sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2016

Nigéria confisca 2,5 toneladas de ”arroz de plástico”

Rádio Moçambique

Nigéria confisca 2,5 toneladas de ”arroz de plástico”

Autoridades nigerianas confiscaram 2,5 toneladas de arroz feito de plástico, contrabandeado para o país, informou o chefe dos serviços alfandegários, Haruma Mamudu. O arroz é a base da alimentação dos nigerianos, e a versão falsa seria vendida nos mercados do país.
Mamudu disse à imprensa local que o arroz feito de plástico fica pegajoso depois de fervido.
Ainda não se sabe a origem do produto, mas sacos de “arroz de plástico” já foram apreendidos na China, no ano passado, reportou a rede BBC.
Amostras foram enviadas para laboratório, a fim de determinar a matéria-prima do produto contrabandeado.

NyasaTimes Newspaper

Malawi alert on ‘plastic rice’ suspected to come from ChinaMalawi Bureau of Standards (MSB) officials say they are alert of of “plastic rice” smuggled into the country by unscrupulous businessmen. MSB director Devlin Chokazinga has said his organisation is aware of moves by unscrupulous...

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Malawi alert on ‘plastic rice’ suspected to come from China - Malawi Nyasa Times - Malawi breaking news in Malawi


Malawi alert on ‘plastic rice’ suspected to come from China
December 22, 2016 Owen Khamula - Nyasa Times 4 Comments

Malawi Bureau of Standards (MSB) officials say they are alert of of “plastic rice” smuggled into the country by unscrupulous businessmen.

The “plastic rice” looks very realistic.-Photo by BBC News

MSB director Devlin Chokazinga has said his organisation is aware of moves by unscrupulous businessmen who are selling ‘plastic rice’ to unsuspecting merry making people.

“We are aware of this and officers are very alert, they will be testing suspicious rice from shops,” he said.

MBS comments comes in the wake of reports that Nigeria has confiscated 2.5 tonnes of fake rice which was intended to be sold in markets during the festive season.

It is not clear where the seized sacks came from but rice made from plastic pellets was found in China last year.

Chokazinga also warned consumers to be on the lookout and report to police or MBS suspicious rice.

The BBC reported Wednesday that authorities there have confisticated 2.5 million tonnes of fake rice which was very sticky after it was boiled and “only God knows what would have happened” if people ate it, according Lagos customs chief Haruna Mamudu

BBC News reports in Lagos, Martin Patience, reported that when he sniffed the plastic rice, it had a thick odour of chemicals.

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Martins M'gwazo Ndlovu What else did you expect from these asian dwarfs! You, I and everyone else know that nothing about them is genuine or real; their eyes, not real! Their hieght, bogus! Their language, you dont even want me to remind you that its not any near to any other language you know: one, they are just characters, no alphabet; two, its written vertically, horizontally, sideways.....just confusing! I wont bother goint into details about their foods! Nothing good from China, apart from those tinny low-power electric bulbs lighting houses in far villages forsaken by the politicians.
GostoResponder615 h
Janet Kaliwo Chinese dudes I don't know why Malawi Govt trusts these crooks
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McDad Saidi Banda Also some canned beef from China is crafted from human dead bodies,,,, guys focus, this world is ending,,,,,
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Mac C Phiri Plastic rice z entering malawi thru tsangano t/off, plz investigate!!!
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Nomics Munthu Mulala Bangala china has always been the problem and if the USA and the western world go against China stupid africans say they are wrong. China is more dangerous
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Anthony Kassam why should we import rice when we have our own kilombero here.
GostoResponder217 h
Grey Mfuni Why do Chinese make plastic food for human beings, and what else have they done that we don't know? This is disturbing!
GostoResponder216 h
Petros Chico Adamson Tell us how does this rice look like b4 we consumer? Paja njala yatitenga kota ground
GostoResponder121 h
Gifted Makombe That is parboiled rice not plastic rice they boil it first and take out starch then the by product is parboiled rice nt plastic rice
GostoResponder121 h
Chimwemwe Banda It's plastic rice,even the international media is talking about this story.
GostoResponder19 h
Fiskani Triza Paraboiled is different
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Patricia Kazembe plastic rice ndi parboiled rice ndizosiyana .tamanvetsetsani zithu.musanamize anthu
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GostoResponder16 h
Matin Sabin
Escreve uma resposta...
David Warren Mkandawire Those saying adyaidya plastic rice ndi abodza. Plastic is not good, it's dangerous if consumed. Therefore plastic rice is very dangerous to humans if consumed. No government will recommend the sale of such a product. Don't confuse paraboiled rice with plastic rice.
GostoResponder20 h
Emmanuel Gomani Plastic rice and plastic beans can be good during this festive season.Tadya zicheche ndi zitete nanga tafa.
GostoResponder10 h
Harris Juneid Banda eish too much. The devil has really gone crazy, eee
GostoResponder22 h
Ted Kaulesi Taiwan cannot do this. Why can't we just cut ties with these fools??
GostoResponder3 h
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Joseph Kamkwasi II anthu ena mukhoza kudya sofiya...makamaka inu omwe mukut muli ku Chad,Nigelia,South Africa..Guys how can u eat somthng which is plastic..??
GostoResponder15 h
Edington Soko quite clever good show Malawi
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Wezzie Phiri jah jah protect malawi ! world is going
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Kennedy Rowland Chopi Idon't think can someone eat that.
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Bruno Kelvin Kajungu Better u shld mean wht u say by tht word....#alert
GostoResponder16 h
Kayira Shu Dont Just Say It But Be Crias MBS,
GostoResponder22 h
Emmanuel E. Mawanga ubwere tidya zimenezo ife....
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Nellie Chong Plastic? How?
GostoResponder21 h
Martha Tingo plastic? eeeish next time azapanga wathabwa

