Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Conflict with Renamo

The Conflict with Renamo

Dossier MZ-0020

"Radio Hyena" and the First Rhodesian
Propaganda Campaign

Late in the year, in September, the Rhodesia Herald reported that anti-government attacks were on the increase in Mozambique, and in December coded messages and suggestions for slogans were being broadcast clandestinely into the country by the Voz da África Livre, which was quickly nicknamed Rádio Quizumba [Radio Hyena] by Frelimo. By the end of the year the Mozambican Ministry of Information was publicly condemning the use of radio for hostile propaganda. Daniel Roxo [Francisco Daniel Roxo (1933-1976), pictured left], who had fought an allegedly private campaign, with his own militia group, against Frelimo in Niassa province during the Liberation War was killed in Angola. His name had been associated with both Jorge Jardim and the anti-Frelimo 'resistance'. According to radio reports in 1974, he was one of the leaders of the Dragões da Morte rebellion of September that year, just after the Lusaka Agreement. For more details on Roxo, click here [this is not an endorsement].
1975 Blank button 1977 197826 December
O que dizem de nós. Tempo, no.325, 26 December 1976, pages 61-64. Includes the full text of an undated Comunicado do Ministério de Informação on «falsidades apregoadas na imprensa capitalista mundial». Click here to view or download a PDF file [812 Kb].
20 December
Slogans broadcast by ‘Voice of Free Africa’. Summary of World Broadcasts, ME/5387/B/5, 20 December 1976. Click here to view or download a PDF file [85 Kb].
20 December
Mozambique government on hostile propaganda campaign. Maputo radio on 18 December, reported by Summary of World Broadcasts, 20 December 1976. Click here to view or download a PDF file [270 Kb].
Includes the text of the communiqué of 17 December, in English.
17 December
Ministry of Information. Communiqué. 17 December 1976. Click here to view or download a PDF file [148 Kb].
Left: A portrait of the militia leader Francisco Daniel Roxo (1933-1976) in uniform. He was killed in Angola in September 1976.
11 December
Voice of Free Africa announcement. Summary of World Broadcasts, ME/5387, 11 December 1976, page B/5. Click here to view or download a PDF file [23 Kb].
3 October
O imperialismo e os seus lacaios: a Voz da África Livre é a voz do Jardim e do Arouca. Tempo, no.313, 3 October 1976, pages 52-56. Click here to view or download a PDF file [1.3 Mb].
3 October
Marcelino Komba. Voice of the Hyena is from Rhodesia. Sunday News [Dar es Salaam], 3 October 1976. Click here to view or download a PDF file [155 Kb].
1 October
«Sabotage économique» à la firme Monteiro et Giro: une commission administrative est nommée. Marchés Tropicaux et Méditerranéens, 1 October 1976. Click here to view or download a PDF file [58 Kb].
16 September
Attacks on Frelimo step up. Rhodesia Herald, 16 September 1976. Click here to view or download a PDF file [48 Kb].
9 September
White devil Roxo killed in Angola. Rhodesia Herald, 9 September 1976. Click here to view or download a PDF file [73 Kb].
4 July
Terry Blocksidge. Fleeing refugees bring in planes. Rhodesia Herald, 4 July 1976. Click here to view or download a PDF file [117 Kb].

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