- that has not passed through the rite of contested elections. If Mozambique succeeds, it could help reverse the Western fatalism about Africa created by...

October 27, 1994

·         Beira Journal; Refugee Corridor in a Land of Tears


The flight from war and starvation brought Alban Manuel to a bleak transit camp for refugees at Nhamatanda, a district town in the Beira corridor. Mr. Manuel, an emaciated dirt farmer who looked about 30 years old though he didn't know his age, lived three years under the yoke of the Mozambique National Resistance, an insurgent movement better known by its Portuguese acronym Renamo. "I ran away because there were no clothes," Mr. Manuel said. "There was nothing to eat. There was a lot of suffering.

May 25, 1992

·         South Africa Apparently Shifting Loyalty to Support Mozambique


Apparently reversing alliances, South Africa is negotiating to train and equip as many as three battalions of Mozambican Government troops, a South African official asserted here today. The South African-trained Mozambican troops would defend electric power lines against sabotage by the Mozambican guerrilla movement, the official said. The right-wing rebel group, the Mozambique National Resistance, or Renamo, has received much of its backing from the military intelligence arm of the South African Defense Force.

May 3, 1988

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·         Rebels Leave Mozambique A Bloodied and Fallow Land


When the East African sun sinks below the savannah, workers at a cotton mill here vanish into the elephant grass, fleeing the invisible shadow of a brutal rebel group that has reduced this town and this land to dependence on foreign charity for survival. The rebels belong to the Mozambique National Resistance, an anti-Marxist guerrilla army that, according to a recent State Department report, has killed at least 100,000 people and turned almost a million more into refugees. Fleeing the insurgency, millions of Mozambicans have won some...

May 11, 1988

·         Nsanje Journal; Torrent of Refugees: Will Malawi Shut Its Door?


This small country, lush with green hills but struggling to feed its own malnourished people, is host to nearly 800,000 refugees, the largest concentration in Africa. In some districts, like this one, Mozambican refugees who have fled the civil war at home vastly outnumber Malawians, overcrowding underequipped hospitals and occupying scarce land. For four years, Mozambicans, often hungry and practically naked, have staggered across the bushy borders of southern Malawi, which juts like a dagger into Mozambique, seeking...

April 6, 1990

·         Mangweni Journal; Out of Mozambique's Fire and Into a Frying Pan


The parched land of KaNgwane is one of South Africa's poorest regions, but to the Mozambican refugees who cross the border fleeing war and hunger, it shimmers with the illusion of opportunity. They have risked their lives to escape the terror of the 15-year insurgency waged by the Mozambique National Resistance, better known by its Portuguese acronym Renamo, whose guerrillas have slain an estimated 100,000 Mozambicans and ravaged Mozambique's economy. But the refugees find little tranquillity or prosperity in...

October 8, 1990

·         American Tells of Mozambique Raid


An American, Mark van Koevering, gave a vivid account today of a massacre in Mozambique as anti-Government rebels and the South African Government repeated denials that they had been involved in the killing of 386 civilians in the town of Homoine. Mr. van Koevering, a farm specialist and a member of the Mennonite Church sent to Mozambique for three years, told the semi-official daily newspaper Noticias that he had witnessed the massacre from his hotel room windows. The American, who is 30 years old, said the killing had been carried out by 40 to...

July 25, 1987

·         World Briefing


THE AMERICAS DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: PRESIDENT SWORN IN -- Hipolito Mejia was sworn in as president, promising to spread the benefits of an economic boom to the poor. The fight against corruption and poverty will be priorities for his center-left Dominican Revolutionary Party government, he said in his speech. Mr. Mejia won the May 16 election on a tide of discontent among voters who felt the nation's economic upturn had sidelined the poor. (Reuters) ARGENTINA: DEVALUATION REJECTED -- President Fernando de la Rua told reporters he had no intention of devaluing the Argentine peso or replacing the currency...

August 17, 2000

·         FOREIGN AFFAIRS; In Search of A Cause


The ardor of the wealthy people who gave money for a plane and military supplies to the White House contra cause is a reflection of the broader attempt by hard-liners to take foreign policy out of functioning international relations. Joseph Coors and Ellen Garwood, who contributed to the "private" fund for Nicaraguan rebels, did not imagine they were just buying television ads, as President Reagan said he supposed. They knew they were supporting an armed campaign. This approach to the "Reagan Doctrine" - find a cause - is distorting American relations in several parts of the...

May 25, 1987

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·         Mozambique Leader and Rebels Sign Peace Pact


The leaders of the Mozambique Government and the rebels who fought to overthrow it signed a peace treaty today after 16 years of hostilities, formally ending the last of the southern African bush conflicts that flourished in the cold war. In theory, the agreement between President Joaquin A. Chissano and the rebel leader, Afonso Dhlakama, should make it easier for international relief agencies to bring food to an estimated three million people...

October 5, 1992

·         Pretoria Sees New Arrests in Killing of 2 Opponents


Law and Order Minister Adriaan Vlok said today that further arrests would be made soon in the assassinations of two prominent white opponents of apartheid this year. David Webster, a lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand, was gunned down in Troyeville, a Johannesburg suburb, on May 1. Anton Lubowski, a Namibian lawyer, was shot to death in Windhoek on Sept. 12. The police have said their deaths, which occurred in front of their homes, were politically motivated and have implied that the two men were victims of a...

December 5, 1989

·         No Aid to Mozambique Rebels, de Klerk Says


President F. W. de Klerk of South Africa says his Government has cut off aid to the insurgents in Mozambique, but he acknowledges the possibility that private citizens in South Africa might be helping the rebels. But Mr. de Klerk, answering questions at a news conference here today after a day of talks with President Joaquim Chissano, promised in the presence of the Mozambican leader that his Government would make "reasonable" efforts to stop the aid from getting through. He did not say what measures would be taken.