Leonildo Anselmo Bobo Quase revoltei-me julgando o recem eleito a presidencia dos EUA, quando poroferiu a quelas palavras "os africanos sao tolos quando chove so pensam em fazer sexo, envez de praticar agricultura". Ele pode ate ser o pior lider. Mas se ele preferiu aqu...Ver mais
Gosto · Responder · 1 h · Editado

Lleo Paixao Paixao Tudo isto é porcausa do excesso do consumismo que atacou os paises da #Africa,se #produzissemos_algo_nosso para nós mesmos, penso eu que seria o contrario! arroz d plastico kkk ja é demais, vamos instinguir cedo em africa se continuamos dormindo assim...
Gosto · Responder · 1 · 13 h · Editado

Gercio Chiziane Ja qui esses chineses estao a governar em mocambique , Quando o tal arroz chegar em moz vamx comer silenciosament,como aconteceu com aquele arroz wambaw nos anos passados
Gosto · Responder · 13 h

Chai Carmony O mundo esta de mal a pior mesmo.
Arroz de plastico para uma FOME de verdade. Hammm essa nao vale.
Gosto · Responder · 15 h

José Khembo Chereni Já estamos mal, as dez mil toneladas se a memória não me traí doadas pela China não é de plástico?
Gosto · Responder · 6 h

Candido Paulo Mabuie É bom que as autoridades moçambicanas reforcem a vigilância nas nossas fronteiras.
Gosto · Responder · 1 · 16 h

Adolfo Caetano Tomara que importem para o nosso País Mulheres de Plasticos , pq essas que temos eish tama sofrer com humilhaçoēs
Gosto · Responder · 16 h

Lemos Massango A burla ta mesmo sofisticada! Qta gente ja foi enganada????
Gosto · Responder · 16 h

Orland Fx Samuel Samuel Moz pelo k vejo ja consumiu arroz pirata por isso como só mugaiua
Gosto · Responder · 17 h

David Eusebio Pirataria chinesa.
Gosto · Responder · 17 h

Augusto Naissone Mucongue Arroz plastico.
Gosto · Responder · 17 h

Santos Manuel A evolução excessiva faz mal...
Gosto · Responder · 14 h

Valerio Mussoho Esses
Gosto · Responder · 14 h

Fernando Rainho ja sera k a RM nao tem essas imagens?
Gosto · Responder · 12 h

Cremildo Matsinhe Alerta para as autoridades competentes
Gosto · Responder · 2 h

Eugenio Abilio Abibo Chineses e mais nada
Gosto · Responder · 1 h

Mulumuzane Héldio Belarmino Covane Total maldade
Gosto · Responder · 17 h

Beto Cristiano Cuna Oh meu povo Aleluya
Gosto · Responder · 17 h

Laston Richman Tamos mal mesmo!
Gosto · Responder · 18 h

Victor Primeiro Grande alerta para nós moçambicanos
Gosto · Responder · 15 h

Feliciano Madia Madia Acho ki moçambique ja comemos,pork o lixo de china é akí.
Gosto · Responder · 2 · 17 h

Augusto Joaquim Lissane Epah.

Gosto · Responder · 2 h

Michael Antonio Macamo Oo que desgraça.

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