segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2018

Five Questions A Recruiter Has No Right To Ask You


Dear Liz,
In the past week I was contacted by two recruiters. Those two recruiters are the first ones I've ever talked to.
I feel good about the fact that my LinkedIn profile is solid enough to bring in recruiters with possible job opportunities for me.
I talked to both recruiters on the phone but the conversations were very short.
Both of them were pretty rude to me.
My girlfriend "Jill" got her current job through a fantastic recruiter named Mark but he doesn't work in my field. Jill and her coworkers get calls from recruiters all the time. They are used to it, but I'm not.

Both of the recruiters I talked to last week pried into areas that have nothing to do with my job search or my work. I was surprised the first time it happened. The second time, I was just discouraged.
The first recruiter asked me a lot of questions about my background and then asked me "What's the lowest salary you would accept?"
I said without thinking "What a bad question! There are lot of elements to a job apart from the salary. I don't know the lowest salary I would accept and I don't even know you. I'm not comfortable sharing information like that."
That was the end of Recruiter Call Number One. I don't want to work with that guy, but I was surprised that he would be so nosy in our very first call.
The second recruiter asked me a bunch of questions about my background, too.
Then she asked "Can my client talk to your current boss? I know my client. He's going to want to talk to your current manager."
I said "Of course not. I'm employed. Why would I let anybody talk to my current boss?"
She said "My client wouldn't talk to your boss until after you've got the offer."
I said "No way. You're saying they could rescind the offer if they don't like what my boss has to say? Forget it. My boss and I have a bad relationship. That's why I'm job hunting."
She said "You sound like a risk."
I said "You sound like a risk to me too" and I got off the phone.
Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks Liz,
Dear Otis,
You're not doing anything wrong. You have a lot more gumption than most job seekers do, in fact. Anybody who's on the job search trail these days has to expect to talk to a lot of ill-equipped and badly-trained recruiters before they meet someone like Jill's recruiter friend Mark.
Recruiters like Mark are invaluable, and much less common than poorly-trained and ill-equipped recruiters like the two you talked to last week.
Here are five questions a recruiter has no business asking a job candidate. These questions signal to you that the recruiter comes from a place of fake authority.
Some recruiters will pretend that they control your fate and your career success and try to get you to believe it's true. They will threaten you by saying "If you don't answer my questions, we're done!"
They are hoping you won't say "Cool! Then we're done" and hang up the phone. They want to control you. Forget that nonsense!
Five Questions A Recruiter Has No Right To Ask You
1. What are you earning now?
2. What's the lowest salary you would accept?
3. What is your personal financial situation? (or "Do you own your home?")
4. Which other companies are you interviewing with? Where are you in each of those recruiting pipelines?
5. Can my client talk to your current boss?
All of these questions are intrusive and inappropriate. Neither a recruiter nor their client needs to know what you are earning now in order to make you a job offer.
They aren't going to tell you what they paid the last person in the job or what they're paying the other department members. Keep your salary information to yourself!
If you're asked to complete a job application that requires your past and present salary details, just type in your current salary target every time you're asked to supply salary details. If your current target is $44,000, type in that figure over and over.
Whenever you have a chance to type freely (even if you have a start a new "past job" section on the form) type these words: "All salary figures in this application reflect my current salary target."
It's nobody's business how much money you have in the bank or whether you own your home.
One recruiter told me "I ask candidates whether they own or rent their home because home ownership signifies stability."
You can't afford to put your trust in someone who values your privacy so lightly. How hard will the same recruiter work to prove to you that he or she is honest and upright -- or that the company they're trying to get you into is "stable?"
Any recruiter or employer who views the candidate-employer relationship as an unequal one where the employer is mighty and the candidate is insignificant and easily replaceable is someone you have no time for.
Run away from recruiters, HR people and hiring managers who take that view!
Nobody needs to know which other companies you're interviewing with.  Let them do their own market research. It's not your job to fill people in on the state of the hiring market!
Any employer that wants to talk to your current boss is undeserving of your talents. In the real world we hire people every day -- as employees, consultants, and other kinds of service providers.
We talk to them and make a decision to engage them or not to do so. Anybody who would ask you to put your current job at risk by allowing them to talk to your current manager is somebody to leave behind you in the dust -- as soon as possible!
All the best,
I was a Fortune 500 HR SVP for 10 million years, but I was an opera singer before I ever heard the term HR. The higher I got in the corporate world, the more operatic the action became. I started writing about the workplace for the Chicago Sun-Times in 1997. Now I write for ...
Liz Ryan is CEO/founder of Human Workplace and author of Reinvention Roadmap. Follow her on Twitter and read Forbes columns. Liz's book Reinvention Roadmap is here.

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