December 17, 1989

·         Rebels Burned Bus Passengers, Survivors in Mozambique Say


Survivors of an ambush on a convoy said rebels burned buses that were crowded with passengers, the national press agency reported today. At least 211 people were reported killed. Mozambican rebels, in a statement released in Lisbon today, denied responsibility for the killings and acsponsibility for the killings and accused Government forces of trying to The rebels of the Mozambique National Resistance, or Renamo, have charged that the Maputo Government sponsors terrorist forces that carry out massacres and then blames them on the rebels.

November 1, 1987

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·         DEC. 13-19: Perils for the U.N.; In Giving Peace a Chance, Happiness Is No Guns


The United Nations is learning, the hard way, the fragility of peace without disarmament. In Cambodia, the much-feared Khmer Rouge has boycotted the peace process it agreed to last year, refusing to disarm and warning the United Nations to stay out of areas it controls. Last week, apparently to underline the point, Khmer Rouge guerrillas seized three groups of United Nations peacekeepers, releasing the first two groups but threatening to kill nine of those in the third. That makes a total of four such incidents this month.

December 20, 1992



President Joaquim A. Chissano of Mozambique asserted here today that his forces had blocked a recent attempt by rebels to obtain supplies from South Africa by sea. Speaking at the end of a four-day state visit to Zimbabwe, Mr. Chissano also announced that Malawian Army troops would soon help combat the rebels. Troops from Zimbabwe and Tanzania are also helping to fight the rebel group, known as Renamo, which Mozambique charges is aided by South Africa in violation of a nonaggression treaty between the two nations.

March 6, 1987



The State Department issued a report today asserting that hundreds of thousands of civilians fled from Mozambique in the last two years after being subjected to brutality and violence by rebels trying to overthrow the Marxist Government. The report, based on interviews with nearly 200 refugees in Mozambique and four adjacent countries, estimated that "100,000 civilians may have been murdered" by members of the insurgent group, the Mozambican National Resistance, or Renamo. Some were shot to death and some were killed by knife, ax or bayonet, while...

April 21, 1988

·         Pretoria Held to Create Namibia Rebel Group


A Namibian opposition leader has asserted that South Africa is creating a rebel Namibian group similar to groups aided in the past by South Africa in Mozambique and in Angola. The opposition leader, Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo, secretary general of the South-West Africa People's Organization, asserted that South Africa was forming the group as insurance against an electoral victory by the organization in November. The organization, which has been fighting since 1966 against South African control of the territory of South-West Africa, is widely...

January 8, 1989

·         Angola Accord May Help Heal Old Wounds


Perhaps out of exhaustion, perhaps because of caution, Portugal's mediator offered no overt signs of satisfaction on Wednesday night as he watched representatives of Angola's warring factions finally initial a peace accord to end 16 years of civil war. But for the mediator, Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, as well as for the Lisbon Government, the brief ceremony was not only the climax of 12 months of arduous negotiations, but also a turning point in...

May 3, 1991

·         Outlook for Mozambique: A Drought and a Civil War


The rusty ferryboat, loaded with Red Cross supplies and too many passengers, made a serpentine course on what they call the River of Good Signs, chugging past flamingoes and pelicans and lone men in dugout canoes. The boat pulled up to a flat, muddy bank lined by a crowd of people suddenly gathered under the coconut palms. There were young mothers so thin they could scarcely nurse their infants, men whose thin legs stuck out from tattered shorts, children with hollow eyes and distended bellies.

August 30, 1987

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·         With Race in Ohio, Jackson Shifts Focus Abroad


Returning to the international arena, where he has had some flashy successes, the Rev. Jesse Jackson flew to Washington today and descended on Capitol Hill and the State Department to take up the issue of South Africa. Later he traveled to Ohio, the next primary state in the campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination. In Washington, Mr. Jackson accused South Africa of backing the Mozambican rebel movement Renamo, which he said was a terrorist band that had killed, maimed and starved millions of villagers in the last five years.

April 27, 1988

·         Unicef Reports Donor Fatigue


The head of the United Nations Childrens Fund accused the world's richer countries of " aid fatigue" today as he appealed for more help for the victims of two of Africa's longest running and bloodiest civil wars-- the decade-old conflicts in Sudan and Mozambique. This warning that Africa's repeated calls for help are starting to strain donors generosity came from UNICEF Executive Director, James P. Grant, as he asked them for $ 31 million in medical and rehabilitation supplies for Sudan this year and another $ 11 million for Mozambique.

June 19, 1990

·         Peace Reigns, So Mozambique Faces Its Poverty


Seven years after the guns fell silent, jackhammers are ringing, new hotels are rising, new schools are opening, and newly paved roads are rolling across the land. The war-torn, drought-ravaged countryside is now lush with corn, cashews and mangoes. Inflation has dropped to 2 percent, from 70 percent in 1994. The economy has grown an average of 10 percent a year since 1996. After years of relying on donated food, Mozambique now grows nearly enough to feed itself. Once a symbol of Africa's calamitous civil wars, Mozambique is now a success story.

December 3, 1999

·         South Africa's Economic Warfare by Rail

To the Editor: The status of rail access to the sea for South Africa's neighbors (the front-line state of Zimbabwe in particular) is greatly oversimplified by John E. Ullmann ("Railways No Weapon," letter, June 17). It is true that rail lines run from Zimbabwe to the ports of Beira and Maputo in Mozambique, and from Zambia and Zaire to the port of Benguela in Angola. But South Africa has sabotaged these rail lines to force its neighbors to use South African railway systems and ports, at a far greater cost to the overburdened economies of those nations.

July 8, 1988

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