Malawi presidential spokesman Mgeme survives horror crash at Jenda

Malawi President press secretary Mgeme Kalilani on Monday survived  death when his vehicle clashed at Chimaliro forest before Jenda roadblock in Mzimba.
Kalilani car: Near-fatal accident at Chimaliro forest
Kalilani’s car crash near Jenda
Although details of the accident were still sketchy, Kalilani confirmed he  was out of danger and would be able to return to work immediately.
“I was travelling for official duties to Mzuzu and was in the company of my wife, Carol,” sadi Kalilani.
The presidential spokesman said  there is no need to worry as  he is in a stable condition.
“We have both been treated as out patients at Jenda Health Centre,” he said.
“We sincerely thank the community around the accident spot. Police, health personnel and State House colleagues that came to help us,” he added.
But the accident is likely to spark renewed specualation of attempts to eliminate some people with organised accidents.
Malawi  is also notorious for fatal accidents involving politicians and public figures, which are never adequately explained.
Several other prominent people are being  killed in a car accidents the recnt one being chairman of Roads Authority James Gomani. Others include ruling DPP secretary general Eclen Kudontoni,  Bishop Joseph Mukasa Zuza and journalists Raphael Tenthani.
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